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/lit/ - Literature

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19667064 No.19667064 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about free libraries?

I plan on putting bunch a old books in ones of those free libraries tomorrow.

>Tales from dying earth
>H is for hawk
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Turn of the screw
>Fahrenheit 451
>Fellowship of the ring
>East of Eden
>Little Reunions
>Something wicked this way comes
>Fathers and sons old norton copy
>The lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
>Dover Thrift Dracula
>The Travels by Marco Polo
>A tale of two cities hardcover reader's digest
>Everyman copy of John Milton because it dumbed down
>The Wasp Factory
>Everyman copy of Foundation, Foundation and Empire and Second Empire

>> No.19667079

Only ever have kids books, cook books, and self help. Good on you for making them better

>> No.19667135

I think they're trashbins where normalfags leave books they don't want.

>> No.19667143


They're a quaint idea for people that think they're making a difference in their community, but don't want to get their hands dirty by actually serving the poor, or to empty their wallets and donate substantially.

>> No.19667152

I just didn't want to throw out these books. I thought it would be hilarious to put a few quality reads inside of it. I just need to get rid of the trash.

>> No.19667158

I always see these and get too embarrassed to actually take a book from one

>> No.19667239

most are a book-warper-o-matic

>> No.19667385
File: 1.26 MB, 4096x1761, little free library anti-circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a bunch of anti-circumcision books in several little free libraries in order to convince normies to stop mutilating their children's genitals.

List of books I donated:
>Sex and Circumcision: An American Love Story
>Circumcision Scar: My 35 Year Foreskin Restoration, Neonatal Circumcision Memories, and How Christian American Doctors Hijacked "Holy Circumcision" to Dupe a Nation
>The Foreskin: And Why You Should Keep It
>Unspeakable Mutilations: Circumcised Men Speak Out
>Circumcision: Ancient Blood Sacrifice
>Circumcision, The Hidden Trauma
>Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition

>> No.19667389

Fill them with HOGG

>> No.19667401

Okay, buy me a few copies of HOGG.

>> No.19667409

I picked up Houellebecq's Submission the other day from a free library. Because of the neighbourhood I live in I can virtually guarantee than a local feminist bought it, read 2 pages and then left it out in the street in disgust.

>> No.19667444

actually based

>> No.19667453

>Putting a 1 star review on the cover.
>Stupid eggplant emoji
I'm in tears.

>> No.19667470

I have like 20 duplicates of “literature” that I’m debating dumping in the Starbucks free library. All they have is trash mags and trash kids books, and it’s sparse as it is. I wonder if I would get weird looks if I passed it with legit good books

>> No.19667515

haha what a prank to give books to a library, get pranked bro XD

>> No.19667791

I steal from them all the time

>> No.19667829

i used to buy cheap paperbacks to swap them for hardbacks or somewhat decent books, then sell the latter online lmao

>> No.19668077

People go to Starbucks to huddle over their phones like a caveman over a fire while they nurse shitty coffee. They won't even notice you exist.

>> No.19668083

You could just tell them to convert to Catholicism, where circumcision has been dogmatically declared a mortal sin for 600 years already, and before that was simply strongly discouraged.

>> No.19668094

Middle class suburban white people nonsense.

>> No.19668155
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>> No.19668226

If you want to mail me Tales from the Dying Earth instead I would read and treasure it.

>> No.19668362

>the nigger, failing to understand the White Man's contraptions such as doghouse with literature instead of dog inside started screeching and clawing furiously at his body, going into a berserk rage and committing suicide by local police officer.

>> No.19668379

If you do not find use or enjoyment from something it doesn't mean no one else can

>> No.19668404

>What do you guys think about free libraries?
my country doesn't even have them because people would just steal all the books the second they were placed in there, as a concept they rely on honesty and morals, both of which are in short supply.
they are just a reminder of the sad state of affairs that has gripped the collective behaviour of the public here and lend credence to the idea that humans don't deserve anything better because we are so unable to care about anybody but our own self interests.

