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/lit/ - Literature

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19667549 No.19667549 [Reply] [Original]

Any upcoming releases you're excited about?
Any authors or areas of interest or genre you're looking forward to digging into?
Any old favorites you want to reread?

me personally, my goal is to read all the books I bought last year but didn't get around to reading. Pic related

>> No.19667621

I recently got a six vol set of Churchill's The Second World War, so thats the big one.
I've also been on a European Kick as part of which i've been reading alot of German so im about to finish Simplicius Simplicissimus and move over to Schiller's Wallenstein and some of Goethe's less popular work.
I've also been absolutely in love with novels of Thomas Love Peacock (Crotchet Castle and Nightmare Abbey being this years highlights) so im thinking of reading Melincourt and of his other stuff.
I read alot of social novels this year Huxley's Crome Yellow being quite enjoyable. i happen to have a first edition of Point Counter Point, so im eyeing that next.
Also More Henry James, not sure what yet. I need to in the mood for him though.
Also something in Italian, Zeno's Conscience probably, but who knows.
And lastly, something i didn't do this year sis read more plays, i have all these restoration playwrights i've been meaning to get through, aswell as more Shakespeare, finishing up the last 5 plays i've not done.

Read's like a lot but should be doable in a year. I've read something like 20 European history books and so much art criticism, im looking forward to getting back to pure literature.I'm finishing up James hankins , Virtue Politics and them im done with the Renaissance for a while.

>> No.19667643

Also this year we have releases:

Christopher Ricks, Along Heroic Lines
Richard Wilbur's Moliere
i gather Nicholson Baker has something new
and last book of Clive james's memoirs.

Looking good.

>> No.19667648

My girlfriend said webtoons

>> No.19667664
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>finish reading (re-reading) The Lord of the Rings (210 pages in)
>read The Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle (started today)
>finish a few other books I'm reading, one on the Black Death, and another on the infamous Cambodian prison S-21
>maybe finish picrel in the next few days (which I'm finding hard to believe: both the finishing part and the believing in the contents part)

>> No.19667665
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All I have planned is Rabelais and the Bible again. I'm always, and prefer to be, surprised by all the books I come across randomly, whether assigned through class, recommended, found browsing bookstores etc. Anyway, have a good year, frens---or, more like family, I love you as much as I hate you, but I have nowhere else to go, so... See you next year.

>> No.19667667

>both the finishing part and the believing in the contents part)

thats cuz you're a good little brainwashed slut

>> No.19667677

I will read James's Wings of the Dove*, and will probably read Dune.

*downloaded the standard ebooks edition, converted to mobi, and will read on my new kindle :)

>> No.19667679
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Posted in an earlier thread

>> No.19667692

Believing in conspiracy theories takes too much effort.
My man that's very based!! That's exactly what I do. Here's a pro-tip: you can send .epubs to Kindle if you put "convert" in the subject line when you email the file to your Kindle account and Amazon will automatically convert it into .mobi or .azw3 . Personally, I usually bother to choose to download the .mobi when possible. I assume you do the same as me and use Zbooks?

>> No.19667697

Good luck bro. I believe in you

>> No.19667705


>> No.19667710
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I want to read bulgakov's christology trilogy
also want to read some sort of classic russian lit in the original russian

>> No.19667736

I did not know that, that's super interesting. How do you "convert" in the subject line? I'm actually using calibre. I download the .azw3, convert to .mobi, and then email to my kindle (and phone and tablet).

>> No.19667754

How do you know Russian? Did you learn it in order to enjoy Russian media?

>> No.19667779

Robert K Massies romanov books and his two ww1 books

>> No.19667790

i learned it for fun and to watch movies

>> No.19667825

That's really cool. I'd like to do that for German, Russian, French, and Japanese... I suppose that would take me a lifetime. How long did it take you to be proficient enough to read literature in Russian?

>> No.19667889

a couple years
you can learn any language you want it just takes time and daily practice

>> No.19667915
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The edited collation of "Pisanus Fraxi"

>> No.19667918

I am reading Infinite Jest right now (200 pages in), hope to finish it in a week or two. After that I'm probably going to read Last Exit to Brooklyn and finish off Cooper's George Miles cycle before getting back into uni stuff.

