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/lit/ - Literature

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19706835 No.19706835 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really enjoy reading or you just enjoy the aesthetic of it like Emma from Emmie Reads?

>> No.19706839

Ironic enough i enjoy the aesthetics of Emma from Emmie Reads

>> No.19706842

i enjoy not talking about emma from emmie reads more than i enjoy reading.

>> No.19706844


>> No.19706849

Yeah me too her videos are comfy

>> No.19706858
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I unirronically like neither. I enjoy having read more than reading and I hate the aesthetic of it because of people like this.

>> No.19706931

do you imagine going to a bookstore with her and then going back to her apartment to cuddle in her book nook as she tells you that she loves you and is happy to have met you?

>> No.19706955

This girl's taste is unbearably basic English Lit 101 shit and one or two minority writers for diversity points and yet she's still somehow the best "booktuber" out there.

>> No.19706971
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I much prefer the gritty melburnian mundane reality of the Don Wal

>> No.19706990

Amy > Emmie

>> No.19706997

Nah, she looks like she’s sucking on a warhead

>> No.19707000

I smell the blood of YA scum

>> No.19707009

Reading is really fucking gay. It’s one of the most passive activities you can do. You mean I sit there and imagine shit? What the fuck? I could be out getting pussy or learning a skill. Do something that’ll help me or develop as a person. But I choose to sit for a couple of hours a day essentially being a reality cuck. So no, there is no positive aesthetic to being a reader. But I guess I get some form of escapism from reading.

>> No.19707017

he based

>> No.19707027

>I could be out getting pussy
lol no you couldnt

>> No.19707037

I don't understand what the fuck does it mean to "enjoy reading". Reading is not pleasurable. If it was, if reading itself was an enjoyable activity, then there'd be no difference between reading Shakespeare or 4chan shitposts. It's what you get out of reading that makes the difference. Like toiling in the mines to find precious gems. The apex of a reader is when reading ceases to be an activity altogether, and becomes a natural process, like breathing

>> No.19707121

Why is reading so important that you compare it to breathing?

>> No.19707142

>My name is Emma
I though her name was Emmie :(

>> No.19707242

>It’s one of the most passive activities
That's a weird way of describing the least passive form of media consumption. Yes it's still media consumption but you have to actively imagine, think, keep focus and memorise. Unlike music, most video games, movies and tv shows.
Media consumption is the most passive activity, reading is its least passive form.

>> No.19707317

Whenever I saw these threads I used to assume Emmie was like an autistic wholesome girl who really loves books, but recently I actually saw one of her videos and she's such a bitch, man.

>> No.19707469

what a nonsensical post. you "enjoy reading" when the activity of processing written language is pleasurable in itself, sensually, as opposed to merely serving some other purpose like passing a test or "knowing how it ends." this depends on the quality of what you're reading, just like eating can be pleasurable in itself (as opposed to just supplying you with nutrition) to a degree that depends on what exactly is being eaten. i absolutely take pleasure in the activity of reading itself, i enjoy being conscious of words adding up to sentences adding up to paragraphs, and i'd be devastated if it became "neutral like breathing" to me just like i would hate to be given all my meals in pill form. chewing feels good.

have you really never felt the desire to read a sentence out loud just because it's a great sentence, no matter what it's "for?" honestly the fact that you compare reading to hard labor and dream of becoming numb to the discomfort it causes you suggests that you hate reading but force yourself to do it as a misguided attempt at self-improvement, which incidentally is not likely to work because the human brain comprehends and retains information to a much greater degree when the activity is compelling so if you find reading to be tedious work then it's probably doing very little for you.

there seems a lot of people like that on this board. is it general anhedonia from depression? does school fuck up how people approach reading? are kids who never learned to enjoy reading unable to develop that facility as adults? i really don't get it.

