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File: 54 KB, 550x535, crazy-dream[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1967341 No.1967341 [Reply] [Original]

I had this crazy ass dream last night and wrote it up; I didn't add anything that wasn't in the dream though I did take out some stuff that made no sense

We were in the mall, my whole family and I, when some kind of plague hit. The mall was not normal, and soon it announced over loudspeakers that it would quarantine us all. The mall was huge, with bookstores, food stalls, kitchens... everything needed to run for years. They Managers herded us shoppers into separate gridded areas marking where they would cut us off from the world, referred to as ‘cells’, as dividers slowly descended from the ceiling threatening to isolate the individual groups. My family gathered in one section as most families did, though there were some strangers as well. The Managers claimed there was a secret government law that allowed them to do this, but that statement was unnecessary as they enforced their separation with force.

>> No.1967342

There was a spunky woman in the confusion that got taken aside by the Managers; she said that they had given her special instructions and that she was to be trained as a teacher; that was her profession outside of the mall. We didn’t see her again until much later. My grandmother in her senility had in the final few moments of freedom wandered into an adjacent cell, and the last we ever saw of her was her confused face looking at us, calling for her husband: “John?” as the heavy dividers snapped shut in front of her. Most of the shoppers, my family included were weeping - scared out of their wits. The Managers promised us we would live here forever; a vault of humanity never to be opened.

Later, once most cells had died off from the plague and the mall was sterilized by some means, we were released. Not from the mall, of course, but from the cells. In the interim the mall had become a fully sustainable community, with much of the open ares and stores becoming schools, restaurants, or anything needed. We grew accustomed to this life, and soon the people forgot was freedom was. The children were sent to school daily, which is when we saw that isolated woman from so long ago, though with her deadened personality one could hardly call her the same person. We were all given a daily 1,000 points by the Managers, tied into our identity somehow, that would reset every day back to 1,000. The points determined how much you could eat, with 1,000 being a full 3 meals. They would deduct points as punishment.

>> No.1967344

I developed a hatred of the place, and especially of the Managers with their tailored suits and droning monotones, seemingly alone in my feelings. Eventually I found one other rebellious girl that I formed a relationship with. There was a sort of radio system in the mall which one could use to talk with authorities, for emergency use, and we abused these radios as often as our stomachs allowed. The store seemed to operate based on twisted ideals of evolution, and I often argued over the radio about their sickening false science. One day we noticed a door that was as discreet as they come - set into the wall flush, with no knob, and raised some 50 feet above the ground. There was a slight landing in front of the door, but no visible way up. We never would have noticed the door at all had I not seen a Manager stepping through the threshold at the corner of my vision. I told my companion, and we decided to investigate after dinner, as insurance against sleeping hungry. We hurried to the public cafeteria before the scheduled dinner bell rang to signal feeding time for the sheep still living, and were the first to eat. They served quesadillas, and mine fell onto the floor. Before we could investigate the door, however, I woke up. END

Someone should write a book about this shit, seriously.

>> No.1967349

I dreamt George W. Bush shot a fat criminal on an endlessly long bridge. Obama, Clinton and Nixon(?) were also chasing this guy, Dubya got the last laugh though.

Then my ex-girlfriend turned up, and even in my dream I got turned down. Fuck my subconcious

>> No.1967356 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 284x264, 1311569139327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every dream I have is a Vince Vaughn movie.

And not ones that exist - ones that I MAKE UP IN THE DREAM WITH HIM STARRING IN THEM.

> mfw I live in eternal damnation

>> No.1967361

I heartily lol'd

>> No.1967362

ITT: Write a short piece based on a dream you had

>> No.1967367
File: 7 KB, 645x773, that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always have dreams of her
>we're walking together, holding hands, cuddling
>i am the happiest i've ever been in my entire life

>> No.1967375

I had a lucid dream last night, which is cool, so I instantly started trying to fly, of course the only comfortable way I could find to fly was flying feet first. I eventually flew to my local town (Thanks, imagination) where I had to get a massive pocketwatch off a sinking ship for my old photography teacher.

Then suddenly geese, geese everywhere and then I woke up.

Hey, don't worry sport, I'll hold you're eczema inflamed hands. I'll even suppress my shuddering, just for you

>> No.1967385

my hands haven't any diseases or anything they're fine shut up

>> No.1967393
File: 9 KB, 200x158, 1307047638648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Today's dream consisted of Vince Vaughn discussing his distaste of fucking flat-chested chicks in Vegas.

"I just wanted some titties."

> shudder