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/lit/ - Literature

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1967015 No.1967015 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the best book you have ever read?

>> No.1967042
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>> No.1967054
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>> No.1967064

I used to love that series! That and Tamora Pierce's books. I wish I could re-read them without feeling like more of a dork than I already am...

>> No.1967069

>Tamora Pierce
I hope you have a vagina

>> No.1967097

This or "The Master and Margarita"
ask me tomorrow and I'll probably have changed my mind.

>> No.1967100
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forgot pic-

>> No.1967102

I do, but not all of her books were "girl books." The Circle of Magic/Circle Opens series (which I thought was crap, personally) had male main characters.

>> No.1967104

you guys suck

>> No.1967160

great gastby
fight club

>> No.1967172

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.1967181

Tamora Pierce is supposed to release a book from Numair's perspective. Should be interesting.

>> No.1967186

slaughterhouse 5

>> No.1967193
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>> No.1967197

Lost Horizon is my favorite book, don't know if it is the best

>> No.1967204
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Tamora Pierce, eh?

I read this one when i was a kid. it was ai'ight, but that bitch turned me into a crossdresser

>> No.1967220
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>> No.1967228

flowers for algernon, captain corelli's mandolin amongst others!

>> No.1967251
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>> No.1967270

I don't know. The Hobbit?

>> No.1967303

The Necronomicon is at the top of my top ten. But to keep it /lit/ related, the only literature that appears in my top ten is Ada.

>> No.1967304

>implying the necronomicon isn't literature
you sir are an idiot

>> No.1967305

My favourite book is To the Lighthouse. I haven't read Mrs Dalloway. How do they compare (assuming you have read To the Lighthouse)?

>> No.1967309

i wonder how many /lit/ posters will eventually end up with characters based on sherlock holmes guy in their unfinished novels

>> No.1967313

I couldn't care less, but /lit/ gets all wanky about that stuff. I've seen Lovecraft called literature but not Poe, Vonnegut called literature but not Nabokov, and any other manner of arbitrary nonsense.

>> No.1967316

>read this series when I was eight or nine
>Mentions boobs
>Mentions vaginas
>Mentions sex
>Very first boner

>> No.1967318

Blood Meridian

>> No.1967332

Seriously, THOSE are the best books you people have ever read?

I feel like it's all just an elaborate troll, except for a couple of answers that can be attributed to taste.

>> No.1967363
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Currently started on His Master's Voice, too. I wonder if it will usurp the current champ.

>> No.1967370
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This, and Lovecraft. Everything else I would put in here would be religious texts.

inb4Troka, don't be a mug all ya' life...

>> No.1967372

Ham on Rye

>> No.1967376


I remember she described the girl's first period as feeling like she was uncontrollably wetting her pants...

I am glad that crossdressing is the only problem i walked away with after reading that book

>> No.1967377
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Dat Faulkner.

>> No.1967380

so good

>> No.1967383
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>> No.1967403
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Wincest+ godlike ending.(bittersweet)
,The shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz zafon is a great one too.

>> No.1967408

Are you me?

>> No.1967410

If this is the best book you've ever read, I feel so sad and sorry for you.

>> No.1967413

Cat's Cradle.

>> No.1967452

nope, this is not my favorite, but most of the ones i like already were know by /lit/, i din't want to post the same book over and over again, to tell the truth, my favorite "actually" is Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay, but knowing myself this will change in a few days.

>> No.1967461

Atlas Shrugged.

Since reading that book, no author can even have the worth to lick the bindings of that book.

I mean I tried people like Camus, Conrad, Hemingway and Dostevsky, but man those guys cannot write as well as Ayn Rand.

>> No.1967462
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This or The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.1967463

Yes, I can see you love the old girl. It seems like your opinion just came unconTROLLably out.

>> No.1967464
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>> No.1967472

>no Infinite Jest yet
am i still on /lit/?

anyway either The Drought or the Wind-up Bird Chronicle

>> No.1967480
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>> No.1967481

This by far.

