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19692035 No.19692035 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about the normative effects of psychology? Surely there are people skeptical about how much psychology intrudes into our definition of healthy.
If you aren't an enthusiastic consumer and accept the current narrative without question then you are a mentally ill and need to be given meds immediately

>> No.19692063

I'm also interested in this, and would like to add: Is there any good books that argue for or against the primacy of psychology? That is, why is the subjection of other ontologies to psychology viewed as legitimate or self-evident?

>> No.19692070

tfw no emotionless schizo gf to read books with

>> No.19692095

It’s strange reading old books where people regularly compliment one another on having pretty feet and so on. I wonder if the invention of the category known as ‘fetish’ (and the invention therefore of the human type known as the ‘fetishist’ as well as the description of certain types of desires as fetishes and not others) made people reticent about expressing feelings or sentiments that might make them appear to be such a person in the same way that the emphasis on homosexuality as a distinct sexual orientation did

>> No.19692103

Without a doubt there is an increasing trend to separate and fragment things that previously were considered to be unitary. For example gender is now being split into as many arbitrary subdivisions as possible because it lets you target people more easily with media in general and ads in particular. It's a sort of social atomization as Marx put it but for absolutely everything, tokenizing existence

>> No.19692167
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I'm not sure anon. Perhaps Thomas Szasz would be a good place to start.

>> No.19692172

I think it also stems from a desire for identity in a world which increasingly lacks it. Due to globalisation, culture becomes more homogenised and people feel alienated from what's around them, so they seek a label they can attribute to themselves to give them a sense of group belonging. This is especially the case online, where your default persona is to be anonymous (as we are here) and you must entirely form your own identity. This behaviour can be seen everywhere, from the gender identity crowd to political compass autists. It's trying to fill the gap of something that was once real with an artificial substitute

>> No.19692180

You misapprehend the purpose of diagnosis. It is clear that the usage of such labels is actually to create specific types of consumer, that usually generate far more money and consume far more (of specific products) than others. Schizoids aren't the best consumers, hence why it is one of the least common diagnoses.

>> No.19692181

Yes, I think this is also a very good point

>> No.19692198

>you're quiet, humble, not a coomer, and don't need to party hard every day? Well kiddo it appears you're a fucking schizo

>> No.19692241

Unironically yes.

>> No.19692277

"Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable."

-- Kaczynski

"Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn't fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good."


I think there's a David Graeber quote about how we doubled down on psych drugs and surveillance 50 years ago when we were on the cusp of mass automation but I can't find it

>> No.19692284

Well Graeber was a complete hack who based most of his opinions on shitty evidence and anecdotes, so who cares what he thought.

>> No.19692306

Footfags are a cancer

>> No.19692392


IQ 100 normies are weak and shitty people. Their only strength is in numbers, so they feed off of mass social attention. Women are the same way for the same reasons. The ability to enjoy solitude is a mark of good character. As well as an ability to be disciplined and get shit done. If you're not ugly or mentally retarded, socializing should come naturally.

And psychologists / psychiatrists do some mix of assisted conformity, being paid to hear women jabber about shit, helping people with real neuropsychological issues like schizophrenia, BPD, tourettes, intellectual disability, etc., and yes - imposing and reinforcing a set of social norms concocted by high church psychologists to serve the interests of themselves, their field, and the system as a whole

>> No.19692399 [SPOILER] 
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Start with the Greeks

>> No.19692853
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Read Ellul

>> No.19692951

>Szasz was born to Jewish parents
>David Rolfe Graeber...born in New York to a working-class Jewish family
>For his efforts to save Jews he was awarded the title Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem

Shoo kikes, shoo!

>> No.19692971

Uh oh.

>> No.19693005

that's the entire point. it's a commie social weapon. basically like calling someone a witch but with SCIENCE!!!!™

>> No.19693018

like when someone kills himself they can dehumanize him by saying that he was mentally ill. And they will start criminalizing depression eventually by linking it go BAD THING so you will have to undergo mandatory lobotomy as soon as you show signa of unhappiness with the system

>> No.19693052

Its behavioral psychology that is a meme.

>> No.19693054

Pay attention to how everything must be pathologized no matter how harmless or completely normal it may originally be at its core. Pretty soon we'll be handing out treatments and multiple appointments for therapy sessions because of QPD (quiet personality disorder) or perhaps even the dreaded Handyman Complex. It's ridiculous. It's not even a human-to-human kind of treatment what with all the buzzwords that will infest your brain throughout it. It's an unnatural rapport that doesn't really help you out in the long run.
I'm not saying that all therapy doesn't work obviously, just pointing out a specific type.

>> No.19693166

I did not know personality was a clinical diagnosis. Any time I see a mental illness pop up without any proper treatment I believe it to be nonsense.

>> No.19693471

Great, so now I am a schizoid. What do I do with this information?

>> No.19693504

Justification for using 4chan instead of interacting meaningfully with others

>> No.19693582

>Surely there are people skeptical about how much psychology intrudes into our definition of healthy.
This one, right here >>19692167. Read this one or another work by Szasz first.

