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19679329 No.19679329 [Reply] [Original]

Which translation should I read? Does it matter? Also why is it so hard to find good copies of books, bros? The paperbacks look like shit (and are shit because they're paperbacks). I would get the everyman's library hardcovers, but apparently they're garbage prints

>> No.19679816

I read Garnett's translation of C&P and Karamazov and thought they were good.

>> No.19679998

Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

>> No.19680002

Is the right translation 'Demons' or 'Devils' though?

>> No.19680004


>> No.19680009

>I would get the everyman's library hardcovers, but apparently they're garbage prints
And most importantly they are garbage translations.

>> No.19680015
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>> No.19680027

Garnett is clearly the best desu

>> No.19680029

Garnett for me, too.

>> No.19680039
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>tfw I’m nearly finished with the mcduff

>> No.19680045

He's also pretty good. As long as it's not P&V, you're good to go.

>> No.19680383

The one i wrote in my diary desu

>> No.19680947

Wew lads thanks for the warnings agaisbt the shitvear and shitsky. I'll look for garnet translation prints, I just hope I can find some good looking copies

Ty ty anon may you be blessed with wealth and tendies ty ty

Idk thats why I'm asking you

>> No.19680968

What’s with contrarians shilling Garnett for Dostoyevsky lately? Fucking retards. Literally the worst translator of Dostoyevsky. I guess you guys are smarter and more refined than everyone else since you like the shitty old outdated translation where the translator wasn’t even fluent

>> No.19680979

>I guess you guys are smarter and more refined than everyone else

>> No.19680996

serious question how many years will it take me to learn russian from scrath and be able to read dosto?? my language (romanian) vocabulary fond is like 20% slavic . russian classics are probably my favorite genre of books and I ve read a shit ton

>> No.19680998

Contrarian implies there's a consensus. There isn't.

>> No.19681019

Idk, gaylord, I just read the opening paragraphs from >>19680015 and found Garnettes the most pleasnt to read

>> No.19681041

/lit/ is a Garnett board. You can go back to r*ddit to shill your marketing-blown clunky shitty translation known as P&V.

>> No.19681083

Dostoyevsky translations threads are the worst thing on lit. Bunch of anons who don’t know Russian, and have only read one translation, give their opinion like they have any idea what they are talking about

>> No.19681093
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Enlighten us, then, oh anonkun, who has read all of them and can give a more worthy opinion

>> No.19681096

Whatever translation Gutenberg carries.

>> No.19681108

can some make a dark version of this? I have a headache.

>> No.19681112


>> No.19681133

It's from the P&V translation. I already didn't like it, then I got to that and I decided fully that it was cringe

>> No.19681141

>Enlighten us

That’s just it, there’s no enlightening. You all are niggers for arguing over this shit and choosing a hill to die on for a specific translation. At least I can say I’ve read 7 different translations of different Dostoyevsky books and they are all more or less the same. I think Wilks and Garnett are trash though.

>> No.19681148

>P&V shill is angry because /lit/chads prefer Garnett
Ah so this is where the whine and seethe are coming from. Should've said it earlier.

>> No.19681176

Reread. Where did I promote P&V? You realize Garnett knew barely passable Russian and omitted large sections? P&V get shit on for being “confusing”, but I’m not convinced anons actually read because Garnett completely butchered the ending especially. Stilted, grammatically incorrect, and emotionally impotent. I’m convinced some anon started trolling with the Garnett recommendations and many took the bait

>> No.19681213

hi i've seen reading lists
where do i put "the eternal husband", it was recommended as a novella on the /lit/ wiki

>> No.19682429


>> No.19682438

Penis and Vagina will always be my favorite regardless of whether or not garnett is better objectively

>> No.19682464

t. Peterburger