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19694987 No.19694987 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to read more about Jewish culture - but namely, why Jews have been so persecuted and why they continue to be so heavily persecuted online. According to the BBC, anti-semitism is at record levels in my country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxmUiqvnn2Q
It seems like you can't go anywhere on the internet with 'jews, jews ,jews' being brought up. Even in left and right spaces, this can present itself.
It's quite confusing, because I've personally only met about two or three jews in my lifetime, and they seemed like normal people.
I also enjoyed reading Man's Search for Meaning and play the games of Wadget Eye, one of the better point and click developers for PC - both created by Jews.
I want to understand anti-semitism without slant, which is incredibly hard to do. I'm a normie, and I don't understand how everyone is so sure on this topic.
My questions are as follows:
>why is anti-semitism seemingly 'the default?'
>why does anti-semitism unite the extreme left and right
>why is jewishness associated with being dastardly, devious, greedy
>what books best tackle the subject from either side and are well-sourced? I don't mind reading banned books.

I understand the mods are probably going to terminate this thread ASAP but I am genuinely interested in this because the vitriol from both sides of the topic truly confuses me. I wouldn't hate an entire group of people without good fucking reason, but many people seem not only confident, but absolutely convinced that this is necessary.
I want to do the work so I can figure out why this is so.
Long story short - if you can point me to any books about antisemitism, from both sides of the aisle, I'd be grateful, because I rarely see this topic discussed with any form of academic depth.

>> No.19695013

'The Assistant' by Bernard Malamud

>> No.19695028

Always the Horizon by murdoch murdoch
Culture of Critique by Macdonald

>> No.19695056

These look fascinating, thanks gents. Looks like the books presented offer vastly different perspectives too which is what I was looking for.

>> No.19695076 [DELETED] 

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by Jones
The Culture of Critique by MacDonald
The International Jew by Ford
The Jews by Belloc
Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Shahak
The Jewish Century by Slezkine

>> No.19695085

bait thread?

Anyways the only approach that is extremely flawed both in the way they are pro jewish and in the way they are anti-jewish is that of the catholic church, or christianity at large. You can read all about that particular view in "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" by E Michael Jones.

>> No.19695086 [DELETED] 
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This book will redpill you on Zionism and the greater Jewish question like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.19695090

The Hebrew Bible

>> No.19695103

tfw you know zionist moneylending is cancer but still like Jews/Israel

>> No.19695104 [DELETED] 
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>The Spanish Inquisition remains a fearful symbol of state terror. Its principal target was the conversos, descendants of Spanish Jews who had been forced to convert to Christianity some three generations earlier. Since thousands of them confessed to charges of practicing Judaism in secret, historians have long understood the Inquisition as an attempt to suppress the Jews of Spain. In this magisterial reexamination of the origins of the Inquisition, Netanyahu argues for a different view: that the conversos were in fact almost all genuine Christians who were persecuted for political ends.
>Netanyahu was the father of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yonatan Netanyahu, ex-commander of Sayeret Matkal, as well as Iddo Netanyahu, a physician, author and playwright.

Kek you couldn't be any more dishonest here

>> No.19695109

Фaк ooф ты хoмo

>> No.19695120

>This book will redpill you on Zionism and the greater Jewish question like you wouldn't believe!
>the author is the father of the former Prime Minister of Israel
Sounds like there is motive for it to have been designed to have to opposite effect.

>> No.19695130

Germans are better bankers, italians are better accounts & merchants, arabs are better merchants, russians are more devious slimey and aggressive, and chinese are better at everything than jews. The only thing kikes are good at is PR.

>> No.19695132

In short and neutral terms, the reason for antisemitism across history and geography is that Jews are a very tight-knit ethnic group who help each other a lot, and tend to treat those outside if their group as, well, not like them.