>If you aren't an enthusiastic consumer and accept the current narrative without question then you are a mentally ill and need to be given meds immediately
The Soviets and the government of East Germany had detained dissidents in psychiatric hospitals and diagnosed them with "mental diseases" to discredit them and their opinions, and there's reason enough to believe that the US and other countries in the West are doing the same thing right now. It's not just the shills.

>Ideas can't be good just because they came from a jew
Way to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.19694516

Those two sentences were absolutely illuminating. This is definitely what is happening, and it's not even a conscious effort because we're now part of this mechanical organism like the cells of a body.
>Any time I see a mental illness pop up without any proper treatment I believe it to be nonsense.
That doesn't matter, because soon what will happen will be that you will HAVE to undergo treatment, because you will be treated as dangerous for yourself and others, and you will be forced to take braindead pills and "behavioral therapy" aka brainwashing. We already have the technology to detect facecrime.

>> No.19694669 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1150x830, treatment-for-intellectual-and-developmental-disabilities-in-Little-Rock-1150x830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the obviously autistic girl in the comic being labeled a schizoid? Did the person who madee this even wiki what schizophrenia is?

>> No.19694710
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>> No.19694752

I am a degreed former "scientist" in psychology AMA

>> No.19694797

>Ideas can't be good just because they came from a jew
Incorrect, rather, ideas should not even be considered because they came from a jew. As an example, imagine a great chef with a history of poisoning his guests. Should you accept his invitation to a dinner and eat from his plates? Logic demands that simply because the chef is a known poisoner it doesn't mean he can't create an amazingly tasty meal.

>> No.19694810

I'm still here...

>> No.19694818


Is it a good hustle? What do shrinks do to clients who just seem vaguely fucked up in a large number of ways? Like just net shit genetics? What diagnosis is that? Or freakishly ugly patients? I'm thinking "autism" is the catchall for such cases but idk. Ofc you cannot just tell a client that he's a grotesque freak who even a mother could never love but often it must be true lol. Or how about clients that are just black?

>> No.19694822

Okay, how was your day? Did anything nice happen?

>> No.19694824 [DELETED] 

That's what I thought. /wave

>> No.19694829

>Is it a good hustle?
No. I changed careers.

>> No.19694835


>> No.19694845


Can you answer the rest of my question? Let me put it more nicely, how do therapeutic psychologists and psychiatrists handle odd cases? Is there a "smooth operator" routine? Or do you just admit that they may be unable to help the client, or their client doesn't fit into a distinct diagnosis?

I'm worried that psychs often lead people along to benefit themselves as practitioners, and give out false of inaccurate diagnoses to give a rationalization for the client's suffering or problems. Or diagnosis just to give access to further treatment protocols

>> No.19694861

You vague it up. When you don't know you don't know. There are more generalized diagnoses you can use and you do the best you can with them.

I don't know many clinicians who think they know it all when it comes to such cases.

>> No.19694884

And? You need the huwhite man to parse the good ideas from the bad, make them pure, before you're able to take them in? Really?

>> No.19694892

So anyway, I have to go. /wave

>> No.19694897 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 400x401, red sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know op, but I struggle with the notion of 'normality' every day because I have "schizophrenia" or more accurately "schizoaffective disorder bipolar type".

See, I can't tell what is real any more. My "delusions" are religious in nature, and to deny my beliefs is to deny religion entirely. I believe the voices I hear are spirits. My doctor believes it is myself speaking to myself. Why does psychology assume that it is me talking to myself? Why is it impossible that it could be spirits talking to me?

I just get frustrated because I hear voices of the spirits of dead famous philosophers. We talk about philosophy a lot.

I just get so frustrated because I feel like modern psychiatry is just a sham to sell pharmaceutical drugs because my schizoaffective disorder is very treatment resistant (I take 3 anti psychotics and it's the exact same as if I take nothing.). The medications without insurance cost like 1000$ a month without insurance and medicaid. It's all bullshit and there's no saving me I'm probably going to commit suicide in a few years because there's a few voices that bully me constantly 24/7.

Any advice /lit/? Sorry for the blogpost. I was just trying to help op out.

>> No.19694915

Is this some jewish thing, to shove the arguments into somebody's mouth only to dismantle them triumphantly? I'm just against the existence of jews, both physical and spiritual/intellectual. It's an opinion, deal with it.

>> No.19694921

The Divided Self is an interesting conception of schizophrenia as more of an existential or post-traumatic disorder, though it has a transphobic bit. RD Laing is sort of an anti-psychiatry guy in general, but I haven’t read his other stuff.
There’s borderline stuff like all the writing around the idea of all mental problems being rooted in developmental trauma (complex ptsd surviving to thriving, the drama of the gifted child, the body keeps the score).
Tangentially, Games People Play is semi-related and has a good bit on addiction.

>> No.19695311

Okay well we're more inclined to talk about ideas and theories here so maybe go to /pol/ or something if you want to say "I hate jewkikes" in the middle of the thread and have people congratulate you for it.

