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19670362 No.19670362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Africa have sub-zero literature?

>> No.19670369
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>> No.19670401

Ach so die Frasch ist ein Vorstellung des Schwarzes. Ach ok ich verstehe jetzt.

>> No.19670409

Because it has sub-zero people.

>> No.19670413

Who's this primate looking fellow?

>> No.19670437

Black man here. That's because as a whole we don't give a shit about books, it's a white people thing and you're unironically called out for acting white if you start giving a shit about them. Still, we do have a fair share of writers, in Africa and the US.

>> No.19670440

P1 Egypt is in Africa
P2 Egypt is often ignored
C Racism is ignorance

>> No.19670449

I don't agree with your pictorial representation by the way.

>> No.19670457

North Africa is Geographically African only. North Africans are racially Caucasian and culturally Mediterranean. They have nothing in common with the dark goblins below the Sahara.

>> No.19670462

You're welcome.

>What do you know about post-colonialism?

Now I'm just being mean. Tehe.

>> No.19670465

I’m Nigerian American and the ‘Africans’ of the north are the racist goblins. Try again.

>> No.19670470

There's a country called nigger lol

>> No.19670475

This again? Whyy?

>> No.19670489

Ach viel danken Schwarzmann

>> No.19670501

>I’m Nigerian American-
You are nothing, you half human/half ape hybrid mutt. You are the product of generations worth of master-on-slave rape. That's why 25% of your ancestry is human White, while the rest constitues your apish ancestry.

>> No.19670522

Is that why nigs in America have on average a higher IQ than their pure nig kin in Africa? They're mixed with whites?

>> No.19670523

Fuck off weeb I don't speak jap

>> No.19670540

This. Apes and books don't mix.

>> No.19670546

it does


>> No.19670632

No it’s because of more access to education

>> No.19670648


>> No.19670657

the culture just wasn't there. Its like asking why there is no portoguese sumo wrestling

>> No.19670661

nigs in SA have the same IQ and they're not mixed

>> No.19670666

Are you stupid? I said I’m Nigerian American, not African American. I’m 100% african.
Another low iq cracker.

>> No.19670711

Things Fall Apart in oral cultures

>> No.19670714

There are plenty of African writers, many just don't get recognition in the Western world. A Tanzanian won the last Nobel Prize

>> No.19670719

They're very mixed in North Africa with sub-Saharan people

>> No.19670728

Are you schizo, talking to an "ape," with an IQ higher than yours to boot?

>> No.19670731

It matters not to me what type of monkey you we wuz az, Obongo. Chimp, baboon, macaque, gorilla, Negroid, etc. Your sub-race is incapable of being human.

>> No.19670733

Oh, yes:
>The Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 was awarded to Abdulrazak Gurnah "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents."

It would be nice if they could move on during this millennium and write about something else for once

>> No.19670735

This "danken Schwarzmann" means "thank you Blackman" in Nigerian.

>> No.19670737

It's unironically because all the fiction is treated like a non-fiction ordeal about racism and civil war

>> No.19670744
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*blocks your path*

>> No.19670747
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>> No.19670750

The gandalf of greater Libya

>> No.19670758

>A Tanzanian won the last Nobel Prize
This is due to the Noble Prize being pozzed and not based on literary merit. It's all ideological activism to give inferiors retard participation awards.

>> No.19670759 [DELETED] 

Intellectually this makes a native German, interesting

>> No.19670768

You’re not very high IQ for not understanding race versus ethnicity. Please read more. You are too uneducated to be talking about others being dumb.

>> No.19670774

I didn't say anything about my view of the prize, I just stated a fact. Obviously there are many Africans writers

>> No.19670782

Then why have they given it to several white Africans this century but only one black one?

>> No.19670803
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>he thinks colonialism is over

>> No.19670806

>Then why have they given it to several white Africans this century but only one black one?
A lion cup born in a stable is not a horse. There's no such thing as ''White Africans'' or ''Black Europeans'' and so on.

