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/lit/ - Literature

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19676792 No.19676792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy discussion is no longer allowed on this board. That means all discussion of philosophical literature is a warnable and perhaps bannable offense. That or you should rethink who you make a janny.
Every board is allowed one meta thread as per the owner.

>> No.19676795

i think there's a new janny, i've seen a couple instances of heavy handed moderation

>> No.19676797

Jannies did the right thing. Ban political philosophy as well, the board might become good.

>> No.19676800

But I come here for the philosophy and philosophical books. I do not care about your YA.

>> No.19676803

It’s a tranny janny. Philosophy angers them because they were filtered I bet.

>> No.19676809

They banned a few others. It's some bitch cuck janitor who should've been thrown out in the woods as a child but we didn't do it and now they're our burden.

>> No.19676811

It's been going on for a few weeks now, they delete even threads which are specifically about books...

>> No.19676813

Based Jannies. This board is for the discussion of literature, not religion and philosophy.

>> No.19676814
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>> No.19676816

They should have made me a janny instead

>> No.19676817

There's been some retarded jannie deleting good threads recently, what the fuck is up with that
I've seen other meta threads get sniped for no good reason, hope this stays up

>> No.19676819

*raises paw*
uhhh so why don't y'all use the uhhh, y'know, Humanities board for that kind of discussion?

>> No.19676820

>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
It's in the sticky, retard.

>> No.19676824

no jannies lead to retards spamming porn which lead to tranny jannies not understanding this board and deleting the good threads

>> No.19676827

This is a good rule of thumb but it should be enforced lightly. Threads should be about books, not generic zoomer retard discussions about whatever they've been binge-wikipedia'ing and watching youtube summaries of lately.

>> No.19676829

his is for genocie denial and threads on phenotypes, nobody read a single book there
lit is for literature and philosophy
Also fuck that JW faggot that started posting here too, first he shit up his with his dumb threads and cartoons and now he discovered lit too

>> No.19676830

Because you need philosophy to talk about books. You want to talk about 100 random facts you remembered about harry potter lore? Pomo lit is philosophical and is lit. So is modernism and so is literary realism. You go to reddit

>> No.19676836

He still is deleting threads that refer to books. The last 2 proto-psychology threads are a good example.

>> No.19676852

this board is 90% theology, classics and philosophy when you filter out the bookshelves and charts threads

>> No.19676853

>No, jannies lead to retards spamming porn which leads to tranny jannies not understamding this board and deleting the good threads.*
Ftfy. When I first posted here I posted a seminude girl who wasn't even lewd and got banned from /lit/. Now they're all raging turbocucks.

>> No.19676870

Those are ideal for literature. The Bible, the Quran are the most selling pieces of literature there. Obviously derivative discussion of those is had. Want to ask what comes after pomo lit? You need philosophy. There is a permanent scifi thread and tons of fictions threads and you can't meaningfully talk about fiction outside the literary movement that encapsulates it.

>> No.19676876
File: 43 KB, 250x336, BatailleGeorges-1952-StudioHarcourt-MinisterioDeCultura-250.A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe we can grandfather Bataille in as an author rather than a philosopher. 2022 is the year /lit/ will become a Bataillean board.

>> No.19676880

This board would be dead without the philosophy and religion. Those are the essence of the Western literature canon.

>> No.19676891

agreed, the retard jannie should neck

>> No.19676896

>This board would be dead
We shouldn't assume that this isn't the jannie's objective, tho.
Absolute bullshit, even the Houellebec thread has fully degenerated into a /pol/ show.

>> No.19676912

If jannies start pruning philosophy threads on /lit/ then half of the board will be gone, and don't tell me to go to /his/, nobody knows shit about philosophy there and it's mostly /pol/v2

>> No.19676919

>Philosophy discussion is no longer allowed on this board.
Finally, thanks jannies

>> No.19676923

It's the cuck porn culture from /pol/. I've never seen a group of ppl be so wrong about something and have no answer and instead revel in their inability as a solution. It's worse than being brainwashed.

