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19686652 No.19686652 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain this phenomenon both why it happened and why people don't seem to care?

>> No.19686711

>business centres adopt a simple and comfortable utilitarian architecture in order to accommodate thousands dynamically changing firms and have comprehensible functionality and logistics within that guarantee quick response to possible technical issues?!?! AGHHHHHHHHH IM GOING INSAAAAANE WHY DON'T BUILDINGS LOOK DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES LIKE IN A VIDEOGAME AAAAAAAA

>> No.19686763
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Literal bugman.

>> No.19686778

Freemasonry, Nihilism and Satanism. Nothing else.

>> No.19686783

why do these two jokers talk like this? what a very cringy way to argue a point. Is this the level of discourse i will find on this site?

>> No.19686793

I think he was just pointing out that if you go to the business district of each city and take a picture of it, you shouldn't be surprised that they look the same.

>> No.19686797

It’s the effect of capitalism on culture and art. And before any smug communist says anything, Marx saw capitalism’s erosion of culture as a good thing. Only way to undo this is for the elite to start caring about culture and aesthetics over efficiency/cost, which isn’t happening anytime soon.

>> No.19686802

There's only one joker, Veronica.

>> No.19686832

Yes. Architecture should answer to the sensibilities of man not some faceless godless capitalist phantom

>> No.19686836
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I know what he was pointing out. Globalist architecture is stupid and lazy and saps every trace of soul out from the places it infects. Different cities in different countries deserve their own unique identities, not to be glass whores for JP Morgan and McDonald's.

>> No.19686844

>Marx saw capitalism’s erosion of culture as a good thing
Interesting, where can I read about this?

>> No.19686898

It’s literally in the Communist Manifesto, where Marx describes how the bourgeoisie were the revolutionary class for a long time. He then says that now the proletariat are the revolutionary class and that all the things separating them, like nations and cultures, will be eroded away by capitalism. This will result in a world where class is the only difference, a world where a socialist revolution becomes inevitable. In fairness to the commies, I dunno if they actually believe this nowadays (I am not left-wing). If you told the CCP to replace their culture with a globalized likely-Anglophone one you’d get laughed out of China.

>> No.19687042

What's your point, retard? Should large functional skyscrapers just never be created because they offend your closet homo sensibilities? God forbid we don't slap at least a thousand gargoyle reliefs on every wall of every building, muh aesthetic sense will be hurt! Every single hut and shack must praise the Good Lord, look metal and Gothvc, and rebuke the demon of Capitalism that wishes to invite sin into the souls of hapless gabidalist drones with glass panels! I'm serious too I'm not just a bored larper looking for shit to complain about out of boredom inbetween masturbating to trannies.

>> No.19687050

Stop arguing like this. Thanks

>> No.19687090
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Seething bugman.

>> No.19687103

>Should large functional skyscrapers just never be created because they offend your closet homo sensibilities
Yes. I will smash your skull in with a rock if you ever approach me.
I don't think talking works anymore. Violence is the only way through. I cry for my selfishness at having to kill.

>> No.19687124

>The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation. The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.

>> No.19687125

What is your opinion of abstract art?

>> No.19687127


>> No.19687135

>Should large functional skyscrapers
I would argue skyscrapers have been pushed into obsolescence by online communication. It's why middle management boomers are so desperate to get their slaves back into the office - they're saddled with all this useless downtown real estate when people can just do the job from home.

>> No.19687138

Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West


>> No.19687145

Jan Gehl - Life Between Buildings, not about the architecture styles per se, but about human scale of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities.

>> No.19687146

Any introduction to modernist architecture will explain this. Modernist architecture has form following function with caveats for humane utility... Of the utilizing group. There is no value in subjectivist aesthetics, particularly from those not utilizing the architecture, because it was agreed by cultural modernists that the objective value of the aesthetics of a thing was in how well that thing served its user. Big glass windows are an objective (or at the very least, a nearly universal subjective benefit) to the person working in that office, and that building is comprised nearly totally of offices and stands to benefit its aesthetic by appearing to be TOTALLY comprised of office windows, so the entire structure is just windows which imply offices which imply financial success, etc.
If you apply a different deliberate utilitarian objective you end up with a different, but similarly totalized, structure - see Brutalism.

