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/lit/ - Literature

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19689362 No.19689362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walk into bookstore
>ask lady behind counter if they have a russian literature section
>ask if they have any hemmingway
>pick up a copy of "the old man and the sea"
>as I'm paying the woman tells me if i enjoy dostoevsky and hemmingway i might like this book
>tell her no
>"because it was written by a jew and i loathe jews"
>flabbergasted, she silently hands me my change and i leave without saying goodbye
I'd like to see you faggots be this based in real life interactions.
imagine taking the suggestions of women seriously, harumph, kek, lol.

>> No.19689378

Lmao so fucking based
Women should just stay quiet, don't give recommendations make me a goddamn sandwich bitch

>> No.19689380

i hate this board.

>> No.19689395

this board hates you
she had some slurpalicious toes i won't deny, but she just couldn't handle my antisemitic chad energy

>> No.19689420

She's thinking about you RIGHT NOW, anon.

How long are you going to leave the poor girl all hot and bothered?

Get back to that shop for Round Two. And, of course, keep us informed.

>> No.19689447

Cringe if this isn't satire.

>> No.19689476
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it isn't i can asure you, she genuinely made me angry with her recommendation of a jewish author
im glad i could break up the monotony ofher day dealing with customers afraid to express controversial opinions

>> No.19689480

Based if this isn't satire

>> No.19689658
