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19695318 No.19695318 [Reply] [Original]

Francis Fukuyama, author of the infamous End of History and the Last Man, has written an article in the NYT about the decline of American and global democracy. Thoughts?

>> No.19695358

>have to log in to view
Can someone copy and paste it here or at least just give a qrd?

>> No.19695375

op if you want your sweet (you)s you better share with the class

>> No.19695376

Right about everything.

The people who spoke against him are ironically the most comfortable with the 'end of history' decadent democracies of nowadays. The caudillos of authoritarian regimes who supported communist oligarchies as well as authoritarian juntas in America are the greatest and most affeminate supporters of the virtues of progressive liberal democracy.

>> No.19695391

The Jan. 6 attack on Congress by a mob inspired by former President Donald Trump marked an ominous precedent for U.S. politics. Not since the Civil War had the country failed to effect a peaceful transfer of power, and no previous candidate purposefully contested an election’s results in the face of broad evidence that it was free and fair.

The event continues to reverberate in American politics — but its impact is not just domestic. It has also had a large impact internationally and signals a significant decline in American global power and influence.

Jan. 6 needs to be seen against the backdrop of the broader global crisis of liberal democracy. According to Freedom House’s 2021 Freedom in the World report, democracy has been in decline for 15 straight years, with some of the largest setbacks coming in the world’s two largest democracies, the United States and India. Since that report was issued, coups took place in Myanmar, Tunisia and Sudan, countries that had previously taken promising steps toward democracy.
The world had experienced a huge expansion in the number of democracies, from around 35 in the early 1970s to well over 110 by the time of the 2008 financial crisis. The United States was critical to what was labeled the “Third Wave” of democratization. America provided security to democratic allies in Europe and East Asia, and presided over an increasingly integrated global economy that quadrupled its output in that same period.
But global democracy was underpinned by the success and durability of democracy in the United States itself — what the political scientist Joseph Nye labels its “soft power.” People around the world looked up to America’s example as one they sought to emulate, from the students in Tiananmen Square in 1989 to the protesters leading the “color revolutions” in Europe and the Middle East in subsequent decades.

The decline of democracy worldwide is driven by complex forces. Globalization and economic change have left many behind, and a huge cultural divide has emerged between highly educated professionals living in cities and residents of smaller towns with more traditional values. The rise of the internet has weakened elite control over information; we have always disagreed over values, but we now live in separate factual universes. And the desire to belong and have one’s dignity affirmed are often more powerful forces than economic self-interest.
The world thus looks very different from the way it did roughly 30 years ago, when the former Soviet Union collapsed. There were two key factors I underestimated back then — first, the difficulty of creating not just democracy, but also a modern, impartial, uncorrupt state; and second, the possibility of political decay in advanced democracies.

>> No.19695412

The American model has been decaying for some time. Since the mid-1990s, the country’s politics have become increasingly polarized and subject to continuing gridlock, which has prevented it from performing basic government functions like passing budgets. There were clear problems with American institutions — the influence of money in politics, the effects of a voting system increasingly unaligned with democratic choice — yet the country seemed to be unable to reform itself. Earlier periods of crisis like the Civil War and the Great Depression produced farsighted, institution-building leaders; not so in the first decades of the 21st century, which saw American policymakers presiding over two catastrophes — the Iraq war and the subprime financial crisis — and then witnessed the emergence of a shortsighted demagogue egging on an angry populist movement.
Up until Jan. 6, one might have seen these developments through the lens of ordinary American politics, with its disagreements on issues like trade, immigration and abortion. But the uprising marked the moment when a significant minority of Americans showed themselves willing to turn against American democracy itself and to use violence to achieve their ends. What has made Jan. 6 a particularly alarming stain (and strain) on U.S. democracy is the fact that the Republican Party, far from repudiating those who initiated and participated in the uprising, has sought to normalize it and purge from its own ranks those who were willing to tell the truth about the 2020 election as it looks ahead to 2024, when Mr. Trump might seek a restoration.

The impact of this event is still playing out on the global stage. Over the years, authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin of Russia and Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus have sought to manipulate election results and deny popular will. Conversely, losing candidates in elections in new democracies have often charged voter fraud in the face of largely free and fair elections. This happened last year in Peru, when Keiko Fujimori contested her loss to Pedro Castillo in the second round of the country’s presidential election. Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, has been laying the grounds for contesting this year’s presidential election by attacking the functioning of Brazil’s voting system, just as Mr. Trump spent the lead-up to the 2020 election undermining confidence in mail-in ballots.

Before Jan. 6, these kinds of antics would have been seen as the behavior of young and incompletely consolidated democracies, and the United States would have wagged its finger in condemnation. But it has now happened in the United States itself. America’s credibility in upholding a model of good democratic practice has been shredded.

>> No.19695418

is that it? no shit sherlock kys

>> No.19695419 [DELETED] 

Learn to archive faggots

>> No.19695421

Sorry this >>19695419
was meant for >>19695318

>> No.19695425

This precedent is bad enough, but there are potentially even more dangerous consequences of Jan. 6. The global rollback of democracy has been led by two rising authoritarian countries, Russia and China. Both powers have irredentist claims on other people’s territory. President Putin has stated openly that he does not believe Ukraine to be a legitimately independent country but rather part of a much larger Russia. He has massed troops on Ukraine’s borders and has been testing Western responses to potential aggression. President Xi of China has asserted that Taiwan must eventually return to China, and Chinese leaders have not excluded the use of military force, if necessary.

A key factor in any future military aggression by either country will be the potential role of the United States, which has not extended clear security guarantees to either Ukraine or Taiwan but has been supportive militarily and ideologically aligned with those countries’ efforts to become real democracies.

If momentum had built in the Republican Party to renounce the events of Jan. 6 the way it ultimately abandoned Richard Nixon in 1974, we might have hoped that the country might move on from the Trump era. But this has not happened, and foreign adversaries like Russia and China are watching this situation with unconstrained glee. If issues like vaccinations and mask-wearing have become politicized and divisive, consider how a future decision to extend military support — or to deny such support — to either Ukraine or Taiwan would be greeted. Mr. Trump undermined the bipartisan consensus that existed since the late 1940s over America’s strong support for a liberal international role, and President Biden has not yet been able to re-establish it.

The single greatest weakness of the United States today lies in its internal divisions. Conservative pundits have traveled to illiberal Hungary to seek an alternative model, and a dismaying number of Republicans see the Democrats as a greater threat than Russia.
The United States retains a huge amount of economic and military power, but that power is not usable in the absence of domestic political consensus over the country’s international role. If Americans cease to believe in an open, tolerant and liberal society, our capacity to innovate and lead as the world’s foremost economic power will also diminish. Jan. 6 sealed and deepened the country’s divisions, and for that reason it will have consequences echoing across the globe in the years to come.

>> No.19695426


>> No.19695443 [DELETED] 

Don't impersonate me faggot, it was precisely meant for those two replies. Fucking newfaggots I swear

>> No.19695444

I think the afghanistan debacle is more embarassing overall considering the decade spanning, but eh guess well seethe about trumpies

>> No.19695461 [DELETED] 
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The only viable governmental systems are National Socialism and Constitutional Monarchy. Prove me wrong

>> No.19695465

Stop impersonating me you stupid nigger. Why would I reply to random posts wit that? It's OP's job to properly present the information he is posting. A high quality OP would have had an archived link as well as a copy of the article's text rather than a single line of text and some shitty paywall tabloid link. So don't put words in my mouth faggot.

>> No.19695481

>There were clear problems with American institutions — the influence of money in politics, the effects of a voting system increasingly unaligned with democratic choice — yet the country seemed to be unable to reform itself.
Once again Marx and Lenin are proven right.

>> No.19695495

Fukuyama has never said anything particularly interesting

>> No.19695505

The failure to bring Democarcy to the Arab world (W. Bush) and the fracturing of the postwar order by neglect (Obama) caused far more damage than some boomers getting a free tour of the capital. Personally, I don't think January 6th meant much, other than showing how embarrassingly complacent Congress was with security.

>> No.19695506

Fucking CHUDS disgracing our capital!!!

>> No.19695516

Is this it? He's just playing up the left wing mythologization of January 6 and whining about how people don't want to die to protect Taiwan or Ukraine. Very low quality, he says absolutely nothing novel or interesting.

>> No.19695544
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What a disappointing mess. Republicans are to blame, really? Those cowards who do not even represent the people who vote for them anymore? I couldn't expect more from someone writing for Carlos Slim's globalist outlet, but Fukuyama is precise in his description of the symptoms while failing miserable to asses the disease. It is like a man remembers every sentence of a novel except for its title.

I will try and take hold of the situation. The crisis we are living through is not natural, but a result a bad politics and bad politicians, in an age where political opposition has been criminalized as thought crime and the synagogue of science is now the church legitimizing censorship and ostracism.

/lit/, hear me, for we are in crisis and the end shall come soon.


>> No.19695545

based 'end of history' man psyoping ppl into post-neoliberal neofeudalist hellscape. must be in his blood.

it's time to eat the pod and live in the bugs

>> No.19695551

>write book about how history is going to end
>history doesn't end
>start writing articles about how anyone who doesn't want history to end is bad

>> No.19695554
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The world economy simply cannot go on with the lockdowns and current sanitary policies that dominate the political and economical landscape. But the elites require this. Here's why:

>1st, lockdowns have NOTHING to do with protecting lives. They are meant to justify continuous global quantitative easing, where the government increases the amount of money in the economy in order to keep itself solvent as well as business that were supposed to break since 2008. More than 50% of the world's dollars were created from 2020 to 2021. The economy has left reality completely, everyone is getting poorer, governments and the super rich are getting richer while enjoying post-capitalism. Lockdowns must continue because former AAA companies back in 2008 are now considered high-risk investments due to the absurd amount of debt they have every year and how much money the banking system needs to provide them in order to roll their debts and avoid bankrupcy. Governments need an excuse to create new money and to force foreign governments to do the same in order to avoid an exchange crisis, hence why the lockdowns exist — it is to force the GLOBAL governments to act in unisson to expand themselves
>2nd, the average person is suffering. Hunger is expanding all over the world. Prices are rising worldwide. Consumer and producer trust are free falling because nobody can tell anymore when the government will order a lockdown and crash society, destroying jobs and business. Nobody wants to invest like this, especially considering the most profitable activity today is just borrowing money or investing in a phony financial market


>> No.19695560
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>3rd, there is no politics to defend the people who suffer. The media and government have deplatformed all but those that agreed with their prescribed lockdown and science. There is no democracy anymore because no room is left to question the decisions legitimized by the synagogue of science. You question them? Instantly you lose your platform, job and credibility — meanwhile all the warnings from anti-vaxxers come true, such as the endless booster shots, the failed vaccines and the next lockdown
>4th, the collapse is GLOBAL. One failed state will turn into a dozen as the king is revealed to be naked. The human tribe walks together and one act of rebellion incites another. See the Arab Spring
>5th, there is no political solution to this crisis. We live in a global dictatorship. The only possible solution comes through violent insurrection or revolution, since society has left it clear there is no room to question the government in a peaceful manner


The happening to end all happenings is soon upon us.

>> No.19695614

>The Jan. 6 attack on Congress by a mob inspired by former President Donald Trump marked an ominous precedent for U.S. politics.

>> No.19695629

I like how one day of seethe caused more damage (and death both direct and indirect) apparently then a whole summer of seethe

>> No.19695664

This. I also found it incredibly pathetic how people were literally calling the Capitol Building "sacred"

>> No.19695688

pat buchanan and his little newt friend will continue to casue moar seethe because DEMOSHITS can't even keep the party together in the most crucial times(ACA,BBB) they all deserve it desu

>> No.19695694

I mean if we count the three dudes Rittenhouse offed as part of the summer trouble, I think it beats the sack of the Capitol, where as I recall only one person died.

>> No.19695701

What I don't understand is why is history equated to the economical/political system at all? That's only a particular dimension of human society. Even if every single place on Earth decided to copy the constitution of the US, why would we equate this to the end of history? A global natural catastrophe could occur and drastically change how life is lived. Aliens may decide to subjugate Earth and enforce a culture we cannot even understand. Someone on a critical position might go insane and detonate a nuclear warhead. I know he already said that technology will most likely cause changes as well. What was the fucking point of this 'end of history' bullshit at all? Why would history be reduced to politics, why?

>> No.19695702

I'll tell you one thing: when Francis Fukuyama speaks, I sit up and listen!

>> No.19695717

the capitol police is now an intelligence wing all thanks to jan.6 overreaction

>> No.19695777

Reading Taleb a bit lately has me think this is a bullish sign that American democracy is going nowhere precisely because he claims the opposite

>> No.19695795
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“Liberal democracy” is just the disguise oligarchy puts on to pretend it is something it’s not.
I want to advance my own theory to counter the iron law of oligarchy, I call it the iron law of democracy
>After a certain point of development is reached, societies, no matter how hierarchical they were until that point, will by necessity have to implement reforms that make them more democratic and egalitarian. Societies hat fail to implement such reforms are doomed to stagnation, decline and eventual collapse/getting outcompeted by societies higher up the Progress trees
It’s not a coincidence that the decline of the West coincides perfectly with its slide backwards into oligarchy, now under the disguise of “liberal democracy” to keep up appearances

>> No.19695804

you need to stop this racism bro they have a hard time seeing

>> No.19695811

Of all the insane things that have happened over the last few decades and all the horrible things the US political class has done to the country and to the world, imagine thinking that some retarded rednecks walking around the capitol is the definitive marker of American decline. What the fuck is wrong with American intellectuals?

>> No.19695819

jackpotchecked and buckbreaking the blackswan-pilled

>> No.19695828


Apparently that they think a gang of fuckwits smashing windows and beating cops in the seat of government while screaming about finding people to hang is a big deal and not just Normal and Good.

