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/lit/ - Literature

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19682593 No.19682593 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We argue about philosophies and philosophers that don't exist.

>> No.19682598

Karlism is an asinine philosophy

>> No.19682602

Well first you're going to have to define which philosophies fit under the bounds of existence and nonexistence.

>> No.19682617

You mean Marxism? What, did you pick up a book yesterday and think you can discuss with the big boys now? Get out of here.
Don't split hairs with me, motherfucker.

>> No.19682640

Corn WILL become sentient. You WILL NOT interfere.

>> No.19682669

Not only are you a massive faggot, but you're also retarded OP. Good day.

>> No.19682670

>tfw Telipenists try to explain why the Cupoodo model is a totally accurate method of explaining the human psyche

Remind me why people believe in something as retarded as Telipenism again?

>> No.19682792

Anon, did forget that Karl publically endorsed Hitler during his time in Patagonia?

>> No.19682807

>he got filtered by Cupoodo theory


>> No.19682823

Can /lit/ outwrite Borges?

>> No.19682868

Reminder that Telipen never claimed Cupoodo to be a model for the psyche, but only as a metaphor made to demonstrate the inherent weakness of rationality
Reminder that this retarded ideological take is fed to the masses by the mainstream media even though it's obvious to anyone who's actually read Telipen that it's a distortion
Reminder that Cupoodo world would be 1000 times better than our globorationalist hell

>> No.19682882

A fifth grader with autism could. His “philosophy” ramblings were entirely written with the help of opium. Retard, just like all French “people”.

>> No.19682898

>implying Telipen didn't steal the idea of Cupoodo from Halfstein
The core concept of his thesis on the psyche was described years prior on "Pirates of the Subconscious: towards a free thinking"
but of course you're a pleb and got filtered.

>> No.19682912

Not exactly related, but why the FUCK did he call himself 'Halfstein.' It's not very common for philosophers to write under pseudonyms, and this one just seems very stupid. What does he mean? That he's half a Stein?

>> No.19682937

He got only half of his foreskin cut out

>> No.19683028
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>never discusses anything resembling the rational agent trap
>talked about his crap model as if it literally actually represented for real the human mind
>is a hideous goblin
Go read some actual philosopher before posting here.
Also even if you were correct about the essence of cupoodo being contained in Halfstein my earlier points would stand
half braindead half-man

>> No.19683043

I'm done with this board, literally filled with idiot children now

>> No.19683124

Agreed that by itself it is rather trivial but within the greater context of the Hengelson-students works it really shines as a beacon of reason and ties it all together. The implications regarding the descend of the conscious non-observer are really quite profound

>> No.19683135

You’re the best example that sentience by itself means nothing you stupid corn-nigger. You’ve been sentient for what? 50 years? Still you post the same shitposts. Those extra chromosomes are really hurting your head, huh? Life was better when we made popcorn out of PLANTS like you.

>> No.19683138

Hi, I am a devote follower of marxism though sometimes I call it Communism, Bolshevism, etc.

>> No.19683145

>he fell for the phytoessentialism meme
Oh no no no

>> No.19683234

>only been sentient 56 years
>we have higher literacy rates than humans
seethe more

>> No.19683385

Yumpism is a fucking plague in academia nowadays, throwing out everything for tiktok tier pseudo-romanticism

>> No.19683416

It's a play on words referring to the inherently unfinished-ness of the modern Jewish experience, perhaps the unfinished expression of abrahamic thought as a whole.

>> No.19683419

Fundamentalist Garmonbozism is possibly the worst stance you can take in this situation. Corn's sentience is a metaphor you fucking asshole.

>> No.19683524
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>> No.19684568

finally somebody who gets it

>> No.19684580

Hmmm. Do you know what I would prefer? If you would kindly slice your pathetic little wrists and bleed yourself to death. Why? Because you've posted an entirely unnecessary thread, which is off-topic and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

>> No.19684686

There are no necessary threads on this Somalian Pirate Recruitment Board you tripfag loser

>> No.19684701

>World's oldest GMO is capable of not only sexual reproduction, but polygamy
>Somehow this lacks sentience
Have you even studied the basics of proto- post- biology? It's the only logical way to connect Schnerderhausen's mathematical linguistics with Freud's Epistemology

>> No.19686199

trip faggot

>> No.19686662

Furstneim Sir Neighem was the only thinker of post-actualism that made any sense. Any claim to the contrary is obscurantist nonsense.

>> No.19686691
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The Talmindium was not satire, it was meant to be taken literally

>> No.19686718
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>Bring girl over for seks
>About to do the needful, but she glances at my bookshelf
>Sees my stack of Nostalgic-Luddite literature
>Steals my GameCube and leaves

>> No.19686727

Jean-Sol Partre said:
'Existence is like rape, you only start liking it if you're a bitch'
He whispered that to Samone de Buvoar EVERY SINGLE TIME

>> No.19686790

Based. Rhombincucks are literally crypto-materialists/hadinists that got butthurt that the Talmindium BTFO'd all their "I fucking love zhoricism" tier arguments, so they call it "schizo"/satire bro/muh recursive functional replicator consciousness bro/etc. and got filtered by the fact that the truth is in plain sight.