>> No.19676930

They could solve this by creating a /phil/ board but nah, they rather cry about off topic threads. Fukcing retards.

>> No.19676933

I’ve been making threads asking for recommendations for a catholic study bible for the past week or so and the nanny keeps deleting them within minutes for being off topic while they leave actual off topic threads up for hours. Jenny, if you’re reading this, I just want to let you know that YWNBAW.

>> No.19676935

>discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.19676956

>Philosophy discussion is no longer allowed on this board.
Thank God, hope the mods and jannies start deleting religious discussion, that should go to >>>/his/

>> No.19676960

They will not give us a phil board insiting that philosophy is lit. We just have to bully the tranny until he gives up.

>> No.19676963

Bataille's day in the anal sun is already over. 2016~ was peak "crazy antinomian leftist" fad on /lit/, and because of the elective affinities this fad shared with the twitter-sphere's own (much more milquetoast) leftism, plus its pathetic craving to seem cool and "into theory," it was inevitable that uncool twitter trannies and crypto-DSA twitter leftists who listen punch-pulling podcasts to would coopt this fad and run it into the ground. By 2017-2018 it was already cringe to be "into" Bataille, even though Bataille himself is cool. Bataille became what people who pretended to be into Deleuze in 2014-15 pretended to be into, to one-up the other trannies in their local group who are still "only" into Deleuze. Same thing that happened to Nick Land and a hundred others.

To make Bataille cool again would require recovering his thought in a way that frustrates its capture by trannies, while also skirting the charybdis of making him too appealing to reddit tier youtube Indo-Europeanist pseudo-Nietzscheans. This would be extremely difficult. One way to start would be actually reading Bataille and making interesting posts about the sacred conspiracy here, but this "actually reading" requirement instantly disqualifies 99-100% of /lit/ posters and 100% of twitter users, who of course just want to post wistful headshots of their philosopher of the month and vaguely exchange vague ideas about their vague understanding of the author's ideas, mediated through other muddle-headed internet retards' own vague ideas of the same.

>> No.19676967

This. It is the obvious and very simple solution.

>> No.19676977

oh boy, ANOTHER thread about YA novelists that jannies masturbate to

>> No.19676986

jannies can suck my fucking dick. i will NEVER go to /his/

>> No.19676994

Philosophy is metaliterature. It does not need a book. You can never talk about pomo lit as ap whole then you'd always reference particular books about pomo lit.

>> No.19676996

that was a shitty thread OP and you should feel bad. you werent discussing anything, just bantposting.

>> No.19677002

If they didn't masturbate to cuck porn and paganism then sure but they are determined to destroy anything good about ppl because nobody has lynched the jannies for whatever reason.

>> No.19677008
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>> No.19677014

/his/ is a shitty board full of obese manchildren who play AoE and browse wikipedia all day writing out the "stats" of different "war units" like reality is a video game derivative. /his/ is the worst board on the entire website. it's even worse than /mu/.

>> No.19677015
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>One way to start would be actually reading Bataille and making interesting posts about the sacred conspiracy here, but this "actually reading" requirement instantly disqualifies 99-100% of /lit/
We need to potlach the election tourists until they've nothing left

>> No.19677019

What literature are you specifically making reference to in the thread?

>> No.19677026

>asking for recommendations
he should permaban you

>> No.19677027

The whole of european philosophical literature. The whole of literature is addressed in philosophy.

>> No.19677028

It was a pretty shitty thread to be fair

>> No.19677036

'Metaliterature' discussion belongs on /his/. /lit/ is for specific reference to philosophical books. Maybe you should actually read some philosophy books if you can't work out the very clear distinction.

>> No.19677054

No you're asking about philosophical celebrities

>> No.19677068 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19677075

So you can't discuss literature either.

>> No.19677093

A month ban for discussing literature. Wtf?

>> No.19677097

deserved it

>> No.19677111

jannies are always trannies, it's part of the job requirement

>> No.19677115

No I'm speaking of literary theory. If literary theory does not belong on /lit/ then the board should implode.