>> No.19695141

If you want scholarly, mainstream versions of more fringe books like Kevin MacDonald or E. Michael Jones, I recommend
>David Verbeeten: The Politics of Nonassimilation
>Jerry Muller: Capitalism and the Jews


>> No.19695143
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>only good at PR

>> No.19695148

Read these four articles

And read Bolton's "The Banking Swindle"

>> No.19695149 [DELETED] 

I think apart from the in-group out-group dynamic there is also a spiritual aspect to it. Some peoples are more noble spiritually and other peoples not so much.

>> No.19695157 [DELETED] 

>and tend to treat those outside if their group as, well, not like them.
That's an understatement that only a Jew or/and a person who's been institutionally programmed by modern historic (((academia))) and decades of (((Hollywood))) propaganda would say (which is basically 90% of the global population unfortunately).

>> No.19695186 [DELETED] 

Based party.

>> No.19695189

Indeed, I've seen some shit with Jews. A lot of them really do despise non-jews, they are some of the most racist people I've ever met, but in that deep in the bones way where it isn't kneejerk redneck racism, they really do just think they're BETTER. In a way that's so deep that they don't even flaunt it or insult you for it, because they think they're talking to an animal, so why would they bother?

Even the nicer ones, who are unconscious of this feeling of specialness and superiority, sublimate it into a narcissistic self-obsession characteristics of more leftist and liberal Jews. Instead of sneering superiority they just act universally upon the assumption, a priori, that Jews are the most interesting people, the most worth talking about, the most maligned, the most tragic, etc. That Jews deserve to have museums and media and everything focus on them or portray their way of life and worldview, that it's a funny inside joke the whole West loves to be in on when every TV show and movie has a Jewish perspective and is made by Jews.

These types aren't overtly anti-european or anti-Christian, and some are so deeply sublimated that they would really resist the charge that they think Jews are better/more interesting/etc. But push on the issue at all and watch how the teeth and claws come out, and watch how they suddenly align with more "honest" Jews who are more openly pro-Jewish, even if only temporarily, just to destroy the dissenter. The fact is, the fear of antisemitism works on Jews too, by causing even the nicest and least "Jewish supremacist" Jews to circle the wagons with the Jewish supremacists when the time comes. Their obsession with persecution and their narcissistic "everybody must be looking at me at all times!" attitude are two sides of the same coin.

I like many Jews, but they need a time-out, somewhere they can associate only with themselves, and they can no longer be shoving their issues and their self-involved self-perception in non-Jews' faces as their primary hobby every day.

>> No.19695296

When jews were tribes within other countries, many people only talked in their town/section of city/family/neighbors. Jews specifically were excluded from most circles both by choice and by personality towards outsiders.
Jews became prominent with money in nearly every society they joined, and being jews, were very nepotistic and only helped other jews (usually in their immediate family). Because of their lack of ties to their the state the resided in, the area, and the people, they became easy scapegoats. That isn't to say them being run out of 109 countries isn't the fault of everyone except the jews, they're a group of people who refuse with every fiber of their being, to participate and join the culture of the area they're in. Jews didn't want to be American/German/French they wanted to be jews. Not hard to want to drive someone like that away from your community. It's one of the things that persists today, buses in Brooklyn NYC are written in Hebrew because the Jews refuse to send their kids to non-Jew schools and don't speak English to anyone but gentiles or goyim.

Jews do it to themselves, jewish stereotypes are obviously layer with falsehoods but like many stereotypes they were originally based on some truth. Jews, more than any other minority group, make people hate them because of the way they act.
>More religious lawsuits per capita are filed by Jews (ie suing the state about infractions of church vs state over shit like the city putting up Christmas trees and not Jew Candles)
>Jewish faith holders make up 0.2% of the population yet 40% of top 100 billionaires
>Jews make up a large portion of the un-elected government (Biden's cabinet is 100% Jewish)
>The largest foreign lobbyist group in the US is IPAC (Israel shilling our government for more money and tanks)
>Anti-semetic speech is illegal in two states
>Every TV show references jews or Judaism in some form

Its no fucking wonder, I can't wait for the next 50 years to pan out and for jews to be all but extict from out-breeding. Less than 50% of jews have two jewish parents, it's likely in the next three generations that this will be reduced to less than 20%.