>> No.19686822

>Existence is like rape
Was later added to his wider body of work by his students during Partres rehabilitation period in the southern francophone literary community, to make it more palatable for general parisian audiences. Newest excavations in the greater black sea bassin have proven that Partre is a character invented by neolithic orthodenists. He remained in relative obscurity in the annals of French monasteries along the côte d'Azur until the late 20th century, where a collective of existentialist authors reappropriated the Partre Axiome into the character we find today. I find it fascinating that only during this restoration through the French literary collectives of the twentieth century, we see Partre being recontextualized with a fully fictional wife and social life, and thus infusing clinical observant awareness of being of the orthodene tradition with the sexuality and virility of the past century. Eye opening reads, really:

here is some reading on the excavation and a study on Partres Journey from platonic analogue to a fully fictionalised man:

>> No.19687580

Retroactively refuted by Haurkenkraut

>> No.19687593

>Haurkenkrautposting in 2057. What is this? 1997? You gonna read up on your New Agey-Wagey hoola-hoop spinning 'philosophers' and got to a Dave Matthews concert? Get real.

>> No.19687596

Claude Niger-Fagot's hemiology shreds /lit/'s whole gestalt to shreds

>> No.19687624

Everyone knows the 2010's rise of post obscurantism fucked up any sort of dialogue in philosophy.

Everything went wrong after the HK

>> No.19687718

You cannot refute Aellmwx Dirner because he was right

>> No.19687768

Haurkenkraut's solipsism retroactively refutes itself, pseud.

>> No.19687944
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>confusing Haurkenkrauts concept of the self-model as solipsism


>> No.19688198

I'm sure there's a lesson to take from this thread

>> No.19688350

basing a model of the human pysche and spread of information on an imaginary car engine in joe rogan/ted talk/reddit tier nonsense, even Gawdkins rejected that soundly, and we know him.

>> No.19688370

>Is a Noslud
>Has a gamecube
what did he mean by this?

>> No.19688416

>thinking exponential monogamy is viable
You should read Schwartzmann; he pretty much annihilates Weissman's entire project. Where Weissman seeks to Oedipalize desire into monopatterned reproduction, Schwartzmann sees an untenable concentration of excessive hereditization. The problem doesn't lie in the compatibility test; if anything he goes further than Weissman in his proposal that not only should spouses be prescreened, but that adult children should be metricized through exit interviews in order to provide feedback to the state-administered matrimonial cybernetics program. For Schwartzmann, the issue is a matter of quantity. If the state gurantees exponential monogamy as a civil right, it will effectively overproduce the variable inputs of exponential monogamy. Matrimonial cybernetics will outrun its selective capacity, by his calculations, within a mere six generations, and the screening process would become worse than random, as potential pairings become too numerous for assignment. Working spatio-alphabetically, an overburdened sorting system would fall back upon meaningless criteria in order to patch itself and continue operating. Does anyone really think John and Johanna would make ideal spouses? According to Schwartzmann, unless Weissman allows for polygynous libidinalities in his system, it will reduce us to nomenclaturized incest.

>> No.19688422

The Emiratis are clearly reading Seaman's work on the immanence of fealty. Feudalism always assembles itself from its subjects in order to territorialize sovereignty. In this particular case petrocapital smears against South Asian biolabor to accelerate the divine right of rotational Islamic monarchism. But even in the UAE we see a process which has not fully arrived. For feudalism to truly become petrogothic singularity it would necessitate the other Gulf monarchies be subsumed under one transcendent theopolitics.

>> No.19688441

He refuted this on his death bed "To damn the world as one of pain and suffering is to damn oneself to pain and suffering." By the end knew that bemoaning the sorry state of the world/self was a waste of time

>> No.19688461

Ringoian epistemology as never been beat. He says it like it is, like it sounds. Refreshing in the Neo-postmodernist oeuvre.

>> No.19688471
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Vhere are da marxshists Betersohn?

>> No.19688484

>mass replying faggot is a Haurkenkrautist
Many such cases. Now accept Bonoboia as your lord and savior then fuck off

>> No.19688695

Here's your (You). Bonoboia stans all self centered. Read more.

>> No.19688838

Any antistoics in here? And what's your record of your continuous emotional freakout. Mine's five hours of continous anger

>> No.19688871

I don't think mine has ever stopped

>> No.19688903

>unable to understand basic guidelines
I knew tripfags were retarded but never in my dreams did I imagine finding a specimen so retarded it’s like the retardation made it a completely new species, not really able to interact with human language but instead mimicking symbols like a parrot or a crow. Truly marvelous.

Also as proven by Theanticropis tripfags are indeed massive fags.

>> No.19688941
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I finally understand Bosworth's synthetic double-qualia, but it doesn't disprove dentiotics.

>> No.19688954

Bonoboia suffer and died for your sins you shit heap. I thought all you heretics were stoned in the Bolivian Inquisitions

>> No.19688983

Harkenkraut literally agrees with Muft dumbass, Talmindium included

>> No.19690119

Can't kill what's never existed. Read Metzinger.

