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19690808 No.19690808 [Reply] [Original]

now I understand. to make art, you need to look into yourself. the world is made of lies, and no art coming from a lie can ultimately last. if you want to write a book, you need to show your own truth, because your truth is more real than the illusions of the world. for every doubt you have, find the answer by looking into yourself. I think Im ready to start writing.

>> No.19690815

Wrong, try again.

>> No.19690864

I think you have it double or triple backwards, but your finely wrought statement, by it's very form and construction, suggests that yourself already know you are engaging in the sort of "lies" and ironic "insincerities" and repeated inversions of belief you claim to natively oppose.

>> No.19690908
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Im just extremely intelligent and analitical, but also very humble, so my mistake was to try to find substance on people like you, who clearly have none, and never will. now I only look to myself to find answers, because I will never find it on the world outside of me. for example, look at the two replies I received so far. you can pretend you have a better answer than mine, but thats all it is, pretending. feel free to correct my first post, thus making this one invalid as well.

>> No.19690932

Looks like a transparent ploy at cooption of another in your own personal game of verbal and mental onanism: not engaging.

>> No.19690956
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>and no art coming from a lie can ultimately last.

I don't know about that....

I mean, most likely, just about everything you think is a lie, or could at least be untrue and interpreted as a lie. Human beings don't really like truth either, in fact they tend to fucking hate it more than anything.

So, in art, something that appears to be true, and told convincingly enough, is generally desirable. It more than likely isn't actually true though. Old concepts like "Love Conquers all!" sound really cool, and people love to say they're true but...c'mon guys, we all know it isn't actually true. So it's like anything really, appearance is all that counts.

>> No.19691019
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looks like another post without substance, and with no answer. and only a madman enters a real battle without any real weapon. you should learn something from this thread, but we both know you wont. because I am right.

of course most people dont enjoy the truth, but most people also dont read books. the people who read books are actually open minded. and I will search for my truth because I cannot lie. it never worked for me. and by truth I mean what I am trying to say, not what I actually say. if the objective of the meaning of your words is to lead people into some dark world where nothing can be applied to their own reality because its all bullshit, then you are offering a mutilated version of whatever you writing could have been, and you are not a writer, you are a butcher. if you want your words to resonate, you need the truth.

>> No.19691058

Op you're completely missing the point. Lies are embedded in everything both inside and outside of us. Actually one could say that the fundamental nature of reality is the act of lying. The world is made of lies because we are it and we made it so.

If you want to make real art you need to inquire into the human condition and of course you will find that basically it is founded in lies and in contradictions.

The ultimate truth is that there is no self, so when you reach this truth you stop using the vital lies and you stop acting. You can't make art in Nirvana. Introspection is just an effective practice to eliminate appearances and false identifications to move towards happiness. Not to discover ontological truths.

So art is based on the recognition and use of lies to pretend the eternal and permanent in the transitory.

>> No.19691130

>I cannot lie

You're definitely lying to yourself then.

>> No.19691144

>you need to inquire into the human condition and of course you will find that

thats everything my post tried to say.

>Not to discover ontological truths.

and this is where I think you are wrong. I already know how people here write, and what almost everyone here is void of is substance, because there is no truth on them. even in fiction truth must be found. only the truth can make someone think and feel, a lie will just make someone disturbed. this is why stephen king only writes terror, because he is a souless cocaine addict, and his truth is that there is a monster preying on the reader, the monster being stephen king himself. my main problem was to write a villain. now that I dont need to look into fauci, or soros, or some cia mass shooter to inspire me, I will make my villains out of myself. the truth is there, and you just need to be able to show it for your art to be recognized. if your art is just nihilism, than you better hope nihilism still sells. but it never did. even fight club is not nihilist.

>> No.19691161

look I will not answer to a leaf blowing in the wind anymore. if you want my words, write something real on a rock and throw at me, because Im tired of btfoing midwits.

>> No.19691191


You know, you're probably the worst hypocrite of your own philosophy. You blather on about truth, but nothing about you comes across as genuine or true. You ooze of naivety and disingenuousness. You're just another charlatan trying to peddle something, "true." without an substance to it.

You don't even know what a lie is, or recognize it within yourself, so naturally you have no idea what something that's true even is either.

>> No.19691218

a firm foundation in tools, concepts, precursors, and history is great - but art is always some irrational determination to do some crazy shit - or to pedal what people want with just enough humor and intellectual cache to be popular and respected, generally, if not actually very good

>> No.19691260
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if only you could use your ability to write pretty and complex words to actually present arguments to defend your own accusations, then I would not need to say you are the one who is disingenuous, and a hyprocrite, and a liar. so, do you know what kind of person always accuse its enemy of doing what he himself actually does? you are mad and out of the shadows because you know you are incapable of anything but what you are doing now, writing nonsense, and living through lies, while accusing people who are better than you of doing the same. I would pity you if I didnt know you alone brought what you are upon yourself.

finally someone I can totally agree with. thats exactly what it is. irrational determination, humor, and intellectual cache. thats the what. and, in my opinion, to resonate by being truthful, as in you can make people think and feel and dream in their own lives, is the how.

>> No.19691281

Just curious, do you happen to consider yourself the only person capable of truth on this planet?

>> No.19691290


>in atheist bourgeois society


art is just washing money and being ''subversive'' by talking about sex

>> No.19691300

Op so much that you like the truth, I'll tell it to you. We are two pseud neets who don't know shit about life or the human condition. The truth is that when we get involved in rhetorical discussions, all we do is repeat speeches that we hear from other people. We lie.