>> No.19670814

Usually they have more Southern European ancestry than they do sub-saharan African. Certainly some ethnic groups within North Africa are significantly mixed, but the population as a whole is far more related to the wider Mediterranean races than they are to the Africans below the Sahara

>> No.19670830

It is.
>inb4 muh IMF, muh BRI
That's not colonialism. If you are an independent nation, you are not colonized. Africans are certainly dealing with the long term effects of colonization but they are no longer colonized.

>> No.19670840


>> No.19670844

What in the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.19670847

>if you are an independent nation you are not colonized
so South Africa and Rhodesia were NOT colonial?

>> No.19670849

They're economically colonized and politically subservient to the West

>> No.19670860

I hate to break it you, but a country who has to subject itself globalism(a system that's dominated by core nations) in it's totality(i.e economy, judicially, governmental etc) is not a free country. It doesn't the room for advancements, it must subjugate itself or risk sanctions and other forms of retaliation. What you consider to be colonialism is outdated, and I seriously consider you update it or risk embarrassment.

>> No.19670875


Colonisation was good for the Negroid. Watch Africa Addio. It's an amazing documentary on the inhuman Black savagery unleashed after the White colonisers left Africans to their own devices.

>> No.19670880

>here's a documentary about young countries going through expected poltical turmoil from the results of colonialism
Bros.../pol/tards can't be this stupid..

>> No.19670886

/pol/ is such a retarded place

>> No.19670888

Kinda like what the Nazis were planning on doing on the vastest scale, no?

>> No.19670889
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>young countries going through expected poltical turmoil from the results of colonialism
Cope, Negroid apologist.

>> No.19670894
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Rent free.
Nazis were based. A shame they lost.

>> No.19670898


>> No.19670907
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Hey, blame it on the Africans, not us. Their fault they have no worthy literature to speak of.

>> No.19670909

What a disaster. Praying for Europe.

>> No.19670910

No, those were states in which you had a group of people oppressing another group. Afrikaners, for instance, are African, not European, so apartheid South Africa was a case of one African group oppressing others. Bad, but not colonialism.

They are not, and have not been since the 1970s. African nations routinely interact with China and Russia on economic and military affairs.

See previous point. African nations are not beholden to the West as they were during colonialism.

You should realize the point of that film was not "colonialism good', but that the Europeans had failed at decolonizing and should have been more thoughtful and well-planned in how they did it.

>> No.19670911

>therefore I have to make off-topic posts

>> No.19670918

Thanks anon.

>> No.19670935
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>Some fag tries to place the blame of Africans' cultureless nature on the lap of colonisation
>You expect me to just sit down and let such a narrative proceed unhindered

>> No.19670940

What did Botswana do to you lmao. Barring the HIV epidemic, it's one of the most successful African nations.

>> No.19670942

Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein. Most, if not all of Africa is poor. Any form of development was ruthlessly stopped by the foreign powers that be. What do you expect?

>> No.19670948
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Being better than dreck isn't really high praise.

>> No.19670950

This is brought up all the time.

Wole Söyinka is my usual contribution. I’ve read him. Pictured here >>19670744


>> No.19670952
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>Any form of development was ruthlessly stopped by the foreign powers that be.
Simply untrue. Why do you spout such falsehoods?

>> No.19670955
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Why has an area surrounded by thick jungle hasn't build big city yet
>See previous point. African nations are not beholden to the West as they were during colonialism.
Again. You two are using a form of colonialism that is seriously outdated, we are now in what's mor popularly called Neo-colonialism. I suggest reading Samir Amin and world systems theory to fully understand how this new form of colonialism robs Africans nations in the same fashion of expropriation that was similar to old colonialism.

>> No.19670956
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>> No.19670962

Erectus walks among us

>> No.19670969

>Why are cities that are built on different environmental conditons not the same???
I'm going to assume you're just trolling now, I'll admit you got me.

