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19697716 No.19697716 [Reply] [Original]

It was by a large margin, not gonna lie.

>> No.19697849
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i have a few in mind.

>> No.19697856
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>> No.19697858

I saw the movies recently, but never read the books. I lost track of the number of times I thought some element would be better written down than trying to show it in a movie.
Also not having the wolves be half-human in the form of the killed gamers in the first movie ruined the tone of the entire series.

>> No.19697909

yeah it was a weird experience because a lot of stuff was intentionally kept in and it felt so lackluster because you can tell that there's no way to communicate this clearly if not through the main character's brain essentially.

>> No.19699049

Yeah, most of the lore was painful when given as straight uninterrupted spoken exposition by some character instead of written.

>> No.19699374
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>> No.19699390

Uhh bretty much all of them?!

>> No.19699681

That movie was painfully slow and long.

>> No.19699962
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Are there any movies better than or even equal to the book? For the most part the best a movie can hope to do is translate an abridged version of the book to live action or animation even if it achieves a perfect translation that the book will still have more content. A movie surpassing the book seems almost impossible unless the book itself is bad, even a movie being better than it's original script / directors cut isn't that common.
I have found portions of shows and movies better mostly when they don't over explain everything but as a whole package the books are almost always better. The only way I could imagine the entire movie being better than a book is if they deviate from the source material entirely but that feels like a different discussion as they aren't trying to achieve the same thing

>> No.19699979

fight club

>> No.19699981

Nah, Breakfast at Tiffany's was a better film than the novel.