>> No.19668851

Haha, i also have Homer, Virgil, Plato, Joyce, Aristotle, Kant and Marx.
But you have to much left wing books. Like me, you should consider adding Raymond Aron(The Opium of the Intellectuals) and Von Mises(Human Action)

1177 B.C... seems interesting, would like to know more about tit.

>> No.19668889

I read, but I don't understand.

>> No.19669167

I would like to read in bed but I can’t find the right books to read. If I read something too good or too interesting, I find my mind just works at gathering as much information and memorizing the facts, taking note of the vocabulary; if I reread something I really enjoyed, I begin to analyze the sentences, look for motifs and metaphors I hadn’t noticed before. I wish I could find something I could read purely for entertainment, or maybe a pop history book that’s not too heavy.

>> No.19669347
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Definitely finishing up this year.

Want to read more Japanese lit, Thousand Cranes, The Temple of Dawn and Taiko are on the shelf

Also want to read Oblomov and Odessa Tales this year

And Vile Bodies. A Handful of Dust was one of the best books I read in 2021.

>> No.19669415

What;s that Neech edition?

>> No.19669503

uncle ted wrote somewhat of an autobiography in prison a few years after his arrest. basically he takes on all the shit the media fabricated about him with the collaboration of his mother and snitch brother. the book never got published due to a dispute between our Uncle and the publishing house, its an amazing book and you can download the pdf

here: https://b-ok.asia/book/11338056/50d5c4

and here: https://b-ok.asia/book/11338055/8db7fc?dsource=recommend

(its divided into 2 pdf's)

>> No.19669811

>40k rule book
>no codexes

>> No.19670016

What translation of Rabelais did you read. M. A. Screech? I have the Great Books of The Western World edition and I know that's an older translation. Thinking about getting the Screech one.

>> No.19670064

>siege of terra
though they should've let only Abnett and Chris Wraight write the last 8 books

>> No.19670083
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>> No.19670128
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I want to read the stendahl, Mann, and Proust essays.

That Richard Evans book has a nice AudioBook version, I know him, and despite his thorny personality he was more helpful than many big name historians when I sent him an email about the Hamburg Archives. He directed my buddies dissertation. You should check out his work on disease in Hamburg.

>> No.19670139
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Academic here with articles,

You need some readers to help direct you a bit. Unless you're a professional/well-educated and practiced, post-grad-type student, that stuff can be a bit heavy. Look into some guides from Stanford, cambrige, and Oxford.

>> No.19670144
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>the five foot shelf of books

Jesus Cringing Christ. You might as well just buy your shit by the pound.

>> No.19670180
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You struggle to grasp the importance of the Western Canon and likely have little to show for your life. It's unlikely that you've been fumble your way through anything more more abstract than YA fantasy.

>> No.19670217

>46 - 34 - 41 - 47
Put them in order, m8.

>> No.19670219

>But you have to much left wing books.
Besides Marx, who is left wing? Is Nietzsche not right wing?
>1177 B.C... seems interesting, would like to know more about tit.
The Bronze Age Collapse
Arcturus Collection. It was very cheap.
Can you find any of those online?

>> No.19670480

fuck off. stop spamming this shit

>> No.19670530

Finishing my readings of 17th philosophy (finishing Malebranche and Arnauld next week). When I'll be done, I'll try to get into medieval philosophy (already bought summa theologica).
I'll also start learning latin. Good luck to everyone!

>> No.19670576

Porn, Sadly (the Last Psychiatrist blogger) if I can find a free link eventually.

>> No.19670612

I want to find more books about beavers. They seem interesting.

>> No.19670642
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>the complete works of Edward Dutton (about 10 books)
>A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life
>The Social Instinct: How Cooperation Shaped the World
>The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality
>The Emergence of Civilisation - The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium BC
>Understanding scientific understanding
>Understanding Philosophy of Science
>writings of Stuart Kauffman
>writings of Strogatz
>writings of Agner Fog
>Houellebecq until I get to the dog fucking part
will probably throw in some bronze age/grease/rome
then whatever is left from my backlog of a couple hundred books till my goal

recommend me some fiction to go with this autism

>> No.19670690
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I got these on the way. I have already read several of them, but I think physical copies are better for meaningful study.