If you go read the great artists who really went to the trouble of investigating the human condition, you will realize that they discovered that our vital mechanism is based on lies and in contradictions. So when you say that the truth is a substance (you mean God, I don't know why you didn't name it) the only thing you are doing is reaffirming your condition as a human being. When you deny the lie, you are really only reinforcing it. This is the wretched humanity that you carry inside. You deny the lie because you are denying yourself. You live in blindness.

>you better hope nihilism still sells. but it never did

This is so human, you're lying kekk. In fact, nihilistic art sells super well because it is precisely based in lying. The honest nihilistic artist would not make art because there is no point in doing it. So the artist is pretending to be something else, he lies himself in believing in nihilism which actually it does not exist. Do you understand?

>> No.19691308

"The great 18th century French diplomat Talleyrand once said that speech was given to man to disguise his thoughts – a counterintuitive claim that explodes many sentimental myths about both communication and diplomacy. People never say what they mean: communication is not exchange, but aggression – and secrecy is at the heart of human language itself."

>> No.19691317

lol buddy do you even frank lloyd wright?


part of that was a joke about handing out what people want to get famous - but the first part, about the irrational, the left hand path - that was deeply serious

>> No.19691345
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just curious, do you always dodge questions and responsibilities like a human slime when you are not on 4chan? I never said I am the only one capable of writing truth, but you are the one saying I am not capable of writing truth, at all. you will never be a real writer, anon. you are too dumb, and you live in your own stupid world, following your own stupid rules. this is not how you play this game if you want to win. you should just kill yourself and reroll your character.

anon... the substance I refered to is the self. and you think there is no self. you and I are on completely different roads. your road is a self of no substance, and mine isnt. so do your nihilist or not nihilist writing all you want, because I really want for you to publish something. and then you will see if what you are defending is the truth, or not. and I dont repeat what other people say, because I cannot quote anyone, from anywhere. I just learn what I hear, if I know it is the truth. now, the question is, am I lying when I say that, or not? does that even matter, anon?

>> No.19691392

>just curious, do you always dodge questions and responsibilities like a human slime when you are not on 4chan? I
I'd answer your questions, if I even understood what they were. Unfortunately, i think you're a little too confused and blinded by your own little world of lies, which you refuse to see as lies, that even you don't understand what it is you're asking.

>you will never be a real write
Oh no, guess all my current publications mean nothing, because, you know, you say so, and you come across as such a genuine, truthful person, so it must be true.

You're also totally failing at the basic fundamental notion that, whether or not something is true, it needs to appear true. A writer's job is to put anything in it's best possible light. Not only does everything you say come across as dishonest, but you put it in an even worse light by adopting a voice which is angry, petty, and seems to simply be an outlet valve for your rather nasty psychological pathology. In short, you're never going to be a writer, because you have no idea to portray your ideas in a way that appeals to people.

>> No.19691433

You guys ever see that movie Barton Fink?

>> No.19691497
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>if I even understood what they were

you cant even comprehend a 4chan post, and you are saying you can write a book? but anyways, you kind of answered me. anything in its best possible light? if only you could expand your thought on that, but whatever, I will just assume you like to sugarcoat everything you write, as in accepting the darkness as light, and the light as darkness. now, let me answer one of your, again, accusations coming out of nowhere, one of many. if you can even read and comprehend a text, you will see that I already said, as in agreed, what fiction is, and lo and behold, I expanded the thought, as a rational human being should do. but you are too fucking dumb to realize it. are you brave enough to post your work here? I truly am interested on what a stupid slimy maggot like you have to say on a book. inb4 more answers filled with accusations and dumb high school writing class wisdom... you know everyone here can see you write so much, but never say anything at all, as in actually explaining why you are saying what you are saying, right, anon? now please post the name of your books. and if you dont answer anymore, as you should if you have any actual intelligence in you, just know that interacting with someone as incapable of defending their ideas as you are only makes me more confident in myself. so I thank you, anon. dont let anyone tell you your life is as meaningless as your writing.

>> No.19691539

>you cant even comprehend a 4chan post

Not your delusional ones, nope.

>and you are saying you can write a book?

I have written like 5 of them so far.

>if you can even read and comprehend a text,

You know, rule number 1 in writing: never blame your audience for not getting you. Even if it's true, then there's always a way you can explain your idea better.

>I truly am interested on what a stupid slimy maggot like you have to say on a book

Lol. You know, if you want things in life, it's very advisable to ask nicely.

>you know everyone here can see you write so much, but never say anything at all, as in actually explaining why you are saying what you are saying, right, anon?

Uh, yeah sure. Right. Crystal clear.

>just know that interacting with someone as incapable of defending their ideas as you are only makes me more confident in myself.

That doesn't seem to be the case. You seem to be in an addictive spiral of low self esteem which requires that you constantly attack others in order to keep from turning any of that negative energy inwards.

>> No.19691575
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ok, anon. thanks for the bumps.

>> No.19691594


Sure, it's the least I could do, seeing how you even refuse to help yourself.

>> No.19691816

i somehow doubt that mr. esl frogposter here is going to write anything of note. call it a hunch

>> No.19691835

This is why I'll never be a grat writer. I can't lay my soul bare on the page, I'm too scared people will judge me

>> No.19691874

got three words for ya buddy: free indirect style