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/lit/ - Literature

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19684186 No.19684186 [Reply] [Original]

>try to read a book
>after only a few paragraphs, realize I lost focus on what I was reading and didn't take it in
>reread what I just read
>don't understand the words/allegories
>look them up
>while doing this, go on /lit/, shitpost about books I haven't read
>fantasize about being a writer
>try to write something, give up as soon as I open Word
>go back to reading
>after every page check the /lit/ threads to read new responses
>check my phone in the hope that someone has messaged me
>no one has
>after 2 hours I've read 15 pages
>realize I've forgotten it all

>> No.19684193

Set aside a time to read. Read something light so you can miss things without it mattering. Focus. Nothing is going on online that's why you are constantly scrolling everywhere to find something and are never satiated.

>> No.19684204

You dont have to remember everything you read though

>> No.19684517

Read interesting shit, stop reading boring complicated books, they are shit, if a writer can't communicate his thoughts the most efficient way, he doesn't deserve your time
That's why I've personally started reading wennovels instead of fiction, i can't bear with 5 entire pages describing some shit, i want good pacing and things to happen described efficiently
Wennovels describe in small lines, even epic battles despite being long, each line has meaning and moves the story

>> No.19684521


>> No.19684540

And the perfect solution to this, of course, is to continue making worthless blog threads on 4channel, instead of working on the problem. Bravo, you fucking waste of oxygen, bravo.

>> No.19684545

Your concentration is damaged and your dopamine receptors are fried. Stop or significantly reduce the amount of porn, video games, social media scrolling, and tv you engage in. Do concentration meditation and dopamine fasts.

>> No.19684676

Weird I don't remember posting this.

>> No.19684819
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I have noticed that the internet has severely messed up my attention span. I feel like I'm also always driven to check on comments, multitask, or look things up that I'm thinking about
Probably, the best thing you could do is turn off any computer's, phones, etc. Make some tea or coffee or whatever you enjoy and settle in in your bed or comfy chair/wherever you can read without having to get up for a while or deal with any other distractions. Also, it might even help to start with light novels, visual novels, or worst case manga.
(I don't have that much knowledge about light novels or manga, but if you would like any visual novel recommendations I got sucked into those way more than I ever thought I would and there's some pretty awesome ones even right on Steam.)

>> No.19684857

have sex

>> No.19684868
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Pretty obvious case of internet addiction. Do a dopamine detox dude.

>> No.19684877

Dont worry about it. You’ll improve. The mind has a way of subconsciously absorbing material read anyway. Read positive stuff mostly

>> No.19685825

i agree with a lot of what the other folks are saying. try a dopamine detox.

Spend 1 week without porn, video games, social media, junk food, sugar, ANYTHING that that gives you hits of dopamine without any substantial reward. Focus on tasks that require focus and creativity such as reading, drawing, playing an instrument, WORKING OUT, etc. Journaling is also a great idea.

Also, no TV or music. Aim for a week, if you can't do an entire week then at least do 3 days. Your concentration will improve.

Your brain has been wired to seek out quick fixes of dopamine, it's a symptom of the technological age that we are currently living in. When you abstain from mindless bullshit and replace it with focused, deliberate habits, your brain will rewire itself.

It's not too late anon. There is a life beyond the screens, pursue it

>> No.19685913

Take your favorite subject and write about it like your making an article. Do this 20 times