>> No.19695829

Agree with a lot of this. The fed has no good options left now that the excessive money printing has gone on this long. Either continuing to print money or slamming on the brakes is going to cause a lot of pain globally, and when the dust settles, China is going to be the clear dominant world power.

>> No.19695847

you may not like it, but this is what is means when biden talks about the 'rule based order'

>> No.19695857

>Constitutional Monarchy.
you mean theocratic monarchy right?

>> No.19695873
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False. The best system of government is an aristocratic republic with limited input from the general public. This is basically what Venice had and it was fucking great. It's durable, too, Venice lasted almost a thousand years.

>> No.19695882

>the only viable governmental systems are unsustainable nationalist expansionism and democracy but even less efficient
Just admit you want a big daddy figure to tell you that things will go your way

>> No.19695887
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>> No.19695891

I'm glad more people are calling it a "sacking" since that's literally what it was. Calling it a riot kind of misstates what actually took place. There wasn't truly a riot in the Capitol. The Capitol was sacked.

>> No.19695904 [DELETED] 

The whole thing was staged. Actors and stage blood. Same thing as the "Boston bombing".


>> No.19695952 [DELETED] 
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>Just admit you want a big daddy figure to tell you that things will go your way
>t.corporate bootlicker with BLM, Apple, LGBTQ flag and Starbucks stickers on his laptop
A power invested in one person who is 24/7 visible to the public eye will always be the preferable alternative to having a handful of shadow cabal (((families))) working behind the scenes through their numerous puppets politicians

>> No.19695979 [DELETED] 

>>the only viable governmental systems are unsustainable nationalist expansionism and democracy but even less efficient
You clearly have no idea what National Socialism is and how it works.

>> No.19695996

>t.corporate bootlicker
You wish. I'm just not quick to sell out what legal rights I have left so that I can point to some gout-ridden retard saying "he's just like me" and think that his existence means that nothing will change and being obedient is enough to get women. I hate this "radical" culture of absolute desire for passivity. Every one of you is fucking retard child who doesn't know how good he has it.

>> No.19696005

The only reason people think National Socialism was viable is that it was constantly at war and didn't have to undergo peacetime maintenance where it would balkanize back into a series of warring investment firms

>> No.19696029

Not sure what you mean by this. We're talking about National Socialist Germany, not the USSR. The entire reason that you dislike Nazi Germany is because they kicked out the Jewish bankers and made investment banks subject to state control.

>> No.19696042

Neat I was just referencing Fook in an article I was working on. Thanks for the fodder. Though I generally look askance at anything published in the NYT. Hokey bourgeois drivel for the most part.

>> No.19696043

kek, love how these neo-libs claim Russia/China are the "evil" ones, which country has a hundred military bases literally thousands of miles from its shores? Who's the one egging on countries like saudi arabia and supporting them in masscaring third worlders?

>> No.19696057

The entire reason that I dislike Nazi Germany is that it's an autistic state of simple-minded shitheads that wouldn't even know how to keep things together without some form of antagonism. Even if Hitler won things would eventually get passed back to the market and Europe would be undercutting each other again.

>> No.19696059

What do you mean by passivity anon?

>> No.19696063

But literally none of that happened, and if the TV said that it didn't happen you'd pivot on a dime and talk about how great the protests were. After all, two years ago you were saying that Covid was a "right wing conspiracy".

>> No.19696064

Dont think any state works without some form of antagonism

>> No.19696070

So exactly what he said, the Nazis kicked Jewish finance out and made investment subject to state control, and that was bad and had to be stopped. You think that you can benefit under Liberalism, so you are a Liberal. I don't see why you thought the need to just repeat him.

>> No.19696073

Who fucking cares some neocons took a stroll through capitol after the police opened it up for them?

>> No.19696077
File: 1012 KB, 2834x1464, hack1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me teach you some elite hacking skillz.

1. Right click over the "You need to pay to read" modal and then select "inspect"
2. mouse over the dom element with the id "gate-way-content" or something like that
3. In the righthand side of the dev tools where it says element.style type display: none
4. Then mouse over the div right above it with the class = css-mcm29f and where uncheck where it says position: fixed and overflow: hidden

You have now pwned the nyt eternally

>> No.19696080

Every one of these "anti-democratic" types hates democracy supposedly for its corruption and inefficiency but their listed alternatives show that their real grievance is that good governance requires their involvement and education and they want to sit back and have everything done for them. The right wants a dictator who is just them but successful who will implement social stasis (impossible) and unburden the obedient and unimaginative from their very oppressive task of having to form their own life. The left wants to just have the state churn out chaff and simply ignores the minutiae that policy addresses in favor of a magical utopia. All the privilege in the world and actively living your life is too hard for these people

>> No.19696081

confidence in the democratic process was eroded by four years of liberal retards screaming about muh russian interference

>> No.19696083
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>> No.19696085 [DELETED] 

>You wish. I'm just not quick to sell out what legal rights I have left so that I can point to some gout-ridden retard saying "he's just like me" and think that his existence means that nothing will change and being obedient is enough to get women. I hate this "radical" culture of absolute desire for passivity. Every one of you is fucking retard child who doesn't know how good he has it.
That's a lot of projection and strawman retorts you've got there, chief. You should go outside, get your head straight and then come back

>The only reason people think National Socialism was viable is that it was constantly at war and didn't have to undergo peacetime maintenance where it would balkanize back into a series of warring investment firms
Another lying kike detected. Before Germany went to war the country had already undergone an unprecedented economic restoration and boom when Hitler got his country back from the clutches of deleterious Jewish banks and businesses, ultimately restoring what rightfully belonged to the German people and thus stimulating the national economy as well as restoring employment to millions of people.

>> No.19696089

My point is that you end up back where you started anyway, you just caused a bunch of destruction to no purpose.

>> No.19696096

>The right wants a dictator who is just them but successful who will implement social stasis (impossible) and unburden the obedient and unimaginative from their very oppressive task of having to form their own life
No, the Right pretty clearly wants a government concerned with the health and wellbeing of the people rather than the profits of Jewish Finance. I'm not sure what you mean about people being too lazy or whatever, the Right is constantly bitching about the system locking them out of politics in order to protect Jewish Finance.

>> No.19696100

800 vs 1 kek

>> No.19696101 [DELETED] 
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Holy mother of tankie cope. Seethe and dilate

>> No.19696102

Yeah, I agree, Communism is absurd, but we aren't talking about Communism, we're talking about Nazi Germany.

>> No.19696112

>muh projection
I know you people better than you know yourself
>calls me a lying kike
>answers with empty rhetoric

>> No.19696118 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 645x773, 1608490445005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every one of these "anti-democratic" types hates democracy supposedly for its corruption and inefficiency but their listed alternatives show that their real grievance is that good governance requires their involvement and education and they want to sit back and have everything done for them. The right wants a dictator who is just them but successful who will implement social stasis (impossible) and unburden the obedient and unimaginative from their very oppressive task of having to form their own life. The left wants to just have the state churn out chaff and simply ignores the minutiae that policy addresses in favor of a magical utopia. All the privilege in the world and actively living your life is too hard for these people

>> No.19696120
File: 59 KB, 513x457, 9D7D85B0-2D1F-4DCA-BDA6-15A899355D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that in the modern world the good guys are too scattered and divided to act.
Wars nowadays are evil vs evil.
America and Israel are evil, but so isn’t Russia and China.
It seems no one is looking out for the little guy today, or at least their too weak and ineffectual to make noticeable changes.
Hopefully this will end soon.

>> No.19696121

>no argument
no surprise
Try writing a post that isn't just glittering generalities

>> No.19696136 [DELETED] 

>>answers with empty rhetoric
How is stating historical facts a rhetoric you absolute retard? Holy fuck the absolute state of hebraic screeching

>> No.19696141

Anon you literally just said that everyone who didn't vote for Biden in 2020 is just lazy and wants the government to do everything for them when they should be pulling themselves up by their boostraps. I don't think you have any room to accuse others of using generalities.

>> No.19696142

>unironic "check your privilege"

>> No.19696146

It absolutely is an argument. Russia before Communism was run by gangsters. Russia during Communism was run by gangsters. Russia after Communism was run by gangsters. Russia ended up exactly where it started, only with a bunch of destruction that happened for no reason other than to enrich investment firms.

>> No.19696149

If you live in the first world you have no right to act like you live in a gulag

>> No.19696157

i have every right actually. are you going to stop me?

>> No.19696159

But you literally want to throw people into gulags.

>> No.19696163

And when the fuck did I bring up Russia? I'm not a member of one of your gay social media clubs

>> No.19696172

Right here >>19696089. I'm not sure why you did this, I even called I even asked why you did because we were talking about Nazi Germany before you decided to start talking about Communism.

>> No.19696208
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Fukuyama is one of the major figureheads for determining the direction of Liberalism. When America was invading the Middle East he was a neocon, now with Liberalism imploding he is more progressive, taking the basic lefty stance of blaming Trump and Republicans for everything while endorsing progressive goals like better healthcare and more demographic diversity. This fascinates me because he is supporting the ideals espoused by "leftists" in America not as a way to challenge Liberalism but to sustain it. Leftists claim the opposite; they believe more public ownership, better social welfare and collective unity will be the replacement for Liberalism and Capitalism. There's absolutely zero reason for to believe that leftists seriously provide an alternative to liberal capitalism when all of their projects are so reconcilable with the system that Francis Fukuyama of all fucking people is on their side.

>> No.19696224
File: 983 KB, 1500x1016, jfk-assassination-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the secondary causes is the weakening of political parties (which are not really proper parties like in parliamentary systems) in a political system designed to mitigate against parties. You see fewer people identifying with parties. Instead, they have become hollowed-out shells that exist as conduits to move money from donors to candidates, and the candidates' job is to deliver their voters to the donors.

Where the Marxism comes in is that this is because the capitalist class won a historic victory with the neoliberal counter-revolution and there is no threat to them, so they have no need to engage in class-wide action to save their asses in the long term. Instead, they can focus on their short-term, superficial, practical, and particular interests in different business sectors. So, political divisions in this bourgeois sham are primarily divisions between different capitalists representing different sectors (such as globally-integrated services vs. traditional industries including resource extraction). That is basically the "Democrat vs. Republican" divide and the politicians in both "parties" hustle to deliver the voters to their donors by appealing to the self-regard, fears and prejudices of their respective constituencies.

Francis' job is to make banal, gnomic observations anyways. What he doesn't want to do, and what he thinks is a Very Bad thing, is for the U.S. to give up its empire and pull back its military from overseas because Russia/Russia/Russia/China/China/China. But I think that's one of the main reasons for the rot, and while I'm blogging, think that historians one day in the future will pinpoint the JFK assassination as a pivot point here (the collapse of the USSR and 9/11 being two others).

See, JFK was operating from a liberal hypothesis (pretty Catholic seeming) that communism was part of a crisis of technological advance, a reaction to culture shock in backwards countries. The idea was that the communists were an opportunistic conspiracy in these places so his plan was to assist governments with popular mandates to resist while they still could, but explicitly felt that if a country's people were in favor of the communists or anything else, then that should be respected because the U.S. had no chance of beating an entire population anyways.

The issue here is that this liberal foreign policy vision really would've been a disaster for U.S. hegemony. He thought otherwise, I think, but the military and CIA knew the score. So, not really "JFK = no intervention" vs. "CIA = intervention," rather there were different strategies that were extremely incompatible, so JFK got his brains blown out.

Then this happened:


>> No.19696225
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Your mistake is thinking THIS is democracy.

Haven't you realized disagreeing with official policy has become a crime? Look at the amount of thought crimes they've created. By masquerading government policy under the guise of protecting minorities, they make even questioning them a mistake. Look at the subprime bubble: it was born out of the democrat party calling racist the fact that minorities did not get mortgages from banks. If it had happened nowadays, there would be no way someone would've been able to oppose this policy without ending their political and social career.

Democracy claims its legitimacy from the will of the people, yet the will of the people has been co-opted by press organs and legislation which have made the free discussion between the citizens something illegal if it does not go in favour of the ideological framework of democracy.

What we live is an unlegitimate dictatorship which claims to be democratic for pure moral reasons, as democracy is the modern way that the godless state legitimizes itself. We are seeing the replacement of the will of the people for the will of the specialists, as not only opposing government becomes a thought crime, it becomes murder and an attempt against public healthcare because le scientist man said so.

>> No.19696228

>muh democracy
I read it and it's just propagandist drivel. The idea that the US is or was a paragon for democracy is a fucking joke.

>> No.19696234

Does he genuinely think Americas claim to bring to bring democracy to the countries of the 80s-2000s can stand in the face of its actions and the aftermatch of those actions?
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt so I carried on
>The rise of the internet has weakened elite control over information
Again I ask. Can anyone genuinely claim the internet has not been getting closed shut from 2000 to 2010? How can a learned man claim this having witnessed this past decade, this pandemic.

I am not much of a learned man but I am a low level programmer and a web developer by trade but even I knew. When Stallman, a devout anti national ID card all his life came out and vehemently supported Covid Passports.

Only an intelectual could make such awfull claims.

>> No.19696240

>Earlier periods of crisis like the Civil War and the Great Depression produced farsighted, institution-building leaders; not so in the first decades of the 21st century, which saw American policymakers presiding over two catastrophes — the Iraq war and the subprime financial crisis — and then witnessed the emergence of a shortsighted demagogue egging on an angry populist movement.

This paragraph irks me because of how it ends. The passage is about America's political decline, but it stops at Trump as though he was the culmination and so passively insinuates that Biden is not continuous with the trend of decline. He most certainly is. Filthy NYT is showing its politics here. Biden is a double whammy of incompetence and unfitness for office. He is merely unfit in ways that differ from Trump. This ideologically motivated omission harms Fukuyama's argument and distorts the bigger picture. Fukuyama loses credibility as an impartial observer through this unforgivable act of omission. If you pick a side, you can't observe all sides from an equidistant point of reference external to the pieces on the board. You as it were become another chess piece in the great game of ideology

>> No.19696253

>as not only opposing government becomes a thought crime, it becomes murder and an attempt against public healthcare because le scientist man said so.
You're afraid of being brought up on "murder" charges for disagreeing with the scientist man while this Democratic administration declared Open Biden and is desperate for people to continue going to restaurants or bars or anywhere else as long as you keep spending money. I wouldn't be worried about them implanting microchips in you either because we're still using paper vaxx cards that can be easily forged.