>> No.19668409

Whst country are you from

>> No.19668427

very sad considering we are often cited as a major contributor to global literature when now reading rates have declined to less than 50% reading a single book a year.
but then you sound like a old crony complaining about the degradation of the country if you go on and on about it.

>> No.19669104

I put handmade antisemitic pamphlets in them

>> No.19669215
File: 196 KB, 1600x1200, US circumcision rate by state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That won't work if you're an amerimutt. White Catholics in the US get circumcised. Rhode Island, for example, has a circumcision rate of 80%, despite being plurality Catholic. My mom is a Catholic and my dad is an atheist, and they still had me circumcised.

>> No.19669221
File: 316 KB, 1723x1721, Eric Clopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clopper's lecture is actually good though.


>> No.19669230
File: 442 KB, 1000x1161, circumcision rates by state chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19669673

Have been checking the one in my city (medium-sized German one) every now and then and it is very hit or miss, sometimes there is just retarded boomer books, but every once in a while you can find some fine classics.
>Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Julius Caesar (biglottic English-German edition)
>Crime and Punishment, The Idiot
>War and Peace
>Random plays by Schiller
I would recommend checking up on it if you pass by, you might be surprised what you can find.

>> No.19669686
File: 310 KB, 974x724, shit take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19670682

My mother is a devout Catholic and had me circumcised. :|

>> No.19670716

add mein kampf

>> No.19670824

yep, literally just this. and it only works in all white neighborhoods because the blacks will vandalize it or trash the books. nothing racist about it, that's just what happens

>> No.19670939

It middle class(whatever that means anymore) white neighborhood here. Same shitty books have been inside for months.

>> No.19670943

>leave a bunch of diamond dozen diet/finance books my parents bought once and never read in there
>take every book of worth, have like 50 Harry Potter books, 25 Bibles, 10 books on the JFK assassination, 15 copies of 1984 + Fahrenheit + Brave New World total, and a shitload of Agatha Christie books I'll probably just mail to a random person for fun
>most books not written by a name I've seen on here before get used as kindling
>any book written by a woman is ripped in half
>pretty sure a drug dealer intentionally dead dropped a burner flip phone in one of pic related, I smashed it to pieces and flipped off a guy who was sitting in his car who looked like he was going to pick it up and then ran away
>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes
>place pictures of my ultrasound in random books as a bookmark
>place fake notes in random books like "pick up Sam from football practice at 5:30, 10/21/05"
>once bought like 10 copies of Infinite Jest and dropped them all off by an elementary school, taking all the other books with me and leaving a super pretentious note about what good literature is
>buy cheap current gen video games and put them in there to subvert some busybody mother who thinks that forcing their kid to read a randomly picked YA fiction book will make them smarter
>print out Kaczynski's manifesto and drop it off
>used to print out Marvel movie spoilers and drop them off in there
>am currently writing an alternate ending to The Catcher in the Rye and having it printed, I'll then buy a bunch of copies and rip the real ending out, replacing it with my rendition and dropping them off in various states

In the age of nobody answering prank calls and street racing being downright illegal, a man has to get his kicks somehow.

>> No.19670996

All of that sounds like a chore and requires one to have disposable income for some of those pranks. Did any of these pranks lead to hysterics like one time someone put a pool closed flyer by pool? Sounds pointless if you can't enjoy the outcome of people finding this stuff.


>> No.19671223

I fill mine up with redpills only.

>> No.19672645

yes put any books in them.
someone may discover something life-changing or revelatory.
here in aussie land there are lots around my inner city affluent hippy neighbourhood. they seem to sustain themselves.

>> No.19673105

put in a copy of marx das kapital

>> No.19673209

Yeah, definitely middle class. You occasionally see black people in white neighborhoods but if they actually made it on their accord and were not bussed in on the taxpayer dime they're actually culturally similar. So you'll end up finding black soccer moms in suburbia and black boomer rednecks in more rural areas, who will basically do the same things as their neighbors--ride around in a lawnmower and fuck around with some old cars in their driveway that never seem to actually move.