>> No.19687148

literally a CIA op

>> No.19687169


>> No.19687202

glow harder

>> No.19687204
File: 149 KB, 800x804, The-Sunflowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't act like the garbage in OPs pic has any architectural or artistic value whatsoever.You don't have to be a 'traditionalist' to criticize bland, homogeneous, culturally unresponsive, and architecturally worthless buildings. Imagine what Le Corbusier or Mies Van der Rohe would think of this crap. Their buildings might have been culturally unresponsive but at least they had architectural value, unlike these. Unless you're some bugman that can't see past the "progress" and "development" or whatever these glazed facades represent to him, then pretty much everyone can agree buildings like these could be much better, regardless of your tastes

>> No.19687208

Read land or go back to pol please

Or read all tomorrows if that’s easier for a start

>> No.19687249

Anon, everybody staying home and working remotely, ordering food and groceries from home, and never leaving the house is not some great win for freedom against the evil boomers and their jobs, it's going to lead to even more atomization that we will never recover from.
Humans are not meant to spend all day alone in little boxes, it is absolutely harmful even if you're one of those "oh my god today I had to interact with somebody at the drivethru and I had a panic attack" redditor faggots.

>> No.19687256

Garbage. Crunch! I'll add it to the heap.
Terry A Davis famously said "you must love CIA afro-burgerstani future presidents. Never run them over with your car"
You need to be getting angry. You need to be becoming a prophet. You need to become the locus of anger and tap into the sea of rage in the boomer masses. You need to rebirth.

>> No.19687258

>Are there any books that explain this phenomenon both why it happened
Capital, vol. 1
>and why people don't seem to care?
Later social theory

>> No.19687270

>Humans are not meant to spend all day alone in little boxes
...which is what offices are? Meanwhile you stay at home and have the company of your spouse, your children, and your pets. You can live watching your kids grow up. You can pop in and spend time with your wife whenever you want instead of the out-of-office hours Mr. Shekelberg allots you.

>> No.19687272

Ah, cool. Yeah, you don’t care about culture, you just want some /pol/ fantasy of 19th century Europe.

>> No.19687281

I would prefer not to.

>> No.19687283

People who work in offices don't spend that time alone, they constantly interact with everybody else. Have you never had a job?
Most young people pushing for work-from-home don't have spouses or kids.

>> No.19687306

From Bauhaus to Our House is a good short book sorta related to this

>> No.19687317

this isn’t pol, glownigger

>> No.19687322
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> picrel
Here you go man. Let us know what you thought of it.

>> No.19687332
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Do not worry. It's all part of our plan to collectivize human consciousness and make it more susceptible to divine (state) governance.

>> No.19687340
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That word looks so dirty typed by soulless corporate bootlicking bugmen who've seen even fewer trees than they have titties. I want EVERY country to be unique. China. Brazil. India. Belarus. Kenya. Canada. Australia. Indonesia. Iran. If all of these places continue to become the same, then what's the point of having them?

But that's the end goal with you people, isn't it? To turn everyone, everywhere, into the same identical, mindless consumer. Buying and buying and rotting away. No culture, no community, no connection to the land, no soul, no greater purpose or ambition in life. Just a collection of apps and subscription services and algorithmically curated personalities. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.19687350

>People who work in offices don't spend that time alone, they constantly interact with everybody else
What is the nature of these interactions? Is it a positive experience to be micro-managed by a supervisor? Are water cooler discussions regarding the weather a fulfilling form of conversation? I do have a job and I do know what workplace conversation is like. You ask them how they are doing. They say, oh I'm hanging in there with a frightful smile. They ask you how you are doing. You say, oh just another day in paradise. Everything in a corporate office is soulless. A person has more meaningful talks with their dog.

>> No.19687361

>I do know what workplace conversation is like. You ask them how they are doing. They say, oh I'm hanging in there with a frightful smile. They ask you how you are doing. You say, oh just another day in paradise.

My workplace conversations are more like, how ya doin? man what I fucked a fat chick last night, man she was so fat everytime i rammed her her fat belly would jiggle, man but that ass man fuckin sweet.

>> No.19687372
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The janny discord server isn't a workplace.

