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/lit/ - Literature

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19671748 No.19671748 [Reply] [Original]

>read this
>he doesn't fuck his aunt
aaand dropped

>> No.19671771

no idea what this is but based

>> No.19672678

The real flaw is that he doesn't fuck the snake queen in book 2.

>> No.19672750

a disappointment

>> No.19673046

It baffles me that Eddings is never talked about on /lit/, it's a very comfy fantasy series I read constantly when I was a kid

>> No.19673073

I guess it's already part of the past, and wasn't deemed as enough of a stepping stone in the genre to be remembered. But yeah I agree, everything he wrote except for these god awful prequels was great. Particularly liked the Emouchet books.

>> No.19673082

Yeah, that sounds reasonable. When I was young, all I read was Tolkien, Eddings and Susan Cooper on repeat, and I thought that was like the canon of fantasy literature, lol. And nowadays nobody reads the latter two.
By the prequels, do you mean Belgarath and Polgara? I remember enjoying Belgarath a lot, but found Polgara a drag at times (maybe because I never really appreciated her character all that much in Belgariad / Malloreon).

>> No.19673099

Yeah I do mean these, I found them tedious, but it was a long time ago so I couldnt even tell you why at this point.
Similarly, I thought Tad Williams would be remembered as a major fantasy writer, but now the only times I see him mentioned is on a footnote as one of grrm's many inspirations.

>> No.19673110

Heh, seems to be the same case then. Never heard of WIlliams myself.

>> No.19673148

I read the Belgariad and Malloreon for the very first time last February/March and it's genuinely one of the greatest things I've ever read, second only to Tolkien

>> No.19674278

Did you like Malloreon as much as The Belgariad?

>> No.19674770

Yes actually, though I'm probably one of the few people who does.

>> No.19675663

Nce. I also enjoyed Malloreon, even though I dislike the whole choice thing (too many plot holes, too easy to see the "right" choice). Mallorea was a cool place, though, and I really liked dverything with Zakath.

>> No.19675694

Those of you claiming to like Eddings, how do you get past the fact that every last one of his book series is

>> No.19675698

By not being a brain broken oomer, probably

>> No.19675807

Most of the /sffg/ is obviously underage. I learned about the series on /vrpg/ of all places, enjoyed what I read, and then recommended it further to a questionably young dryad fetishist on some board.

>> No.19676115

it's spammed by 2 or 3 morons who worship that leaf cuckold Bakker, of course they aren't going to talk about anything else, it's like trying to talk about Star Wars honestly on /tv/

>> No.19676310

That is a shame about Williams, I think he is markedly better than GRRM.

>> No.19677257

That's because everybody is better than GRRM, it's really not difficult. Williams' work is equally bleak, sadistic, meaningless, poorly-plotted, and full of unexplained asspulls, but what makes him better than Martin is that he doesn't spam cunt cock shit fuck nigger faggot in his text like a 14 year old like Martin does.

>> No.19677537
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>all I read was Tolkien, Eddings and Susan Cooper on repeat
Nice, those and The Chronicles of Prydain were based.

>> No.19677766

i think eddings is better than williams and martin