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/lit/ - Literature

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1967162 No.1967162 [Reply] [Original]

I got a book published some time ago, but it hasn't really sold more than 5 copies. Did I make a mistake by publishing this? Why did it get published if it won't even sell? The first few pages can be read on Amazon if you want to check it out.


>> No.1967173

>Publisher: AuthorHouse (May 4, 2007)
>self publishing

Yeeeeeah. For a start, how is anybody supposed to know it exists? Other than you advertising it here, I mean.

>> No.1967171

That review is by you, ain't it?

Also, 23 dollars? fuck that

>> No.1967175

No, I was in a writer's club run by the public library. There were a lot of lol randum xD 14 year old fanfic writing girls in there, and the one who wrote that review is one of them.

>> No.1967180

>612 pages

I mean yeah OP. The tough answer is maybe it was a bit of a mistake (at least financially). If you're committed to publishing 612 pages though, I'm confident that you can commit to more revising. One short story in the New Yorker would be worth more than hundreds in a self-published collection.

My advice to you is keep at it, but forget that this book exists.

>> No.1967184

I'm certain the price is the main factor your book has not sold. You're an unknown author with a questionable book that you are selling for $23

>> No.1967195


So, did you fuck them?

>> No.1967200

>and other shit stories

that is what it looks like to my eyes. Bad font

>> No.1967207
File: 76 KB, 211x198, 1309413633514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't self-publish unless you're Tao Lin.

And even then you're just going to get chided to fucking hell, so I'd suggest just getting your name out more so through an actual advertising publisher to rake in more attention.

This...was basically a failure.

>> No.1967209

>self publishing

There's your mistake OP. You're supposed to have other people publish your books for you. That way you get an advance (cash money) even before your book is published. The publishing house distributes and advertises the book for you. If you sell a lot of copies, you get royalties on top of your advance.

>> No.1967221

Everyone here is making a guess. I'm certain no one here has successfully published and profited greatly

Being an unknown author, I don't believe you will have much success with charging a high price for your book. You have to go low, get your name out there, submit other stories to other magazines, sites, etc.

>> No.1967238

My understanding has always been that most books are published at a loss; publishers' make most of their money from a relatively small percentage of the books they publish and the rest is all more or less market testing so they can find out what makes money. Although they might publish someone whose work previously failed just to give upstart authors who show potential more incentive to polish their craft.

I could be mistaken, though; this is just what I've heard.

>> No.1967245

how about no

>> No.1967248
File: 74 KB, 504x504, knee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No-one has mentioned yet that the title and cover are just awful. Makes it sound grimly pompous. That's no way to get positive attention.

>> No.1967253

That's the book? Holy shit kill yourself op.

>> No.1967264

You didn't 'get it published.' You selfpublished. Amazon is filled with plagiarism and fanfiction, it's all shit. Was an awful idea, OP.

>> No.1967271

Sorry about this OP but...

This really is very, very bad indeed, in a hilarious so-bad-it's-good kind of way.

Cult status awaits...

>> No.1967272

Is the book set in Asia?

>> No.1967275

I'm sorry, OP, but that was terrible. I am going to an hero now.

>> No.1967276
File: 20 KB, 275x198, 02-monster_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make this guy famous.

Literature's answer to Rebecca Black?

>> No.1967279


Wouldn't work. Unless OP is a pubescent girl with a nice rack.

>> No.1967283
File: 16 KB, 500x400, 4chan-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /b/, come and take a look at this idiot.

>> No.1967287
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/b/ reporting in

>> No.1967441
File: 13 KB, 510x539, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the middle of page 2:
>"looking out of place in it's picturesque surroundings"

>"The car he was riding in came to a rest"
"The car" would be sufficient. There were no other cars mentioned.

>"Hunter went through the greetings autonomously"
He did what? He went through the greetings by his own free choice?

>"a perfectly nice place with a lot of really nice views"
Ugh, "nice" and those adverbs, and, ugh. All you've said there is that it's a place with views. Maybe you were trying to convey your protagonist's snarky attitude, but I didn't stick around to find out.

Good for you, though. You did write A LOT, so you obviously don't lack perseverance. Keep at it, you'll probably get better. Just find more or more competent proofreaders next time and use less words, you don't need so many, especially so many empty ones.

>> No.1968894

>less words....

god bless you critical anon giving some substance on /lit/

>> No.1968909

how do I read the first pages?

>> No.1969033
File: 15 KB, 475x360, turtles2730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this peculiar individual is cunningly intelligent
>and not always known for thinking things through

>> No.1969038

>Why did it get published if it won't even sell?
Someone gives good head.

In this case, autofelatio.

>> No.1969045

I suspect that the OP in this thread is not in fact the person who wrote this (terrible) book, but is instead an enemy of said author and has posted this thread in order to bring attention to its awfulness.

>> No.1969192

You're right, that was an awful error. I feel duly ashamed. Then again, I'm not a native speaker. Still mean it though: FEWER words, show and don't tell, all that.

>> No.1969277
File: 41 KB, 464x388, 1307124490589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I respect your work but all these adverbs, its horrible.

>she said quietly
>hunter sighed
>massey replied
>Hunter nodded
>Massey admitted with a forced laugh
>Hunter chuckled weakly
>shrugged Massey

OP are you fucking kidding me? Just use >said and >asked and so on, but your stuff is just too much. Fewer word, fewer fewer fewer.

btw the dialogs are aweful and simply too long.

but I do respect your work

>> No.1969297

There is a run-on sentence in your fucking acknowledgments, and you wonder why your book doesn't sell?