>> No.19671877


>> No.19671974
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I mainly paint the models, I don't play. I got the Core Book so I'll have it ready if I get the urge to turn my random painted model collection into a proper army and play a game
The Imperial Armour books are because I found them for dirt cheap at a used book store and they looked like they had cool lore and art

>> No.19671990

>also want to read some sort of classic russian lit in the original russian
Chevengur or Foundation Pit.

>> No.19672022

Read Decline and Fall before Vile Bodies. They incidentally link up, and you won't really miss much if you don't, but background characters from both show up to demonstrate the universe they're set in.

>> No.19672028

reading living authors is pretty cringe

>> No.19672033

>I know him
officially jelly.

>> No.19672493

Why do those Harvard Classics books make me think of Readers Digest?

>> No.19672503

That Hue book is fucking bonkers man. One of the most insane battles that every took place.

>> No.19672546


Windows 11 for Dummies

>> No.19672636

After I finish reading Oxford's Illustrated History of Medieval Europe, I intend to reread Notes from Underground, then Anna Karenina and probably Brothers Karamazov after that. I don't have anything specific lined up after that, but I have a very big backlog so I'll have plenty to select from.

>> No.19673255

Reader's Digest copied the idea, as far as I can tell, of taking digestible chunks of texts and making them more accessible for the autodidact so that they get a meal's worth.

Harvard, the Great Books series, and a few others started this trend and created a sort of "reader" like when you learned a foreign language and read a chapter of Dumas, Maupassant, or Goethe.

The binding on the older Harvard classics is nicer than reader's digest. They're often real gilt, leather until the 1960s, and have sewn bindings. They're also classics.

>> No.19673264

Eh, it's not like we hang out. The British do their own thing for the most part and don't really participate in Continental or American academic conferences and get togethers. Their system also makes them produce a book every year so they're always fucking busy.

>> No.19673280

>silk roads
for me this was disappointing, even for a pop history book. the title is essentially a bait and switch

>> No.19673380

The Last Psychiatrist published that porn book he was talking about, and also a psychoanalytic interpretation of the Odyssey in December 2020. My first two reads of 2022.

>> No.19673764

>be me
>buy books
>pick one up
>start reading
>1/4 way through
>pick up another book
>rinse repeat

I have a problem not finish0DY4Ning what i read and i plan to change that this year

>> No.19675549

de Sade's Incest will be released by Alma Classics, maybe an ebook will be available. Not looking to order a 15$ book called incest by Sade, for which no ebooks exist.

>> No.19675551

The doge hecking part was literally like page 20

>> No.19675632

The Brothers Grimm fairy tales, Le Morte d'Arthur, and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>> No.19675740

infinite jest 2 is coming out this summer i'm so excited

>> No.19675791
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why are those Nietzsche titles using the gorilla munch font

>> No.19676133

Michael Heinrich's Science of Value was supposed to be released in English in 2021, hoping it comes out this year because I enjoyed his work on Capital.

>> No.19676183

So what?

>> No.19676190

cringe and templar-pilled

>> No.19676192
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My brother got me Ulysses by James Joyce for Christmas. I had to reread the first page like 5 times and i still don't understand anything. My goal is to finish this one book by the end of the year.

>> No.19676268

Right now, I'm about to finish On The Road. the books I have from Christmas and Birthday are:
Post Office, Bukowski
The Joke, Kundera
Underworld, Delillo
Norm Macdonald's book
Trials Of The State
The Prime Ministers We Never Had

I hope they are good.
Does anyone have good suggestions for contemporary authors I can read?

>> No.19676617

I'll be starting the year with Butcher's Crossing. I might buy some more westerns to read later in the year too.

>> No.19677416

Its a real basic bitch stack but I promised myself that i would one day pick up my reading, especially since my current uni degree demands attention to detail.
>Baby Alex by Quentin Scobie (PBUH)
>A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
>The Periodic Table by Primo Levi
>Blood Meridian by McCarthy
>V by Pynchon
>Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky
>Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre
>Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon
>Infinite Jest
I did the math that if i read 25 pages a day i could get through it all within half way of the year but I still haven't read anything yet ;(

>> No.19677436

>six vol set of Churchill's The Second World War
Uhh did i read the abridged version?

>> No.19678411

Romanian literature, primarily.