>> No.19695309

>if you don't go on a whole rant about it you're pozzed or Jewish.
No matter how you expand on it, the basic reason is what I said.

>> No.19695321

>That isn't to say them being run out of 109 countries isn't the fault of everyone except the jews
do we have an entry in the Guinness book about that? kek

>> No.19695363

>Jews are responsible for their own persecutions because they have separated themselves from the rest of humanity. - Stanley Kubrick

>> No.19695446

>why is anti-semitism seemingly 'the default?'
Hubris. The story is the same every single time. Jews are a quiet minority, a minority of those Jews gain power, they build that power because of wealth and "never again" during which they build a list of grievances by being outsiders with power, they push further and further in order to protect themselves from the growing resentment, local leaders snap and kill a load of Jews. Jews say never again and then do it again.

>> No.19695515
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>> No.19695552

The ADL called Tucker Carlson a bigot for being anti immigration a few months ago. In response, Tucker read an article published by the ADL saying Israel shouldn’t be expected to accept non-Jewish immigrants because doing so would undermine Israel’s culture and self determination on his show.

>> No.19695577

I can’t give you a book but I can give you my take. Jews are foreigners, don’t matter wether they’re Americans, Germans or Russians, they belong to the Jewish nation and the loyalty is there, a totally comprehensive behavior, what happened was that they lived in enclaves and worked in professions that latter were subversive and destructive to the communities around were they lived, this doesn’t means that there’s a Jewish conspiracy, it would be highly unlikely if you have Jews like Marx and Friedman playing in the same team, nonetheless a lot of Jewish ideas have been used to change the lives of the goyim for the wrong (Marx, freud, reich, etc.) but also for the conservative Jews, the intellectual Jew is an enemy of humanity as a whole, including other Jews

>> No.19695608

>Hitler 2.0 has won the elections
>Immediately they look for Jews
>The black van is parked outside your apartment complex,
>People knock at your door "help anon please"
Do you let the Gestapo take them anons? Are you really this heartless? What about all the Christians here?
Hardmode: no prospect of romance with a Jewish woman
>inb4 I'm the guy who drives the van

>> No.19695974 [DELETED] 
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"Rapture dreams" are just premonition of death dreams. Look them up, they are usually right during when nukes strike, or people running away from UN/Chinese invading troops.

If they was a Rapture it would be in secret and of the handicap, disabled, little children and extremely feeble minded, you wouldn't even notice. 99.9% you are not counted worthy as being taking part in this secret rapture of the innocent

Learn to fast, store up food, bug-out or find a city that will most likely be nuked by Russia in the coming World War.

But there will be years or around a decade of proxy wars before the Big One, which will be a sudden EMP strike and sneak attack.
Antichrist comes after economic collapse and WWIII. But the majority of humanity is expected to die from starvation or being blown to bits in WWIII.

But who fucking knows the Mark of the Beast may be rolled out far earlier than we expected. The mark may or may not appear along with the Antichrist.

>> No.19695989
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Straight from the horse's mouth: anti-semitism is justified.

>> No.19696019
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"Rapture dreams" are just premonition of death dreams. Look them up, they are usually right during when nukes strike, or people running away from UN/Chinese invading troops.

If there was a Rapture it would be in secret and of the handicap, disabled, little children and extremely feeble minded, you wouldn't even notice. 99.9% chance you won't even be close to be counted as worthy as taking part in this secret rapture of the innocents

Learn to fast, store up food, bug-out or find a city that will most likely be nuked by Russia in the coming World War.

But there will be years or around a decade of proxy wars before the Big One, which will be a sudden EMP strike and sneak attack.
Antichrist comes after economic collapse and WWIII. But the majority of humanity is expected to die from starvation or being blown to bits in WWIII.