>> No.19696266

I'm also flabbergasted that Fook is only know learning that advanced democracies can decay. Ever heard of history? Democracy showed a propensity for oligarchic usurpation from the beginning. Athenian coup of 411 BC. The rule of the Four Hundred. The Thirty Tyrants period. The ancient birthplace of democracy is a perfect microcosm of what happens in every democracy that has ever declined.

>> No.19696271

>only know
*only now

>> No.19696284

The reason conservatives and (if polls are any indication) the majority of indies don't care about Jan 6 is that the Dems have no moral consistency. They spent four years undermining the 2016 election, they barely said a word about the baseball shooter, and they didn't crack down on 2020 rioting/looting.

>> No.19696285

Trump was an international joke on a level beyond any former US president

>> No.19696294


>> No.19696297

It's really lame everyone talking about jan 6th like it was a fucking coup attempt, get your head out of your ass. Less destructive than the country wide riots we got for over a year, jesus christ,

>> No.19696299

In law, it's known as legal precedent.
In the art of politics, moral consistency is even more important.

>> No.19696306


Do you deny that there has been mass deplatforming and censorship of anyone that opposes the vaccine both in media and social media?

>> No.19696316

fine. you can stay focused on what the maga boomers did, and we'll stay focused on what the dems did. any attempt to change the focus on either side will now be considered a whataboutism. deal?
> n-n-n-n-no, you must focus on what WE want

>> No.19696317
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Thinking about this more, this post is like encapsulated American ideology in its way because it reflects the idea that Good Men stand up to Bad Authority. That dreaded Godless State... which is telling you to continue doing whatever you want.

So you're rebelling against nothing. Or, well, you're rebelling against a relatively small number of people who are basically telling you to do the equivalent of wear a goddamn seat belt and practice good defensive driving skills so you don't get into an accident in the first place. Avoiding infectious virus particles in this analogy is entirely like defensive driving while everything else (vaxx, tests, etc.) are a car's safety features.

But that's difficult. Because we have, as a population, become complacent that "What Was" is what always "Will Be," and the suggestion that life has changed permanently and that change is required of us in order to meet the challenges of the day is met with unrelenting cognitive stress for a population that always became accustomed to major events (9/11) by going shopping and thinking it affects them even though it doesn't really. Easier to narrow the locus of perception down to what allows us to continue as if the status quo has not changed.

Which is why right-wing media every day serves steaming portions of blatant dissonance specifically built for utter morons who cannot begin to think for themselves at all.

Thing is, the Democrats are even worse. Because they brainwashed everyone into OPEN BIDEN. When Trump was defeated, we were supposed. to. go. back. to. BRUNCH. How could reality betray us again? Like reality has done over and over and over again. Yet they keep blubbering into making the same goddammed mistakes. What could be the reason for this? Mental illness?

I guess I should add that it might help to actually have a government that serves the interest of the masses instead of the wealthy few and having citizenry whose brains aren't rotted by 24/7 neolib neocon propaganda dedicated to making number go up and mindlessly consuming. But I guess it worked out okay.

>> No.19696333

You're joking but this is correct
Acknowledge and improve on past mistakes without using a mistake from the other side as a reason to not improve

>> No.19696347

How do you explain Cuba and Vietnam then if JFK was reluctant to enforce Liberalism worldwide

>> No.19696351

Any discussion around January 6 is so banal because it was practically a non-event.

>> No.19696365

"whatever you want"

>> No.19696372

I agree, but neither side is going to unilaterally disarm itself by giving up its tribalism and politicking while the other side does not. nothing changes until a significant number of people on both sides start holding everyone to the same standards.

>> No.19696377

The only significance January 6 holds is how it demonstrates the utter impotence of the "american right".

>> No.19696383

>A wild mob breaking past the police into the Capitol and being fended off from attacking representatives at gunpoint is a non-event

>> No.19696385

But that didn't happen.

>> No.19696392

>hurr durr no people don't want jobs, healthcare, and safety for their families, they ACKTHYUALLY want my hyper autistic ramblings about dialectic enforced at gunpoint
You aren't an intellectual for swallowing Democrat party line, you're just another pleb.

>> No.19696403

What part of the fully-recorded event didn't happen?

>> No.19696409

>What could be the reason for this? Mental illness?

Liberalism is a self-perpetuating prison of decadence. It literally requires a never-ending discourse about rights and freedoms regardless of how exhausted these ideals become. Fukuyama explicitly admits this in his books and approves of Liberalism solely because he sees it as the best way to maintain stability and peace. He never denies that the relative peace inside Liberalism isn't fulfilling, because it isn't. America is so arrogant and unable to conceive of a world that isn't determined by its own hegemony that it will scapegoat itself just to keep the public discourse moving.

>Liberal democracy has been corrupted by white supremacist Republicans // SJW woke commies, quick, go to the polls and you can help fix this through the power of liberal democracy!

>> No.19696414

It was an event because the powers that be decided it would be an event. Using this date as a noun is the purest sign of alliegance to system
Don't play smart when cops opened the fences

>> No.19696426

>It was an event because the powers that be decided
Yeah, that's the problem that the Liberal in this thread is having, and that people keep pointing out: this is literal political theater. It's an entirely staged event meant to keep morons like him distracted. As if the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES hosting a political event in a public place and declaring that he was going to do this MONTHS IN ADVANCE and Ezra Cohen Watnick taking great pains to get the legislature to clear their offices out months in advance of anything important wasn't fucking obvious to these people.

>> No.19696432

Ah it's the Powers That Be Billderberg Group Freemasons instead of just poor security being overwhelmed

>> No.19696433

no, I want to be the big daddy figure telling you thing will go my way

>> No.19696450

>A wild mob breaking past the police into the Capitol and taking selfies is a non-event

FTFY, there was no revolution, it was just people wandering around aimlessly in the building taking self-incriminating photos.

>> No.19696537

Man, jannies suck

>> No.19696557

This is sad. I was hoping for a much more balanced analysis than this. The best thing I’ve read on Jan 6th by far was Yarvins article. https://graymirror.substack.com/p/the-great-coup-of-2021

>> No.19696570

If only they actually did something other take selfies and get some dumb bitch shot. The response would’ve been the same either way might as well taken it down

>> No.19696573

An even faster method
>ctrl + l
>ctrl + c
>ctrl + shift + n
>ctrl + v

>> No.19696577

I feel morally conflicted because over the years my libertarian stance of "government should fuck off and let people moderate themselves" has started to waver in favor of "the government should moderate morality because people don't know what's good for them." I think people should be allowed to make the wrong decisions and destroy themselves, but when it affects society as a whole then I become less resistant to daddy government telling people what to do.

>> No.19696578

>jan 6th fearmongering stinkpiece
>only people harmed on Jan 6th were the people who participated in the protests
>local gook retard starving for relevance comes out to give unsolicited takes

>> No.19696596

It’s not a conspiracy theory that Jan 6th was orchestrated by someone in the government, but why?

>> No.19696602

So free and fair that the left claims it's not permitted to question election results, except when they're the ones questioning them.

>we now live in separate factual universes
>But the uprising marked the moment when a significant minority of Americans showed themselves willing to turn against American democracy itself and to use violence to achieve their ends.
Guess he lives in the universe where 2020 never happened.

>Conversely, losing candidates in elections in new democracies have often charged voter fraud in the face of largely free and fair elections.
Like in 2016 when the left said Russia stole the election.

He's an NPC.

>> No.19696606


>> No.19696608

The government is not capable of moral instruction, chiefly because the government is not an individual person and is thus incapable of moral action. Humans, capable of moral action and thus moral decisionmaking and self-betterment, are better equipped to defeat immoral behavioral trends than you realize - provided they aren't being psychologically manipulated and instructed by inhumane automatons such as the government and corporate businesses which, again, are incapable of morality.
You can try to disagree that the government is incapable of morality, but you're just arguing yourself into defending moral subjectivism and then your whole complaint that people aren't behaving the way you'd like goes to shit.

>> No.19696617
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, fiery protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forcing injections into people and blocking them from travelling and trading is like wearing a seat belt
>forcing business to close and dooming the american middle class is the equivalent to defensive driving
>literally believes 'Story of Stuff' propaganda about reacting to 9/11 by going shopping, when Bush said to do be scared to go on with people's lives
>le republicans are retards nonsense

This is a magical 'How can I tell you are a college liberal without telling people that I am a college liberal?'

The dissonance in this post is spectacular that you will even call the deplatformed, censored and ostracized independent media some form of expression for the utter morons who cannot think for themselves - instead of the legal state and billionaire MSM that has turned opposition to policy into an attempt against public healthcare.

I wish I could say this point is in defense of the working class. Rather, it is in defense of nothing. It is the materialization of the status quo not through argument (which is promptly disqualified as opposition to the gods of the city), but through the attack of the act of opposition.

Actions have consequences outside of liberal wonderlands. Business are going broke, prices are rising, more than half the existing dollars have been printed blessed by a pandemic that would've been disregarded 50 years ago.

To call this a rebellion against nothing is outright insulting, especially coming from a man who is defending nothing but the self-righteousness of an egotistic managerial class.

>> No.19696628

Libertarians are useless.

Their party is 50 years old. All the shitty jewish philosophy gave them a worse case for liberty than 2000+ years old chinese daoism.

>> No.19696674

Ashley Babbitt(unarmed woman) was shot by a guard. I think 4 people died of heart attacks or something near the capitol on the day.
News media usually says "5 deaths connected to the events"

>> No.19696680

I am really trying to understand anon. How does participation come into good governance? People are usually presented with two options from monolithic parties to vote on every few years, both who are mostly beholden to the same lobbyists and special interest groups. Is your suggestion that for us to have good democracy the only solution is for those sick of politicians to run for office themselves, and their unwillingness to do so is this abdication of responsibilities? Interested in your reply

>> No.19696688

Several officers were also suicided afterwards.

>> No.19696691

i was about to ask where the topless chicks were on jan 6 but then I rememered that image of ashley babbit. Very interdasting anon

>> No.19696697
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>> No.19696701

All monarchy is constitutional. The stronger the constitution (of the monarch) the less restraints on his majesty.

>> No.19696702

They were saying crazy shit at first like an officer was bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher, but slowly the narrative fell apart, but it doesn’t matter because they still operate as if anyone was killed. It’s hilarious how their propaganda of the aftermath was so bad. It was like minority janitors sweeping up crumbs in the rotunda. Meme coup for a meme world. Let me out of the carnival.

>> No.19696720

BLM put DC on fire.
Several groups have broken into Capitol grounds. Usually they're harmless (like the ""Insurrectionists""), the Capitol police let's them screech and they leave. The Jan 6 protestors are now being tortured as political prisoners. Anyone who calls it an insurrection is liar. And such liars are tortured in hell forever.

>> No.19696730

This is what happens when the deep state outsources its astroturfing to manic depressive perpetually tweaking coastal elite token minorities. Spooks leading spooks to spook spooks into thinking white people are the great Satan apparently is not self-sustaining. I guess that's why the head spooks are all getting themselves fake jobs directly at the news networks now, so they don't have to go through the spooks to spook the spooks every night.

>> No.19696734

>Police open barricades for people to stomp around in a Government building that by all accounts should be open to the public anyways
>Police kill one woman
>everyone goes home afterwards

>> No.19696749

My favorite is the picture of the senator picking up a "wreckage" that consisted of an upright water bottle and a bag of chips

I think most liberals overestimate liberalism and its appeal. It's really like a religion, and any small nation that wishes to to business with America had to nominally convert to liberal democracy. In reality the vast majority of these liberal democracies were dictatorships that ran phony elections every few years. Pundits, including Fukuyama, took an inventory of governments in the world and saw a bunch labelled democratic and assumed the number would go up forever. But now, due to internal decadence, America is a much less compelling trade partner and now due to large setbacks in military success, a defensive ally. China is on the rise, China happens to be an authoritarian state, it follows that liberalism will fall out of favor. Although I'm unfamiliar whether China forces communism on its client states.

>> No.19696750

The two longest standing societies in the first world right now are Britain and Japan, and both are heavily influenced by and syncretic with America.
National Socialism is an absolute fucking joke and the "third solution" was just 'capitalism but shit'
Constitutional Monarchy actually has a lot of promise but advocating for it is essentially throwing your clogs in the gears and going full retard Luddite.

>> No.19696795

Constitutional monarchy, maybe. National socialism, absolutely not.

>> No.19696803
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Leftists are just dumb animals who believe everything they see in the news while believing the purchased propaganda of billionaires, while accusing the opposition of the same. They're not political creatures inasmuch as natural slaves who default to their surroundings. There is nothing else to leftism, as of today. It is a non-ideology. An invention of various ulterior interests who need the populace to believe things on their whims. This is how LGBT when from being faggotry to widely accepted in 20 years. Masses of people don't suddenly change their opinions without cause.
This is why substantive criticism is responded by doubling down and anger.
>...and it WAS an INSURRECTION
The latter was used against "terrorist" James Fields, who "killed" all of one fat cunt.
These people are owned by the state and by private corporations who fund the various news agencies and social media outlets that control their information. When addicted to the internet, and most of us are these days, this is their entire universe.
This is exactly what Oswald Spengler meant by the money power owning the newspress, except far worse.
Elite leftist intellectuals like Fukuyama or Steven Pinker are not scholars or philosophers. They are merely empty heads that only exist inasmuch as money men fund them to spread useful ideas. As public individuals, they should not be considered human or persons in the ordinary sense. They are brands in a franchise.

