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/lit/ - Literature

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19697574 No.19697574 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the books this good being written today? We have almost 8 billion people. Why don't we have any writers good enough to write another book this good?

Will we ever see another book this good? If so many of you know so much about literature, why doesn't anyone here write it?

>> No.19697584

If God grants me ten more years, I believe I can make something quite good.

>> No.19697585

What is there that we could say that hasn't been said 1000 times before? There really is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.19697586

Do not tempt me devil.

>> No.19697592
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I fucking hate insufferable faggots like you who have read like two or three entries from the MOST POPULAR SHIT ON THE PLANET only to complain about a lack of good novels, you are the equivalent of people who watch the top 10 movies in some shitty film forum like imdb and then call it quits with the entire medium.
Read more, pick up a book you stupid fucking faggot, here have one just at the top of my head.

>> No.19697595

Does Don Quixote actually not suck in the original Spanish? I feel like it takes a literal genius to translate works into this shitty language (John Dryden's Aeneid comes to mind)

>> No.19697599

The problem is that the good books won't be discovered until after we are all dead.

>> No.19697602

This but less rude

>> No.19697617
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Then name them

>> No.19697620


>> No.19697630

Are good books like this what publishers are scrambling to publish? Take a guess at how many unpublished manuscripts are floating around out there, I'm sure there are a few special things out there?

>> No.19697635

Let me clarify since I worded this poorly. I'm sure there are some brilliant books out there but by the time they are publicly recognized for their brilliance you, me and the author will all be dead. Modern "intellectuals" don't care about quality, they just endorse whatever book makes them seem sophisticated and enlightened.

>> No.19697648

God is dead and he took all forms of art with him

>> No.19697655

read Tender Is the Flesh by Bazterrica
2017 since you want recent shit, although it says more about you that you haven't even read reccs from the fucking 60s, it's always the same with you people, complaining but never bothering to read, what's the most recent book you've read?

>> No.19697667

Why care about intellectuals? Just open goodreads or go to your local bookshop and look for new shit that picks your interest, do you need some academic authority on what to read? Maybe that's why all you faggots read are the same 3 books taught in dry literature classes that everyone and their grandpa agree are good, ironic considering the disdain this board shows to academia.

>> No.19697669

>woman author
>compares it to Don Quixote
You disgust me

>> No.19697670

Just to clarify, this book is on par with Ulysses? Brothers Karamazov? Moby Dick? Only asking since you seem to believe that modern literature is still as great as its ever been, so logically we’d have modern equivalents to these books. I assume Tender is the Flesh from five years ago is as good as those since it’s your foremost recommendation

>> No.19697672

>Why care about intellectuals? Just open goodreads or go to your local bookshop and look for new shit that picks your interest.
I've done this plenty of times, and while I've found a few good books I can't say I've found anything truly great.

>> No.19697685

Kill yourself incel
Just because a novel doesn't hold the same cultural and literary importance as classics doesn't mean it's bad, stop having astronomically high standards that are often set not by prose but simply due to being reinforced in the canon generation after generation.
Same thing with films, I won't sit here and pretend Charlie Kaufman is as good of a film maker as Godard, but most current media is considered inferior to those because the old ones layed the blueprint to follow.
Trying to compare modern things to old ones is simply a nonsense approach only done by people who read not for their enjoyment, but only for some superficial need of feeling superior.
It's a good novel and I certainly enjoyed it far better than many old titles memed in this board constantly.

>> No.19697687

>picks your interest
hmm hmm hmm heh heh heh

>> No.19697693

Great works of literature are created by geniuses and geniuses are created and fostered by their intellectual environments. It’s why great writers just like artists are born in historical clusters in time and place. We can argue about exactly at what point our culture deviated from the type to produce great works of genius, but from some time since the mid twentieth century there has been a great drought of legendary writers. In fact there are several large scale filters in place to hinder such personalities from developing such as public (plebeian) education, braindead media, cancel culture, and so on.

>> No.19697694
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>stop having astronomically high standards.
No. I like Dostoevsky and Hemingway and I expect modern authors to be on par with them.

>> No.19697703
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>nouvelle vague
>kill yourself incel
I knew this board was plebbit 2.0 but come on

>> No.19697705

>such as public (plebeian) education
Most of the great writers you like came from piss poor to middle class backgrounds with a very average to nonexistent formal education, you fetishize a high culture that never existed, which is just further proving my point of you reading for pseud points, keep living in your headcanon.
That's fair, and there are plenty of authors as good as Dostoevsky, funnily enough the first recommendation I gave in this thread is definitely up your alley if you liked Notes from underground.

>> No.19697709

Go back to /pol/ vacationfag.

