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File: 125 KB, 1200x703, washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19694051 No.19694051 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't anyone written an epic poem glorifying the founding fathers of the United States, like Virgil with the founding of Rome?
Such an epic poem would be kino.

>> No.19694079

No dude it would be gay.
In the White House there is a ceiling mural depicting Washington and the founding fathers becoming gods, called apotheosis of Washington. It’s a shitty painting; turns out the only artists who want to glorify the state are gay fags who use O and thou in poems and think big words = big smart.
If you think you can make it not gay, good luck but I’m telling you it will be gay

>> No.19694087

By "gay" you obviously mean happy,dear Sir?

>> No.19694109

You're very fixated on the gays, anon. Are you in the closet yourself?

>> No.19694126

Nah i can’t get intimate with men. When I see a man I relate immediately to all their most disgusting aspects in and out, and I can’t possibly bring myself to sexualize them. It would be like trying to jerk off to my own image in the mirror.

But in reference to the point, I’m saying gay as in really fucking cringe and trite and melodramatic and tone deaf and prissy little lord Fauntleroy type faggotry that teachers pets and second graders who part their hair exude.

>> No.19694150

Good god, I can sense the rampaging homoeroticism and lust for masculine rectum radiating out of this post.

>> No.19694259

Just trying to be sincere, thought that’s what all you homos liked here?
Go ahead and write your bootlicker sonnet and tell me again how gay I am, fag

>> No.19694278
File: 428 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Apotheosis_of_George_Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so bad about this painting?

>> No.19694296

all the guys on the top are upside down.

>> No.19694304

it's fucking cringe. definition of a LARP.

>> No.19694306

Because of the terror of history. We know the full lives of all of the major Founding Fathers, in fact many of them even have autobiographies. For ancient cities like Rome and even medieval states like France and England their early history was vague at best so there was a lot of room for myth and story-telling. The best you can get is historical fiction set during the events surrounding historically minor fictional characters, like Mel Gibson's The Patriot. What sort of epic story could you write about George Washington when we already know his entire life?

>> No.19694313

you sound like one of those faggy "AKSHULLY" guys, very cringe

>> No.19694320

Mother of cringe

>> No.19694325

you sound like a woman

>> No.19694329

you're just repeating to me what I already said to you

>> No.19694336
File: 76 KB, 800x474, https _blogs-images.forbes.com_insertcoin_files_2014_07_liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, reminds me of pic-related

>> No.19694365

Why's it a larp?

>> No.19694384

because it shows the desperation our country went through in order to have some sort of connection to ancient civilization. It screams, "Look at us! Washington is hanging out in Olympus with all the epic gods and goddesses, just like Augusts!!!!"

>> No.19694388

More cringe larp

>> No.19694392

it's from a game you knob

>> No.19694403

Because in terms of fashion, epic poetry is to the modern age what the fiction novel was in the heyday of epic poetry.

>> No.19694408

he's a low-t akshully guy

>> No.19694414

but this post is just making arguments against it being cringe?

>> No.19694426

this is Bioshock Infinite, right?

>> No.19694432

Walt Whitman wrote a lot of poems about democracy and the founding of the nation. One could make the argument that Leaves of Grass is our national epic.

>> No.19694433

Pretty sure someone already did that and it's called the Colombiad

>> No.19694438

Stop hitting on me

>> No.19694463


>> No.19694509


>> No.19694531

>searches Colombiad
>it was a type of cannon
Well, it's 'murica so I suppose it works.

>> No.19694533

cringe and idolatrous

>> No.19694537


>> No.19694588


>> No.19694687


>> No.19696601

Why do you think that your shitty failed masonic experiment deserves an epic? Name one single notable thing that amerishartland has done to warrant an epic.

>> No.19696623

Oh wow it's actually real. I thought you were joking.
Yes, it's a bit over the top. Washington didn't even fight it the Trojan War

>> No.19696626

Hamilton already exists

>> No.19696631

>invented Democracy
>brought said Democracy to other countries
>won WWI
>won WWII
>defeated communism

>> No.19697042

I thought it was kitschy at first but it actually fucking rules

>> No.19697134

Ezra Pound already did it.

>> No.19697174

Because that shit was cringe already when the USA was founded and its even more cringe today

>> No.19697177

The precursor to Las Vegas and Disneyland. Unironically this is true American culture

>> No.19697440

Someone already did and it sucked:

>> No.19697476

French and Anglo-American Masonry, with help from the Bavarian Illuminati, did this.

>> No.19697500
File: 109 KB, 300x395, EA0B3F43-DE41-46C0-80C6-4E7722E902FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Washington doing satan hands…

>> No.19697542

Someone wrote one fairly recently, they published it solely on the web. it was pretty big here about a decade ago. If no one posts the link I will dig into old bookmark files and see if I can find it. It was pretty interesting and went up to fairly recent history, i think style might have reflected the era that section was about? Massive undertaking by some random person.

>> No.19697582

> style might have reflected the era that section was about
Glorious if true

>> No.19697618

Sounds kino. I'd like to see it if you can find it.

>> No.19697627

I know style changes, but it could be just the writer letting his style change, develop and grow with the piece. I do not remember.

>> No.19697658

Oh, I thought it meant changing style with the historical writing style of the period, like a historical flowers for Algernon, which would be crazy.

>> No.19697668
File: 31 KB, 1300x600, freemasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

washington was a freemason
this guy gets it

>> No.19697712

There's a chapter in James Joyce's Ulysses where he imitates all the historical writing styles in the development of the English language.

>> No.19697742

That is what I meant, but as I said "i think." Read those posts again, work on that comprehension.

>> No.19697912

>invented Democracy
Greeks did it(technically) before it was cool.
>brought said Democracy to other countries
By force wich is pretty ironic and it turned to shit for most of them. See Korea and basically all mid eastern countries.
>won WWI
>won WWII
Fucking cope. You can't just join a war at the very end, send in a few ships and call it a victory. Not a single foreign bullet has been shot on american soil before and after Pearl Harbor. The only real war you've been too was against some isolated island gooks who beat you with nothing but bushes and shit stained pointy sticks. Get over yourselves.
>defeated communism
Lmao people are hanging commie flags on your campuses. You were one step away from a Maoist revolution in 2020. Right now you have more commie sympathizers than all of Eastern Europe combined.

>> No.19698052

This feels like the painting of Jesus arm-wrestling Satan.

>> No.19698062

Don’t care, nobody asked.

>> No.19698067


>> No.19698107

lose weight

>> No.19698134
File: 78 KB, 962x1024, 1641451142901m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. fuck the foreign invaders and fuck the orcs

>> No.19698144

Fuck you, no one fucking cares about James Fucking Joyce, he's a shit fucking fart smelling cringe ass writer, kill yourself

>> No.19698464

I do not seem to have a link to it any longer. It was pretty big on /lit/ for awhile, so perhaps some other anon will provide, or start digging through warosu.

>> No.19698530

Sounds kitsch as fuck

>> No.19698561
File: 258 KB, 512x497, 469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19698569
File: 73 KB, 600x800, ip4eri2qnxp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your meds schizo