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19697663 No.19697663 [Reply] [Original]

Started reading this because I wanted a hands-on, practical guide for meditation that'd take me from beginner level to advanced.
However I must be an ADHD zoomer or something because I can't manage to meditate for more than 10 minutes at a time. How can I improve in that regard?

>> No.19697711

For a start stop imagining some Buddhist monk sitting crossed legged when you think meditation.
If your looking to meditate do it in a way that works for you instead of forcing yourself to attempt a notion of meditation based upon a cultural image. If sitting still and doing nothing isnt working for you then dont keep hitting your head against a wall instead try what you think will work regardless of how others meditate.

>> No.19697743

Yeah the cross-legged straight back thing isn't doing it for me, I'll try doing it sitting on the couch but I'm worried I'll just fall asleep.

>> No.19697756

What is it your trying to get out of meditation?

>> No.19697761

Equanimity and spiritual advancement. Also improved sleep since I'm insomniac but don't want to have to rely on substances.

>> No.19697887


>> No.19697893
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Get off the fucking road, dude.

>> No.19698108

Strengthen yourself and continue. Yes, it takes work. Fortunately, the beginning is the hardest. Good book btw.

>> No.19698469

I also have ADHD and been meditating with the held of audio guides. Some good books on mindfulness have a CD with practice audios on it you can us (e.g. mark williams) or just get the audiobook version straight away. Sam Harris released two meditations along his book Waking Up you can listen to on youtube. He later put out an app by the same title, the audios of that app got leaked on torrent.

>> No.19698577

Just force yourself bro, do it when you're in the mood as well.

Once you get past the ten to twenty minute curve you will be there for half an hour before you know it.

>> No.19698588

ignore Culadasa he broke the 5 precepts.

Read: How to Meditate by Bhante Yuttadhammo
Or Mindfulness in plain english by Bhante Gunaratana

>> No.19698899

Why are you posting these two jews that promote unorthodox scientific Buddhism? Shinzen Young is not even an authorized teacher. He has no transmission.

This is all you need to get started:


But you need to find something to keep you motivated and inspired.

>> No.19699801

The OP mentioned meditation, not buddhism

>> No.19701285


>> No.19701317
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Unbelievable, /lit/ now posts Sam Harris unironically. You've actually motivated me to go work out for an hour instead of spending it here, thanks.

>> No.19701460

Eastern meditation isn't for westoid minds. Just smoke a pipe somewhere with a view

>> No.19701708

The majority of people addicted to stimulation can’t go farther than 10 as well. It’s a good start OP. I couldn’t meditate from more than 2 minutes when I started. Now I can easily go 1 hour - 5 hours. You can start by a dopamine fast and isolating yourself from addictive things, a day or two of this will help you. Train yourself slowly by giving yourself goals and slowly increase the time as you accomplish those. Spirituality is work OP and not an escape from discipline or dedication. Good luck.

>> No.19701718

>Now I can easily go 1 hour - 5 hours.

Are you at one with everything now?

>> No.19701808

>Are you at one with everything now?
There is no me or self, just a empty husk that feels impelled to meditate by impersonal causal forces arising on the basis of previous causal forces

>> No.19701881

No but let’s say I now full heartedly believe in the supernatural aspect of spirituality given some unexplainable things that I’ve experienced. I still experience human problems on a daily basis such as sorrow, as of recently. But overall I am much happier and healthier compared to my previous life. I really can’t imagine ever go back. Meditation is primarily for developing a certain control over yourself. And in developing this control, you begin to view your identity, and reality in a completely different light. But I still am incredibly new to all of this. You never really stop learning so I would say try it out yourself.

>> No.19701909

>Started reading this
>I can't manage to meditate for more than 10 minutes at a time

Bruh this is literally what the first three chapters of the book are devoted to addressing. Why are you asking /lit/ instead of just reading the book?

I used this as a meditation manual and fwiw I have ADHD. I just took Adderall before I meditated.

>> No.19702083

just do what the book says: catch yourself everytime your mind wanders and GENTLY return to your breathing
sit almost on the border of your couch, straight back but not forced, chin trying to touch your chest, hands on your legs or you can do a simple mudra
there's a lot of guides anon
>Also improved sleep since I'm insomniac but don't want to have to rely on substances.
fasting helped me a lot

>> No.19702117

Stay away from Buddhism. It breeds nothing but political corruption, moral relativism and cruelty towards other people (as you're totally indifferent to your peer's suffering).

>> No.19702176

>given some unexplainable things that I’ve experienced
post things

>> No.19702183

>. It breeds nothing but political corruption, moral relativism and cruelty towards other people (as you're totally indifferent to your peer's suffering).
Sounds based actually

>> No.19702201

Had no idea the United States was a Buddhist country

>> No.19702237

>I now full heartedly believe in the supernatural aspect of spirituality given some unexplainable things that I’ve experienced.
Such as ?

>> No.19702404

While we're on the subject of Buddhism, can someone explain to me how the whole right livelihood business won't end up creating a caste system of people to do the dirty work (like butchers)? How would Buddhism function in a non-industrial/non-agricultural society, without laymen to support the monks? Is Buddhism for the technological singularity, where we're all eating artificial meat, since that would not break the precept of not-killing? Buddhism seems to condone factory farming, while decrying hunting and fishing naturally. Hunting is beneficial for the environment in many ways (without hunters the deer population would rise too high and start harming the environment). What about invasive species? I feel as though the whole karma business is a little too simple (No, you can't kill and eat this highly invasive species of fish, it's bad karma!!!1!). Ultimately, I feel like the positives and negatives of any situation are highly subjective and balance out (I might free an animal from a trap, but because I do that a wolf that would have eaten that animal starves to death). I have respect for Buddhism, but there are certain things I just can't get behind. To me, it seems like Buddhism needs to be balanced out with Confucianism and Taoism.