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/lit/ - Literature

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19664230 No.19664230 [Reply] [Original]

These are your options faggots! Of which of these shall we begin; this is a democracy after all? We will gather every Wednesday to discuss the assigned reading. There will be no excuses for not reading. So start deleting your porn cache most lickety-split and blocking all time wasting aspects of your life, cause the consequences will be most severe.

>> No.19664252

I would have engaged had you not picked three shit books

>> No.19664257

I said it's a democracy. Is there no write-in option where you hail from?

>> No.19664291

wow these are shit options let's read de Lubac instead

>> No.19664298

The Shitkickers would be relevant to like 90% of this board

>> No.19664359

Have you read all of them, or just one? And of which of his works are you referring?
After a quick search, nothing called The Shitkickers exist. Care to elaborate?

>> No.19664378

I've been meaning to work through Medieval Exegesis.

>> No.19664392

>Of which of these shall we begin
Hopefully none. Do a Bible book club instead

>> No.19664455

Holy fuck the trifecta of utter dogshit

>> No.19664458

Since I don't care to learn how to interpret a book of allegory, I have to say nay.
I don't really care to read a book of poems. Never could get into the Bible, or the Iliad. But chiefly, my hesitance in saying yay to this request, is that that book club would be over with pretty quick, for it's just a book.

>> No.19664462

Care to tell me which parts you didn't like of Cigars, Whiskey, & Winning?

>> No.19664483
File: 90 KB, 290x475, 50C30A52-ABDB-4EEA-9735-51F2610ED9D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to read this instead?

>> No.19664601

It sounds interesting, I could read that.

>> No.19664615

put a poll. and there can be more than one club, but that's asking too much!!!

i read a lot, so i'm sure i'll manage to do it, especially with bi-weekly goals!

>> No.19664653
File: 20 KB, 200x304, frisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to read any of these. How about this?

>> No.19664690

>more than one club
Yeah, I have no quarrel with either of those. This was indeed an honest attempt to get people to read together. I know I said faggots, and some people take that as open invitation to troll. I also have no problem with reading religious texts or studies of them, or poetry. But I will shit on something that someone suggest that I haven't read, if they do the same to me. Cause I know for a fact the only book that people have read that I suggested, that they could honestly speak about and say it's shit, is The Scarlet Letter. And frankly, I don't want those people, people that give brain dead ego fluffing hot takes, here. But as for the poll, I'm an idiot and don't know how to do one. I could learn, but if someone else wants to save some time and do it, it would be much appreciated.

>> No.19664708

tinyurl.com 375h665a (sorry for intervals, but if I don't do it, it's flagged as spam.
Here's a poll where anyone can add. We can do it for a couple of days and check the results?

Democracy, as Montesquieu said, takes times.

>> No.19664709

I personally wouldn't enjoy reading a book that gives great detail into torture and sadism. In fact, I wouldn't read it at all.

>> No.19664716

I appreciate that wholeheartedly mi amigo.

>> No.19664756

Like I said, I'm an idiot. How do you get this to work?

>> No.19664761

whoa spoilers

>> No.19664790

I merely repeated the synopsis that I read.

>> No.19664861

Well this is chalking up to be a waste of time in a paramount manner.

>> No.19664865

Just put a / between the .com and the number

>> No.19664885
File: 29 KB, 310x475, 37380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be my first read of the year, what do you faggots think?

>> No.19664929

Thanks. I thought I tried that. Not the first time.
Yeah that sounds really interesting. And very applicable tale to the root of many of the sorrows that people here would possess, I imagine.

>> No.19665891

unironically laughed thanks op

>> No.19665963

Why? Did you vote?

>> No.19666053

vote for what?

>> No.19666071

For what we're going to read. tinyurl.com 375h665a

>> No.19666078
File: 456 KB, 1684x2560, C45FF6B8-9EB0-4920-B0C6-FFBC42A5B513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t like any of your options, can we read this instead?

>> No.19666121

You can add options to the poll.

>> No.19666125

how? it just keeps taking me to the tinyurl front page?

>> No.19666134

Very good choice anon. I love that book <3

>> No.19666138

I had troubles as well, no worries >>19664865

>> No.19666146

do you think you could add “becoming” by michelle obama for me? it’s not working

>> No.19666156

I just checked, someone did.

>> No.19666160

i’m not able to vote though, can you clear your cookies and vote for me or something?

>> No.19666171

I'll keep the tally in my heard

>> No.19666182

are you going to keep a spreadsheet with the votes up and post results in the thread? that’s what we normally do for the top books thread, I wouldn’t want this process to be undemocratic.

>> No.19666184

Based, I ordered "The Sluts" yesterday!

>> No.19666237

You can see the votes for yourself. If people want to read the runner-up next time, we can do that, or any number of things. I'm open to all sorts of ideas. We also haven't talked about how long we'll spend on a book. I don't know if it would be better for some people, due to having to have a book shipped to them, that maybe once a week isn't ideal.

>> No.19666267

how about we read a book a week and dedicate january to politics
1. becoming, michelle obama
2. promised land, barack obama
3. art of the deal, donald trump
4. cigars whiskey and winning, ulysses s grant

>> No.19666297

No. I'm putting my foot down now. You want to talk politics, figure out how to vote on the poll, or go back to /pol/ cause this is starting to sound like an act.

>> No.19666315

/lit/ should do a reading group for Ulysses for the centennial and during Bloomsday.

>> No.19666321

if we can read ulysses grant why can’t we read works by donald trump and the obama dynasty? both Obama and Trump were commanders in chief, so actually they commanded far larger and more advanced armies than Ulysses Grant did. I would go as far as saying that you could learn a lot more about winning from the three books I suggested than from reading your book, as obama and trump (alive) have both won things more recently than grant (dead)

>> No.19666356

Because it sounds like an act. I'm trying to get people to read together, and trying to be nice and open, and you sound like you're trying to take advantage of that. Now you can play nice, or fuck off, cause you don't know who the fuck you're talking to. Now enjoy the holiday outside with some friends, or go search for (You)s somewhere else, because I have some radishes to pickle.

>> No.19666364

*smacks ur gay fucking radishes onto the floor*
I said back the fuck off??

>> No.19666403

There you go, the truth shall set you free. I knew what you were up to. Now go make your own book club.

>> No.19666484

I think you'll find that "Becoming" by Michell Obama is leading the polls, are you sure you're not the one with political bias? Perhaps you should have some "humble pie" with your pickled radishes. Heh.

>> No.19666509

Who tf named himself "becoming by Michelle Obama"? Kek

>> No.19666515

Just to make it clear op, I don't plan on buying any books
I'm an e-reader

>> No.19666527

should that count as a vote for becoming by michelle obama, or did they vote for something else entirely?

>> No.19666628

Take your trolling back to /b/

>> No.19666633

The troll that acted like they don't even know how to vote in the poll.

>> No.19666658

>you don't know who you're talking to

>> No.19666668

Trolls will respect my digits >>19666633
This is going to be a civil reading experience.