But who fucking knows the Mark of the Beast may be rolled out far earlier than we expected. The mark may or may not appear along with the Antichrist.
Don't be afraid to being taken to a FEMA camp and getting your head chopped off from refusing the chip/injection when you are starving from a few months of lack of food. But remember to openly proclaim the Jesus Christ as your Lord and God, when the agents try to arrest and take you away into the camps when they track you down.

>> No.19696226
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>> No.19697063

Very nice

>> No.19697069

well i don't want to point to a unified Jewish conspiracy against the gentiles
but it certainly seems the case sometimes, doesn't it?

>> No.19697077

I sincerely hope none of that shit happens again, I don't want anyone to suffer like that but the truth is like several anons above said, Jewish influence in a state eventually creates a state willing to have a Gestapo and a population willing to support it.

But if you're asking whether I want to see random Jewish people's heads clubbed in in the street, no, definitely not, Jews are people too. They're just really fucking annoying people sometimes.

>> No.19697284

Anti-Semite and Jew - Jean Paul Sartre

>> No.19697383

OP here. I have been noticing the signs more and more which is why I made this thread. There are some great posts here. I just didn't want to be a shizo without thinking it through.

>> No.19697389

> According to the BBC, anti-semitism is at record levels in my country
>My country: UK
It's quite literally because of the Muslims desu

>> No.19697392

The only correct answer

>> No.19697442

Cool chart anon, thanks

>> No.19697479
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>> No.19697534
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>why is anti-semitism seemingly 'the default?'
Jews were an "other" group throughout history who largely did not integrate into the rest of society.
>why does anti-semitism unite the extreme left and right
Because modern-day mainstream politics is dominated by jews, so anyone that dislikes mainstream politics probably dislikes jews, and anyone who dislikes jews won't do well in mainstream politics.
>why is jewishness associated with being dastardly, devious, greedy
Historically jews were bankers and had looser morals towards others than Christians/whites did. Their holy texts often explicitly justify mistreatment of gentiles.
>what books best tackle the subject from either side and are well-sourced? I don't mind reading banned books.
Culture of Critique is fairly insightful without being too biased. I would also encourage you to read the Protocols- although they are possibly not genuine, they are nearly prophetic with regard to jewish actions in the 20th century and the state of the modern world.

>> No.19697710

Evola's essay on the Protocols makes basically this point. "If it ain't true, it might as well be."

>> No.19697728
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Here’s my “We Wuz Jews n’ Shit” reading chart.

>> No.19698256
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I want to add all of these books to my Goodreads 'to read' section but I'm afraid my contacts will question me adding a bunch of anti-Jew tomes at one time.

>> No.19698463 [DELETED] 

Total garbage

>> No.19698757

Read the Talmud, especially the passages about goys.

>> No.19698876

It's actually a far more complicated question than neo-Nazis and Jewish activists would have you believe. Jews are in a position of affluence in America and support Zionism at the rate of 90%, so the principle contraction is that despite how we are made to feel about Jewish history there is the niggling feeling that the conspiracies from Nazis may in fact be true, or might as well be.

The reality is much different, the Jewish paranoia towards Gentiles is inheritied from Roman times where they were persecuted by a strong imperial force. Nietzsche's famous discovery was that it was the Univeralist Yahweh, the Jewish God that transvaluated morality and made it Good to be meek, kind, loyal to the One God, and bad to be cruel, powerful etc. Hence why they referred to Gentiles as barbaric animals. It was because of their Pagan nature and might is right attitude that they were called as such. Unlike the Nazis, Nietzsche actually admired the Jews for this transformation and credited it for their subsistence.

The other stereotypes come from the Middle Ages where Jews were banned from certain professions and were forced into financialisation and mercantilism. The question again is if this is 'essential' to what Jews are.. Certainly, the tradition of radically left Jews from Marx, to Trotsky, to the Frankfurt School would put that notion to bed. For example, when Marx writes on the Jewish Question, as is memed often but never really analyzed, he says quite clearly that the God of Israel is the God of money, this criticism is not exclusive to Jews but also Christians and perhaps Islam as they all worship the same God, just in different ways.

