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/lit/ - Literature

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19687230 No.19687230 [Reply] [Original]

Man Poland has some of the best writers. I've started reading them recently and I don't know if it's the translation or what but they might be my favorite country for writers. Their prose is not pretentious like other countries and I feel they understand life better than anyone else.

>> No.19687285

Solaris by Stanislaw Lem is great.

>> No.19687288

The movie not so much

>> No.19687298

wtf !

>> No.19687311

idk maybe it was good I shut it off after 20 minutes

>> No.19687335

go back to /tv/
Solaris is one of my favourite book and I didn't bother to watch that shit. The book is amazing. It is worth reading just for its' hidden meaning

>> No.19687365

>reading sci fi
go back to reddi.t

>> No.19687488

I would recommend Schulz to everybody, but I can't tell if translation ok

>> No.19687519
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>> 19687365
>ree, why do you like different genres from the ones I read.
>I'm better than you because I read nonfiction
I remember when I was edgy teenager

>> No.19687521

Opinion on Gombrowicz?

>> No.19687529


>> No.19687537

Why is Russian literature so much more acclaimed than Polish literature?

>> No.19687547

i remember the polish who learned English so fuently he managed to write polish like in English

>> No.19687552

Yeah, he’s coping quite nicely by laughing at you.
Look the word up sometime.

>> No.19687564

Bigger country

>> No.19687590 [SPOILER] 
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You could say that his English was well polished

>> No.19687604

My favourite polish writer is Joseph Conrad.

>> No.19687879

any translation can do him a justice, his prose isn't about it, but I still don't understand why people outside poland like him. He is great if you understand that country and culture
Polish literature isn't for everybody, we are very hermetic

>> No.19687912

They should adapt The Invincible or Return from the Stars instead. But its not gonna happen, smartdust evolution and betrization are taboo concepts nowadays. Too prescient and scary.

>> No.19687958

he’s a fun guy

>> No.19688033

>"Monday - Me; Tuesday - Me; Wednesday - Me; and, Thursday - Me"

He turned shitposting into literary genre.

>> No.19688045

oi big up yourself for reading the polski's. What exactly is it you've been enjoying? I must warn you though that most of the really good stuff if either untranslated or poetry and I'll have to be one of those cunts who says that you'll lose a lot by reading someone like Leśmian or Norwid in translation, and that's if you can even find any half decent translations of those writers

>> No.19689074

Who's the translator?

>> No.19689085


>> No.19689090

Reading the Congress of futurology atm, really weird for its absurd elements but funny in some aspects.

>> No.19689113

Joseph Conrad?

>> No.19689123 [DELETED] 

Homosexual and postmodernist degenerate.

How about some wholesome writers? Personally I can only recommend some poets like Szymborska or Miłosz. But as far as prose is concerned I can't think of anything really memorable. I guess I should check Reymont, Zeromski and even Sienkiewicz, which I havent' since school.

>> No.19689142

Literally nothing wrong with being jewish

>> No.19689162

>le jew is ... LE BAD
Kill yourself, /pol/tard

>> No.19689170 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 331x500, em jones jewish revolutionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oopsie, I missed "Leśmian" Lessman


Yeah yeah, right.

>> No.19689179 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 331x500, ryssen Psychanalyse_du_judaisme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah yeah, right.

>> No.19689182

literally filtered

>> No.19689218 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 640x916, bernard-lazare-771286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote from the book "Anti-semitism, its History and Causes" by Lazare, a Jew! Looks like even he disagreed that there "is nothing wrong with being Jewish"

>> No.19689238

If you want Polish anti-semitic kino look no further than Promised Land by Reymont. I still have no clue how that was approved as obligatory reading in schools in the days of communism.

>> No.19689255

i once heard from a french guy that gombrowicz was relevant for the french because he wrote about his struggles with having been born to a provincial culture with delusions of grandeur and the french have since themselves faded into being a provincial culture with delusions of grandeur.

he is if anything one of the less "hermetic" polish writers outside of things like transatlantyk or the parts of his diaries that deal directly with the polish literary scene. notice how a novel like pornografia uses war-torn poland as a setting and then gives zero shits about the specifics of the polish ww2 experience to instead tell a story about middle-aged voyeurs on a fetishistic quest etc etc. a lot of his writing about societal dynamics and interpersonal pressures seems like it's still entirely applicable today and transferable to how people interact on social media or whatever.

>> No.19689289

>But as far as prose is concerned I can't think of anything really memorable.
that's because you just rejected schulz for being jewish. the uneasy truth for polack /pol/acks is that no pole ever wrote in polish as well as that jew.

kek, you are illiterate

>> No.19689301

>the uneasy truth for polack /pol/acks is that no pole ever wrote in polish as well as that jew
T. Doesn't even know Polish

>> No.19689318 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 325x499, attali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah yeah, right, "Jews dindu nuffin" etc, I know this old tune all too well. Read the Attali book: again, in order to become a fine anti-semite all you have to do is to read about Jews from the Jews themselves!


I'll check it. I just hope that the book is actually good though!

>> No.19689330

w stepie szerokim, którego krokiem nawet bawolim nie zmierzysz
wstań unieś faję, popatrz jak staje, potem koledze się zwierzysz

>> No.19689345


>> No.19689937

wtf i thought all poles were thieves or plumbers or both

>> No.19690089

First is correct, second not.

>> No.19692101