>> No.19696807

So he never noticed the end of democracy for the past 20 years until Trump?

>> No.19696821

can't tell if he's a pseud or just a nefarious agent

>> No.19696847
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>Leftists are just dumb animals

Dumb animals, alien mind control, what's the difference

>> No.19696869

the end of the end of history

>> No.19696894

>I think people should be allowed to make the wrong decisions and destroy themselves,
What you're seeing is what happens when a critical mass of people make the wrong decisions, and then gaslight society into think they're the right ones.

>> No.19696905

why are you saying daddy government? have you ever considered that? a lot of people view government as a nanny state and then others as daddy. i wonder what this tells us about the individuals using these terms hmm...

>> No.19696919

Francis Fukuyama, the guy who is most famous for being completely wrong about the 21st century. I'm sure he has something great to say.

>> No.19696932

All he has to say is what his publisher or funders need him to say.

>> No.19696947

>broad evidence that it was free and fair.

Yeah stopped reading there

>> No.19696977

>the government should moderate morality because people don't know what's good for them

is the government not made up of people?

>> No.19697067

not really, the people are the poor/middle class

>> No.19697109

A capital police officer died you moron. Your post is exemplary of the way people in this thread postulate around as if what they’re saying is absolute fact when in reality they don’t have any idea what they’re talking about

>> No.19697133

The republic's not gonna make it another 50 years, is it? We're where Rome was in like 85 BC.

>> No.19697180

He died of cheeseburgers and high cholesterol.

>> No.19697230 [DELETED] 
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>inb4 mod seethes and bans

>> No.19697249

I'm starting to think universal suffrage was a mistake, like maybe you should have to own land to vote.

>> No.19697267

Imo you need to have children to vote (one vote per household). This way, people have a vested interest in the future of their state (as opposed to the childless adult, who would want maximum gibs at the expense of future prosperity).

>> No.19697286

You didn't mention masks. If you wanted to stop the spread, the infections, and the mutations that can result from infections you would tell people to wear masks. You are a hypocrite and coward.

>> No.19697293
File: 160 KB, 828x478, fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jan 6 was an attack
>there was no fraud
>deep state isn't real
>"democracy dies in the darkness"

thank god I didn't read this shit

>> No.19697307

Who would’ve thought anti Obama boomers would eventually be vindicated. His unwillingness to invest in a nation with a collapsing infrastructure, a completely weak and incompetent education system that perpetuates poverty and inequality, his inability to stand up to a parasitic class of greedy billionaire jews and foreign nations slowly encroaching on our interests and global hegemony and a support of identity politics to further divide an American populace with an already eroding sense of unity. And his crippling addiction to black child sex slaves from Chicago. He steamed rolled a path for someone like Trump to enter the White house.

>> No.19697311

trigered much?

>> No.19697321

This post has to be satire.

>> No.19697334

>Anyone who calls it an insurrection is liar.
>And such liars are tortured in hell forever.
Even more based

>> No.19698400

Imagine being this brainwashed by kike propaganda that at the mere thought of the words 'National Socialism' you immediately crawl back in the defensive and begin to shake in fear and shit your pants

>> No.19698478

>Is this it? He's just playing up the left wing mythologization of January 6 and whining about how people don't want to die to protect Taiwan or Ukraine. Very low quality, he says absolutely nothing novel or interesting.

fukuyama is just a meme astroturfed by glow negroes

>> No.19698872

And you want private megacorps to do the same for you lolbert

>> No.19698879

Weak troll man

>> No.19698880

Yeah let me take notes from rotting corpse of an empire overrun by its former subjects or the country where nobody has sex and everyone kills themselves. Truly systems to aspire to

>> No.19698881

Fukuyama is a meme

>> No.19698892
File: 290 KB, 564x380, rjg7pwrsjkx51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is being attacked from chuds from /pol/. I'm an oldfag though, and as some one from the left who hates Fuckshismama's neoliberal bullshit meme thesis, this is an okay and welcomed analysis on the day of the insurrection. It's not nearly enough though and very shallow.

>> No.19698942

democrats are using jan 6 as a way to whine like crybabys thinking it will win them the midterms, but literally no one cares anymore, it wasnt some huge event like 9.11, it was just some yokels fucking about.

i really cant wait till the democrats get torn a new asshole in November

>> No.19698970 [DELETED] 
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>/lit/ is being attacked from chuds from /pol/.
More like from /leftypol/

>I'm an oldfag though
No, you're not, tranny. Dilate

>> No.19698979

Shallow and putrid analysis, it's all sentimentalism and bellowing about muh democracy. There's no examination of the contents of this soft power, this "democracy".

>> No.19699140

>according to freedom house's 2021 blah blah blah
you shouldnt be using sources in a political essay
man is a political animal and by putting another man's 'report' in your essay you are letting him cuck you intellectually, the author should have determined for himself the state of global democracy rather than ingesting the biased semen of freedom house's cock

>> No.19699263
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>I also found it incredibly pathetic how people were literally calling the Capitol Building "sacred"
why? this is literally painted on the dome of our Capitol. The removal of any societal religion has been fully replaced by the cult of our nation. "Our Democracy" is just the result of a religionless society filling the void

>> No.19699270

>The best system of government is an aristocratic republic with limited input from the general public
and that is exactly what the united states were originally set up as. the ever progressing march towards universal suffrage has doomed us to inevitable decline

>> No.19699281 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 433x480, 1628023732781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America was never Christian in the first place. Puritanism/Anglicanism/Protestantism is just a judaized and perverted version of the Catholic/Orthodox doctrine. The founding fathers were freemasons and agnostics, and the entire capital is filled with occult and masonic monuments.

>> No.19699304

you are going through the proper evolution of a young "conservative" (whatever the fuck that means). I'd wager the vast majority of posters here all went through a lolbertarian phase in high school to mid/end of college that they now cringe when they recollect on it.

>> No.19699314

They always steal our memes.

>> No.19699316
File: 20 KB, 528x288, wejustdontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely confused that people believe January 6th was an insurrection. I have no horse in this race, I am not even American, but even on the day it was completely clear that it was just a bunch of random protesters with no plan who thought it would be funny to walk around the Capitol.
Clearly Hanlon's razor. I feel like I am living in Bizarro world.

>> No.19699317

>America was never Christian in the first place.
I didn't say it was, I said "religionless." Liberalism makes the untenable claim that it forms a society with no religion (not Christianity specifically), but all society MUST have something of a religion to it, as religion is merely the alignment of people/society towards a perceived ultimate truth or good. Humans will always do this, so if the state/government does not supply it, then the void will be filled with idols that the people come up with.

>> No.19699330

It had the opposite effect on me. The more I learn about the world, the more people I meet, and the more I have to do with people that actually wield power the more libertarian I become. I used to be a run-on-the-mill liberal with a libertarian slant. Now I am a full-blown Stirnerite.

>> No.19699340

>A protest symbolizes the end of democracy.
Really? Isn't democracy all about people being able to protest their government and shape it? It's not supposed to be everyone getting along about everything all the time.

If anything, the decline of democracy began with years of bitching about Russian and Chinese "collusion." Thus implying that the incumbent president was illegitimate. Somehow when the other side makes the same argument it ruins the system?

Give me a fucking break.

>> No.19699364

I posted this before but here I go again.

I am reminded of this Tocqueville chapter:
>I do not assert that men living in democratic communities are naturally stationary; I think, on the contrary, that a perpetual stir prevails in the bosom of those societies, and that rest is unknown there; but I think that men bestir themselves within certain limits beyond which they hardly ever go. They are forever varying, altering, and restoring secondary matters; but they carefully abstain from touching what is fundamental. They love change, but they dread revolutions. Although the Americans are constantly modifying or abrogating some of their laws, they by no means display revolutionary passions. It may be easily seen, from the promptitude with which they check and calm themselves when public excitement begins to grow alarming, and at the very moment when passions seem most roused, that they dread a revolution as the worst of misfortunes, and that every one of them is inwardly resolved to make great sacrifices to avoid such a catastrophe. In no country in the world is the love of property more active and more anxious than in the United States; nowhere does the majority display less inclination for those principles which threaten to alter, in whatever manner, the laws of property.

That whole section is great in general:

The reaction to January 6th has been eye-opening to me. Especially, how fervent corporations reacted.

>> No.19699365

>the decline of democracy began with years of bitching about Russian and Chinese "collusion."
how young are you? We have had, at the very least, four straight presidents elected with the other side basically rejecting the result. This rot is far older than the crazy lefties during Trump's term

>> No.19699371

It's a necessary part of Finklethink. Conservatives are so weak and worthless that the media needs to make them seem scarier to justify the constant terrorism that it inflicts upon Liberals. This was, primarily, Donald Trump's role: to act as a (completely controlled) antagonist to the people with The Right Opinions. Covid is the natural evolution of this, as it's a way to keep Liberals terrorized without actually requiring propping up an actual enemy.

To demonstrate: >>19696426 points out that Trump wasn't Hitler. >>19696432 then gets upset, because if Trump WASN'T Hitler, then that means his anti-Trump views are, in fact, foolish. So, he actually defends Trump to justify his own anti-Trump views. This is the Conservation of Fink. Maintenance of a dialectic is more important than defending either position in a dialectic.

>> No.19699393

You're right. I didn't think to add in the sagas of "Hanging Chad" Bush or "Birth Certificate" Obama. It's equally asinine to assert that American democracy doesn't work. We already knew it didn't.

We saw that the Constitution failed 120 years before, why are we surprised it's failing again?

>What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

>> No.19699418

>I didn't think to add in the sagas of "Hanging Chad" Bush or "Birth Certificate" Obama
most people don't either. It's fascinating to realize that in the early 2000's the Hand Chad affair caused basically the same amount of butthurt as Trump did, but it's totally forgotten about. If you watch TV shows from that era it's almost impossible to avoid references to it, from things diverse as Futurama to How I Met Your Mother. The left couldn't help themselves talking about it back then. But of course we've just moved on to the next "catastrophe", and I'm sure in 10 years when we have a new R president that Trump=Hitler will also totally be forgotten.

>> No.19699430

>10 years when we have a new R president
Practically impossible due to demographics

>> No.19699434

The fact that people literally got triggered over a bunch of trumptards having a baby-sized riot while half the country was burned down by niggers and everybody cheered it means I simply will not take this man seriously and am removing his gay book about the end of democracy from my reading list, why would anybody give him the time of day after this?

>> No.19699463

You are implying that the """"""""""""""'two"""""""""""""""" parties have literally and meaningful identity and character. They're legally prohibited from it. One of three things will happen:

A) Jewish Finance will declare the Democrats sabotage themselves in order to let the Republicans rebuild under a new auspice. Probably some kind of "Multi-cultural Christian Working Class" arrangement. Rs get Brownoids and trannies, Ds get Jews, Whites, and gays. Socialism becomes an R thing, Free Markets (probably under "Neo-Liberalism") become a D thing. Remember, this has happened twice before within the Rs and Ds.

B) Rs officially die and a new party is introduced, which is really just A with a different name.

C) Jewish Finance just props up some Caesar figure so that they can slowly transition back to Europe and out of America. When America has been fully looted, Jerusalem will become the world's financial and technological capital.

C is going to happen, the question is just how many As and Bs are going to occur before it does.

>> No.19699482 [DELETED] 

I agree. However, I don't think religion is coming back any time soon, not at least with the current ubiquitous and rampant consumerist and materialist ethos that has engulfed the West (and most of the world). Only a major global devastating event can bring people back to their local spiritual and religious roots, because right now the majority is simply having it too good to even consider starting to live by the most basic moral principles. The current techno-democratic-oligarchic-capitalistic system needs to be entirely destroyed and replaced by some sort of ethnic nationalism emphasizing on traditional values and customs.

>> No.19699492

Because philosophy = politics according to Strauss/Kojeve readers

>> No.19699494

having ordinary people parading around your government building at their leisure like that is unironically the most democratic thing in the world

>> No.19699516

>Only a major global devastating event can bring people back to their local spiritual and religious roots, because right now the majority is simply having it too good to even consider starting to live by the most basic moral principles
I just finished "It Is Right and Just" and the authors make that exact same point. That we are in a bizarre situation where everybody realizes that everything is broken and terrible, but our material well being is better than its ever been. Therefore nothing changes, and people get more and more miserable even though they should be happy given their financial and material greatness.

>> No.19699537

It also happens in many other countries.

>> No.19699543

Seethe, idiot. 4chan did actually use to be a left-wing site (hence: Occupy Wall-street) the nazi stuff was ironic until the stormfags invaded. Trump lost, get over it.

>> No.19699546

Thanks for confirming this guy is a hack fraud fucking lol and they keep pushing his idiotic name everywhere

>> No.19699550
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Pretty much every one truly /lit/ has been a mason, seethe.

>> No.19699576

it's called the overton window and the lines are drawn based on it, not based on any real ideology

>> No.19699588 [DELETED] 
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>4chan did actually use to be a left-wing site (hence: Occupy Wall-street)
You know that leftism 10 years ago is now considered rightism, right?

>Trump lost, get over it.
I'm not even American, and I certainly don't give a fuck about what Zionist puppet the kikes decide to put in the White House

>> No.19699592

>claims to know board culture from the 2000s
>claims 4chan was leftist in the late 2010s
>using the phrase "dank memers" in 2021
>using the phrase "dank memers" at all
Whoever made the post in your pic should be ashamed.

>> No.19699603

I believe you're not American because you posted that image. It was the right backing the money interests then and it's the right backing money interests now. Shit isn't the same here as in your gay EU country.

>> No.19699636

She's cute, would put in arrest with handcuffs.

>> No.19699638

It has made me realize just how susceptible the average person is to conspiracy. They think modern art is a global elite conspiracy. They think wine is a conspiracy. Anything they don't understand and feel threatened by they chalk up to the emperor's new clothes.

