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/lit/ - Literature

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1969254 No.1969254 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I'm looking for that word that describes when at the end of a piece of literature, drama or film, the conflict is resolved and the audience is pleased.

Pathos came to mind but that wasn't it.

In return, I'm dumping some pictures of libraries and noteworthy people.

>> No.1969257


>> No.1969258


>> No.1969261
File: 28 KB, 338x450, richard-feynman-american-physicist-and-nobel-prize-winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the case when the antagonist is defeated, previous disappointment is reversed, i.e. a 'happy-end' of sorts. When the audience is left feeling as if justice was served.

Please go ahead and contribute whichever words you think might be relevant to what I'm trying to describe.

>> No.1969262
File: 21 KB, 453x292, johnlennon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Catharsis is exactly what I meant. Thank you!

Thanks to you as well :)

>> No.1969267

Spoiler: That's not what catharsis means.

>> No.1969279
File: 37 KB, 344x344, 1286638085532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know I wasn't describing it very well. That's why >>1969257deserves extra kudos: for managing to figure out what I meant, in addition to supplying me with the term itself.

>> No.1970035

OP has to be a girl. Has to!

>> No.1970156

The first word that came to my mind was dénouement.

>> No.1970166
File: 37 KB, 376x400, 1298010712123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1970169


That's one of my favorite /lit/-related words.

>> No.1970183

this word was such a favorite of my older sister's dorky lil queer blossom ninth-grade boyfriend that it remains a running joke in our household to this day

>> No.1970185

(maybe he grew up to become a beloved 4chan literature message board trip personality!!)

>> No.1970217


He fucked you sister.

You haven't fucked anyone.

>see what I'm getting at?

>> No.1970227


the climax of his life was definitely dating that other guy's sister in the 9th grade, it's all been a downhill crawl from there--luckily that's just what he always wanted

>> No.1970228