>> No.19687385

>Is this the level of discourse i will find on this site?
If you’re lucky. The usual “debate” consist in an exchange of images of Redditjack/young males with an unfortunate overbite.

>> No.19687441

Why are you so concerned with efficiency? Do you think everything should be sacrificed at the feet of the gods of efficiency? I bet you are exactly the type of person who things GDP = happiness.

>> No.19687451

Sounds like you work with a bunch of faggots that don't know how to speak to people. Do you think isolating said people in their homes all day every day is going to make them more or less socially retarded?
And it'll be enormously worse for kids doing school online. Anybody saying they learn just as much from online school is lying through their teeth for one thing and also misses that half the point of sending children to school is socialization. Imagine having a kindergartener and trying to get them to learn how to fucking read through a computer from a ditzy 26 year old woman who's trying to simultaneously get the attention of two dozen other five year olds.
In ten years when the first groups of young children during the lockdown start graduating high school, their reading levels are going to be the worst we've seen in generations. They are literally going to miss out on years of learning to read at the proper age.

>> No.19687479

>They say, oh I'm hanging in there with a frightful smile. They ask you how you are doing. You say, oh just another day in paradise.

>more like, how ya doin? man what I fucked a fat chick last night, man she was so fat everytime i rammed her her fat belly would jiggle, man but that ass man fuckin sweet.

the virgin middle class office drone vs the chad minimum wage worker

>> No.19687481

>Why are you so concerned with efficiency?
I'm not but people who put billions of dollars into building these things with ROI projected decades into the future understandably do
>Do you think everything should be sacrificed at the feet of the gods of efficiency?
No I never said it. Also stop trying to sound like a mystic you sound like a faggot instead
>I bet you are exactly the type of person who things GDP = happiness.
Don't bother with casinos then, Mr. Internet Psychoanalyst

>> No.19687549
File: 105 KB, 490x586, chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a chud trying to imitate normal male camraderie.

>> No.19687555

I believe one Theodore Kaczynski explained it best. Heidegger too in a deeper way

>> No.19687558
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(not the other guy) Purdue puts millions of dollars into research and engineering when designing their chicken farms. They figured out they can save tons of money by not lighting them, so they keep them pitch dark. They also figured they can save tons of money by barely insulating them or not cleaning them either, after all the chickens can handle standing in their own shit for weeks at a time. It's all very efficient, and so much expertise has gone into designing it. (implied: it's right! it's the way things should be done!)

Obviously we humans are not chickens. But the way our offices/stores/housing is designed is just like that! Everything calculated for maximally efficient profit making, and no thought given to the humans who will inhabit it. We can do better than that, and if we can and it's beneficial than we should! We should be designing places considering the people that will work in them, or the cities they will be placed within, or the cultures of the people surrounding them. We already are in a sense with basic work safety regulations (probably the only thing keeping those office buildings from looking more like the chicken farms I described earlier). But we need to do more. Indulge the romantics like >>19686763, >>19686836, etc, unless you're content with your entire civilization being remembered as nothing more than a money-making operation with no significant cultural or artistic achievements, or even basic decency towards its own people.

terrible jak

>> No.19687574

The answer is capitalism and you know it.
Why make this thread

>> No.19687581

We appear to be inhabiting the same planet, anon. We’re also all related, and the population is getting bigger.
Try to breath

>> No.19687582

Read Land I guess

>> No.19687587

Architecture went to shit when architects stopped being trained as artists and started being trained as engineers which coincided with the rise of the skyscraper

>> No.19687742

Yes; the point is that the types of people who build these buildings care ONLY about the most efficient way to utilize their human cattle workers... and you think this is fine? What do casinos have to do with anything?

>> No.19687754
File: 19 KB, 204x346, TheTechnologicalSocietyCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ellul

>> No.19688052


>> No.19688066
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>> No.19688108

Imagine not being inspired by skyscrapers
Imagine looking at these absolute units of human ingenuity and brilliant engineering and not feeling even a bit of pride of belonging to the species capable of making it
Imagine not appreciating the sheer will and intellect of thousands of human minds coming together in united effort to create and maintain such wondrous works
Imagine calling people npcs, bugmen, and other /pol/ buzzwords for daring to appreciate the beauty of function and design rather than overt, gaudy kitsch of some shitty cathedral whose only purpose is to invoke fear of God in its ignorant subjects.
Imagine being that fucking guy. I would honestly rather be a nigger.