>> No.19699665 [DELETED] 
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>It was the right backing the money interests then and it's the right backing money interests now.
Conservative puppets aren't right-wing, they're one side of the same coin, the other being liberals/Democrats and the coin itself being the Jewish rigged governmental apparatus that's been the epitome of the US political system for at least a century. I'm against central banking and against fiat currency - the two main instruments the international Jews have used to consolidate power and subvert entire countries. You're a myopic retard that has been brainwashed into thinking that his country is actually governed by the representatives he's electing.

>> No.19699688

Good post anon.

>> No.19699696

This is bait but bunkertards believe this. Actually, considering 4chan’s early history of constant CP and harassment of pre-teens and people for having benign opinions, maybe 4chan was left wing. Bunkertrannies are so insecure of their website that they actually want to co-opt early 4chan. Sad!

>> No.19699709

>Only a major global devastating event can bring people back to their local spiritual and religious roots
How is Mohammed in Birmingham and Ali in Stockholm going to get back to their local roots?

>> No.19699722

It's possible to dislike the current financial system without being economically illiterate as well.
>muh inflation
Imagine buying meme this in the 20s

>> No.19699729

The US capital is hardly a “temple of democracy” its the sleaziest brothel in the world, totally owned by alien interests and foreign governments. Are the niggas serious right now?

>> No.19699732

>How is Mohammed in Birmingham and Ali in Stockholm going to get back to their local roots?
what do you think will happen to Mohammed in the UK during this hypothetical major global devastating event

>> No.19699738 [DELETED] 

>How is Mohammed in Birmingham and Ali in Stockholm going to get back to their local roots?
Immigrant invaders and diaspora trash have long ago lost connection with their roots and ancestral homeland. The local populace will simply have to gear up and kick out anyone who's not a native, thus restoring its ethnic and genetic homogeneity

>> No.19699745

Also, I'm not talking about representatives. Conservative Christians in the US would put the United states under suzerainty for Israel in law if it meant their sexual autism would be satisfied.
>b-but traditions are safeguard against economic jewry...
Here, they aren't. It's that simple. You can spam "real right-wing" all day and that won't change.

>> No.19699746 [DELETED] 
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Hebrew hands typed this post

>> No.19699758


>> No.19699763 [DELETED] 

>Conservative Christians in the US
There's no such thing as conservative American christians

>Here, they aren't. It's that simple. You can spam "real right-wing" all day and that won't change.
Well, not my problem. The rest of the world isn't the US.

>> No.19699770
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By committing themselves to child trafficking networks with the intent with harming the Native Brits as much as possible, they share no connection.

Keep in mind that most Pakistani Muslims arrived in the UK in the 90s under Blair and Jack Straw. That’s only 30 years - far less than a single generation - in which Muslims have managed to migrate here and establish complex networks of sex trafficking in (as quoted by the Telford prosecutor) “every town and city in the country”. That’s absolutely staggering. It’s monumental and STAGGERING. If that doesn’t arrest your attention, you’re a lobotomised snot-in-a-jar.

>> No.19699784
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this is what is so ironic and hate-able about americans, one second they are saying ALL INSTITUTIONS ARE SHIT AND MUST BURN REVOLUTION NOW but as soon as you actually express any sentiment against the state that isn't licking negro boots or sucking off pharmaceuticals companies, they turn into george washington and claim ARE DEMOCRACY must be protected

another tick of the clock, the closer one becomes to the islamists who held up signs cheering during 9/11. america is truly done for and you best believe That Is A Good Thing.

>> No.19699788

Things is material conditions are declining in the first world.

>> No.19699817
File: 594 KB, 1254x1280, F69D4D0A-EC77-4D6E-85DC-55A9BE6CC4F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19699784. A wise (Or sleazy) leader uses democracy either when it is no threat to him to moralize his population, or when he knows he's going to win to reinforce his legitimacy.

>> No.19699822

The Roman Republic , the same society that excluded slaves women, metics and slaves, actually was more democratic than the US today.

Rome actually had two houses, the senate and the tribune of the plebs. The tribune of the plebs was represented by the actual roman citizenry and weren't proxies from some rich elite.

The fact that current parliamentary democracy has become this big fetish word, is the biggest joke of our times. All the repressenatives in American congress are either special interests or rich af.

>> No.19699824

You almost can’t buy all cotton clothing anymore.

>> No.19699840

>There were two key factors I underestimated back then — first, the difficulty of creating not just democracy, but also a modern, impartial, uncorrupt state; and second, the possibility of political decay in advanced democracies.
Why are intellectuals so retarded?

>> No.19699880

The real event is that Trump forced the military's hand by doing nothing while they requested to intervene against the protestors and they usurped chain of command to restore order. Once the idea of the military stays out of politics completely breaks down, and this was an important moment, this entire party is over.

>> No.19699888
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>> No.19699895

Virginia had this style of Government but it was pretty much stamped out by the North everytime news got too loud from the South.

>> No.19699921

Just become a medievalist feudalist who believes in the early middle age decentralized France model and save yourself some grief

>> No.19699922
File: 211 KB, 1000x750, 708F85AB-5FAB-4178-974E-BC372ACBFAA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the most awesome thing to happen in this century.

>> No.19699927

It could but it requires luck and botched fuck ups on the side of people trying to put an end to it — better hope it doesn't though, because the longer this continues the worse the fall will be.

>> No.19699951

muh democracy is basically muh dick at this point

>> No.19700151

This was on par with the tea party astroturf.
Your thoughts on the spontaneous nationwide protest against Wall Street?

>> No.19700164

It was the least astroturfed movement since occupy wall street. Trump just cut the head off the snake and it all fell apart.

>> No.19700167

let’s see how tough you are when you’re not living in one anymore

>> No.19700184

>Implying you're protected by Boomer consensus and leftist consensus that itself is engineered by the same media that raised these soulless insects in public schools and daycares
>Implying your voice matters in this sea of dross

>> No.19700187

By inferring that anything could have been done by holding a frat party.
This was orchestrated in order to expand security and demonize the so-called right as terrorist insurrectionists.

>> No.19700215

You better hope you have money to flee to the boonies because the courts won’t protect you anymore

>> No.19700224

wow anon ur so smart

>> No.19700231

Made this video essay for fukuyama assignment in ap us gov

>> No.19700260


>Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade felony charges in cases including armed robberies and drug dealing, according to a set of progressive policies made public Tuesday.

>In his first memo to staff on Monday, Alvin Bragg said his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” except with homicides and a handful of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes and public corruption.

Wow, I feel so safe and protected. Totally not anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.19700647

Anyone have the posts the Hegel anon did in one of the other End of History threads?

I wonder if he ever got his paper published. It was the best analysis I've seen of the book and really modern politics as a system. I hope he isn't one of those dudes you see on Reddit with a philosophy PhD who works at Burger King, I think he said something to that effect though.

>> No.19700745
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She's a literal who but lays out the whole thing pretty well

pol did tons of threads on it in the beginning

>> No.19700748

To be fair there are millions of Americans with millions of opinions. It's not a hive mind.

>> No.19700825

>Republicans following Orban model
Damn, that would be a fucking dream. Imagine American universities finally getting their just deserts after spending decades being intellectual wastelands and hubs of societal and moral rot.

>> No.19701016 [DELETED] 

>dude wrote that ideology and history was over because liberal democracy was supreme 30 years ago
>spent every second since coping and seething about how it isn't coming true
Actual cosmic justice for the most smug moment in ideological history

>> No.19701032

>dude wrote that ideology and history was over because liberal democracy was supreme 30 years ago
>spent every second since coping and seething about how it isn't coming true and lambasting reality for diverging from his thesis
Actual cosmic justice for the most smug moment in ideological history

>> No.19701040

Sad thing about the using justification of survival to critique what you don't like: what is here is what you hate, and what is not here is what you are trying to justify using the criteria of survival..

..... strange....

When ya'll come up with a better idea that didn't already fail in the past because it is not here anymore, let us know....

>> No.19701055

>marked an ominous precedent for U.S. politics. Not since

I stopped reading there. It's not a precedent then is it

>> No.19701060
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Natsocs are literally just racist liberals who need a father figure. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19701069
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He's right.
America needs to get its shit together.

>> No.19701086

On the off-chance you're serious, 4chan was not left-wing it was anti-authoritarian. By coincidence, being left-wing used to mean you hated bankers, wanted the government to stay the fuck out of your affairs, and thought the media was occupied by ZOG. Now being left-wing means you love pharma and the intelligentsia, support government intervention in favor of "the oppressed", and think media (except Fox) has a fair assessment of the issues. So, yes, 4chan used to seem "left-wing" to people who treat politics like it's a sport and not fundamental component of human social activity.

>> No.19701111
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>> No.19701118
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fuck wrong pic rel

>> No.19701217

>But literally none of that happened

Literally video footage of that shit happening? Unless you want to go the route of saying their paid actors.

In honesty I don't think 95% of the protesters took it as anything but a walk through Disneyland but there was enough people that the other 5 percent could be seen as something considerable in size.

>> No.19701791

Different anon. JFK was softer on Cuba than Dulles' glowboys liked from around the time of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. And it was LBJ who ratcheted up troops in Vietnam after his predecessor got whacked. Furthermore, RFK was very pro-withdrawal by the time he ran in '68. He also died under unusual circumstances. That being said, the Kennedies were very establishment liberal within the US. Civil rights, corporate tax cuts, etc. They misguidedly thought they could rewrite the cabal's script.

>> No.19701821

it's pretty clear from videos that there were a ton of paid actors, yes. And all of them led the way inside the building

>> No.19701838

But there were no cops beaten, and all of the legislators had been told to leave the building months in advance (which is why their offices were cleared) unless they were going to perform a media op by being there. The cop who died did so of a heart attack weeks after the event. The Cops were told to stand down and let the protestors in, and they did.

Hell, the only person who actually died during the event was one of the protestors who got shot by a monkey who, by their own admission, shot an innocent woman whose only crime was being White.

>> No.19701894

>whining about how people don't want to die to protect Taiwan or Ukraine.

WHy the fuck would anybody want to die for a foriegn nation such as Ukraine and taiwan when the average american can barely afford to survive in the american ecconomy . Its stupid

>> No.19701907 [SPOILER] 
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>Jan 6 attack was not staged

>> No.19701928

Hit the nail on the head I reckon

>> No.19701933

This thread is filled with people who should just be shot so that the rest of society can just move on. Is there any good reason for any of people with these fringe, radical political views to even live when your existence, and stupidity, comes at the expense of society? The police just need to be more brutal and tough on people who advocate revolutionary overthrow. You're just terrorists looking for an excuse to harm others, and we'd all be much safer if you were just executed.

>> No.19701938

I said PEOPLE you sperg

>> No.19701943

This guy knows. In academic training we use him as an example of how not to try to predict the future. He failed and fucked up so impossibly, unlike Sam Huntington, that he will forever be remembered as a sage of decadent decline.

Seriously, I did two separate masters programs (had to repeat one when I transferred up to a better institution) and both places used him as an example of what not to do.

>> No.19701948
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Every sane person is racist moshe, especially against your kind.

>> No.19701950

What not do is basically not listening to mediocre humanities majors with masters degrees

>> No.19702006
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>Which is why right-wing media every day serves steaming portions of blatant dissonance specifically built for utter morons who cannot begin to think for themselves at all.


>> No.19702062

Thanks fellow full-stack loser

>> No.19702095

Phase in a ban of birth control and abortion and ban women from voting - democracy will be fine

>> No.19702159

what a stupid time to be alive when risk assessment and mitigation is seen as some co-ordinated fucking dance. "people evacuated the building when there was a fire, it must have been staged"

>> No.19702186

>yooo the state needs to murder more people bro
yeah well i think you deserve to be shot. your whole family too. every last one of them. cool right? that would be epic. have any kids? they should be shot too

>> No.19702194

We already know you're a violent terrorist; nobody is surprised. The difference here is that violence against you is justified because of what you wish to do - inflict your terrible, fringe ideas onto the majority of the population. In an effort to save human lives, you should be executed. And if you keep it up - you will be executed.

>> No.19702199

no u

>> No.19702208

Fuck off retard

>> No.19702228

There is "no u." You are a terrorist who even called for the killing innocent bystanders to enforce your beliefs. You call for treasonous acts. You should be shot for it. Its relatively simple. You're a radical on the internet because you would cower in face of law enforcement. Keep larping, keep playing games, people will find you. You will be executed. Nobody is afraid of you.

>> No.19702233

who the fuck asked liberal? i bet you supported the iraq war. stop posting and kill yourself

>> No.19702264

You will just consistently look for excuses to be degenerate and a criminal. You just to be put down for the safety of society. And that's going to happen. All the talk you do won't change that. Stop being a coward who posts anonymously on the internet and try your terroristic non-sense. Capital punishment is swift. SWAT teams aren't going to waste their figuring out your life story, what made you into a menace to society, but they certainly have the bullets to ensure you no longer can be one.

>> No.19702270

go enlist, nigger lover

>> No.19702298

Second masters was awarded en route to the PhD, and yeah, you shouldn't. We all work for RAND, Brookings, and other places like LPI (https://www.science.org/content/article/new-education-think-tank-wants-research-drive-us-policy).).

Most of the people working at these places come from a handful of private academies, are funneled up into elite schools, and recruited after they fail to get tenure as a professor...

If they don't end up here, they end up as a policy analyst for some upcoming politician somewhere.

>> No.19702353

There were plenty of broad observations to show that it wasn't fair...

>> No.19702438

> "people evacuated the building when there was a fire, it must have been staged"
You mean the police that literally let them into the building? You really are a midwit retard aren’t you?

>> No.19702590
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Fake-uyama thoroughly btfo-ed. Unfortunately You cant make a career and win (((academic))) recognition by telling the truth, fren.