>> No.19690696

It’s impossible to disprove to dirt thought experiment proposed by Edmund Soil

>> No.19690710

suck my Haurkendick, Ross Brand blew him out of the water plus he wasn't a Nazi

>> No.19690728
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>farming out your argument to a guy filtered by any Haurkenkraut after 1976
oh nonono

>> No.19690737

dentiotics BTFOed itself. Zyzzman just finished the job with the formulesis paradox

>> No.19690752

Hutyon is singlehandedly the greatest philosopher to have ever proven the divine right of trees to murder families. I am now an oak-supramacist, ama.

>> No.19690774

Zyzzman liked to throw cats into lakes

>> No.19690778

1950s called and wants its failed anarcho-communist-cold-war-crypto-theolohy back.

>> No.19690785

>can't separate the man from the work
classic neo-hyponaut

>> No.19690800

Would be fun to compare the philosophers in this thread to actual philosophers. For example, Haurkenkraut sounds exactly what people would say about Dirksen

>> No.19690806

Idiot. Throwing cats into lakes goes directly against Zyzzman’s whole deal of post-Traunnenman hyperstatisticism

>> No.19690823

filtered unironically by Faustian-time-distortion-praxis
Have you even read Zyzzman?

>> No.19690843

no one has refuted Thruce

>> No.19690867

>73 replies
>not one mention of Flogobob
/lit/ CONFIRMED pseuds
imagine getting filtered by a mid-level thracian mitoliturgist like Flogobob
>inb4 Blurgenglieter
read My Sprite Tonight, easily refuted in the first two sentences

>> No.19690871

Sorry buddy, Neo-Mesopotamia arrives from the future

>> No.19690891

holy shit. you are the most retarded person on this board. if you think ANYONE can read bride's quasi-metaphemaralisim: how one does it, and not INSTANTLY throw away all of their shitty thruce books, you need to kill yourself

>> No.19690919

Remember that Borges story where he created a whole country of philosophers near Armenia that doesn't really exist? That's the vibe I always get from these threads.

>> No.19690939

>you are the most retarded person on this board
bro have you seen this guy>>19690806
Traunnenman saw drafts of the whole Abhorrent Vacuum tetralogy before he died and said it was the work he wished he'd written

>> No.19690995

yeah anon we all know Traunnenman sucks. If he didn't, post-Traunnenman hyperstatisticism wouldn't be the dominant school of hyperstatisticism today. But Zyzzman was an even bigger moron, for the simple fact remains that: If there exists a man who throws cats into lakes for pleasure, hyperstatisticism cannot be true. He literally filtered his own philosophy.

>> No.19691059

bro get over the cats and off Harkenkraut's nuts

>> No.19691069

typical zyzzite

>> No.19691077

>ignoring Van Koog
go ahead, he only invented post-hylism

>> No.19691093

it's just a thought experiment guy. if the cat can't swim then we have to go back to a kaleido-bruxist episteme anyway so why even reject Z?

>> No.19691114
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>no one has refuted Thruce
back to >>>/pol/

>> No.19691128

Bruce did

>> No.19691129
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>Jordan Igor Hunter was born in Ipswich, 2007
>At the age of 17 he got into a pub fight at the University of Suffolk over whether the continuum hypothesis was true
>At age 19 he founded the now infamous "Anime lovers" student union which was a front for using the university's viewing rooms to sell contraband materials
>His rise to fame was aided by a philosophical paper he wrote, taking idealistic elements to argue that "trans women aren't real women", wherein he argued that the appearance of the thing does not equate with the thing in and of itself, reminiscent of the works of Hegel and Kant
>His expulsion led to the 2027 student riots in universities across the UK
>Since graduating he became a well-known figure in online circles such as 4chan and the recently resurrected Ebaum's world
>He would often hold rallies wherein his followers would shout his name, purposefully mispronouncing it as "Yourda nigger hunter"

>> No.19691134

based. Thruceposting should be a bannable offense

>> No.19691239

You've all failed to consider Shekelstein. Man is not Homo Econonmicus, Man is Homo Debtus. The sooner you realize that debt is the key social glue the sooner you can leave all of these refuted philosophers behind.

>> No.19691288

this thread is for genuine discussion, loser. get your fringe bullshit outta here. christ, next you'll be telling us "no guys really! trout actually CAN explain meta-posthumorism!"
fuck what a fag.

>> No.19691297

Get out of here with your vile jew philosophy

>> No.19691385

this board has gone to hell. have none of you pseuds have ever read about his thoughts of human nature and homosexuality

>> No.19691430

Who was retroactively refuted by de Bofa. Try to keep up.