>> No.19699643

The Protocols of the Elder of Zion

>> No.19699661

No one can answer honestly in the age of quantitive easing and EBT breadlines. Ask again in five years

>> No.19699687

>support Zionism at the rate of 90%

>> No.19699701

This. Jews are the most racist, subjective and slimey people on earth.

>> No.19699702

I visited the ruins of a very old synagogue which was sealed in like 1500 here, two things were really interesting.
1. There was a book with Jewish fables, and pretty much every single one of them had extreme caution, prejudice and egoism towards outsiders as the core moral
2. The Jew merchant who was chased out of the town when the synagogue was closed had a fortune that rivalled that of a bishop

The two factors feed into each other and are tailor made to make them the most envied and hated race. It is not different with half of the modern American upper class being Jews and still clinging to the same morals.

>> No.19699712

Jews are notoriously subsersive. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about modern jews like Marx and Adorno (the latter thinks the only value of art is in its subsersiveness) or if you're reading in the biography of Muhammad about how jewish tribes made every attempt to subvert his rule. It's the same subversive nature all throughout. I don't anti-semitism is "the default" though. The normies aren't at that level yet.

>> No.19699773

>why is anti-semitism seemingly 'the default?'
>why does anti-semitism unite the extreme left and right
>why is jewishness associated with being dastardly, devious, greedy

The answer to these three is ethnonarcissism (the essence of judaism, which is, at its core, about the racial apotheosis of the chosen tribe), though I would argue that left-wing antisemitism doesn't exist in any real sense in the first world because antisemitism itself in the first world requires one to willingly go waay beyond the overton window of western discourse, something that nobody on the left does in any meaningful numbers.

Antisemitism is the default in the sense that the irreconcilable contradiction between semitic and gentile interests necessitate a conflict that can only be kept under wraps through sufficient societal control by the state apparatus, but cannot be eliminated as a presence so long as there is a semitic element within a gentile society that acts as the fountainhead of antisemitic sentiment.

As for the second question, I would say because anti-capitalism and ethnonationalism have a marked crossover in the context of the semitic question, since the semitic question itself is usually conceived of as an economic/institutional and an ethnic problem at once. That is to say, both the left and the right can arrive at the same destination, only through different paths. But I would argue that a clear-cut left-right, economic (anti-capitalist)-ethnic (nationalist) dichotomy is not the most useful way to perceive the matter at hand.

The third question answers itself : it's jewish ethnonarcissism. Frankly, this is hardly unique to the jews, but what is hard to argue against is that there are very few groups in the world right now that can allow themselves to practice ethnonarcissism at the expense of others on the level that jews do. That in itself will necessarily beget antisemitic sentiment.

>they were persecuted by a strong imperial force
They weren't. If anything, the romans gave them exceptionally tolerant terms of submission. But the jews did not want to play nice. Can I blame them? Can't really say, freedom from an invasive empire is an understandable thing in my book, but let's not pretend that the romans conquered judea and just decided to persecute this one group of people in particular for no real reason when the unity of the empire was their absolute priority so long as people under their banners were willing to acquiesce to their terms.

>> No.19699897

My grandmother used to say (with hand motions)
>"they think that they're up *here* and you're down *there*"
As time passes I am starting to believe I was wrong to doubt her. Anyways, this is an interesting hypothesis of yours, but it has a major problem in that it's unfalsifiable. How would you begin to substantiate this charge of unconscious superiority you're levelling here? The only way I could see of doing it is through some sort of implicit bias test, which are already dubious in their assumptions that subconscious processes consistently override conscious beliefs.