>> No.19702604
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For anyone having trouble accessing this, just install bypass-paywalls-clean and stop giving your views to propagandists like the NYT

>> No.19702629

How can an academic who has probably spent years preaching and writing to clueless people about objectivity end up writing an article with 0 objectivity?
>Republicans are.... LE BAD
>Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler and the 4th Reich
Fuck these clowns.

>> No.19702637

wait a second democracy is just what he calls policy outcomes he likes innit

>> No.19702653

modern art was soulless shit after dadaism

>> No.19703046

>iraq war
Why even post this when you weren't even born when it happened? What is up with you trannies acting like these events impacted your life in anyway. You live in literally most privileged countries on the planet. You never enlisted. You never served your country. The IRAQ war made no fucking difference on your individual, insignificant life. Stop acting like your life was ever hard because of what a few politicians did and not your own fuck ups you fucking loser. You're not a dead beat degenerate loser because someone fucked up in Washington. You fucked up because you were busy doing drugs and not applying for jobs. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.19703105

This is an anti-Tocqueville board.

>> No.19703107

And now Biden's polevaulted over that level.

>> No.19703119
File: 42 KB, 623x779, 702D7F87-35D7-4033-8F00-9F78E3C65684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a historical moment for middle America after getting fucked for decades by Congress, they tried the Tea Party, Occupy Wall, etc and have comport exhausted everything. The last fucking thing you should be doing is disavowing what these people did, 500,000 if not a million patriots shows up to protest for their sovereignty as citizens. They should lionized and celebrated, in fact we should celebrate Jan 6 as a reminder that these ducks are as replaceable, tfukc those fucking scumbags in DC.

>> No.19703143

They shouldn't be "lionized" or "celebrated." They were terrorists and traitors who attempted to overthrow our government. They should have been executed. The amount of lies told you faggots will never what they did and tried to do.

>> No.19703161

>because of what you wish to do
A social revolution is not something one does, but what the society at large does. One benefits from a social revolution. If they can hold it.

She’s not a racist.

>> No.19703169

cope, slave

>> No.19703172

>They were terrorists
What political or ideological agenda was their action meant to convey?
>traitors who attempted to overthrow our government
[citation needed]

>> No.19703203

you fucking degenerate - they were there to put Trump in as president for life. Next time around, the national guard should just do public executions to deter such activity
>[citation needed]
Trump himself, you fucking retard. You degenerates lied about 2020 election being "stolen" and you attempted to use that lie to overturn the results.
>"Several individuals in multiple states that have been arrested for their actions during the Capitol storming and riots have utilized the comments of then President Trump in their legal defenses. Others have stated similar comments to friends and family.[39][40] One arrested rioter was quoted by news sources stating, "I feel like I was basically following my president. I was following what we were called to do."[41] An ABC News investigation found that of about two hundred accused individuals facing federal charges, at least fifteen of them have made statements claiming that they had acted based on Trump's encouragement. One such individual, who also threatened to assassinate Rep. Ocasio Cortez during the riot, said, "I believed I was following the instructions of former President Trump. I also left Washington and started back to Texas immediately after President Trump asked us to go home."[42] "
The rioters, who you support, openly admit in court they were doing it to overthrow the government to implement Trump as president you subhuman. You can't lie about something that's been established in court by the people who participated in the act you dumbass.

>> No.19703210

I’m sympathetic to their motives, and admire their bravery. But they’re dumb for supporting Trump and thinking this move was going to do anything but get them the punishment they’re getting. They were manipulated into doing this. They’re as bad as the Hillary supporting shitlibs.

For the record I’m a leftist (not a liberal) and I don’t think OWS accomplished shit either (but it was spontaneous). No one should be protesting anymore. Now is the time for direct action. A complete disavowing of the elites

>> No.19703226

I shouldn't be surprised that leftists horseshoe theory in action.
Radicals tend to be very fucking stupid like you.

>> No.19703253
File: 146 KB, 1024x1365, USA-ELECTION_PROTESTS_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao okay retard

>> No.19703264

>election’s results in the face of broad evidence that it was free and fair.

>> No.19703319

>The decline of democracy worldwide is driven by complex forces
funny way to say the same liberal institutions that are bringing down democracy in order to maintain their power.
remember their stupid we should not tolerate intolerace motto.

>> No.19703333

You’re not the guy I’m talking to are you? You’re a Hillary voting shitlib, aren’t you?

>> No.19703380

>I believe I was following the orders of Trump, specifically the clear instructions of capping a diversity desk jockey.
Trump did not say to do any of those things you dumb cunt, lol. You'd believe anything. I, however, say the protest was a justified reaction to the constant warnings beforehand of potential voter fraud and the ongoing attack on middle America for decades unless you don't want people acting on their toes for group national self-interest which will be a source of conflict-- this is simply because of the desperation of the situation. Trump was a chaotic choice and was a complete fuck you to the DC elite censuses once all possibles have been met, I'm sorry that makes you soooo uncomfortable, you piss ant.

>> No.19703384

you should enlist and do it yourself big guy. go join the national guard or become a cop or something, layabout.

>> No.19703412

>Trump did not say to do any of those things you dumb cunt, lol.
No, you're just being a dumbass and a sophist intentionally ignoring the fact they there on the 6th to stop the peaceful transition of power to implement Trump as a dictator for life. All the people charged in the riots have explicitly mentioned it was Trump who brought them there with election conspiracy lies. The facts are absent from your feelings. You are a degenerate, and you enable these traitors because you are a part of their degenerate movement. You should be killed along with them because of your advocacy and justification of terrorism and treason. You have no legitimate arguments - especially when you repeat the same lies about the election and voter fraud that were discredited countless times by the courts and Trump's own attorney general. You are a subhuman and an enemy to this nation.

>> No.19703424


>> No.19703432
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being an enemy to america is based

>> No.19703433

supremely based and truth-pilled

>Who would’ve thought anti Obama boomers would eventually be vindicated
anyone who ever interacted with more than a few of them and got to know the kindness and simple homespun wisdom residing in their hearts

>> No.19703442
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>But they’re dumb for supporting Trump
Not him, but you simply don't understand why people did, young and old. Regardless of whether if the love is genuine or for pragmatism. I can' account for every person but the social consequences of such actions at the capital are worth worrying about for some people because Trump would have never been president say-- 10 years ago? call it regressive progress.

I believe Trump's Derangement Syndrome will come to pass if Trump doesn’t run at all or people wise up, but it’s about getting that social Populism to disdain Congress, so Derangement is Good. Election fraud is great because it could open people's biases over the fact that they wish to win, no matter what. A good mindset! You didn’t see Republicans crying about possible fraud when Republicans were winning during the midterms? And I'm sure people remember the 'whole Russia sole the election' bit too, We should dig DEEP into the shallow talking points of Democracy, the equivalent of MA DICK for the status quo, and take in that populist sphere potential away from people like Trump if it comes to that. It means less compromise.

>> No.19703455

nigger cattle brains really are on something else

>> No.19703463
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>> No.19703504

There is no lie, people were already very suspicious of mail-in votes, it's an honest concern and does happen, just not this obvious.
>The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters think mail-in voting worked well for the most part. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree and say it led to unprecedented voter fraud in this election.
So wise ass, are you doing just ignore 39% of the population? January 6th is what you get even when they were warned beforehand of a possibility, now they're extending this mail-in process to key blue states and cities-- like Detroit. Nothing about this was 'peaceful' it was an attack you bafoon.

>> No.19703510

I've never been a Trump supporter but seeing the delusional responses to the Capitol insurrection has really opened my eyes. The same fucking people that supported ANTIFA and BLM rioting. But god forbid, people harass a bunch of congressmen on a Monday. ''This is LITERALLY fascism!'' You'll even hear authleft types whine about ''democracy'' when talking about it. Made me realize that all of this is ideologically driven. Same reason why they went after Rittenhouse.
and as someone who isn't a ''chud'', you're a faggot if you seriously think jan 6th was anything more than a bunch of boomers making a mess.

>> No.19703515

>They were terrorists and traitors who attempted to overthrow our government.
No, they were a bunch of old Trump supporters who believed they had an election stolen from them and that if they showed their support for Trump that he would've bailed them out. Instead he back-stabbed them.

>> No.19703528

yes, that's correct


>> No.19703534

>There is no lie, people were already very suspicious of mail-in votes
Complete lie with no evidence. And you even embarrass yourself when you link a fucking opinion piece using ad populace fallacies without actual fucking evidence of fraud you stupid fuck. There is no reasoning with an animal like you. You live in a solipsistic world that glorifies weak appeals to emotion and mob violence over reality. You're a subhuman.

>> No.19703543

>The same fucking people that supported ANTIFA and BLM rioting
Actually, no, they weren't the same people who supported that or debunked the police, retard. I'm sorry, you retarded faggot, but the they/them ancoms aren't Democrats. And they aren't proof Democrats supported rioting or "BLM rioting" you stupid faggot. Biden explicitly condemned the rioting, and the American Rescue Plan expanded money to police departments. Trump did not condemn the rioting on 6th - he caused it. And you enable it.

>> No.19703564

based xi deboonking the wh*gs

>> No.19703567
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>a poll by Rasmussen
Imagine being this fucking retarded

>> No.19703571

>Speaks in front of the UN, WTO and Devos with billionaries and neoliberals
>History has not ended
The cope is real

>> No.19703575

all it takes is one man

>> No.19703578

Yeah, historical materialism is bullshit. Great man theory for the win. Praise Xi.

>> No.19703582


>> No.19703593

you gonna cry?

>> No.19703612
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>50+ cases THROWN OUT of court because they were baseless
>50+ cases where the "evidence" literally amounted to hearsay and vague scenarios of "what if"
>Giuliani himself, on video, admitting that the lawsuits weren't about fraud. They literally wanted to throw out a few votes in some key states, which would have (totes coincidence I swear!) made Trump the "winner"
>Dozens of audits conducted by TRUMP'S OWN PARTY that actually added more votes to Biden
>Telephone conversations recorded in which Trump literally asks governors to decertify election results that had been certified by both Reps and Dems
>Trump's own appointment judges throwing out frivolous lawsuits

Trumptards are a special kind of stupid.

>> No.19703638

I'm a pro-police Democrat m8. I don't need to play these games. I'll support repressive measures against retards like you because I'm getting tired of you faggots and the socialists who argue just like you - solipsistic without any basis in reality. If we have to make laws more Draconian to deal with retards like you; all fine by me. I don't give a fuck anymore. You people are a cancer on society. You need to be physically removed into a psychwards or a prison cell. If you want to be a fucking terrorist, then you can be shot like one.

>> No.19703673

>fucking opinion piece
Cope, lol.
>ad populace
That implies appeasement to a majority, that's not what I said. A majority of Americans do accept the ridiculous results, while a concerning amount does not. That's it.
I wasn't talking about evidence, I'm just showing you what happens when reacting in sprees of jailing large amounts of people isn't going to fix anything. if you want evidence there are plenty of anomalies. Like what happened in Detroit.

>> No.19703691
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Why did the post with this image get deleted by janny? Fuck jannies and fuck you.

>> No.19703700
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>only Republican State elected officials after multiple audits and recounts

there was no audit, they just recounted fake ballots with no verification.

> 50+ courts ruling against the trumped (pun intended) up lawsuits

yes, lots of judges ducted the case on procedural grounds to avoid political targeting by basically every institution corrupt to its core. The mass media doxed anyone who attended the jan 6th protest.

>multiple Trump Dept. heads declaring there was no wide spread fraud.

Who? the alphabete organizations who despised the movement trump represented?

Do you think the corrupt institutions would have been honest and investigated the obvious shitshow of unverified mail in ballots? please, you're completely unaware of the problems of this country. The same ones who are silent on the questions surrounding 9/11, the same ones who dug up epsteins story since 2008 and refused to prosecute anyone involved with epstein, the same ones who refuse to publicize details of Ghislaine Maxwell because it's "too gruesome for the public," the same ones that lied about the iraq war, the same ones who refuse to explain why billions of dollars was missing from the pentagon budget pre 9/11, the same ones who can't explain why we are still in the middle east after decades other then "DICTATORS AND DEMOCRACY," and i can go on and on but you've sucked so much propaganda you can't comprehend.

>> No.19703725

The Maricopa audit showed enough "flawed" votes to turn the state in one district, and they couldn't use signature verification.

>> No.19703731
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damn bro, you should've told Giuliani about this site!
>blah blah blah Trump won because...he just won OK?!?!
Imagine falling for the lies of a senile failed steak salesman

>> No.19703734

this is what being liberal and perennially online does to your brain. it turns you into an even bigger histrionic retard.
>why yes im prepared to kill democracy to save democracy
what a fucking retarded loser lmao, thank god i'm not you. i'd kill myself for being such a dumb faggot

>> No.19703740

>The Maricopa audit showed enough "flawed" votes to turn the state in one district,
except that outside of Dear Leader's Eco Chamber, that is an outright lie

>> No.19703747

>>why yes im prepared to kill democracy to save democracy

and pray tell what is this??
>oh its just the President committing some light election manipulation!, nothing to see here!

>> No.19703748


>> No.19703753

>Biden explicitly condemned the rioting, and the American Rescue Plan expanded money to police departments.
But they did it by supporting the false protestor-rioter dichotomy. Protestors and rioters in this case are intimately related and provide necessary support for the advancement of their common cause, so supporting protesters is just a roundabout way to support the rioters, but more importantly, stating that there is a distinction between protestors and rioters in these situations is just a way to support rioters.

>> No.19703757

That site doesn't cite any evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections though. Literally, kid , just cite evidence there was fraud instead of gish galloping.