>> No.19677116

They are also deleting messages and preventing them from appearing on warosu. This is the final takeover.

>> No.19677120

How is that deserved janny? It's a month ban for discussing literature?

>> No.19677121

All of them except Socrates are authors and selective works are mentioned. One can not deny there is trannying ongoing.

>> No.19677133
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Is this some kind of challenge?
I'm all for reading Bataille and effort posting, but Sacred Conspiracy is near the bottom of reading list on this guy. Should I move it up I just finished Michel Surya's biography on him and was planning to spend the rest of today dreading Blue of Noon.

>> No.19677145

It's really annoying because /lit/ is the most literate board and easily the best place on 4chan for philosophy. Pushing it to the /his/ haplogroup brainlets will effectively kill high IQ conversation on this entire website. Fuck that janny.

>> No.19677155 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 800x1022, Monthban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop deleting it trannynigger

>> No.19677178

Can someone start a board without trannies?

>> No.19677183

/lit/ has been filled with philosophy threads (which have always been allowed, provided that somebody engages with the text of some thinker instead of making a general topic thread) since forever. it's where the best philosophy threads happen on this website, and it's not even close. /his/ is okay for history, but those philistines don't read and lack intellectual depth.

>> No.19677186

I got a 3 day ban for this thread back in March
not even a warning or 1 day, a 3 day ban

I thought it was a unique and worthwhile thread, especially since it was getting good responses. I just did a search for "mayans"|"maya" and there have been 0 threads at all about them since so that just reaffirms my thought.

>> No.19677194

That's like saying you want a society without colds and flus. It's a nice dream, but endemic diseases will always be with us. Any population with a healthy diet, fresh air, exercise, and a little bit of zinc and vitamin D supplementation, will easily shrug off the nastiest of upper respiratory infections.

All this stems from a healthy mindset. A man who cares for his family, his community, and his friends will naturally eat some occasional oysters for extra zinc and prevent his son from becoming a tranny. A board that cares about its own spirituo-racial hygiene will naturally repel trannies.

>> No.19677196

This is the real issue. It's not that philosophy isn't allowed. It's that deletion and bans are clearly targeted, motivated by ideological jannies.
One of the best threads ever got moved to /his/ and instantly died.

>> No.19677200

we'd have to nuke /lgbt/ off the site first. hiroshima-moot is a trooner-coomer.

>> No.19677212

They deleted my Analytic philosophy thread.

>> No.19677221

I like how they thought that was a funny way to resolve it then they stopped once we started talking about philosophy and religion there so now they just ban the threads.

>> No.19677225

They can't be laissez faire either though. This anon's thread is a good example >>19677186 of the ambiguity of being a janny.

I like that thread, I like the topic, I like the idea. But the OP is not great. It has a VERY thinly /lit/-related topic, which could easily be remedied by actually relating it to a book and posting about the book's contents. Because of how tenuous its on-topicness seems, to the janny who is just doing his job, the cherry on top of shallow shitposting ("MAYANS > GREEKS PROVE ME WRONG") makes it seem like a bad thread, even if it isn't.

Help the janny do his job less obnoxiously by asking yourself: can I make this thread more concretely about books? Do I really need to post "Materialism is the best. Prove me wrong"? How about I go read that one book I read on materialism, and then actually discuss the author's thesis to get the argument rolling? But we all know, the vast majority of people who make these threads have never read a book on the topic.

>> No.19677226

I know for sure that philosophy threads were never removed in 2015 and nobody complained AFAIR though I visited this board little. This shit with removing philosophy is new.

>> No.19677228

Obviously the measure for being janitor has nothing to do w literature and only to do w time spent online.

>> No.19677234

kill all jannies

>> No.19677238

Stop that, faggot.

>> No.19677243

No. Janny has one rule. Ban porn, ban /pol/. The janitor isn't even a /lit/ poster. Obv they have no idea what to ban. I'm sure they're pissed they have to have meta threads.

