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19705118 No.19705118 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think... What does /lit/ think of C.S. Lewis?

>> No.19705157

he should've been a high church anglican

>> No.19705162

What the fuck does this @WrathOfGnon guy have to do with this quote?
The quote is strong and stands on its own. The image is beautiful, too, and stands on its on, but the putting of them together with this guy's twitter handle is pissing me off despite the fact my aesthetic and moral sensibilities are generally aligned with the "RETVRN" crowd. Fuck you @WrathOfGnon, what right do you have

>> No.19705164

A fine writer and a bad thinker. His apologetics is mostly rhetoric, hence why actual Christian thinkers like Anscombe deboonked him.

>> No.19705172

Merchants in the temple

>> No.19705194

He used to run a tumblr where he'd collect pretty pictures and post Lewis or Chesterton quotes, and some guy came along and started making them in that format for him. Now, he mostly just tweets about architecture, walkable cities, and urban planning.

>> No.19705246

Yeah I went to look him up
He seems fine. Good to have a narrow knowledgeable focus like that. Wish we could have cities like that.

>> No.19705313

Interesting, What parts of Lewis did Anscombe debunk?

>> No.19705327

Oh, she made some criticisms of his 'argument from reason' (as expounded in 'Miracles') at the Socratic Club. She argued that Lewis hadn't successfully demonstrated that naturalism was untenable. It was a friendly affair.

>> No.19705463

I lived in a walkable city, it's very comfy, but I was a student. I doubt you could easily find a job in such a small city.

>> No.19705546

Was he not?

>> No.19705551

shit i got it wrong, i'm thinking of tolkien.

>> No.19706288

His apologetics are not very good. Chesterton is a much better anglo in that regard. Perhaps in all regards, actually.
The Abolition of Man is great, though, and so is his Cosmic Trilogy.
Narnia is great, too. If you have children, consider reading it to them.

>> No.19706358

Nobody gives a shit about Anscombe

>> No.19707437 [DELETED] 

Literally who?

>> No.19707442

literally who?

>> No.19707448
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