>> No.19703772

>i'd kill myself for being
Yeah, you should kill yourself. You spend your entire life on twitter living in an alternative reality around people that enable your mental illnesses. You honestly believe the most ridiculous and retarded shit.
Yes, we actually can, because treason against the republic is punishable by the death penalty to protect it. You are terminally online if you think people are going to tolerate your authoritarianism and aren't going to shoot you.
No, they did not. You're just lying and looking for excuses to be a terrorist. See, you're not against terrorism. You just want to normalize terrorism by playing whatboutism with the most heinous lies. Its just pure gaslighting and I'm not tolerating the bullshit you spew.

>> No.19703782

>That site doesn't cite any evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections though
Nice well-poisoning. Please kill yourself at the nearest opportunity.

>> No.19703788


>> No.19703790

These are the retards who think the Democrats stole an election where they lost enough seats in the House to make it flippable. They allege fraud only happened in Democratic states while ignoring Dominion voting machines were more common in Trump states than Democratic ones. They're just degenerates. The problem is we are not harsh enough on these people.

>> No.19703796

Again, you continue to gish gallop and not cite any fucking actual evidence of fraud. Why is that? Where are the fraudulent votes, retard?
You literally cited a New York Times article from fucking 1994 as proof that 2020 elections were stolen. How fucking stupid are you, kid?

>> No.19703797

>disagreeing with the government is treason
>wanting healthcare is treason
>disagreeing with me online is treason
take your meds retard

>> No.19703800


>> No.19703806

>7 sources
you think that's a GiSh GaLlOp?

>> No.19703807

No, don't gaslight. You are committing treason - you are defending the 1/6 COUP you degenerate faggot - when they made an attempt to install Trump as a dictator. You're a fucking idiot.
>wanting healthcare
You want healthcare so much you support the guy who tried to end Medicaid subsidies and Obamacare that gave people healthcare you fucking retard? And you wonder why people hate leftists. What the fuck have faggots like you done to give people healthcare? Biden's American Rescue Plan gave people the subsidies they needed to buy healthcare. What the fuck have you done to give people healthcare, faggot? By supporting the guy who tried to cut food stamps and take away healthcare from people you dumb fuck?

>> No.19703814

Bellwether counties nearly all wiped out in a single election. Nothing to see hear. Don't look at the duplicate mail-in ballots. Ignore the all the odd votes in Maricopa. Pay no attention to all the observers being forced out in Pennsylvania or Georgia.

>> No.19703817

>trying to overturn a certified election = IT'S JUST A LITTLE DISAGREEMENT BRO
This is your brain in Trumptardism

>> No.19703819

Western journalists persistently cited the same irregularities present in the 2020 election as evidence for fraud in third world countries (before 2020, that is).

>> No.19703822

You gish-galloping though. None of the links you cited is proof of voter fraud. Your first link is an opinion discussing ways how elections could be better organized in the United States. No fraud in the 2020 election is mentioned. The next article is literally fucking 1994 - it has nothing do with the 2020 election you stupid fuck. The other links are republican allegations were never proven in court. The last piece by WSJ has nothing do with election fraud, retard, just like the article from 1994. None of the articles you have cited, you stupid dumb fuck, have any shrew of proof of fraud in the 2020 elections.

>> No.19703827

You know what's real retarded? Burning down the US over a nigger OD'ing.

>> No.19703831

i never supported i just think 1/6 was funny and should happen again. politicians cowering in fear is cool and funny. i'm not sure why you're so concerned about the wellbeing of a bunch of millionaires, they have security units and everything. it's really not a big deal. you should take a few deep breaths and stop getting so worked up about stupid shit on the internet because you've been throwing a schizo tantrum in this thread for like 10 hours
it was just a couple of people having fun in a building. like a disneyland tour.

>> No.19703835

>Bellwether counties nearly all wiped out in a single election
Yeah, so what? Bell-weather counties change all the time, you dumb fuck. That doesn't apply there were fraudulent ballots... unless you think people changing their minds means there is fraud because they vote for someone different, you dumb fuck. This is like saying there was fraud in the 2016 election because Clinton lost Michigan. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that electorate doesn't change over time?

>> No.19703838

>Bellwether counties nearly all wiped out in a single election
It's almost as if the "bellwether" counties were part of a country that was being ravaged by a pandemic, and when people were desperate, the Orange Clown (who even before the pandemic had abysmal approval numbers) downplayed it and told people to inject bleach.
>Don't look at the duplicate mail-in ballots.
Trumptard echochamber talking point
> Ignore the all the odd votes in Maricopa
That is a lie, and the GOP were the ones who certified it btw. Oh wait right, the GOP is in cahoots with the Lamestream Media, they hate Dear Leader too!
>Pay no attention to all the observers being forced out in Pennsylvania or Georgia.
Another lie
>Arguing with a Trumpanzee

>> No.19703840

I wish you would cite them, but you haven't. You've only cited claims that were never proven in court, or literal "evidence" that has nothing to do with proving fraud. You're doing the whole "crossed state lines" meme that progressives do but its conservative.

>> No.19703849

And no why you're a stupid fucking leftist. And no wonder Bernie lost the 2020 and 2016 primaries. You're fucking children who think life is some game. Faggots like you think taxpayers forgiving your student loans is more important than our democracy. Fuck you subhuman

>> No.19703853

Giuliani literally admitted MULTIPLE TIMES that they weren't alleging fraud
Trumpanzees, to this day, insist that there was
The Most Powerful Country In The World™, brought down a few notches by inbred rurals and low IQs

>> No.19703854

america is not a democracy and will never be a democracy and impotently seething online will not change the fact that you are a serf who will die a serf, and hopefully soon!

>> No.19703866

America is a democracy because we democratically vote our leaders into office. Just because we don't meet your utopian, detached from reality of perfect democracy that only exists in your head like real communism or real socialism doesn't mean our democracy does not exist. We call for a more perfect union for a reason, you stupid faggot. Our country is a process that has to be improved over time as we experiment with making our institutions more efficient to address our needs. I get that you're a stupid fucking college kid who thinks you know everything about the world and think you're right all the time about it, but you're not. Get the fuck out of your ivory tower mentality and live in reality.

>> No.19703872

>No, they did not. You're just lying and looking for excuses to be a terrorist. See, you're not against terrorism. You just want to normalize terrorism by playing whatboutism with the most heinous lies. Its just pure gaslighting and I'm not tolerating the bullshit you spew.
The word terrorism is nothing more than an empty term used to justify the use of state violence against your perceived enemies. You will never find someone who uses the term in a consistent and meaningful manner because every person will claime that some sort of non-state political violence (which is the definition hacks like you are typically working with, and which would necessarily include ALL, like the ones seen in the summer of 2020, politically motivated rioting), so when they see such violence that they agree with, they will always make excuses and find exceptions to claim that this these acts of violence aren't actually acts of terrorism (e.g., this group is oppressed; therefore their grievances are legitimate; therefore, the rioting their performing to intimidate the political system and general population is not an act of terrorism.) We see this constantly.
No one is against terrorism when it comes down to it. I'm against "terrorism" because I understand that the term is empty and only has malicious uses. And before you start accusing me of shifting positions because they are white, I came to this conclusion after Bataclan because that was the first attack of that sort in my adult life, and therefore, it was the first time that I started thinking critically about a term that was omnipresent in my youth. The people involved in what happened at the capitol did commit crimes and should be punished appropriately, but all the hand wringing about "muh terrorism" is such hollow bullshit.
>You are committing treason
Before you ever use this term again, condemn anarchists and anarchism as treasonous actors and a treasonous ideology and condemn all anarchist political organization as an act of treason. If you cannot do that, then it's the clear that the term doesn't mean enough to you to adequately use it, that it is an empty buzzword used to make people to appeal to a patriotism you do not share and do not understand. How can you seriously use the term "treason" seriously without being able to take the small step of condemning groups of people and a political ideology whose primary goal is the destruction of the nation and condemning the large scale acts of violence they coordinated and took part over the summer of 2020 as such?

>> No.19703889

>Boomer 1960s hippies have realized Trotsky's Permanent Revolution

>> No.19703912

>About 9,500 voters were confirmed dead through the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the state’s mail voting database as having returned ballots.
>As part of a state-by-state review of the 2020 General Election results, the non-profit Voter Reference Foundation (VRF) has discovered 41,503 discrepancies between the Pennsylvania voters officially recorded as having cast ballots and the total ballots certified per the state’s official canvass.
>muh bellether counties change all the time!
Let's look at this list (and ctrl+f 2020):
based on:
About 56.8% of said bellwethers deviated on 2020. And that's of comprehensive list. Comparatively, if we consider 2004: it's ~20.7%. 2012: ~27.9%.

>> No.19703914

Words, words, words. You don't have any legitimate grievances. You're just a terrorist, and you're going to invent any alibi you want to justify your degeneracy. Stop wasting my time.
>anarchists and anarchism as treasonous actors
Anarchists are terrorists, and both of you are terrorists. In fact, an anarchist was convicted for participating in the coup attempt on 1/6. Do I care that he was put in jail and given a harsh sentence. No. Because he deserved it, and much more, - just like everyone who was involved. You and the anarchists share the same, degenerate philosophy of nihilistic terror. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you or them.

Its simply bizarre to me a dumbass like you would assume I would value the lives of anarchists when I do not. Marxist-Leninists, Anarchists, Left Communists, Maoists - all you fucking degenerates can be put to death for your treasonous actions and it would make absolutely no difference to me. You are an enemy, a threat, to my way of life, my property, my family, my country - you can die for that. I don't care what leftist degeneracy you call it. Your seditious actions make you liable to the death penalty regardless of what flag you fly your vagrant behavior and utopian idealism in.

>> No.19703927

>You're just a terrorist
Yes, casting anybody disagrees with you as a terrorist is perfectly rational and totally not politburo agitprop. Please kill yourself and proceed to burn in hell.

>> No.19703938

You're seething. You're posting on 4channel.org, and you're seething.

>> No.19703944

I'm just watching on the sidelines and you're clearly a complete fucking idiot

>> No.19703948

That website doesn't provide any proof, you dumb faggot, that there was fraud. It cites a company called Big Poll Data that alleged there was voter fraud without proof. The section link, again , is allegation without proof, you dumb fuck. Do you not know the difference between allegations of fraud and actual of fraud? You've have not cited a one single article yet that shows fraud.You've only cited literally tabloid bullshit of allegations. Show actual proof, that was proven in court, that there was fraud. Its so easy, but you can not do it.
>About 56.8% of said bellwethers deviated on 2020. And that's of comprehensive list. Comparatively, if we consider 2004: it's ~20.7%. 2012: ~27.9%.
So, again, bellwethers are not accurate and change all the time because voters change their opinions and electorate changes all the time as people get enough to vote, move to different states or stop voting, you dumbass? Your lack of critical thinking skill is abhorrent. Let alone you're ignoring the fact that these is a non-sequitur fallacy. There's no a single connection between fraud and bellwethers. This is basically you pushing goalposts to justify your astrology-tier understanding of voting trends.

>> No.19703951

sometimes fukuyama is really insightful, and then other times he writes bullshit like "vladimir putin is denying popular will"

>> No.19703956

Yeah, no, retard. Its not a simple misunderstanding. You don't get to downplay your violent actions with false equivalences.

>> No.19703957
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This is the actual Maricopa hearing. The news media instantly posted defense and went on the pure RECOUNT numbers alone rather than the actual auditing of ballots.
6 corporations own 90% of the media.
Always remember this: the news, which the only considered ""valid source"" in many cases, is a privately owned business by and for elite moneyed powers to propagate what they wish to propagate.

>> No.19703965

Who was murdered on Jan 6?

>> No.19703968

>News media
Schizo, you're doing projection. You literally said the media is owned by 6 corporations, but then cite allegations of election fraud from corporate media firms that are connected to republicans and Donald Trump like The Epoch Times. Why be this stupid when its clear you're a delusional, partisan hack attempting to justify your terroristic beliefs?

>> No.19703970

the real embarrassment was that an entire building full of national "leaders" and not a single one had the guts to confront the mob. can you imagine how andrew jackson or teddy roosevelt would have responded to that situation? congress was exposed as a bunch of cowardly suits and that's why their backlash has been so prolonged

>> No.19703974

the draft riots in 1863 were way more severe

>> No.19703979

If you thought THAT was a insurrection I wonder what those BLM riots were? billions in damages and significantly more fatalities must be a walk in a park for you. You’re genuinely retarded ranting about Marxist Leninism, lmao, did you just drop right out of a time machine from the Cold War?

>> No.19703985

>You literally said the media is owned by 6 corporations, but then cite allegations of election fraud from corporate media firms that are connected to republicans and Donald Trump like The Epoch Times.
How are they connected? You didn't cite any proof, dumb fuck. PROVE that they're financially connected.
So you're saying it's false that most of the media is privately owned by wealthy elites? You are a retard and deserve to be enslaved.

>> No.19703986

Why do you support terrorism? The 1/6 protestors brought pipe bombs, zip lines, and assaulted police officers who were defending the legal transfer of power to the Biden Administration. Why do you think you have a right to get away with political violence because you're a low life degenerate with nothing to look forward to in life at the expense of society and our constitutional processes?

>> No.19703995
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>Why do you think you have a right to get away with political violence because you're a low life degenerate
I didn't participate in the protest, you glue eating retard.

>> No.19703998
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>> No.19704004
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>Hello, terrorist

>> No.19704005

>I'm not seething! You're seething!

>> No.19704007
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>> No.19704018

You cited election fraud claims from Epoch Times:
>"The Epoch Times is a far-right[13] international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[18] The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television.[19] The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China.[20]The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[21][22] promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[3][5] and has championed President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[23] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[19][24][25] The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation.[12][19][26][27] In 2020, The New York Times called it a "global-scale misinformation machine".[23] The Epoch Times frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company Shen Yun."
You're literally citing media corporations that are known shills for Republicans and Donald Trump. You stupid subhuman. You're not against the "corporate media" you idiot. You're okay with the corporate media when they support your stupid narratives, like Epoch Times and Fox News. Don't give me this shit about the DA CORPORATE MEDIA when Trump himself had Goldman Sachs lackies in his administration and Breitbart News members in his fucking cabinet you dumb ass. The "elites" are basically the people who hurt your feelings, not the people who are actually connected to corporations. Fucking Trump himself owned media corporations and was a member of a wealthy elite. But that changes because you had an epiphany that a New York Business mogul billionaire who was a democrat much of his life somehow changed into some conservative hero while committing adultery on his wife, running a scam university, being buddy/buddy with Epstein/Clinton for decades and having connections to the New York mafia? You're such a stupid faggot, no wonder you fell for his con.

