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/lit/ - Literature

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19698780 No.19698780 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best English version of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs Du Mal? Mainly focused on the translation aspect but I am also looking for a physical book if there's a good copy out there, paperback or otherwise. I'm learning French (slowly) so if there's a version with English and French that would be ideal

>> No.19699375


>> No.19699534

Wanna learn french? Here you go:
Je n'en sais rien, mais essaye plutôt de trouver une traduction des petits poèmes en prose / le spleen de paris. La traduction devrait être plus fidèle à l'original que les fleurs du mal, à cause des contraintes des pieds et des rimes.
Voici une édition bilingue des petits poèmes en prose. Attention, ce n'est pas complet, c'est seulement une sélection.

>> No.19700821

I'm already learning French, I'm just looking for a good version of The Flowers Of Evil in English

>> No.19700840

Go to supervert where they have a bunch of them to compare.

>> No.19700845
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You should get the Oxford World's Classics edition. It has both French and English texts side by side.