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/lit/ - Literature

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19673027 No.19673027 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19673065
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Dumb naggers decided to start the Macbeth discussion on NEW YEARS. Goes to show how feckless and socially maladjusted the posters here are. Prolly why they want to read Shakespeare, just to dunk on poor ol women

>> No.19673129


Bump for interest. We should just make our own generals

>> No.19673708
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Was just thinking about this. I'm very interested. Here's the schedule from the original thread.

>> No.19673715

I thought they would make a thread every saturday, or something like that. Very unlikely that we can sustain a general going at all times.

>> No.19673722

What if instead of boring gay shit nobody wants to read like Shakesman, we read something actually fun like Byron's epics

>> No.19673723

>Very unlikely that we can sustain a general going at all times.

the group won't last macbeth.

>> No.19673728

Probably not but that's a rude thing to say.

>> No.19673730

nothing happened, you're supposed to be reading macbeth now dumbass

>> No.19673735
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they grew apart from overall board culture and declared independence from us, taking with them precious resources and user-value in violation of agreed terms

>> No.19673742

I'd be up for it.

>> No.19673755

i want to join u guys but i'm just being honest. If i start a general will you make an effort to keep it alive?

>> No.19673765
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My complete works is ready bros. I also have a macbeth copy with some cool illustrations.

>> No.19673782


>> No.19673807

No, I just told you we won't be able to keep it alive. It's better with a thread every weekend or something to concentrate the discussion.

>> No.19673815

Plus I for one need some time to actually read the play

>> No.19673838

No but we can try

>> No.19673851

Reminds me of a Bible reading group someone tried to start where they insisted it would be a book of the Bible every week. They never got past Genesis, the guy just posted a thread saying "ok talk about Genesis" and of course it became a typical religious shit flinging thread filled with people who hadn't read it.

>> No.19673855

They got bored because Shakespeare is boring.

>> No.19673860


>> No.19673866

organizing even the most simple of group activities is a complex task

>> No.19673876

i posted a thread about a book
>Read it first faggot@!!!!
>15 replies

>posted 2 threads 2 days apart about book i finished
>0 replies

this board is trash now. nothing but spammers and memes.

>> No.19673890

>this board is trash now. nothing but spammers and memes.
You should see /tv/

>> No.19673907

Because they're all addicted to porn and spend their time there

>> No.19673951

Lads don't worry it's coming don't worry yourselves, just a few hours to let the American donnys wake up and I'll put the fuckin thread up.

>> No.19674038

Things was going according to plan until everyone realized /lit/ doesn't read

>> No.19674193

Been watching this on the side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFzYuXOLqgc , would recommend!

>> No.19674243

And what did you write in the OP post? Anything interesting or just >What did I think about it?

>> No.19674377

i've been trying to read hamlet and i'm beginning to suspect that i need to go back to preschool where i belong

>> No.19674382

I think there is a site where they have the original text and simple english text side by side
maybe you can read from there while using an explanation text by an academic

>> No.19676510

It's started.

>> No.19676528

The astronomical levels of misogyny in Shakespeare (aka wagging phallus) should no longer be celebrated.