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19701955 No.19701955 [Reply] [Original]

Is this board against audio books for a reason?

>> No.19701960

they're never read by the people I think should read them. No one has ever correctly cast an audiobook

>> No.19701964

Only to act like snobs

>> No.19701972

if you're not blind, why use audiobooks?

>> No.19701979

If you’re not deaf, why not use audiobooks?

>> No.19701981

Whenever you are just listening to an audio book the chances of you doing something else while its playing are too high. At that point you are fragmenting your attention and will not be immersed in the book in the same way as when you are reading it.

>> No.19701991

The intonation of a reader has more of an impact on one's impression of a story than most realize
Requires less attention and focus than actually reading, making it often advocated for by the lowest common denominator

If you use audiobooks to get content while commuting to work or whatever that's fine. I just hate those who only use audiobooks yet claim they're avid readers for it

>> No.19702001

illuminatus trilogy had a pretty decent casting imo

>> No.19702002

I have trouble understanding the spoken word, so audio books are a no-go for me

>> No.19702005

they're useful in times when you can't read, while driving for instance

>> No.19702016

Audiobooks cannot be considered to have been read
They are just consumed

Works better for non fiction
But fiction needs eye only attention

>> No.19702022

Won’t be able to grasp all nuances

>> No.19702029

probably depends on the individual
though i mostly listen to non-fiction so it's not a big issue in either case

>> No.19702089

I'm not.

>> No.19702119

My concentration and retention from audiobooks is higher, especially when I'm doing something else.
I have no issues with actually reading, but I think I need to be a little distracted for my brain to function at it's best. For instance, I read better in a room full of people and TV on than when I'm alone in my reading chair.
So that's probably why audiobooks work for me. I've never been so immersed in a book than when I'm listening to one while driving long distance.
I also subvocalize audiobooks, which is probably unusual.

>> No.19702127

>If you’re not deaf, why not use audiobooks?
because i have eyes

>> No.19702137

we aren't, what we are against is retards claiming is the same thing as actually reading the book, which is pure retardation, yet it happens every once in a while.

>> No.19702154

Everyone who shits on audiobooks just betrays themselves as struggling to read.
Finishing a book isn't an achievement.

>> No.19702247

Audiobook for non fiction is fine but it ruins the prose for fiction

>> No.19702250
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>need someone reading the book for your
>actual readers are the one who struggle to read

>> No.19702337

Anon.. you've never read while driving?

>> No.19702714

Go to bed Steve.

>> No.19702803

I only like them for simple works. For anything more complex, you need to backread

>> No.19702880

Yes, the medium matters. Listening to audio books is a more passive form of consumption than reading. If you're driving and listening to audio books that's fine. But when you have the option to read I would choose that over listening to audio books.

>> No.19703490
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Why can't I just have all my audiobooks read by posh British men? Is that too much too ask?

>> No.19703696


Patrician take. I like listening to sci-fi nonsense when I deep clean my kitchen, audiobooks aren’t for the classics.

>> No.19703706

If you must consume Harry Potter tier work, just listen to the audiobooks otherwise, read it.

>> No.19703714

But yeah, that's what I've always thought. I agree with you anons.

>> No.19704874

I don't find much difference in retention but I have an oddly good memory for facts. Also remember shit from when I was like two years old, remember being not so "under" during surgery, and recall deep sleep dreams fairly often.

Kind of makes sense, my mom and sister were in Jeopardy for a bit. We all have good recall. Too bad said memory is shit tier for telling me where I left tools if I don't put them away right or my keys .

My wife doesn't like dense audio books. I get it because I did get the Phenomenology on audio and that was useless in that format.

>> No.19704882

Maybe for some books I don't need to grasp all the nuances?

>> No.19704883
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*lets slaves read all the classics to him*
*dictates the first lexicon*

>> No.19704890

It would be much quicker to read Harry Potter than to listen to it. This advice is only useful if you are listening to it on a journey or doing simple tasks that don't require much concentration

>> No.19704985

This. Also, Dostoyevsky, McCarthy and other Seinfeldian works.

>> No.19704996

Blood Meridian audiobook is great, one of the only ones I've ever liked.

>> No.19704998

Just picked this Up in Book form! On Page 23

>> No.19705004

I usually only listen to audiobooks of books I've already read.

>> No.19705122

because i have ears

>> No.19705146

LOTR is great.
Plato's dialoges as well

>> No.19705817

Lotr is one of the best audibooks i've ever heard with rob ingles. As a kid i listened to harry potter and that might actually be the best reading of story i've ever heard regardless of the quality of the story itself.

>> No.19705825

Do you use them when you drive or do work? The great thing about having both is you can use them for different things

>> No.19705858

Listening to audibooks while working out is the best.

>> No.19705967

I wouldn't have gotten into reading if audio books weren't there to help ease me in from games and tv.

>> No.19705995

Maybe cause it's not reading? I just started using audio books on my PC. My local library doesn't have any ebooks by AE van Vogt, only an audiobook version of Slan. I see the appeal, it's better than browsing Youtube. The problem is I'm used to dividing my attention while I browse, so I tuned out some parts which doesn't happen while reading.

>> No.19706638

>Plato's dialoges
I only know of The Republic being voiced by voice actors, are there other works?

>> No.19707575

I always zone out when I listen to audiobooks

>> No.19707624

I do audiobooks during my work commute but only non fiction or pleb tier fiction. Nothing that I really want to analyze.

>> No.19707685

No but it's not the same as reading

>> No.19707724

>he doesn't exclusively listen to northern English narrators

>> No.19707847

By using audiobooks you miss out on picking up the prose, grammar, and inner voice that would come out of reading normally. Audiobooks should be used if you want to experience a book you've already read. Otherwise, you learn less from audiobooks and it's easy to lose focus as you do something else.

>> No.19707859

audio books are slower. the only reason you should ever listen to audio books is if you are doing something else and can't read, but you should never listen to audiobooks while you are doing something else because you must cultivate focus in your life at all times, so you should never listen to audiobooks unless you want adhd.

>> No.19707902

Not against it, audiobooks have their place. But if you only listen to audiobooks you aren't a reader. Listening and reading are two different things. Also not saying one is better than the other, still the audiobook listers somehow get very defensive when you say this.

>> No.19709513

the incerto series (minus antifragile cause i dont speak spanish) nailed the snarky asshole aspects of taleb quite well, I say this as a good thing.

>> No.19709518

I can't stand fiction as audiobooks, there are times where I tap out and will miss a few mins of dialogue and I just get lost, with non-fiction you can typically afford to lose a few mins here and there

>> No.19709540

It gets grating after a while. -t. read 2/3 of it.

>> No.19710721

>he literally can't conceptualize reading the book AND listening to the audiobook
>he probably reads texts once (1 time)