>> No.19691511

>Ludwig Von Reichenstein
>right about anything
Lmao back to applied epistemology 101 losers

>> No.19691565

>Aedric Ingbert
>didn't fall into the neo-flatulist trap
>didn't fall for gugenheim's 3rd concubine paradox meme
>swiftly and with great precision crushed Ima Kunt's entire philosophy in one sentence
Bros, is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.19691634

I'm just going to start spitting out philosophies/ideologies and you guys tell me which ones sound interesting to you:

Punitive Dictatorship
The Facade of Self-expression
Hemispherical Conflict
Ideological Genocide
Formative Suffering
The Wandering Rapist
Hyperreality Cosensus
Evolutionary Determinism
Communicative Parasitism
Capitalism is a Feminist Ideology
Inverted-Mass Hierarchy

>> No.19691730

literally all of these were refuted by Archibald Hektoplonk and his work on Memetic Abiogenesis

>> No.19691796

Memetic Abiogenesis is literally a meme that he only included in Procedural Reasoning as a warning to how his philosophical teachings can be dangerously misinterpreted without the proper context. Go read The Division of Enlightenment and then get back to me.

>> No.19691889

gay. it was literal. filtered HARD.

>> No.19691934


>> No.19691942

>that he only included in Procedural Reasoning as a warning to how his philosophical teaching
Tell me how I know you've never read it

>> No.19691962 [DELETED] 

>A satyrical exercise on pushing antro-ornithologism by appealing to the subalternal sentiment predominant in the working class
>it was literal
That's why we don't teach women to read

>> No.19691973

>bunch of difficult words
That's why we don't teach basedboys to speak

>> No.19692011

isn’t he a stonyist?

>> No.19692645

ok im dead

>> No.19692654

Here I must, for once, side with Strauss-Meklingen; it will forever remain a disjunction: peace OR love, never both.

>> No.19692660


>> No.19692667

>completely missing the joke
this board aint what it used to be

>> No.19692683

Lmao found the Dwarnist

>> No.19693285
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This is now a TY thread
>All euclidians will be removed
>All balierists will be peacefully converted
Lunar Positivism shall reign

>> No.19693585

>Lunar positivism
Holy cringe as if this wasn't totally retroactively disproven by HABCKO the Seventh you absolute bafoon. Literally read the third glossia, subsection 907, "The moon will fall because it is not alive."


>> No.19693950
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>> No.19694207 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 686x936, Phallus & Phantom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a long shot, but this seems to be a thread for philosophical esotetica, so I'll give it a go.

Has anyone here ever come across <picture attached>? It's not on Amazon or anything; I'm pretty sure it's no longer in print. I saw one copy on ebay a couple of years ago but it went for an absurd amount (£15K or something).

I only found out about Rupert Bassingbourn through Elisabeth Nietzsche's letters. Apparently he helped her with some details of The Will To Power, so I guess he was a Nietzsche adherent.

I tried looking him up and he seems to have been memory-holed. Is he an embarrassment to the establishment, perhaps? He's mentioned occasionally in obscure early 20th-century philosophy journals. (And the very first issue of the Philosophical Review has a monograph of his on the "anti-categorical imperative of the gamete", whatever that means.)

>> No.19694248
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I know it's a long shot, but this seems to be a thread for philosophical esoterica, so I'll give it a go.

Has anyone here ever come across <picture attached>? It's not on Amazon or anything; I'm pretty sure it's no longer in print. I saw a copy on ebay a couple of years ago but it went for some absurd amount (£15K or something).

I only found out about Rupert Bassingbourn through Elisabeth Nietzsche's letters. Apparently he helped her with some details of The Will To Power, so I guess he was a Nietzsche adherent? I tried looking him up and he seems to have been memory-holed. Is he an embarrassment to the establishment? He's mentioned occasionally in early 20th-century philosophy journals. (And the very first issue of the Philosophical Review has a monograph of his on the "anti-categorical imperative of the gamete", whatever that means.)

>> No.19694277

Wasn't he the guy who spent like 3 years in Paris larping as a vampire? And when people would confront him or ask how he's walking around at noon he'd be like N-NOT THAT KIND OF VAMPIRE and then one day just stopped and went home? Based or cringe?

>> No.19694350

I dunno. It's funny how once you learn about someone, suddenly his name crops up all over the place. Baader-whatsit syndrome. I've read two or three anecdotes about him in the past few months. I think the vampire thing *might* have been an elaborate piss-take of Wyndham Lewis. Lewis liked to walk around with a massive swirling cloak, didn't he? I think Rupert might have just been taking it once stage further by doing the vampire thing. But since he never explained it, I'm not sure Lewis would have even known he was being mocked.

>> No.19694421

There's some witness accounts of that shit in the Le Moniteur Universel archives.
Don't really remember how I came across them but if u dig around you might find him.