>> No.19688117

>imagine unironically siding with the people who make the human cattle barns

>> No.19688124

pretty glass towers are pretty

>> No.19688152
File: 320 KB, 1200x983, 9810485B-E5EF-473A-AF00-2F76BE036368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“From our house to Bauhaus” is the classic examination of the history of how elite academic architectural institutions became co-opted by Bauhaus minimalist ideology and dominated the practice at large. Notre Dame University and publications like The Classicist are good resources if you want to see the hopes of the counter movement, which has been bringing back classical architecture for just a few decades now.

>> No.19688172

Awesome projection!

>> No.19688173

The problems do get solved if you work at a company that can afford to invest en human happeniss research and upscaling. Microsoft, Google, Apple, CVS, Disney, Boeing, Comcast = GOOD Certified by The Holy Spirit. Other companies will be shut down inevitable, or bought for China to commit ergonomic cold war crimes on employees. Say goodbye to your spine.

>> No.19688183 [DELETED] 


>> No.19688218

>ahhhh, the fresh smell of lead paint, asbestos dust, rotten pipes, termite and rat shit, black mold fermenting in the basement...true evropean trvdition

>> No.19688275

That would be the shitty office buildings built in the 70s and 80s, not buildings built in the 1800s you actual retard

>> No.19688339

If OP still wants book recs:
Simulacra and Simulations by J. Baudrillard
Postmodernism by F. Jameson
The Technological Society by J. Ellul

>> No.19688355

Not him but almost every city and bulding in western Europe is almost exactly the same shit

>> No.19688516

For me its BRVTALISM, the thinking mans architectural style

>> No.19689541

I've never read any of Ellul's works outside of Propaganda. What else should I check out on top of The Technological Society?

>> No.19689642

asbestos was used in buildings from the end of the 19th to the 1970s

>> No.19689673
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Perverted vertogenical nostalgia.

>> No.19690818

This guy has a very nuanced perspective on the issue you're talking about. He combines the ideas of Spengler and to some extent, Ellul.

>> No.19691046
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>AAAAAUGH I'm too stupid to understand the use of hyperbole and straw men in order to highlight the flaws in someone else's argument!! Why isn't everyone like the pseud faggots on Reddit that talk like they're writing an easy for highschool English??? I'M GOING INSANE AHHHH

>> No.19692325

Roger Scruton

>> No.19692329

textbooks on materials science

>> No.19692636

this is too much small dick energy and cringe for one post

>> No.19692715

Unironically the Decline of the West. The wold around has been organized by Faustian Money into a gargantuan machine, the buildings are a symbol of this. They are the centres around which the gears spin.

>> No.19692718
File: 319 KB, 546x640, 0AD8B7DF-474B-4861-8AF3-6F75632AA8DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Get in, faggot!"

>> No.19692725

Per me, è razionalismo.

>> No.19692738

Architecture used to represent the city. Now people are rootless and don't need any representation.

>> No.19692741
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Kys glownigger

>> No.19693107
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/pol/acks are just obsessed with reviving styles they barely understand. Those fancy gothic cathedrals took 200+ years to build, and even Neoclassicalists made improvments upon Greco-Roman desighnes. What intrests me more is how do we advance bouhouse architecture into something that can have more variety, not in a way that would bring back regional diffrence but could encourage new schools of thought while retaining ease of construction and cheapness (the real reason modernists are so successful)

>> No.19693137
File: 1.14 MB, 2500x1666, Cookie-cutter roman town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Deimos, are there any scrolls to explain this phenomenon? Why it happened and why no one seems to care?

>> No.19693214

literally anything on steel girders is futureproof

its still used and should be

>> No.19694723

Also weird how you cry about buzzwords but then say nigger. The biggest buzzword on this entire website. You are retarded and should kill yourself.

>> No.19695124

Non sequitur. The first two things were just down to lack of modern medicine and building codes anyway.

>> No.19695249

>human scale
0/10 try again