>> No.1967488 [DELETED] 

This, or 1984.

>> No.1967492
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This, or 1984.

>> No.1967498


>> No.1967506


I like both of you.

>> No.1967514

This or "The Old Man and the Sea"

>> No.1967511
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>> No.1967530

Tell me about this one, I want to read more by Boll.

>> No.1967533

As a standalone novel, and not part of a series,
the best books I have ever read is Shogun by James Clavell

>> No.1967536

Sup border's guy.

>> No.1970005

'Jingo' by Terry Pratchett. I can pretty much recall that entire book by now, I must have read it a few thousand times.

>> No.1970031

"How to Poop Like a Boss"

Changed my life. I still use paper, but it always comes away clean.

>> No.1970044


Elaborate please.

>> No.1970057

Anne Michaels

Fugitive Pieces

>> No.1970067

I wish this was real.

It seems like I spend half my life wiping. Eventually, I just give up and plan for a shower that night.

>> No.1970107

Best book? Well, must be "hypnotisören" swedish book, before you ask.

>> No.1970106

It's all about the lard and psyllium husks, and limiting your intake of sugar, starch, meat, and other sources of fiber. The human digestive system ticks along most smoothly on a diet high in fat (animal fat, not vegetable oil) and low in insoluble fiber.

>> No.1971388
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I really liked this series when I was a kid and it's retained a space in my heart. Surprised to see that the second two books in the trilogy don't even have wikipedia pages - I'd always thought the series was more popular.

Not necessarily the best I've read, but certainly one of favourites.

>> No.1971394
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I've never really found a standout book, every time I read something it usually ends up seeming like my favourite until I read something else, but this one's always been lodged in the top three or so.

>> No.1971407
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>> No.1971413

unless your name is Lennie Small, then you should put the bunny down

>> No.1971422

My answer would be different every time i was asked i suspect but right now Dead Souls.

>> No.1971427
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>> No.1971438

I'd have to talk of it as a collection but Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion. It is by far my favourite sci fi series.

>> No.1971439
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This. I've read it six or seven times and it never gets old or fails to elicit emotions from me.

>> No.1971481
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>> No.1971489
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>> No.1971505
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My nigga.

Although, as my absolute favorite I'd have to go with either Demian or Narcissus and Goldmund. I can't decide between the two.

>> No.1971510

The Trap by
Dan Billany

eff tee wubblewoo

>> No.1971514
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Or The Gods Are Athirst

Or this>>1967097

>> No.1971545



>> No.1971546
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Blew my fucking mind a million ways.

>> No.1971564
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The Puppy Who Lost His Way by Crissy Taylor

>> No.1971578

cool. i'm reading it soon.

>> No.1971592

Nikolai Gogol - Dead Souls
Albert Camus - The Stranger

>> No.1971607

1984, or possibly Cell by Stephen King.

>> No.1971609


Cell was pretty good, but the ending was so annoying.

>> No.1971793

One Hundred Years of Solitude probably. Maybe. I'm not good at picking favourites.

>> No.1971858

I've started that but I couldn't get past the first chapter. I generalized and thought of it as a story about the morality in science.

>> No.1971933

Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov.

Such an amazing book. Great prose, great plot, very good characters. The first 80 pages are close to perfect.

>> No.1971939

NNNnnnnnooooootttt even close. At all. What the fuck. Read it.

>> No.1972077


Echoing this ^ post, read it.

>> No.1972094

American Gods.

>> No.1972132

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, specifically the first two. The rest of the series steadily declines, but there are highlights right up to the end.

Also the Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem is great.

>> No.1972172

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Seriously changed the way I look at life...

>> No.1972177

bhagavad gita and The Ethical Brain

>> No.1972182
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>> No.1972183


This, One Hundred Years of Solitude is the best book I've ever read and having read it in spanish means it was 100x better

>> No.1972199
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when that prissy bitch got what came to her, I was so, so happy