>> No.19677248

Look at this thread. It's clearly a literature thread about literature. It could not be more on topic or relevant to literature today. But the result was a month long ban.
You can't help the mods when they are the ones ruining this place.

>> No.19677249

I'd rather the janny ban shitty shallow threads of any variety but allow /pol/ threads that are actually about books, than ban every right winger but allow social media tier chitchat about anything as long as it isn't right wing.

I have a strong feeling you are a tourist.

>> No.19677258
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I got banned for this. Fuck the new Janny.

>> No.19677262

Aren't you the Tocqueville spammer? You always post a pic of him and a quote. Janny probably got tired of the spam.

>> No.19677265

Whoever gave you a month ban for doing *exactly* what the /lit/ sticky told you to do for philosophy (e.g., sticking to a particular book, quoting excerpts, etc.) needs to be taken out back and shot. He will never be a woman.

>> No.19677271

Do you really think it's too much to ask for a janny that isn't basically a (shitty) robot and has the ability to judge threads with the mindset of someone apart of the community as to what is good and what isn't?
Can't jannies only apply for one board? It's not like he should be some passing stranger that knows nothing about the board culture. Why choose to moderate for a board you know nothing about?

>> No.19677273

Compared to Wagnerfag who posts every day and in every single thread? The tocqueville threads definitely weren't common enough to be called spam by anyone but a janny. It was like once a month.
Plus the everyone who reads liked those threads.

>> No.19677275

Precisely this. Where's my /rel/ board?

>> No.19677287

It's funny. If you follow the rules and try to have actual discussion they get really pissed off. Even more than if you shitpost or derail threads.
Notice how no one cares about the spammers who post things without any real content.

>> No.19677295

This thread is literally evidence that it's the philosophy niggas ruining the board. You fags will do anything to not talk about books.

>> No.19677301

Post your most recent threads and effortposts.

>> No.19677305

bumping your thread for a week straight is spam

>> No.19677309

lol, now the tranny is deleting posts in the metathread of OPs exposing his activity. It's pretty clear what is getting banned if you have a look around what offlit midwittery is being tolerated on this board. Its a communist takeover.

>> No.19677314

You're still here and seething?

>> No.19677317

people can always just refer to the posts in the archive. who do they think they're fooling?

>> No.19677325

The point is that this is an ambiguous rule and always has been. Posters here have a spectrum of opinions on it. You are closer to the laissez faire extreme than I am, at least on this issue. I think it's nonsense to ban /pol/ as long as the /pol/fags are posting about books. Then there are anons here who think anything but fiction is off-topic, which we both would agree is stupid.

Any one of us could have become a janny, since I hear there's a lot of money in it and the benefits are very good. So how do you say which is the "right" interpretation?

Just as I was writing this, this poster appeared >>19677295 and while I disagree with him overall, he has a point. It's a lot easier to bullshit about "materialism" than it is to bullshit about having read The Scarlet Letter, so philosophyfags have a lot more non-bookposts.

I think it's a meeting eachother halfway thing, overall. Janny wants to respect board culture, but can go overboard. We want board culture, but can get lazy about offtopic. Janny can't be perfect. Let's try to build a constructive, organic relationship with our new highly-paid friend.

That's true, the Wagner guy was a bit much too. I liked both the Wagner and Tocqueville content. If you weren't spamming/reposting then it does seem shitty to delete it.

>> No.19677327
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Detach &Humanities from /his/ and make "/sh/ - Social Sciences & Humanities". Then make "/rel/ - Religion" as a tradcath containment zone. If /v/ is allowed to have 7 boards, we should be able to have a few more.

>> No.19677329

I've had a lot of my posts deleted and prevented from being archived.

>> No.19677338

That only happens if they get deleted before warosu does its scrape. It's probably intervals of every 5 or 10 minutes.

>> No.19677347

Nah, had entire threads not archive even though they were up for hours.

