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File: 96 KB, 960x500, pooh-bambi-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19670112 No.19670112 [Reply] [Original]

Happy public domain day 2022! Here's some of what has just gone into the public domain in the United States
>The Adventures of Prince Achmed, the oldest surviving animated feature film
>The novels Winnie the Pooh and Bambi, which means adaptions that are not directly ripping off the Disney version can be made
>Almost the rest of the remaining Alice Comedies
>A number of Felix the Cat shorts
>The rest of the Fleischer Out of the Inkwell and Song Car-Tunes series
>The rest of the Mutt and Jeff series
>First comics strips for The Adventures of Totor, Chief Scout of the Cockchafers, the first comic series by Hergé

>> No.19670115

Thanks anon. You da woman!

>> No.19670117
File: 90 KB, 1280x1046, d02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> public domain day

>> No.19670154

Cool. I'm going to self publish a story of Winnie the Pooh fucking Bambi.

>> No.19670391
File: 20 KB, 349x500, 6C7AEC02-F211-488C-8D68-85F952C208CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Bambi is dressed as a Uighur?

>> No.19670687

Imagine thinking this is a witty thing to say

>> No.19670691

every sound recording from before 1923 has gone PD too

>> No.19670696

wtf are the alice comedies?

>> No.19670706

And Eeyore is Ukranian

>> No.19670709

How the fuck did they get copyrights for Winnie the Pooh?

>> No.19670715

There’s a meme going around with Xi being made out to be like Pooh. Are you a Dengist tankie?

>> No.19670725

what the fuck do you mean

>> No.19670739

Erotic story called winnie the pawg. The kid from the books comes back to the hundred acre wood balder and bigger and alcoholic, and he roughly fucks the now female denizens of the forest in reenactments of the original stories.

Are you in your 60s? Are you going to explain what shoop da woo is too you fucking niggger?

>> No.19670748

Someone says the South Korean leader looks like him

>> No.19671887

when do we get something good?

>> No.19672695

>First comics strips for The Adventures of Totor, Chief Scout of the Cockchafers, the first comic series by Hergé
Who the fuck is it possible that some but not all of Hergé's work is public domain? As far as I know all of him died at the same time.

>> No.19672707
File: 1.53 MB, 840x840, 1640906954827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is public domain if you try hard enough

>> No.19674176

Isn't it relative to the original date of publication? So his work will only gradually come into the public domain, unless it was all published at the same time.

>> No.19674486

No, copyright is life+70 years, all of a creator's work should come into the public domain at once. This year, for those who died in 1951.

>> No.19674551

Different countries have different copyright laws unfortunately.

>> No.19674680

Imagine making something that you really care about and then someone makes a porn (((parody))) of your work, or makes the cast black or inserts gays in it, or a combination of the above. And makes money with it and you can't prevent it, because public domain or not, on the internet it doesn't matter and after you are dead it will matter even less. You just have to get cucked so you can publish. Imagine. Imagine getting cucked and saying "whatever, I get something from my work either way". Like you get pussy from your wife sometimes when she's not fucking someone else, right! Those were the conditions for marriage after all, so what can you do! Imagine publishing something in 2022. Never! You will never get your filthy coomernigger hands on my labor! Make your own shit you fucking freeloaders! You will never pirate my work or make your shitty gay fanfiction. Never! Hahaha!