>> No.19697746

>Most of the great writers you like came from piss poor to middle class backgrounds with a very average to nonexistent formal education
haha what are you talking about, it's the complete opposite

>> No.19697747
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>> No.19697750

name two great books from the past 20 years

>> No.19697763

based analogy, based post

>> No.19697764

Seems simple enough to me, death of the aristocracy. Even the very wealthy produce trashy offspring these days. Those kids, rather than standing above and separating from the common culture, choose to use their money to immerse themselves in it to even greater excess. They don't want to watch a low-brow movie, they have the money to live it. Everybody is a materialist. There's also something to be said about education and the lack of apprenticeship from a very young age. If almost everybody reads and learns the same crap throughout their school years and only begins to truly specialize later in life, how can they be expected to create anything exceptional? Those filters must all be by design with some greater goal in mind, because otherwise it just makes no sense. I guess its better to take out the competition before they even have a chance to compete.

I guess it could be worse. At least the elites were kind enough to allow us to learn how to read.

>> No.19697767
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>you fetishize a high culture that never existed
>which is just further proving my point of you reading for pseud points, keep living in your headcanon.
No I don’t, and you’re projecting really hard here. A barely literate goatherder is in a better position to write a great book than someone thoroughly intellectually poisoned at a young age. Which isn’t to say that a classical education doesn’t have its merits. I consider my undertaking of learning Latin the single greatest contribution towards my skill as a writer. Also to add to my original post the phenomenon is also intrinsically linked to what stage of a culture you’re in. I’m not going to spoonfeed much to a braindead redditor but read Spengler.
>Go back to /pol/ vacationfag.
You’re the minority here my triggered midwit friend

>> No.19697769

I understand now

>> No.19697770

not him but anime is good

>> No.19697772

not him but kill yourself

>> No.19697776

yes absolutely, this is part of it. It’s a holistic phenomenon you can’t quite describe fully without zooming out in scale to a nebulous degree but it is what it is.

>> No.19697781
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>> No.19697784

anime site fren

>> No.19697825
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You know the answers, you just don't want to hear them. Harry Potter singlehandedly invented a genre. Also,
>A Little Life
>Gone Girl
>The Martian
>The Way of Kings
You have to keep in mind too, what is great now may be forgotten to history and what lingers may be the trash or memes (like twilight might be viewed in a historical lens as our Dracula)

>> No.19697839

>stop having astronomically high standards
no, fuck you, kill yourself you piece subhuman trash, you are the problem, literally proof that modern culture is spiraling down the drain

>brooo things arent bad you just need to astronomically lower your standards to well bellow where the bar has already been set

LOL.....LMAO, once again, kill yourself

>> No.19697846

Sorry if you misunderstood my post you illiterate faggots, by astronomically high standards I implied cultural and literary importance, not the quality of the novels in question, there are plenty of better authors than dostoevsky.
Strongly consider suicide.

>> No.19697851

See >>19697694.

>> No.19697862

>there are plenty of better authors than dostoevsky.
I doubt it, but I certainly don't think any author who has written in the last 50 years is better.

>> No.19697865

/lit/ is the only board on this God foresaken website that posts the same top 100 books every year, just go on goodreads, I long gave up on this board and only come to shitpost, no one here reads.

>> No.19697871

What existentialist novels have you read from the past 50 years to dismiss half a century of literature?

>> No.19697902

The Outsider by Colin Wilson. Ironically it is a book analyzing older existentialist authors like Dostoevsky.

>> No.19697918

How about novels that aren't just explicitly referencing older books or making some analysis? any original works?
Because dismissing 50 entire years of literature when your first choice is a single book referencing the author you like seems very extreme, you haven't engaged with any of the books you've dismissed.

>> No.19697923

Every good original thought have been had.

Only things fresh will be ideas brought out of censorship and suppression. Even then, it'll be a "tribute" and it'd be better to read the originals instead.

>> No.19697942

Everything you do has already been done before, everything you think as well, everything you aspire to be, every platitude you spout has already been said before.
Perhaps you should just spare yourself the repetition and commit suicide, it'll be better for everyone this way.

>> No.19697996

Was David Foster Wallace an existentialist?

>> No.19698018

good taste, good post if not a bit too angry, just hide these threads anon.

>> No.19698162

Getting modern recommendations is shit. That's why I stay with classics for fiction. When I run out of the modern cannon I'm just gonna stop reading fiction.

>> No.19698176

It's not immediately obvious when a book is going to be considered a classic. Usually it takes a few decades at a minimum.
Even then we still have David Foster Wallace, Pynchon and Cormac, two of which are still alive.
>inb4 they're all shit

>> No.19698199

There's good shit out there. 99% of it isn't considered popular and won't be popular until some year-3000 book snob discovers it and propels it into the New World Canon.

>> No.19698240

I have not read Don Quixote, what is the distinguishing feature beyond weightlifting in historical relevance? What does Cervantes have over, say, Dumas or Goethe?

>> No.19698299

>The Road
That was easy; now what?

>> No.19698712
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they are too busy being screenwriters, anon.

>> No.19699199


>> No.19699204

>>The Road

i will grant you 2666, but its so obvious that it gave me reason to ask for 2

>> No.19699266

What do you not like about The road?