Of note that sometimes they mispelled his name as Bassineborn

>> No.19694443

Haurkenkraut is an actual philosopher dipshit

absolute state of this board

>> No.19694489

Gamecubes don't go against the Noslud lifestyle anon, in fact they are kind of the whole point

>> No.19694602

>Piss off Karl

>> No.19694724

>all these pseuds still stuck on literal trac phone philosophy
Post Vulturism is the only way to live

>> No.19694747

>Punitive Dictatorship
>The Facade of Self-expression
>Ideological Genocide
>Inverted-Mass Hierarchy
These are the only ones worth discussing

>> No.19694840

Actually is a genuine googlewhack good work

>> No.19695549
File: 124 KB, 1015x1280, The nimble TY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Great Luna is dead yet it affects the currents of life. Align yourself to the currents and you shall be a fearless being and echo like the gods. All who cannot align are niggers."
-Father TY your master

>> No.19695635

I kneel before this giga-guru - please splooge your samsara essence on my indra-anus daddy atma

>> No.19695816

hi guys i'm new here has anyone read "Belden-Khun Restif 's History of Neopaxtornial Philosophy", i saw a cute girl in my uni reading it, and now i'm thinking of getting a copy at the local xar, should i?

>> No.19696223

Have sex incel

>> No.19696304

You missed the point, its a Game Cube not a Gamecube.

>> No.19696324

I do agree but romantic love=chaos while platonic love=order. Peace being ultimate order allows platonic love to thrive but then we must let of of ultimate peace to find romantic love. Very much a leaving the nest situation.

>> No.19696641
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I have tried my best and the only philosophy that is comprehensible to me is that the universe is really just a single entity. Meaning that plants, animals, or anything are really just one in the same. The idealistic side of me likes to believe that inflicting unnecessary cruelty is essentially harming oneself since everything that we know is essentially recycled back into the earth. I'm not naive in that I believe hunting or fishing is inhumane. It's simply a part of life that hardens the lifeforce which is necessary for some purpose that has yet to be revealed to us.

>> No.19696695

Based. Love all this Edenist seethe.

>> No.19696735

I think Spanish Idealism is going to crush my Latin American nation again into another violent revolution

>> No.19696764

Who's your favorite post-Husserelist?

>> No.19696777

>just start with the pre-Hyper War Finnish Philosophers

Ok, I did that and now I unironically think Lottery Republics should be tried again. I mean we basically do the same thing with jury duty. Why not have a randomly generated government that people are forced into serving for a few years? Everyone hates jury duty. Imagine how much you'd hate it if you had to be a senator for 6 years because your name was drawn from a hat. And it goes to show you that the people who govern best are the people who least want it.

>> No.19696798


>> No.19696809

That’s unironically how the Spartan government worked, or at least one of its branches. Worked pretty well too.
> https://youtu.be/ppGCbh8ggUs

>> No.19696829

This is just Schopenhauer.

>> No.19696865

Wendelsons Alex in Parcelland is the most extremist ideology to plague the English Aisles

>> No.19696898
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>Open thread
>Noslud retardation
>Thruce being forced
>Ty simping
Every fucking time

>> No.19696914

hey, that's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing

>> No.19696928

Always thought it was more Spinoza

>> No.19696990

Turkey has never been the same since the Bryantology scam took over.
From Kobe to Griffin this is a cosmological theology at odds with Turkey's secular tradition of leadership in the Middle East

>> No.19697012

>Spartans confirmed Van Koog chads
winning thousands of years before he was even born

>> No.19697016

That is quite the incendiary claim to call Bryantology a scam considering the Lebrontian Revival that solved the hard problem of the metaphysics of basketball which Black teleologists have been warring about the African KINGDOMS for centuries since the invention of Ancient Basketball Pyramids

>> No.19697019


>> No.19697030

>Lebrontian Ethics
>Lebrontian """"ethics""""
The Lebrontian imperative may as well be nothing more than cum on a MacBook pro

>> No.19697065

>Love all this Edenist seethe
Motherfucker the anti-Edenist trend was started by a literal cuck, you cannot prove to me that nihilism isn't creative.
Bro just join your local necrocracy movement bro the drugs won't fry your brain I promise. This is why Sedarce left your country instead of trying to take it back from the necrocratic narcos. Spanish Idealism is barely related to every other movement called Idealism anyways, whose bright idea was it to call it that.

>> No.19697085

Was Hooberwhomp literal when he said "Let the dead rule", I assumed the title was just hyperconservatism, but he seem to legitimately be in favor of actual necrocracy. I can never tell when he's just being prosaic.

>> No.19697087

>Communicative Parasitism
Tilley don't you have children to take care of or something? Look I get that Gerald Fortenzer owned you publicly in the 90s and you've never recovered but this pet theory isn't worth it. Genuinely explain to me how the effects of communication within the borders of cyberspace constitute a new parasitic form of terrorism. Coherently. Without contradicting your anti-Jungian approach.

>> No.19697110

The necrocracy movement was generally founded on a form of neo-spiritualist approach to the affect of ancestors on a people's trajectory, in that the fundamental parts that are perceived as an individual only affect the world different after death, but do not vanish in contrast the typical view of individual souls vanishing after the death of the body. Hooberwhomp's point is that outside of ritual and normative performance, most of the actual work of statecraft is taken up by these non-aesthetic spirits that largely affect the world through shifts in the actual metaphysical order of the world (thus his idea of the incel industrial complex and the nature of hippieism as a proto-incel movement).

>> No.19697214
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>Ctrl-f the philosophy of Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty
Come on anons.

