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1970729 No.1970729 [Reply] [Original]

dwellin on it only makes the nite worse

>> No.1970732 [DELETED] 

Just go to sleep.

>> No.1970735

dude i staywed up til 7 in the morning last night

>> No.1970737


>> No.1970740 [DELETED] 

Terrible game.
No doubt you will be playing the sequel.
Just because you stayed up doesn't mean you have to again.
Inb4 your thread gets deleted and banned again.

>> No.1970744


>> No.1970746 [DELETED] 

No, it's that stupid idea that difficulty = fun,
It's like bashing your head into a wall until you hurt yourself enough to where it seems like a good idea.

>> No.1970750

why is it so ahrd
im just one pull before the boss

>> No.1970756

fck it im gonna try and kill the dargon

>> No.1970764 [DELETED] 

/lit/: Quentin's Blog
and you wonder why you get banned.

>> No.1970772

I wish there was a report for being Quentin button.

Serious question: do you actually read or just breeze through the stories on wikipedia to make it look like you do without impacting too much on your shitposting time?

>> No.1970774 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 491x210, 1311746553332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a button that does something like this?

>> No.1970783


>> No.1970918

i read a lot

>> No.1970921 [DELETED] 

Reading posts on 4chan doesn't count.
The text in games doesn't really count.

>> No.1970926

Don't you want to get a job, Quentin? Pay your own way, leave 4chan behind?

When I was your age, I'd already worked two jobs. I didn't have time to shitpost on the internet. I was earning my keep and becoming self-sufficient. Doesn't that sound desirable, to you?

>> No.1970928 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 300x57, imag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading posts on 4chan doesn't count.
The text in games doesn't really count.


>> No.1970930
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, Fabulous Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1970932

you dont know how old im

>> No.1970939 [DELETED] 

You are in you mid-teens at oldest.

>> No.1970941

i've been really depressed though for the last year or two life has been complicated
i lack all the motivation one needs in order to work or do something with my life

>> No.1970947 [DELETED] 

I know that feel.
I've had it for the last 11 years at least.

>> No.1970952

it just looks so hopeless

>> No.1970956

It's hopeless because you don't know how you can live out from under the umbrella of your parents.

Trust me, if you got a job, you'd suddenly start garnering self-esteem and the ability to do things (worthwhile things) on your own.

>> No.1970957

i dont want to do drugs
how can everyone else want to drugs and not me
what do theyu see in it
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.1970960

i hate people so goddamn much sometimes i wswear to god

>> No.1970963

somtimes i just want to die

>> No.1970964 [DELETED] 

While I support the decriminalization of recreational drugs to alleviate the prison population and its associated costs and even selling them to generate revenue to reduce the federal deficit., I have no interest in partaking of their usage

But, you go about it a fucking stupid way.

>> No.1970965

Quentin, Quentin. You have a horribly limited realm of experience, my man. You can't say things like, "how can someone do X?" because you haven't the first clue about what makes men do thinks they thought they would never do--not in a million years.

Read Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant" (http://eslreading.org/shootinganelephant.pdf)) and gain some insight into what makes men do what they do.

>> No.1970967

what do they see in it thiough why would anybody want to do drugs........... ic ant exercise tonight because i think im just going to start crying in the middle of it and hurt myself or somethihng

>> No.1970968 [DELETED] 

No, it's mostly your self-hate directed outward.
Depression is anger turned inward*. You would rather feel angry than depressed and this is the result.

*one of the things it can be anyway.


>> No.1970971 [DELETED] 

“Much of our activity these days is nothing more than a cheap anesthetic to deaden the pain of an empty life.” – Unknown

Same for drugs.
Same for 4chan
Same for most things.

>> No.1970972

it won't get better. you should kill yourself now while you can.

>> No.1970974

likre ehy do people have to be os obssessed with drugs i fucking hate it i hate living in california i want to move to some conoservative state or something where none smokes weed and drinks before 21 and has sex with random people

>> No.1970975

why arent people just satisfied with what they have

>> No.1970976

But, Quentin. That's nowhere.

>> No.1970977

Are you satisfied with what you have? I doubt it. Ask yourself honestly.

>> No.1970979

Strolling over from other boards...
Who is this Quentin kid?

>> No.1970981 [DELETED] 

Actually, I have just the place for you to go.
I was just reading about it.

Go here when you are older:

Liberty University
Or any other evangelical college,

>> No.1970982

i have everything i could possibly need as a kid why would i want to go out and do drugs, and i know a lot of people out there who have it made for them, and they do drugs, and why do they do that, why does that happen, why aren't they fine with not doing drugs and i am why can't thye just leave that shit alone

>> No.1970983

Quentin is a darling, misguided little boy who makes dreadfully inept cartoons. He's one of our more obnoxious tripfags, since Brownbear's real name was discovered and the latter has fucked off.

>> No.1970984 [DELETED] 

I found the book to be an enjoyable read on my Kindle.

It was quite interesting since I'm about the opposite of the students there, but not quite.

>> No.1970985

Quentin, drugs are not the problem. They are a symptom of the problem. Once you've lived a bit, you'll understand this.

>> No.1970986 [DELETED] 

That was a funny thread.
Where he just up and deleted everything.

>> No.1970987

no the problem is none has values anymore
and i look for values in everyone
and i find nothing

>> No.1970991 [DELETED] 

By "values" do you mean "traditional conservative family values" or what?

>> No.1970993

it's like
kids don't respect their bodies
and they don't respect other people either
guys treat girls like such shit all the time and that's what is attractive
it's like they don't care what they do
respect hasn't gotten me anywhere maybe that's why none has it for anything anymore

>> No.1970992 [DELETED] 

Or is this a Holden Caulfield thing where everyone is a "phony"?

>> No.1970995

Everyone has values. What you are lamenting is that people don't have the same values that you possess. Quentin, that's fascism. Why do you want the whole world to be just like you? Wouldn't it be so very fucking boring, then?

>> No.1970997

it would be perfect

>> No.1970999 [DELETED] 

>implying you show respect to anyone on 4chan

>> No.1971002

No. It would be far from perfect. And you know it.

>> No.1971005

i try and respect people as much as i can
some people don't deserve it, and i try to give them some too

>> No.1971011

it would be an utopia

>> No.1971013 [DELETED] 

Delete your posts and it'll basically just be Quentin.

>> No.1971017

sure ill have a thread to myself