>> No.19670970
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>Why has an area surrounded by thick jungle hasn't build big city yet
Not an excuse. Arabs, Berbers and many others lived in barren deserts, yet they all managed to build respectable civilisations.

>> No.19670973
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You wish I was trolling.

>> No.19670978

Bros off topic question: how do you talk to negros irl? Bc I know we don’t talk to them in their faces the way we talk about them on 4chan. They are violent and would probably try to kills us or worse rape us. So what do with negros irl? What do about the negro problem?

>> No.19670980

None of them had to contend with endemically malarial zones

>> No.19670983

That look exactly like the photos you shared btw
That also look exactly like the ones you posted btw, especially ancient Islamic cities. The bigger ones were established once a Caliphate established using wealth.
You're not very smart.

>> No.19670988
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You're joking but Negroids unironically have a significant amount of primitive Homo Erectus genes in their DNA because their ancestors bred with.

>> No.19670992
File: 282 KB, 1300x956, oasis-and-ruins-of-ancient-middle-eastern-arab-town-built-of-mud-bricks-old-mosque-with-minaret-al-qasr-dakhla-oasis-western-desert-sahara-egypt-R53YXK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that pic you posted, now look at this pic of the Arab cities you were praising.

>> No.19670995
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Always follow the golden rule. Around Blacks, never relax.

>> No.19671002

>he has to contend to Twitter screenshots now
A person should now when they lost

>> No.19671006
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Big deal. Negroids didn't have contend with endemic outbreaks of the Plague.

>> No.19671016

This thread made me hate crackers even more. To them, if you don't plan on creating soulless macadam covered routes, disgusting looking giant skycrapers and put 5G towers everywhere you're not "human". Literally the mindset of a bugman, judging you over what you can accomplish over anything else, over how willing and able you are at destroying the natural world and replacing it with grey, thinking that everyone else wants to live in their concrete hellhole.

>> No.19671023

U.S. Economic and Military aid
This is Sebara bridge, it was one of two stone bridges built over the Blue Nile River during King Fasilides reign (1603 – 1667). Sebara bridge was later repaired during Emperor Menelik II's reign in 1901. During the Italian occupation, Ethiopian patriots deliberately broke parts of the bridge to restrict the movement of the Italians

>> No.19671033

African lit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> autopilot /his/ thread retreads

>> No.19671039
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Weak copes. Improve them.

>> No.19671040

Which came from elsewhere and did not determine the formation of the civilizations in question

>> No.19671045

1. Cities are far more ecologically sound propositions for the current human population than spreading out is.
2. Whites are hardly the only group of people who've created glorious cities. East Asia, the Arab states, etc. all have great cities.

>> No.19671051
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Yes, you should.

>> No.19671058
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>have contend
have to contend*

Why didn't the immeasurable amount of U.S. foreign aid to Africa produce Wakanda?

>> No.19671067
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Pic related sums you up perfectly, ape.

>> No.19671076

>1. Cities are far more ecologically sound propositions for the current human population than spreading out is.
Yeah I'm thinking it's time for you to stop posting.

>> No.19671079
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>African lit
What's that? Forever whining about colonialism and slavery?

>> No.19671083

Guess which store remained untouched during the South African riots couple of months ago.


Are there any good African writers not writing the same old tried moral about rACiSm Is bAd?

>> No.19671088

What? It's objectively true. Concentrating the human population in bands and points of land is better for the Earth than some idyllic sprawl.

>> No.19671093

In what what? Isn't it the complete opposite? I'm fine with a humble life but whites are can't stop comparing themselves to each other and try to one up one another with achievements and such, then, drones like you upscale that logic to entire groups of people. A very inhuman mentality, but I didn't expect anything else.

>> No.19671095

>Forever whining
no that's le epic political showdown threads

>> No.19671105

That's not how it works. Being spread around in tribes/nomadically is a lot more ecologically sound than a concentration of a city which produces pollution due to its localized importance.

>> No.19671108
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In a way that shows your slavish, envious nature inherent in your being.