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/lit/ - Literature

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19662324 No.19662324 [Reply] [Original]

>2019 will be my year
>2020 will be my year
>2021 will be my year
(you are here)
>2022 will be my year
>2023 will be my year
books for this feel?

>> No.19662329

>2010 will be my year
>2011 will be my year
>2012 will be my year
>2013 will be my year
>2014 will be my year
>mom dies
>2019 will be my year
>2019 will be my year
>2019 will be my year
>2019 will be my year
>2019 actually becomes my year
>2020 will be like 2019
>2021 is good for its own reasons, naturally
>2022 is when things start coming together

>> No.19662339

We got fucked. Our expectations were set far too high. We must revert to traditional modes of society. We need land. We need family. We need meaning. College, a "job," and "education" will not fill our hearts.

>> No.19662472

2022 is the year I'm going to turn this franchise around. I've already set a schedule for myself. No more work from home. No more mindless TV. No more 4chan. 90 minutes of meditation a day. 4-hour meditation retreat every Sunday. 5 hours of writing a week. 1 hour of reading every day before bed. I've drawn up a book list. Classics in the public domain. No more junk food. 48 hours fasting every week. 72 hour fast every month. No more porn. No more masturbation. No more lying. No more idle speech, harsh speech, divisive speech. No more stealing. No piracy. No video games. No staying up late. No sleeping in. Strength training five days a week. No more living in squalor. No more wallowing in self-pity. No excuses.

>> No.19662498

Sorry for your loss anon, I hope the best for you

>> No.19662720

>2019 actually becomes my year
Same thing for me. Also dread the day when close relatives will pass, keep strong.

>> No.19663050

Thanks, bros. I was able to take an extended leave from work, worked on my novel, traveled to Europe, and produced a one-time lit mag.

>> No.19663166

OP here, I don't know if we will leave this fucking pandemic in 2022 but I feel like I have less expectations. There will be turning points in my life in 2022 but right now I just don't care, I'll let God decide my fate. I'm reading "the way of a pilgrim" and it's incredibly comfy and hearth warming. We are all gonna make it.
good luck anon
I want to fucking hug you, I 100% agree, we need more spirituality and traditional values.
I started browsing /lit/ only, went from wasting one hour/day on 4chan to 15 mins. I was so tired of porn and porn bait on 4chan, I feel that it was more the times that I actually wanted to find those "oopsie I posted porn on a blue board" than actually browse blue boards.

>> No.19663809


>> No.19663821
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>books for this feel?
The Tartar Steppe

>> No.19664112

What would it take to be >your year?