>> No.19707483

my brain just assumed this thread was about poetry specifically just like it assumed your gender is "Gay"

>> No.19707508

I went off her when I saw that her feet were pretty gross

>> No.19707513

Most retarded post in the history of this board.
>You can't enjoy reading because you like some books more than 4channel posts
>You can't enjoy anime because you like some series more than generic isekai cumbrain fantasy #1673
>You can't enjoy vidya because you like some games more than pong

>> No.19707543

No, video games are more active, at least they used to be. Its how I preserved my IQ and youthful energy despite growing up in dull grey socialist empire of solzhenitsyn.

>> No.19707583

Certainly one of the most obnoxious SJWs I have ever seen. Such a shame. That's what you get when you let jews educate your children.

>> No.19707697

I'm part of the younger generation and would say I only properly started to generally enjoy or rather understand and being capable of reading last year. After having been "trying" to get into it since around 2014, having read a tiny amount of ya, comics and stuff before that. I still even now have some trouble keeping focus.
I didn't know how to read, I didn't know how to think or visualise for that matter or knew what was going on and it's a bit embarrassing to say. I somewhat blame myself for trusting my school teachers in the first place with lines like "this is the right way of doing it" or the classic annoyed "that's just how it is!" when I asked a question, believing the drivel they were telling me for the most part, and generally how I felt pride for compliments as a child and teen. I recently re-learned all of high school math by myself because I knew it wasn't the mere calculation that I had been taught and had heard how many fail calculus in university, which I gladly didn't because of what I did.
I'm just happy I didn't stop doubting and that I'm not in such a destructive system anymore, uni is a little bit better.

>> No.19707703

go back

>> No.19707726

Don't fucking dare to call Emma a bitch. She's 10 times the booktuber Dakota is.

>> No.19707727

Post them please sir thank you sir

>> No.19707736


Back to r3ddit, cuck.

>> No.19707801

>young white woman
you don't say

>> No.19707822

For me, it’s

>> No.19707941

Modern video games require barely any input from the player, they exist as a vessel through which the (usually extremely mediocre) writers tell their (usually painfully mediocre) story.

>> No.19707971

Nigga, if you're shitting on GOW, RDR2 or TLOU2 then you have no taste.

>> No.19708030

Shit taste reminds me of one friend who is an independent film creator. "I've read Mitch albom recently"

>> No.19708047


>> No.19708051

Nigga, you gay. You get scared by the violence, but the writing be good.

>> No.19708056

note how I said "most". A person who supposedly preserved their IQ should be able to read in my opinion.

>> No.19708062

your first troll post was funny, you have to know when to stop though or else it feels too forced.

>> No.19708583

She is made for BBC, get over it.

>> No.19708828

Of those I only played rdr2 and between the 3 hour long cutscenes the game was fine. The story was just generic cowboy schlock though, I don't really understand why people talk about it like it's special.

>> No.19708840

Arthut is a lovable guy and the game is long enough to make him feel like a real person.

>> No.19708905

Shes getting hotter every video

>> No.19708909

wdym shes a bitch? what did she say?

>> No.19709051

Loveable guy who feels like a real person doesn't equal good storytelling. Between the 3 hour long cutscenes and the missions which are just cutscenes where you hold w and click on 2 things the game is good, but the story is mediocre.

>> No.19709057

I like the thoughts that the books make me think, sometimes I also like the one way connection with the author

>> No.19709085

i wish i was a bookworm with a messy room full of books and other kinds of literature but books are so boring

>> No.19709091

t. plotfag

You gotta go back. /lit/ is a RDR2 board.

>> No.19709192

>the plot of modern games is bad
>you better not be talking about rdr2
>rdr2 has a bad plot
>you're retarded for thinking plot matters
The state of modern gamers

>> No.19709951

Not that fag but I love RDR1 and 2.
It was fun and the story was definitely engaging felt bad when the hero died both times.
I don't play many video games though so maybe I'm missing out on the most kino game out there. Honestly don't care though, I just listen to music and read all day now.