>> No.19697395
File: 62 KB, 500x500, EkoqJKaXUAM-zRt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Love all this Edenist seethe
>Motherfucker the anti-Edenist trend was started by a literal cuck, you cannot prove to me that nihilism isn't creative.

>> No.19697567

>y-you're seething
>soijaks me in fear and contempt

>> No.19697665

>El martes, X atraviesa un camino desierto y pierde nueve monedas de cobre. El jueves, Y encuentra en el camino cuatro monedas, algo herrumbradas por la lluvia del miércoles. El viernes, Z descubre tres monedas en el camino. El viernes de mañana, X encuentra dos monedas en el corredor de su casa. El heresiarca quería deducir de esa historia la realidad -id est la continuidad- de las nueve monedas recuperadas. Es absurdo (afirmaba) imaginar que cuatro de las monedas no han existido entre el martes y el jueves, tres entre e1 martes y la tarde del viernes, dos entre el martes y la madrugada del viernes. Es lógico pensar que han existido -siquiera de algún modo secreto, de comprensión vedada a los hombres- en todos los momentos de esos tres plazos.

what did he mean with this

>> No.19698925


wasnt this guy in 1950s Algeria looking for young Arab boys to fuck?

>> No.19699284
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>Let me be 100% clear, if you paid for this book then you are everything that is wrong with modern Western Society.
Is he our guy?

>> No.19699341

you say it almost like it's a bad thing

>> No.19699348

t. takes presumably suggestive prepositions seriously and believes premises can be based upon structural misinterpretation

>> No.19699572

top lel
Memetic Abiogenesis-sisters… how do we come back from this?

>> No.19699593

That's exactly why a Wakandan Materialist like you would say

>> No.19699629

Marx debunked Thruce YEARS AGO!

>> No.19699647

Hyperreality Consensus
Mass inverted hierarchy
Sounds interesting.

>> No.19699664

I still don't know what Baudrillard meant by Hyper real

>> No.19699680

ProtoIslamic Beanerism is the only viable ideology to unite the brown people of the world without being dissolved or dominated by the whites or the blacks or the yellows.

>> No.19699692
File: 716 KB, 1076x1333, modifying retarded behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things can "be" or "be not"
>But things can also "not be not"
Hurf dur fuck off Haurkfags

>> No.19699697

Peruvian Pakistani Philosopher Carlos Abdul Quigollis proposed this solution but no one bothered listening to him except for the prostitutes he impregnated.

>> No.19699852

Loved Maiman's top banter response to it

> If we apply Haurkenkrauts "not be not" stance to himself, the only conclusions is that he can be not be not be until he not be not he be's. But whether he not be not be's before he be's not, it's irrelevant, and that's all I'll say on the matter.

>> No.19699942

That something is more real than what it really is. Pleasures that are custom made for the consumer. War movies where the presence of absolute suffering is replaced with pleasure. The experience is simplified and pure.
Candy that tastes like watermelon. Instead of eating actual watermelon, you eat something that mimics the taste even better than the actual watermelon.

>> No.19701155

The absentee level discourse of Ploughs worldview is insane, to think anyone listens to him after he embarrassed himself trying to synthesise the idea of the Pure Unknown is unreal.

>> No.19702028

>Pure Unknown
That's the spirit

>> No.19702066

Where do I start if I want to learn about Tiltotinism?

>> No.19702072

Ross Brand. Literally just Harkenkraut but better.

>> No.19702082

Thx bae

>> No.19702084

start with the Bolivian Idealists

>> No.19702092

Maiman was proto-reddit, what an enormous faggot

>> No.19702099

you will never be a woman.

>> No.19702111

What about the Pre-Andean philosophers? Is it necessary to understand them before reading the Bolivian Idealists?

>> No.19702122

Find your nearest bin and start digging

>> No.19702123

yes, trips confirm. Pre-Andean civilization btfos classical greekoids

>> No.19702132

>the ego is not itself but the other. The other is that which is the universal which is mediated by itself, for itself. The ego does not transcend itself but jumps within itself. It is that which is but is not but also lies in between the two like a troll hiding under a bridge between two rocky cliffs. It is not itself only so it can become itself as another by negating that which isn’t the other. To become itself, it belies itself for another. It is only positivity negated .
What did Haurenkraut mean by this?

>> No.19702157

Literally who? Did he study under Haurkenkraut?

>> No.19702190

> begin reading pre-andean phil
> the entire foreword is the translator apologizing for not omitting all the pro-rape and pro-illegal gambling rants
Why can't they just shut up about it and we can all accept it was a different time?

>> No.19702450

The poems about the sun raping the first man was fucking kino and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't

>> No.19702461

God I wish there were multiple though

>> No.19702559

>The will of man is to do evil!
>Why so?
>Because uhhh you see daddy was a meanie to me?
Ivano's reasoning is that of a neglected child given a higher sentience.
The fact that he talks so liberally about De la Cruz's ideals shows how much of a pseud he was.
Mothorism died with Segura and Bodoque.