>> No.19677357

>Book on this off-topic feel? :^)
>Get it off your chest straight off /adv/ or /r9k/
General, always allowed
>Other off-topic shit like youtubers where not a single book is mentioned
>Talk about philosophy or religion with mentions of books and actual literature
Always raided by commies and removed because "it's not pertinent"
Hypocrite trannies disgust me

>> No.19677359

The archives are not controlled by the regular jannies.

>> No.19677362

That is weird then but I don't think the janny can do that. Jannies are very busy, they are paid every hour (usually a few hundred to a few thousand USD) so they have to constantly be cashing their checks.

>> No.19677377

>One way to start would be actually reading
Are you retarded?

>> No.19677392

Shut the FUCK UP

>> No.19677395

I wouldn't have a problem if jannies were deleting good threads that are slightly off in quality, if this board were an absolute paragon of on topic high quality threads and op.
But it is anything but that. They ignore far less ambiguous shit, and I mean shit, all the time, in favor for deleting threads full of quality discussion on a good topic because I dunno, the op image was a meme or a cute girl or something.

>> No.19677399

>Wojack posting

>> No.19677400

>make this board about books and poetry and delete any and all religion/philosophy /pol/bait threads
holy shit, i just fixed /lit/!

>> No.19677410

>This board would be dead without the philosophy and religion.
No, the catalog would be filled with people discussing books instead, which is what it fucking should be

>> No.19677413
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But then nothing will be posted?

>> No.19677421

"I wanna smell [youtuber]'s feet" is not literature.

>> No.19677422


I think it's time to activate the nuclear option. Janny, you must show us your full power. Holocaust every shitpost on the board, purge us of pages 2 through 8.

Let's start over and build a new world, together, free of offtopic threads.

>> No.19677430

Spunk or cum?

>> No.19677448

Does /lit/ even have mods or jannies? /sffg/ is such a shithole, I genuinely wonder if it’s even moderated.

>> No.19677460
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99% of the time it seems this board has no jannies, but when I say the "n word" once they show up and give me a fucking 3 day ban.

>> No.19677469

But how will you then be able to discuss the themes of specific works especially non-fiction? Posts are then just going to be novel re-telling and lyrical exhaltations without any depth. You might aswell g o b a c k t o r e d d i t. (janny is filtering this)

>> No.19677471

Jannie shows up twice a day to delete any thread containing effortposts. That is their wicked way.

>> No.19677604

I don’t think splitting the boards will do any good due to the fact that /lit/ already has a small number of users. We need jannies that understand the culture of /lit/ and can make informed decisions on whether or not a thread is shit or not. Personally, I don’t see any problem with philosophy and religion being discussed on /lit/. I think it adds a lot of spice to the board.

>> No.19677606

I think if a post has multiple reports it gets seen, but if it has none it passes by. If I get in an argument and get called a nigger I'll report on wifi, mobile data and then a vpn and most of the time they get banned, even if I called them a nigger first.

>> No.19677610

I feel like moderation has been a nice light touch lately with letting us say nigger. I always feel embarrassed for any janny/mod bans someone for saying nigger. Like what is this, reddit? Why not ban retard and faggot too, you retarded fucking faggot?

>> No.19677644

Let's test your technique then, nigger. I for one think this is excessive moderation.

>> No.19677654

I take it personally that they want to get rid of philosophy threads. I've learned about so many thinkers I would have never encountered thanks to this board. It has enriched my life beyond belief. If these soulless faggot jannies want to go to war with even the high effort, rule-abiding philosophy threads, then I will make life difficult for them.

>> No.19677657

it's a woman for sure

>> No.19677663

Let's go then nigger. Let's see if nigger jannies are paying attention.

>> No.19677670


>> No.19677692
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There used to be a few unfathomably based roerich posters in the philosophy threads. The jannies banned them.

>> No.19677712

Based Nagarjuna

>> No.19677729

Make a philosophy board then
I got banned like 5 times for asking a /lit/ related question while all the lazy shit baits stay up for days
Janniggers don't read and need to hang themselves asap