I've started with Jacques Sandulescu's "Donbas" a novel in which he describes his life and escape from a Soviet slave labor camp. It's quite short but written very genuinely. I expect another book from the same author called "Hunger's Rouge" it precedes Donbas and it's about how Jacques got by in post-war Romania by partaking in the emerging black market

My next authors on the pile are:
-Emil Cioran
-Ion Creangă
-Felix Aderca
-Mircea Eliade
-Mihai Eminescu

Not sure if I should get in the memier stuff like books written by politicians/activists (people like AC Cuza, Codreanu, Sima, Ceaușescu and so on. However, I think I might make an exception on King Michael)

>> No.19678659

Lol they are selling the Churchill books relatively cheap in a used bookstore near me but they don't have the first volume and it's fucking expensive by itself

>> No.19678715

My nigga
FYI, he put out another book before that one

>> No.19678733

These look fun
Ty anon

>> No.19678734 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19678749
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Haven't read in a long time, but began browsing /lit/ again and kept seeing this guy pop up, his interesting appearance made me want to find out more about him, read a blurb about this book and decided to buy it, then read few sample pages on Amazon, enjoyed it a lot, looking forward to reading it. Once I finish that I don't know, I'll probably look at /lit/ for ideas once more. Any recommendations similar to this?

>> No.19678770
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Finishing up the bonfire of the vanities rn.
Then I'm gonna start on the stack that just came in over the break.
Looking forward to these.

>> No.19679776

Nigga could barely read himself
>King Michael
May he rot in hell

>> No.19679905

Best of luck, anon. If you get stuck there's a lot of online resources, including an old radio broadcast (helps clarify dialogue sections etc).

>> No.19681151

Read Călinescu. Everyone should read Călinescu really, because he's hilarious.

>> No.19681178


I never read Houellebecq, but I have Naked Lunch to read this year

>> No.19681189
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My husband.

>> No.19681226

I started in January 1 "The sky is red", by Berto. I'm Italian and this year I would like to explore my country's literature from the post-war period, because in the last one I had pleasant surprises from it. Apart from that, I don't know. For sure I'll read classics War and Peace, Paradiso, Metamorphoses (really likely) and maybe some poetry and philosophy

>> No.19681904

Are you in israel?

>> No.19681985

The Mishima novel is good. The rest is just mystic silliness.

>> No.19682156

My first goal is to read some of the longer novels that have been sitting on my self. I plan on reading Don Quixote and Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the first half of the year, and I'll pick a couple of other books for the second half (I'm thinking David Copperfield and Gravity's Rainbow).
As far as nonfiction goes, I want to spend this year read some works of major thinkers from the modern era who predate Kant in order to feel comfortable enough to finally take a crack at the first Critique.
I also really want to study Latin and develop my skills in math. I say this every year, but working for a few years has left me feeling intellectually malnourished to the point that I think it might finally be the time. Also want to read up on some phil of math too.

>> No.19682338

Fast fucking reader. I don't think im slow but IJ took me way longer.

>> No.19682346

This man is reading the Dark Souls of literature

>> No.19682352

Guy who wrote it recommended a book by that hack Marshall who wrote Prisoners of Geography, which made me raise my eyebrows.

>> No.19683280


Yes, this is why I won't read anything with his name on it.

Lol, iron guard defender butthurt

>> No.19683288

Thanks for the suggestion, I think I'll get around it eventually

>> No.19683303

I'm going to read The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I bet it will take half the year.

>> No.19683860

It's a quick read.

>> No.19683956

almost definitely, most copies are.

>> No.19684002
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Working my way through what I have. Currently reading The Divine Comedy.

>> No.19684021 [DELETED] 

Adam Smith - Wealth of Nation
Karl Marx - Das Kapital
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
Malcolm X - Autobiography
William Butler - Complete Poems
Samuel Colleridge - Complete Poems

>> No.19684083

I actually bought quite a few books at the end of last year second hand whic are pretty hard to get so most of the arrive this month.
First one which arrived I about dysgenics by richard lynn. German big business and the rise of hitler should also arrive any day.