>> No.19702569

>Turkish School liminautics
>in Anno Domini 2022
this board is trash. I've been posting here 5 years and watched it go backwards 5 decades philosophically
it's the tubers, same reason the best writers are Irish and Russian

>> No.19702574

God /lit/ is so full of pseuds. Thruce this. Vidstenhouer that. When will any of you learn that Meso-American transcendentalism (obviously before contact with Zhang He) has literally predicted and clairvoyantly BTFO the moronic arguments of post-pragmatist Islamism and Radical Anti-Westonain though

>> No.19702606

>post-pragmatist Islamism
this is just Dalmatian hyper-orthodoxy on hashish. which would fine if it weren't for the farce that is neo-Blonian schizomimesis

>> No.19702650

>reading translation
NGMI. Pre-Andean linguistics is an entirely different beast than the Satsuma School approach that your translator, who I assume by your mentioning of the introduction is Haruki Carlos-Puiyang (by the way a notorious Columbist - make of that what you will), is dogmatically subscribed to.

>> No.19702796

Thumbnail looks like a guy with a massive, offensively large penis.

I have to admit that, in the past weeks, I've been seeing a lot of very large penises where there actually are none.

I've also been reading a lot of Hadrien Parmentier (cousin, not uncle) in the same past weeks and I'm beginning to think there is causality.

>> No.19702845

How much yoga do I have to do before giving myself footjobs?

>> No.19702867

Immanuel Kant got into an argument with a black Philosopher on the femoid question. The Negro mentioned how white men defer far too much to their insane and demanding women who, he prophecied, would one day dethrone utterly usurping White men. Kant laughed him off with "Didn't ask, plus you're black"
That philosopher was Alberto T. Barbosa

>> No.19702886

>The Blonkofag thinks he's superior for reading Nu-Buddhist Economics

Did this guy not make it through HS or something? Was this not mandatory reading for everyone?

>> No.19702958

Barbosa's Sex and Character was the greatest redpill for me on women but I could have done without all the grandiose MADE FOR BBC introduction.

>> No.19702979

I read it and I ate ze bugs and was not happy but ENLIGHTENED by my own intellect
I love the Dawkins Sujyatapitaka sutra
>In this moment I am Euphoric
>Not because of some phony God
>Or because of some Patriarchal inheritance
>But I am enlightened by my own intellect
>As far as I am subscribed to mainstream media news outlets that are TRUSTED and RELIABLE
I just wish Dawkins wasn't such an Alberto T Barbosa fanboy because nuBuddhism has gone in a far more colorblind and gender nonbinary affirming direction since Barbosa's BBC supremacy.

>> No.19702997

lmao but Barbossan epiphemeralism is NOT going to save us from Harkenhraut's Revenge (if you haven't read this thought experiment from Quigollis, um...do?? like now)

>> No.19703000

This explains that

>> No.19703132

It isn't that all just like pre-Gorbachevism?

>> No.19703200

Bofa is LITERALLY 19 years old, who the fuck would care about anything he has to say (which he all does on Twitter). Are you retarded or something? I hate this website so fucking much goddammit.

>> No.19703222

yeah he's gifted but genius is sure to madness near allied. have you seen his reading of Dees? it's nuts. he's trying to be a mouthpiece for his tutor but he lacks the light touch of Sougma

>> No.19703252

Is neomasculism a real philosophical school or just a larp?

>> No.19703391
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Well according to Risner ontology, the distinction between existance and non existance resides in its ability to refer to itself as the other

>> No.19703392

Worse than that.
It's art.

>> No.19703398

Corn has been sentient since human discovered agriculture, try to keep up

>> No.19703419

Torkenstein showed the inherent contradiction in the post-Husserelist rejection of being as possession through his snail analogy

>> No.19703426

Haurkenkraut unironically fucked his wife

>> No.19703466

I bet most people openly sucking Haurkenkraut's dick in this thread haven't even read his last seven essays.

>> No.19703493

the heno-annhiliationalist stuff is interesting but he was senile, you have to read Sougma to make sense of it

>> No.19703505
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Converted some nitwit using George Floyd's wager.

>> No.19703529

Those are just schizo rants about how much he hates women

>> No.19703541

>In the year of our Hale One 2022
>he still hasn't read Deez

>> No.19703568

the only way to live a moral life is to follow the teachings of sneed
sneed was the only human to escape the feedartion and thus ascending to a higher metaphysical state during his life
you either follow sneed or you'll get feedoomed forever

>> No.19704508

Dnah rhab 136 xdh piiit mdieo (456) ‘jj hyuk, geigl “djfue 45” guiopd¡¡ opou poup pupaup. Dh00j

>> No.19704678

I can see his bumhole wrinkles.

>> No.19704812

His disciple Chuckengard wrote Queer and Trembling before betraying Sneed. It's a Classic even though it's not European.

>> No.19704848

Now I'm interested.
How do I start with Haurkenkraut lads?

>> No.19704901

Read Valuska's Treatise on the Cosmos and now I literally cannot stop adopting stray cats.

>> No.19705273

Based and landless heartpilled

>> No.19705307

Stefan Molyneux pre2016 videos

>> No.19705798

Yes, but only if you're a pseud.
>learning anything from these retards who know nothing about what they're talking about

>> No.19705824

I am a devout Bokononist.

