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19679288 No.19679288 [Reply] [Original]

How do I slow my zoomer brain down enough to get into fiction books without having to reread everything 5 times? I don't have this problem with non fiction.

>> No.19679300

I do this too. Dont feel bad
Theres no cure though

>> No.19679306

>how can I be instantly good at an activity I didn't do before?
Why are zoomzooms like this?

>> No.19679308
File: 54 KB, 463x491, 1151BD44-0D22-442B-A93E-B999823605B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there is.
Disconnect your internet

>> No.19679312



>> No.19679326

I've read off and on since I was young and it still hasn't gotten better.

>> No.19679355

What is your essence? Describe your soul.

>> No.19679978
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>> No.19679992

put something on in the background

>> No.19680000

This can either greatly help or greatly hinder your reading experience. The few times I’ve read while being high, I’ve either got a little ways and then became locked onto a train of thought that totally distracted me from actually reading, or it makes what I’m reading incomprehensibly engaging.

>> No.19680010

Creativity = metaphysics + ritalin

Ignore all that. Just give yourself a pep talk

>> No.19681362

Take a chill pill

>> No.19682780

That makes it worse.

>> No.19682801
File: 183 KB, 712x705, 1640925758761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you don't understand a word google the meaning. The more you do this the more the words and their meanings will sink into your subconscious. This is not an issue of attention span or general disinterest in reading, your ability to actually recall the meaning of the words itself is fucked cunt.
tl;dr dictionary nigga

>> No.19682808

Delete your 4chan account.

>> No.19682844

>Mexican (chamizo)
>gay (tapatío)
>pedo (see above)
>retarded (muh 4T is gonna be fascist)

>> No.19683114

i'm so addicted to imageboards it's pathetic. my primitive brain is fully satisfied by scrooling through pics and shallow banter. i can literally do it all day no problem. diseased behavior

>> No.19683125
File: 334 KB, 792x1421, assorted quotes from nicholas carrs the shallows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off the internet.