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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 315x375, SKC-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1968028 No.1968028 [Reply] [Original]

You guys say you can find any book online, but I've been unable to find Hannay's translations of Kierkegaard, which are the most accepted and distributed translations of Kierkegaard.

I guess for more popular authors such as Dostoevsky I have been able to find all his works along with the translation I wanted, but I guess far less people are willing to move Kierkegaard's works to electronic form.

I think in this case then, paper buyers win.

>> No.1970554

This is fairly common with academic texts. You need to penetrate an academic theft network if you want electronic copies, and even then, they have limited supplies.

>> No.1970567


took me a whole 20 seconds, faggot

>> No.1970636
File: 14 KB, 300x450, Ezra+Klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hannity's translations of Kierkegaard?

Oh. nm

(Doesn't Kierkegaard look a lot like Ezra Klein?)

>> No.1970647

Can anyone find me House of God by Samuel Shem?

Been searching for a while...no success.

>> No.1970653

Shem, Samuel - The House of God (v1.0)(html).rar
------- 254.19 KB

It's on IRC. Look at the sticky,
Want a different version? Find it yourself.

>> No.1970670


thanks bri

>> No.1970671

I believe the Hong&Hong are the most accepted translations, but I've been unable to locate their works online myself. I know on /rs/ their translation of Either/Or Part 1 is up.

Well, you found one of his many works.

>> No.1970675

Are they considered academic texts? I would of thought this would be on the same level as looking up books by Plato, Nietzsche, etc

Then again I've never attempted to find philosophical works online.

>> No.1971082

In my experience, trying to get full academic works of continental philosophers in scholarly translation is a demand for academic texts.

Kierkegaard isn't "popular" like Nietzsche, despite the fact that Kierkegaard demonstrates how to fuck the "literary turn" or "post-modernism" in the face until it is dead.

>> No.1971376



>> No.1971421

You're aware that the primary problem of post-modernism is the reading of meaning from texts, right? The hermeneutic problem. This is a problem that comes from religion, where the "meaning" is God, and the texts are the religious texts in the Christian tradition. Therefore, serious theology ought to have answers for the problems of reading meaning from texts.

In contrast to the epistemic nihilism of post-modernism, Kierkegaard's theology in a world of doubt is vitally useful. The only way to bridge the gap between text and meaning is by an epistemic "leap".

Basically, Kierkegaard demonstrates the utility of hermeneutics in overthrowing the contingency of meanings and reestablishing the possibility of meaning.