>> No.19695663

Foucault's "Le pouvoir psychiatrique" and "Les Anormaux".

>> No.19695711

Wtf that's literally me.

>> No.19697280


>> No.19697360

Science has proven the existance of mental conditions as products of chemical imbalances in the brain that are most effectively treated by medication. The denial of mental illness isnt radical but a cover for systems of domination based on institutionalized ableism. Many 4chan users are neurodivergent but have internalized the ableist prejudices of the wider society. it would be far more radical to adopt an intersectional equity perspective that places evidence based treatment and the lived experience of mental health consumers first and foremost in its intersections with gender race sex worker status stigma over use of hard drugs. Besides it plays into the arguments of reactionaries to imply queer peoples identities are based on trauma and not on objective scientific and psychiatric authority.

>> No.19697391

>though it has a transphobic bit.

Based. Notice how Trannies think disagreeing with their ideology is a mental illness(transphobia). Progressivism is the current ideology of psychiatric power. Its like 50s conformism and fear based authoritarian institutionalism except you are allowed to be gay(soon being gay will be mandatory).

>> No.19697475

LITERALLY ME. What books should I read to be a true schizoidbro?

>> No.19697483

Read the criteria buddy. She wouldn't want to be around you let alone date you.

>> No.19697488

Gene editing and mass global depopulation will solve the majority of those problems. What you are proposing is abject dysgenics. The post-industrial revolution alteration of selection pressures is the major cause and once these degenerating masses are obsoleted by AI and automation there will be little incentive to keep them around.

>> No.19697517

>not a coomer
The DSM referenced here says "shared sexual activities", not masturbation, so being schizoid does not save you from being a goonslave.

>> No.19697530

AND he got dubs, take that you fucking nigger >>19694915

>shitting on Graeber
post proofs or seethe more.

>> No.19697540

one of the most well-written baits i've seen in a while. would love to read a satirical book from you, anon

>> No.19697555

cope and seethe incel chud

>> No.19697684


>> No.19697971

it's absolutely a class war tactic and the fact that people do it unwittingly means it's a very good class warf tactic. ever wonder why the rich can identify as whatever while retaining their power but everyone else has to voluntarily sacrifice most if not all of their organic human connections to fully realize their identity?

>> No.19697990
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>> No.19698022

>What do I do with this information?
Take some pills provided by Big Pharma.

>> No.19698034

>though it has a transphobic bit.
Now I think we should read it.

>> No.19698160
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>> No.19698257

Is there a way to fix this or it is permanent?

>> No.19698285

“It’s just the way I feel abloo abloo” lmao you don’t believe they should exist and yet do nothing about it aside from complain online. You are a loser.

>> No.19698366

I recently discovered a philosopher named Hans-Georg Moeller who has a bunch of YouTube lectures, and he talks a lot about this. It seems to be his main theme, the way we create our identities in the 21st century. He says there have been three methods in doing so historically: sincerity, authenticity, and now what he calls profilicity.

>> No.19698381

On the contrary it is about trivializing and generalizing. When you have 300 different genders that can be combined with 300 sexual orientations it's as if gender and sexual orientation didn't exist. Everyone is "queer" and "nonbinary". This way you can advertise the same product to everyone. As long as it's queer and genderweird it's on target.

>> No.19698624

Maturity is knowing that women like redhead girl make the best gfs.

>> No.19698863

The redhead girl is in a 5 year relationship with a 75IQ ugly retard who beats her every week, doesn't have a job and cheats on her regularly, but she loves him anyway.

>> No.19698928

that only makes her more desirable

>> No.19698936

Unironically that’s something that sits at the core of Anti-Oedipus

>> No.19699022

Rectify your relationship with the Sadistic Object without faking it, intellectualizing it away, or remaining emotionally withdrawn. It is believed to be the result of seeking love from the emotionally distant or unstable and thereby equating love with pain and looking for deep needs elsewhere, say fantasies or intellectual pursuits. Was your mother a shrieking harpy by any chance?

>> No.19699034

that comic describes me entirely. didn’t miss a single one. except i’m a man and not a cute girl, so nobody cares, i have no delusions of being quirky or enjoying being locked on my own head during all social interactions playing a role that is in one way a completely fake outward portrayal of who i am and what i really wanna say, but in another way so unavoidable that it basically is actually me
also im a pedo

>> No.19699065

Most working with disorders of the self or vague baskets of symptoms long term apply a cognitive approach, identifying and giving alternatives to maladaptive thoughts and actions while building a profile for a psychodynamic approach and hopefully arriving at and working through a core issue or initiating event.

>> No.19699090


>> No.19699099

Nah it’s just from being ugly in adolescence (and adulthood) leading to peer rejection

>> No.19699125

Because lower class people are retarded.

>> No.19699587

where do I read more about this?

>> No.19699748

>hopefully arriving at and working through a core issue or initiating event.
This is where you ran aground. Human beings are complex systems.