>> No.19705998

looks fake

picture looks like a dude dressing up as an old timey philosopher

>> No.19706122

Start with the Greeks

>> No.19707312

Literally who?

>> No.19707349

Arta Schopenhauer, are you unironically not familiar with her essay ‘On Moids’?

>> No.19707498

When you reach that level of yoga mastery, you won't need to.

>> No.19707512

Translated from a banned Israeli website:

"Thomas Azoulay was an Israeli philosopher of unknown origin that lived in the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Israel. His book "God, Time and the Principle of Jewishness", exposes his philosophical views surrounding the idea that time is the monist substratum of existence, from which only God is free from. For Azoulay, God is the unitary 'Solid Being' that is 'Contorted like in a Song' by Time, like a string of an instrument being played. The underlying Desire of God is for Himself to become static again. Azoulay also believed that the Jewish people had a central role in the process of 'Staticzation' of God. Little is known about Azoulay's personal life. He lived in Mea Shearim for most of his life. He was an orthodox Jew and had no children."

>> No.19707528

I've been reading something like that too

>> No.19707540

What do you think? He's views are similar to Heraclitus in some aspects.

>> No.19707579
File: 11 KB, 480x360, proxy-image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually been reading Mitchel Heisman's God as Technology and spooked by transhumanist religiosity that worships AI as post biological human ahnilihation replacement. I don't think it will work. Ozymandias look at my works ye mighty and despair!
I= V/R
Amperage = Voltage / Resistance
As resistance approaches zero amperage approaches infinity. At absolute zero imaging atoms coalesce into a monad that we can assume to be preexistent fabric of our reality in space time distinct matter. I believe this essence to be masculine as all human religions though seperated have come to linguistically assemble the same consistent metaphor for masculine essence and feminine substance. I believe Nikola Tesla was the ultimate Sigma male who tapped into the power of his own balls. Spheres, masculinity, curved surfaces, telluric currents, this was some of the clues he left behind. Perhaps the key to unlocking it all is in the Ouroboros. I have to suck my own dick and roll, Anon, you must see.

>> No.19707628

For me it's Wagner's Preeminent work: Der Sneedelungenlied Feederaden Und Seederingen Zurzweit Aber Früher Schmutziger Amerikanischer Sexwitz Weil Er Heiß...Chuck

>> No.19707665

t. read some dwarn quotes on goodreads

>> No.19707691

He >>19686691
is right you know

>> No.19707740

Clearly you don't know about neo-postkarlism

>> No.19707792

ITT: Dickstein's Parallax

>> No.19707793

Has anyone read "Dragon Crashes into the Twin Pagodas" by Wei Tu Lo? I've heard it's a good counter to the Sino-Mongolian Untitarianism in "The Call of the Hound" by Wi Ti Wo Man, I can't find it for a reasonable price because there's only the translation by Mo Ni and Gra Bing Joo

>> No.19707809

no matter what you do don't read Oliver Matthew's translation, he completely betrays the original meaning of the text to make it fit his new age neo-Haurkenkrautian belief

>> No.19707814

Wi Ti Wo Man was the first Thai transgender Philosopher who basically inspired the new 4th Matrix movie with dissolving binaries and moeiteies into ONENESS with feminity as the foundation. She was a very big fan of post black Michael Jackson and a reactionary to the Twin Pagoda regime that was replaced by the Communist dragon party of Han Rab Ning Hukano Sukai

>> No.19707835

No no, Wi Ti Wo Man and We Tu Lo from the Xia dynasty, not the later ones, the ones who went on the expedition to Japan to speak with Arruk Samaru and Kay-on Isu Shito

>> No.19708031
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Does anyone have a recommendation for a high quality Haurkenkraut historiology? One of my school professors, Gergkin, a great Continental philosopher btw, told me it was important to understand a philosophy within it's milieu.

>> No.19708180
File: 203 KB, 800x1224, hyperonline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good translation?

>> No.19708313

Everything in this thread was retroactively refuted by Green

>> No.19708361

Your philosopher has a boring name so he will be forgotten to history.

>> No.19708364

This person understands philosophy

>> No.19708411

Searching up Green and you get the color
Searching up Green philosopher and you get a bunch of deep ecology bros

Might as well have ur surname be some daft shit like Philosophy

>> No.19708948

Otto Weininger invokes weiners and niggers and automobiles with his name. He's an absolute legend that all misogynist legends in the West Revere for his Diss track album on Bitches Und Hoës. Julius Mobius commended his implementation of Mobius Strippers into the rap music video.

>> No.19709004

>Change your name for a better search engine result.
>Take the SEOpill.
Sounds like someone's been reading too much Blorf Overnigger

>> No.19709301

Haurkenkraut has generally fallen out of favour in modern philosophical circles, mainly due to E. W. Herming's criticism of his work

>> No.19709531

Same way you shouldn't trust a materialist to talk about spirituality, you shouldn't trust Herming to talk about Haurkenkraut

>> No.19709563

Kys Harkencuck