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19684578 No.19684578 [Reply] [Original]

Pick 2 writers to collaborate on a book together. Make it interesting. What are potential results?

>> No.19684591

Borges and Cervantes!

>> No.19684596

Evola and guenon

>> No.19684603

Faulkner and Hemingway

>> No.19684662

Plato and Austen

>> No.19684668

Dr Seuss and e Michael jones

>> No.19684669

Hemingway and Henry James

>> No.19684671

I think the realism would create some extremely interesting philosophical pieces. Granted, for them, I would have them speak to each other before then have Plato write what he will then Austen turn it into a novel.

>> No.19684679

Kafka and Dostoyevsky. Kindred spirits combining

>> No.19684689
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St. Augustine and Dashiell Hammett

>> No.19685347

Aristotle and MCarthy would probably make for the slowest book to get through ever.

>> No.19685355

F. Gardner and R.C. Waldun

>> No.19685802

Rupi Kaur and Nick Land

>> No.19685814

Joyce and Hegel

>> No.19685867

me and my friend

>> No.19685977

But a really profound offering nevertheless.

>> No.19686063

There, he was: writing.

>> No.19686073

Italo Calvino and Alfred Tennyson

>> No.19686248

Thomas Pynchon and Laurence Sterne get into a Freaky Friday type situation after Ruggles smokes up a jazz cigarette using pages from the nose chapter in Tristram Shandy. The only way they can swap back is by Pinecone writing stories about his misadventures in Lozza's time and having him (i.e.: Laurence) finding and decoding certain, hidden messages in the texts (in the present day).

What do they learn about one another? Do they ever swap back? Does the unceasing horror of modernity drive Sterne to throw himself off a cliff, no cap fr fr? Pick up (you)r copy today, available anywhere imaginary sophomoric trash is to be found!!

>> No.19686255

McCarthy and Mishima

>> No.19686921

Obama and Jason Jorjani

>> No.19686944

LF Celine and Philip Roth

>> No.19686973

Why? (ywnbaw)
Includes philosophers so these are stupid suggestions. Plus my hero Plato would never collaborate with a (((woman))).
Can't judge because haven't read Hemingway.
Kafka was his own duck.
Ironically the best suggestion so far.
Again we have an ironically good suggestion as these two hack frauds would probably cancel each other out and create something pretty good.
I never would have thought of this but now that I mention it it seems the most natural combination in the world.
Can't judge because I haven't read Tennyson but Calvino was his own duck.
ewwww pynchon
McCarthy would ruin it. He's too much of a fat-lips to collaborate.

>> No.19686978

*now that you mention it

>> No.19687849
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That’s one of gardner’s books kek

>> No.19687921

Your opinion is worthless. Philosophers and authors is an amazing idea and the realism and great character archetypes of Austen into plato's dialogues would be astounding.

>> No.19687932

Henry David Thoreau and Edward Abbey.

>> No.19687934

Holy shit

>> No.19688037

Maybe you're right anon I'm sorry.

>> No.19688581

Cormac McCarthy and Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.19689003

Please tell me which book this is

>> No.19689169

Joyce and Peake.

>> No.19689187
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>> No.19689408

>no one writes a brief blurb to demonstrate the results or even explains why
Such low effort. >>19686248 wins thread by default.

>> No.19689904


Murakami once said that he tried to write as if Dostoyevsky and Raymond Carver collaborated. I don't think he's ever achieved this, but its such a bizarre/unique pairing that I kinda want to see how it would turn out.

>> No.19689946

Honestly would have gone with Cervantes and Shakespeare

>> No.19689987

Pound and Shakespeare
Dante and Shakespeare
Ariosto and Shakespeare
Melville and Shakespeare

>> No.19690265

Joseph Conrad and Sally Rooney

>> No.19690291

Melville and Bysshe Vanolis. Sould filter out plebs and fake Melville fanboys.

>> No.19690298

I'll accept an effort post in my thread