>> No.19704022

Holy samefag

>> No.19704026

Where are they financially connected, you dumb ape? You have a TERTIARY source (Wikipedia) citing a secondary source (NBC) that they make "pro-Trump facebook advertising."
>The "elites" are basically the people who hurt your feelings,
Ignore the fucking billionares and corporations like Disney and Viacom who own all your favorite news outlets. They're not wealthy elites purchasing information to sway dumb animals like you, they're just meanies who hurt my feelings. You deserve to be what you are, a spiritual slave.

>> No.19704027
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>Francis Fukuyama

based on his central thesis, he may be the stupidest public intellectual in history. i wouldn't read an article by him if my life depended on it.

>> No.19704029

>there's a right wing news agency that's not owned by Trump. It's exactly like how Viacom, Disney, Newscorp, Time Warner, CBS, and GE directly own most of the country's news companies

>> No.19704032

Holy glowfag.

>> No.19704044

>So you're saying it's false that most of the media is privately owned by wealthy elites?
Yes, because I'm not a retard like you who believes corporations are the only people who own media or produce news. Also, I'm not one of those retards, like you, who believe the "elites" are bad or should be scapegoats for your own personal failures in life. You're doing the same, stupid shit commies do - you envy the rich, and blame them for your problems instead of yourself. Its always the "EVIL RICH PEOPLE" that are the problem and not you. Because you are always right, and never wrong, and it must be some nefarious people sitting in a room plotting against you that causes you to be a low life. It isn't the the media's fault you have a criminal record, do drugs and have no success in life. No one ever harmed your life by being a billionaire or rich. Stop being a bitch and a crybaby about it and grow up. Corporations are not cynical supervillain monoliths. Humans have agency that is independent of these so called invisible bad actors you blame for your sad state in life.

>> No.19704045

What terrorism?

>> No.19704050

the real turning point is 1992, when the USA had the opportunity to radically reform the centralized cold war state and instead doubled down on it for a world empire. problem is that the cold war state presumes (and requires) a communist international as a counterforce, without it it began to disintegrate, like how your pancreas digests itself after you die. every major issue we have is ultimately rooted in the persistent post-1947 security state

>> No.19704061

>Where are they financially connected, you dumb ape
I literally cited the source, retard. Learn how to read. Its been reported by multiple news agencies that Epoch Times shills Trump and paid for propaganda for him. Learn how to read, subhuman.

>> No.19704068

trump is a showman first. biden is supposed to be the responsible sober politician and somehow comes off as more of a walking caricature than trump ever did

>> No.19704073

>Is against teritary sources
>Spends this entire thread gishgalloping with them to claim election fraud
Why be this dishonest, retard? You're so fake and full of shit and lies.
>Ignore the fucking billionares and corporations
Just ignore the fact that you cite corporations that are connected to Republicans, and Donald Trump, and ignore the fact you are literally defending a fucking billionaire corporatist as a defense against the corporate media and not see how much of a dumbass makes you look. You are literally a chimp with no brain.

>> No.19704074

>Yes, because I'm not a retard like you who believes corporations are the only people who own media or produce news
They produce 90% of the media in the country, you retard. Almost every single "credible" news agency is owned by one of a few corporate entities.
>who believe the "elites" are bad or should be scapegoats for your own personal failures in life
The only reason you start spouting all this pseudo-psychoanalytical bullshit is because you have nothing of substance to say. The real uncomfortable facts you seem to not like are that most of the information universe we have has not been honest. If you think the news or government is authentic and honest, you are unfathomably stupid.
Of any poster here, who has discussed "personal" issues as it regards the issues?
>Humans have agency that is independent of these so called invisible bad actors
Bob Chapek (Disney), Kelly Kahl (CBS), Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos (owns the Washington Post), Bloomberg, George Soros? These are real, perfectly visible people.

>> No.19704077

>I'm against corporations and the corporate media dood!
>That's why I post links from the Epoch Times, Fox News, and defend corporate billionaires like Donald Trump because I'm totally not grifting right now. I'm totally against the corprations dood!
Lmao, you fucking dumbass. Holy fuck, how can you be this stupid.

>> No.19704078

Nice goal post moving. When did Trump give them money to shill himself? How do the Republicans own that news agency, financially?

>> No.19704085

You are an absolute fetid retard. Nobody said that means 100% of news agencies lie 100% of the time. You are a dumb ox out to plow the field with agitprop. I hope you enjoy burning in hell.

>> No.19704088

>Words, words, words. You don't have any legitimate grievances. You're just a terrorist, and you're going to invent any alibi you want to justify your degeneracy. Stop wasting my time.
I've made so many points and you haven't responded to any of them, and in the process are demonstrating why the term "terrorism" is such an empty one. Are you one of these esteemed liberal intellectuals we hear so much about?
>Anarchists are terrorists, and both of you are terrorists. In fact, an anarchist was convicted for participating in the coup attempt on 1/6. Do I care that he was put in jail and given a harsh sentence. No. Because he deserved it, and much more, - just like everyone who was involved. You and the anarchists share the same, degenerate philosophy of nihilistic terror. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you or them.
I asked you to call them treasonous in the line you quoted. I know you applied the term to them further down in the post, but you response really makes me question your ability to read.
>Its simply bizarre to me a dumbass like you would assume I would value the lives of anarchists when I do not. Marxist-Leninists, Anarchists, Left Communists, Maoists - all you fucking degenerates can be put to death for your treasonous actions and it would make absolutely no difference to me. You are an enemy, a threat, to my way of life, my property, my family, my country - you can die for that. I don't care what leftist degeneracy you call it. Your seditious actions make you liable to the death penalty regardless of what flag you fly your vagrant behavior and utopian idealism in.
At least You're consistent on this, which is better than most liberals. But your refusal to call other politically motivated riots that have occurred in recent memory "terrorism", still shows that the term is ultimately an empty one.>>19703995
Anyone who seriously invokes the concept of terrorism is either a dupe of the national security apparatus, a member of it, or one who believes themselves in control of it.

>> No.19704091

How stupid are you? You made a whole spiel about how corporate elites specifically don't own the media, and you based this off of the supposed fact that "they're not the only one's producing news," when they own 90% of all media corporations at all.

>> No.19704095

You're such as stupid faggot so full of yourself. You can't even see the irony of you being critical of corporations while defending a literal corporate hacks like Donald Trump who was a wealthy democrat donating billionaire who was friends with the Clintons and Epstein for most of his life. You just spew the same victimization rhetoric of socialist degenerates against corporations too. How are you right-wing again?. You argue just like millennial socialist Bernie bum. Again, kid, corporations are not the Lex Luther figures you make them out to be, and they do not control most of the media because most of the media isn't even corporate. Its independent and driven by social media trends. You're just a dumb fuck NEET millennial or zoomer honestly who doesn't anything about real life or politics.

>> No.19704097
File: 31 KB, 600x400, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19704104

Lmao, you fucking dumbass. How can be this stupid? You don't even know what pushing a goalpost is because you're doing it right now to claim Fox News, Epoch Times and Donald Trump aren't corporate billionaires. Why do you spend all your time 4chan defending billionaires like Donald Trump while claiming you hate wealthy elites? You're so stupid.

>> No.19704107

>trust the corporations and government, bro!
How cucked is this? Not even mainstream politicians and journalists think this is a good look.

>> No.19704108

But that's what you said. You honestly believe the News is lying 100% of the time. You're being using this argument, but then posting links to corporate news orgs like SHITBART and Epoch Times to prove election fraud while ignoring Donald Trump himself is a corporate billionaire. Its literally the pot calling the kettle, and you're too fucking stupid to see the contradiction.

>> No.19704116

not him but both parties have a deliberate strategy of discouraging any kind involvement in politics that isn't carefully monitored by professional administrators and an explicit goal of technocratic government ("the market" for republicans, "experts" for democrats)

>> No.19704125

idk what the gist of this thread is but what I do know is that Biden is a fag

>> No.19704126

>You honestly believe the News is lying 100% of the time
There's no point in arguing with you, except to derive your deceit for others.
No one said they believed the news media lies 100% of the time. I said the news media is owned by a handful of wealthy elites, and they control the flow of information for their own purposes. I don't think anybody linked to Breibart. You fixate on the Epoch Times when news agencies like WSJ were posted.
Do you firmly believe that I believe the news lies 100% of the time? Obviously not, because you yourself are wont to point out if I cite them. I clearly don't believe that if I'm citing news agencies. It's like thinking that KGB or Soviet news sources can't be used as evidence, because they're untrustworthy. If the Soviets admitted they were encircled at Kiev, they were probably encircled at Kiev. You are merely a deceptive individual, and
>You're being using this argument
A fucking ESL. Unless you're a downright phone poster, which is even worse.

>> No.19704127

hollywood is our religion, not democracy

>> No.19704129

You didn't make any posts. You just wrote a lot of words like a psued. I do not take sophists like you seriously. I already know what your live your own reality. I have no problem with violence being used against people like you because you again have made it clear you want an excuse to commit terror. Don't be surprised when people react to your stupidity and end you for it. I keep things very simple and to the point.

>> No.19704130

never getting the vaccine btw

>> No.19704132

libertarians were completely discredited during the migrant crisis in 2015 and will never recover, especially as the african flood crashes over the world in earnest in the next decade

>> No.19704139

this is true, there hasn't been a legitimate president since bush sr. and even he was a career apparatchik

>> No.19704147

I made plenty of points. You've responded with nothing but empty rhetoric, and in response, since you provided me with nothing else, I dissected that rhetoric to show how full of shit you are. You're only making yourself look like a fool here. \
You're the sophist trying to use rhetoric to manipulate people, and I'm Socrates pointing out your hypocrisy.

>> No.19704148

Why do you spend several hours talking about how bad corporations are just to defend corporatists like Donald Trump and the people who work at media corporations like Fox News and Epoch Times and post what they say as fact about election fraud? You just keep going on schizo, non-sequiturs when I address your fake populism and fake hatred of "wealthy elites." Its just a grift, and of course you want to stop talking to me. You're too much a bitch to accept the fact that this contradiction exposes you for being an idiot. You're a dumbass who argues that the corporate media can't be trusted, but then cite literal corporate media outlets to give your talking points. You're a complete retard. Its so easy to just tear your arguments a part because they don't have any logical sense to them.

>> No.19704149

a lot of people are going to be in for a nasty surprise when hispanics tip R enough to negate black votes. anecdotally every single one of the my immigrant coworkers in 2016 voted trump regardless of origin and i live in a blue city

>> No.19704153

No, you're projecting. You continue to be a sophist and make rhetorical arguments and play these language games to justify your terror. I don't need to waste my time going in circles with a dumb ass like you. I've made it clear. You're a terrorist, you support terrorism, and you support the violent overthrow of my government. You will be executed for treason. Its not hard to get. You know what you're doing is wrong, and are completely aware of your actions. You will face punishment for it. The police, the SWAT team, the FBI, they'll just gun your worthless ass down and life will move on. You will not be missed.

>> No.19704164

If the GOP goes through with this they are doomed. The Hispanics have NEVER shown that they would support Republicans until Democrats started to put them off. But they are the demographic that STUPIDLY supported these candidates and their Libshit policies for decades. California is permanently BLUE because of them. I don't trust this sudden and opportunistic change, I think this is another trojan horse.

>> No.19704168

the thing is, the political class thinks they'll make an example of the red hats and they don't realize that the next time this happens the mob will kill them and destroy the building, since the mob will know that there'll be no mercy if they lose. ISIS made the same mistake executing all prisoners as a matter of course, suddenly the militias they were facing began fighting to the death because it was the only option

>> No.19704171

the bellweather thing is pretty damning and the fact that dem pundits spent the entire year discussing the mail in ballot scenario in public and how they'd get the military to remove trump really activated my almonds

>> No.19704179

the bellweathers went to trump in 2016 when the popular consensus was that clinton was going to win in a landslide. in 2020 the bellweathers still went trump when the consensus was that biden was going to win by a similar margin and then did

>> No.19704186

they're not a bloc. 1/3 of hispanic voters went trump in 2016 and he increased his total with them in 2020. it's a mistake to think they'll act like a monolith like black voters when they already manifestly don't

>> No.19704218

I'm not playing language games. You've done nothing but dish out empty and emotionally manipulative rhetoric, and I've done nothing but point that out. What you're doing is the actual sophistry, the true language games, and I'm responding to it in the only possible way, by pointing out the contradictions inherent in it. You can respond to totally legitimate criticism or you can just scream about "terrorism" over and over until you're blue in the face.
This is of course the case because if you read my post, you'd know that I have no particular sympathy with those who participated in the events at the capitol and have explicitly stated that anyone involved should be punished for their crimes. I haven't been trying to defend them in the slightest. I'm only calling you out for being full of shit.

>> No.19704222

the sad thing is that this thread started with a few decent posts before it became 400 replies of political shitflinging about democrats and republicans

>> No.19704252

/lit/ still does politics better than /pol/ and also check'd

>> No.19704271

it does it incomparably better yes

>> No.19704593

literally think for one second about how stupid what you just said is you dumbfuck lmao

>> No.19704687

You forgot to post his headline:
One Single Day. That’s All It Took for the World to Look Away From Us.

>> No.19704970

Stfu you retarded dyke. Nobody takes u seriously, you’re just here for the abuse.