>> No.19699947

>>the Jewish paranoia towards Gentiles is inheritied from Roman times where they were persecuted by a strong imperial force
this is either written by a shabbos goy or a jew; if you know anything of Roman history with the Jews it was the Jews who despite being given more religous autonomy than any other region within Rome, constantly threw revolts. Then under Bar-Kukbah the self claimed messiah, they revolted and overthrew the local Roman garrisons, slaughtered all Christians and non-jews alike, and then got their shit pushed in by Hadrian
>the jew cries out as he strikes you

>> No.19699953

>How would you begin to substantiate this charge of unconscious superiority you're levelling here?
Not him, but are you aware of what judaism is about? Do you think you would think otherwise of people if you were told from the moment of your birth that you were literally one of God's chosen, and are special in ways goyim are not? You could say that secular jews don't receive such messages outright but in their cases it is simply sublimated into a secular packaging most of the time.

>> No.19699969

Don't forget the Kitos war. God knows why no goyim was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt after hundreds of thousands (or if you want to be more skeptic, an unspecified, but very high number of people) goyim were slaughtered on an ethnic and religious basis. Or hell, think of their roles in the siege of jerusalem in the east or the moorish siege of toledo in the west.

>> No.19699987

>left-wing antisemitism doesn't exist in any real sense in the first world because antisemitism itself in the first world requires one to willingly go waay beyond the overton window of western discourse, something that nobody on the left does in any meaningful numbers.
You dont know that at all cause then id argue the same applies to whatever your 'right' is

>> No.19699990

Jews love that they get to live rent-free in your heads. What a deal!

>> No.19699994

Antisemitism channels the revolutionary spirit, because many Jews are in position of power. However, it brings no real systematic change, so it is not an actual threat to the general establishment. So it is a historical trope.

>> No.19700002

>Because of their lack of ties to their the state the resided in, the area, and the people, they became easy scapegoats.

It's hardly that simple. Jews were usually involved in (that is to say, practically had monopoly on) dirty business, such as usury, slavetrading, tax collection, and such. People didn't just decide to persecute them for no real reason, they had real experiences with them, which more often than not involved these jews being a very active element in their exploitation by their superiors. The most that you could say is that these jews were forbidden from doing most other things, but the leap from that to "see, they HAD to become slavers and usurers!" is kind of a hard sell still.

>> No.19700018

Oh...do tell, then, enlightened one.

>> No.19700037

they really don't. Happy merchant went to congress and it's just a bunch of tards shitposting on the internet

>> No.19700062

jews or shabbos goy confirmed

>> No.19700093

Jews get rich because they save so much on rent, thx guys.

>> No.19700147

Oh yeah, oh yeah??
*inhales lighter fluid* take THAT Shlomo! *BRAAPPP SNFFFF*

>> No.19700208

it's not myself I'm looking to convince

>> No.19700234

Bad guys vs good guys only exists in fairy tales

>> No.19700253

>where Jews were banned from certain professions and were forced into financialisation and mercantilism

Andrew Joyce has debunked this.

>> No.19700281

well I just rebunked it

>> No.19700282

Any good book suggestions for an understanding of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

>> No.19700406

>Nietzsche's famous discovery was that it was the Univeralist Yahweh, the Jewish God that transvaluated morality and made it Good to be meek, kind, loyal to the One God, and bad to be cruel, powerful etc
That's a patently false interpretation of Judaism; the Christian God and the Jewish God are not one and the same. Look at Samson, the folk hero who would rather kill himself and his enemies than be taken prisoner, or the Jews' anticipation of (God ordained) infanticide in Psalm 137
>O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
>Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
The Jewish God is a vengeful, cruel, and ethnocentric one. Contrast with Galatians 3:28. I think it was Dostoevsky who said that "God is the synthesis of the personality of an entire people." Who then, are the Jewish people?

>> No.19700472

>>why is anti-semitism seemingly 'the default?'
Success breeds jealousy
>>why does anti-semitism unite the extreme left and right
It mostly does not
>>why is jewishness associated with being dastardly, devious, greedy
Jews that weren't dastardly, devious or greedy died or didn't make it to Europe

>> No.19701266

No, I like all but two of the jews I've ever met.

>> No.19701367
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200 Years Together or For My Legionaires. Both faces of the same coin.