Besides that I also have a book about the extinction of megafauna, The pursuit of power about Europe in the victorian area and in the end of last year two interesting books about WWII came out. One about why Hitler decided to declare war on the US and one about the US reaction to the fall of france

>> No.19685564

Pseudoscience hack

>> No.19685615

I haven't read any of TLOTR books, so I'm looking forward to do it

>> No.19685642
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I haven't been doing as much reading as I would like recently, but these are the books I have lined up:
>Attachment and Loss vol. I, II, III
>True History of the Conquest of New Spain
>Marins d'eau douce
>Bonfire of the Vanities
>A Man in Full
>From Dawn to Decadence
>Voyage au bout de la nuit
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>Point Counter Point

I'm halfway through the first volume of Attachment, and it's a bit of a slog, so I'll probably take a break with other stuff in between. I also hope to follow the Common Book of Prayer table for biblical readings.

>> No.19685652

Some of Waugh's shortest novels are my favs: Scoop and The Loved One (absolutely hilarious). Black Mischief isn't as good as Scoop.

>> No.19686399

mine will be similar but for advanced autism only
>Francis of the Filth by George Miller
>Burgess's minor works
>Pynchon's love letters to his wife

>> No.19686443
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Finish Evola's Ride the Tiger and Metaphysics of War, Mishima's The Sailor that fell from Grace with the Sea and the books of Wisdom in the Old Testament. There are two novels for school I need to finish asap, and research of the authors. Not particularly looking forward to writing the essay on the two novels though, they're not my favourite books.

>> No.19686537

>Pseudoscience hack
Yeah not really though. Especially this book about dysgenics has not been criticized much.

>> No.19687688

>Sample sizes of 3
Yeah ok
>His other book hasn't been criticized much
Yeah, because all the actual scientists just ignored that schizo at some point

>> No.19687691

Gotta finish Grendel and crime and punishment

>> No.19687838

>Sample sizes of 3
ah so it is quite clear you have no idea what you are talking about. Most of the critisism is just calling him racist. Some methodologies of his are wrong but over the years he has been improving on these critiques and sample size really isn't anything mayor he has been criticised for. mostly how he interpets data.

>Yeah, because all the actual scientists just ignored that schizo at some point
Nope this book was still praised somewhat by multiple professors. Believe it or not from what I have experienced in university a lot of actual geneticists and evolutionairy biologists still have somewhat of an intrest in racial differences and eugenics.

>> No.19689044


>> No.19689509
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I got some good ones today at the little-old-lady thrift store near my house. They had all the Random House Snopes Faulkners and like 8 hardcopies, I just got the modern library.

>> No.19689513

Each one of these books was between $0.50 and $3.00.

The little old ladies also had a bunch of hardcover jacketed FScott Fitzgeralds, but I have little interest in him.

>> No.19689531

God damn it

>> No.19689721
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idk dude like 52 analysis and interpretations on the evolvement from natural to civic to market society from Hobbes to Smith and Marx

also The Bible obv

>> No.19689814
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Book I finished in 4 days - Remi Brague "Kingdom of Man".

>> No.19689832

>You have too much left-wing books
Capital is the only one of them...

>> No.19689848

Probably one of those larpers that will unironically jump into this with no uni background and no secondary literature. The holy newfag cringe

>> No.19689870

you only need school help for the Kant and Hegel

>> No.19689901
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There's more but I have not bought everything yet.

>> No.19689921

>new books
no im not a tranny

>> No.19689953

If that isn't some delusional stuff that hobby readers like to tell themselves lol. You need context for any and every important philosophical work, not just the particularly difficult ones. And the most truthful context either comes from uni or from secondary lit. I'm sorry if these /lit/ guides and charts tricked you into thinking you should just dive right into the philosophy canon like a fucking retard. If you feel lazy then at least use the stanford encyclopedia or see if there are any worthwhile uni lectures available. Jumping into das Kapital just like that is some pseud faggot shit.

>> No.19691635

Certified midwit

>> No.19691661
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>> No.19692211

t. pretentious neet

>> No.19692233

I’m in first year university studying philosophy, economics, and history.

>> No.19692311
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So far I've planned to read these this year. also not allowing myself to buy more books until i've read everything on my bookshelf. reading Kundera right now and I'm enjoying it a lot

>> No.19692319
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start with this, its great so far

>> No.19692910

Knud Logstrup's Ethical Demand. Brilliant development of Kierkegaard's ethical existentijst thought.

>> No.19693036

Is that the same Homer Virgil boxset you have? No pictures hard to tell.
Was looking to buy, never read. Those are the good translations correct?