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/lit/ - Literature

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19669596 No.19669596 [Reply] [Original]

Was Gaston in the right, /lit/? Should women be barred from reading books?


>> No.19669600
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you tell me

>> No.19669601

>illiteracy is...LE BAD

>> No.19669608
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>> No.19669612

>be woman
>literally marry a beast

>> No.19669618

kek hole got played by a /lit/fag

>> No.19669624

I’ve often thought from an unbiased perspective, Gaston was a hero, albeit an arrogant one. From a villagers’ perspective a strange beast kidnaps a girl. A brave man leads the rescue with cups, bureau’s, knives, furnaces and all other matter of witchcraft fighting back. Really Gaston is an Alamo type moment

>> No.19669637

I concur.

>> No.19669642

Gaston vs the Beast is Chad vs Thad.

>> No.19669784

this 100%, beast was a seething incel its why he got cursed and why he kidnapped Belles fathers.
Belle was a women who grew up motherless meaning there was no strong female role model in her life and she had to substitute her lack of one with those romance novels which planet unrealistic ideas in her head. Gaston attempted to save her from that putting it upon himself what Belles father was too weak to do. In this scene >>19669596 Belle isnt reading some educational material to better her understanding, no its some sappy romance novel, which influenced her to make terrible decisions which would effect herself and the town itself. Gaston was a hero who did nothing wrong except fail to kill the beast.

>> No.19669793

>allow women to read
>they suddenly take over entire industry using pity points and pussy pass, then only publish YA trilogies with sassy cunt female protags where she is a super special chosen one and also has a love triangle with a supernatural hot rich guy

>> No.19669804

Correct. If you want your daughters to be happy in life, don't show them B&tB, Mulan, or anything post-Tangled. They will get idiotic ideas.

>> No.19669883

Glad to see I am not the only one thinking about naked children when I'm in the shower

>> No.19669898

>beast was a seething incel
He was 11 cut the guy some slack. You'd be moody too if you had to go through puberty as a beast isolated in a castle with an horny candelabra and a gay clock as your male role models