>> No.19701419
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>Hey anon, they're in here
>Still on for a quite drink this weekend?
>Yeah, the streets are looking safer ready
>No hollywood, no lying press, no sexualized music, no grievence industy, no subversive books, no predatory banking, no exploititive labor
>Great, let this done, i know some more that drove the McDowell's store out of business

>> No.19701463
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Such an amazing culture. Now wait until I dig up some Talmud quotes ;)

>> No.19701820

>Hardmode: no prospect of romance with a Jewish woman

Is there a chosenite equivalent of rassenschande?

>> No.19702189
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The Protocols are proven fake since 1921 by The Times. For example, an entire chapter is taken from Biarritz, an 1868 novel by the antisemitic German novelist Hermann Goedsche, which had been translated into Russian in 1872.

Have you thought of researching sources that you use anon, especially before recommending them to others?

>> No.19702435
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To paraphrase Evola, 'Regardless of if they are true or not they have accurately sum up the last several decades of history.'

More now, since he died in the 70s, this has only increased in validity.

>> No.19702701
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Israel Shahak, particularly Jewish History, Jewish Religion: the Weight of 3,000 Years

Jewish Fundamentalism is good too

These are direct, right on the money. Kevin MacDonald is amazing too. A lot of goyish works are a little schizo. Not MacDonald tho. And Shahak can't be topped. He'll tell you what Judaism really is.

>> No.19702756

Considering I have a jewish girlfriend and hate the government regardless of the party that currently holds power, I'd hide them.

>> No.19702809

He said in his post that they are dubious.. Have you thought of reading posts before you reply to them?

>> No.19702852
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>> No.19702863
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>> No.19703170

play XCOM

>> No.19703754

Fuck it, i'll let them in and tell them all to grab an illegal firearm from under the couch. What I won't tell them is that the black van isn't coming for them; it's the ATF and they're coming for me.

>> No.19703763


>> No.19703876

These sweeping generalizations belong in no serious discussion of anti-semitism. Furthermore, you're vastly overstating the ubiquity of jewishness in mass media and culture.

>> No.19704263

If anything he's understating it

>> No.19704512

>According to the BBC, anti-semitism is at record levels in my country
It is for the simple fact that every single member of the financial, technological,
pharmacological and mediatic élite is Jewish. People are tired of being lied to. That's all.

>> No.19704760

delet this

>> No.19704962

Jeremy powell is an irishman you idiot

>> No.19705072
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>to the BBC, anti-semitism is at record levels in my country:

It is in every country. Wild that not one country is immune to antisemitism.

>> No.19705564

I hate democracy

>> No.19705572

"Record levels" now in a country which at one point expelled them entirely?

>> No.19705577

>strg+f: "arendt"
>strg+f: "origins of totalitarianism"
>0 results
come on /lit/, easily the most balanced account of what social/cultural position Jews established for themselves in european societies and how that warped into modern antisemetic sentiments when those societies transitioned from feudalism to industrialized modern states.

>> No.19705605
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>murdoch murdoch
You mean the guy who made this piece of cringe?


>> No.19705616


Tucker is pretty based

>> No.19705628
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I did believe in it. But that was when my nation was relatively homogenous and things were good. Now i reject it wholesale and desire an ethnic connection to the ruling class.

I hope i live long enough to see it rise.

>> No.19705724

>plot twist: he knows two Jews

>> No.19706056
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>read this jew to learn about the jews

>> No.19706151
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Culture of Critique by MacDonald is the standard. Not as scientifically sound as the author makes it seem but can't blame him the topic is out of the realm of peer review so he has to do all this thinking by himself. It's full of facts though. The 1965 immigration act is key.

Then this article is a good primer by Unz, a jew: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/

Then there's 'Mein Kampf' obviously.

