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19693172 No.19693172 [Reply] [Original]

i've read the bronze age mindeset audiobook a year ago but now i have lost the file
does anybody have it here?
i want to re-listen to it as a more mature individual

>> No.19693191

>BAP reader
>literally cannot even read

>> No.19693247

You should move on to Might is Right. I'm going to give you the BAP link after you read this book. Its much better and the author can actually write proper English. Here "read" the audiobook:


>> No.19693347

i already read might is right fren
i need to find the m3 for bap

>> No.19693367

How about you just come to terms with your small penis and try to enjoy your time on earth instead of larping as a fascist and giving money to a literal grifter?

>> No.19693382

>might is right
>but not when it’s Jewish people having financial might
>and not when gays and transgenders have social might
>and not when black people have physical athletic might
>more of like when your ancestors from thousands of years ago did cool stuff you’ve only heard of, that’s the kind of might that’s right

>> No.19693388

I'd rather spend the money on my home gym and a waifu pillow but a small PP I have not, good sir.

>> No.19693399

>a lot of assumptions fueled by unreflected uncomfortable aversive emotions
Nature is cruel my noble son.

>> No.19693407

Then you shouldn’t waste your time with this incel cope shit. Do right by your tradwife body pillow and read something that will make you a better person and not a more bitter and oblivious one

>> No.19693424

No assumption here: the phrase “might is right” has denotative meaning, aside from the obvious connotative ones.
You are posting on 4chan and I doubt it’s from some insurgent training camp, so maybe take a look in the mirror, give yourself a break for being a loser, and stop being a fag.

>> No.19693427

>enjoy your time on earth
bam is a fun read and gives a burst of vril. Healthy fascists have more fun in life in general

>> No.19693433

>read an audiobook

reading is an active process, dumb froggot

>> No.19693486
File: 8 KB, 200x256, eat_the_bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have like this BOOK??! You must agree with everything therein and all these presumptions I have will define your character for all future lives.

>> No.19693492

You can torrent it on audiobook bay that's how I found my copy. I wish BAP narrated his own book tho :( HIs podcast is so funny

>> No.19693497

i would not spend my time reading bap. i might listen to the audiobook while doing chores.

>> No.19693548

If it looks like a duck, anon. Are you telling me you read quasi-fascist dreck for the giggles? don’t be a dickless turd: you read the books for their philosophy. Show a little bit of might XD

>> No.19693566

>hebrew chutzpah

>> No.19694785

>manipulating others by weaponizing compassion is the same as strenght

>> No.19694801

unironically yes; cry about it you weak little pussy lol