There's Jewish history Jewish religion by Shahak. and maybe his
"Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel " as well

Then 'the isreal Lobby' by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Then Finkelstein's 'the holocaust industry'

Then maybe Lynn's 'the chosen people: a study of jewish intelligence & achievement"

Maybe as a standard pro Israel work you could do Dershowitz' "the case for israel"

There's also The Politics of Nonassimilation: The American Jewish Left in the Twentieth Century
by David Verbeeten, didn't read this one

>> No.19706276

>bait thread?
Doesnt seem very inflammatory, probably just a newfag looking for recommendations.

>> No.19706808


>> No.19706959

Dammit anon, I can't willingly send people to the camps. I'd be morally obliged to hide them or at least offer temporary shelter.

>> No.19706968

and a whispy philosophy misdirection at that

>> No.19706969

Jews would have been irrelevant if non-Semites never stupidly adopted their religions. Adherents of Abrahamic religions who hate Jews are hypocritical. It only makes sense to dislike Jews if you're not an Abrahamist.

>> No.19706982

Just tell them your considering converting to Judaism and ask them if they know a good rabbi

>> No.19707011

A real Jew would figure out how to complain about rent free accommodation.

>> No.19707023

What are the Irish but the Jews of Britain?
>Protocols of the Druidic Elders of Hibernia.jpg

>> No.19707033
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you took your conclusion for granted in disregarding my recommendation. I think Arendt was a good person and her philosophical insights were usually on-point. Same for, say, Stanislaw Lem and Stefan Zweig. I don't care if these people are part of the evil parasite race, I still value what they have to say.

>> No.19707057
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It's the same for every diaspora people. Look at Gypsies.

Instead of becoming mobile, Jews became urban inhabitants. Since they couldn't legally own land to farm, or join guilds to do trades in many places, they tended towards being scholars, doctors, bankers, and merchants. Whereas other minorities got genocided, the special place of Jews in the Bible kept the Jews somewhat safer in Europe and in Muslim lands.

But Jews could also convert and any time and live normal lives. This creates a selection effect where Jews who couldn't hack it in cognitively demanding fields like medicine or banking left the group. Also, Jews had this thing for scholarship due to Jewish law, so being a big brain helped you get your dick wet more than as an average peasant. Add 1,500 years of this and you get a moderately to highly divergent IQ, depending on how you measure it. It's extremely replicable, so it's probably something, but it's also all weighted into verbal logical IQ, with visio-spatial being the European mean. At the high end of finds looking just at verbal-logical, Jewish IQ is almost two standard deviations above the White mean, so twice the Black - White gap, or put another way, a normal Jew will be above 90-96% of Whites. Verbal-logical IQ is more predictive of success in the sciences and for income.

So, unlike other minorities who tend to be poor since they face the enviornmental pressures of oppression, and would underperform even at the mean, Jews had huge success after they got legal rights on par with other citizens. This inspired envy and conspiracy and gives them inordinate influence since it means they have more wealth and are more likely to test into elite institutions.

It's pretty crazy to look at their impact on science. Also, they have more relevance to Christian and Muslim religion, so that also bumps them up in relevance.

>> No.19707330
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>, Jews became urban inhabitants. Since they couldn't legally own land to farm, or join guilds to do trades in many places, they tended towards being scholars, doctors, bankers, and merchants. Whereas other minorities got genocided, the special place of Jews in the Bible kept the Jews somewhat safer in Europe and in Muslim lands.

Imagine if they had for a moment and wonder how they would manipulate food and the very basics of life to obtain what they want. Not unlike today with the increasing food shortages?

Don't grow your own food, goy, thats fascist.

>> No.19707353
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The Amish is a far more accurate means to compare your idea. The amnish are remarkable farmers and traditonal craftsmen. What differs between the two is the Amish are not averse to picking up the plow, nor do they wish financial gain. The Jew is both averse to picking up the plow, far better to have qn outside farm his crop which he will then sell for a gross amount, regardless of who it hurts.

Dont forget those who bought truck loads of masks and supplies when medical staff had to reuse for a week at a time.

>> No.19707417


well you may only know a few jews personally, but most influential people you see on TV and in newspapers are jewish