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19657854 No.19657854 [Reply] [Original]

What are some red flag books on a man's bookshelf?

>> No.19657881

for me it'd self-help books, emotional intelligence books and specially anything Shapiro related but overall is lack of some books that would be a red flag.

>> No.19657919

Genre fiction

>> No.19657920

Is The Interpretation of Dreams a good Freud book to start with? I read Jung's undiscovered self and man and his symbols

>> No.19657926

Tranny wokepedians simp for trannies >>>19653722

>> No.19657938
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>caring about women's opinions

>> No.19657939

Yes, much more comprehensive than Jung. Jung is only good for his archetypes, everything else is schizo rambling

>> No.19657946
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>> No.19657947

>everything else is schizo rambling

>> No.19657948

uh anon his archetypes IS schizo rambling.

>> No.19657962

Barnes and Noble leatherbound books. It's tacky, gaudy shit that midwits buy because they think it looks classy/sophisticated. Not only do they have a children's idea of aesthetics but they probably haven't read it either.

>> No.19658009
File: 2.77 MB, 720x1280, settling in for a night of hegel and bumsex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel is okay
No no no, I've never met anyone who read Hegel who wasn't bizarre.

>> No.19658042

Sounds like you're 3 years away from being a full-blown Jungian

>> No.19658046

having this thread daily is a red flag

>> No.19658053

Lmao women who are remotely like this are extremely undesirable. A good woman should barely care what you read and should herself read only schlock for pleasure

>> No.19658057

Not knowing red flag books is a red flag

>> No.19658068

That webm makes me want to puke.

>> No.19658078
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Pic related

>> No.19658098

This bitch definitely gonna stay single lmao

>> No.19658114


>> No.19658123
File: 122 KB, 736x1126, Laurus Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any contemporary fiction unless it is written by a Christian Russian academic, such as Laurus.

>> No.19658124

She's not wrong

>> No.19658125

literally my bookshelf
my girlfriend has the same taste in reading and we love each other very much
she's russian though -- they are superior

>> No.19658128

haha that's a good tweet she gave me a chuckle

>> No.19658141

>my girlfriend
Feet pics? Be a bro.

>> No.19658145

I’m smort I read.

>> No.19658147

I got one as a gift once and I really hate it. Stands out so much among my shitty paperbacks and random hardcovers.

>> No.19658161
File: 6 KB, 290x174, nog bibliophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expedient Homemade Firearms, Turner Diaries, Rich Father Poor Father, Talmud, The Alchemist, De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem, 120 Days of Sodom, White Fragility, Bitcoin Billionaires, The Management of Savagery, Der Einzige und sein Eigentum, Kama Sutra, The Book of Law, Hitman: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors, The Alchemist and Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui

>> No.19658168
File: 494 KB, 4160x3120, foots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.19658179

Or did you mean her feet? Sorry, I'm not doing that. I respect her too much. Also I don't have any pictures of her feet anyway.

>> No.19658197
File: 271 KB, 1242x2208, bn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough if you got it as a gift, but if it's actually been collected it's cringy

>> No.19658204

>le funny woke conservative slav man
Fucking annoying.

>> No.19658209

these look like they were designed by an oriental

>> No.19658216

I can smell this picture.

>> No.19658220

Did you get an erection?

>> No.19658222

>not the far superior 'Trains'

>> No.19658228
File: 62 KB, 326x360, 1438286961945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.19658229


Alain de Botton. Guaranteed date rapist.

>> No.19658231
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>> No.19658256

>Expedient Homemade Firearms
Why would someone have this on their bookshelf? Is a huge red flag!
I keep it in pdf format hidden in an external hdd.

>> No.19658263

Anything by Ted K because he'll smash your iPhone the moment you aren't looking. Only iPhones.

>> No.19658311


>> No.19658416

>war and peace is the same size as the other novels, probably abridged
>collected works of Fitzgerald
He literally only wrote one good book
>complete works/collected stories/tales of
Not attention span for actual novels
>the hot pink beauty and the beast
Oh no…
>plastic dragon bookends, not being used as bookends
Ooooh no no no…
>little brown girl funko pop
Please tell me this isn’t a grown man’s legitimate attempt at a personal library

>> No.19658455

How am I even supposed to have a personal library when all the books I read are obscure shit written milennia ago, which I read in English, and cost a fuckload of dollars(billions of my meme monopoly money) to buy?

>> No.19658476

>He literally only wrote one good book
Tales of the Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night. I count three.

>> No.19658477
File: 7 KB, 275x183, wow anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I keep it in pdf format hidden in an external hdd

Wow, you like living on the edge, anon!

>> No.19658485

>short stories bad

>> No.19658499

The Beautiful and the Damned:

'On the crowded train back to New York the seat behind was occupied by a super-respirating Latin whose last few meals had obviously been composed entirely of garlic.'

>> No.19658512

I'll throw out books and arrange new books according to her preferences just to have a chance to actually beat her up

>> No.19658552

There’s nothing wrong with short stories but having them make up a bulk of your collection it shows a lack of attention span for longer works. You getting butthurt shows the same lack of attention

>> No.19658566
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, redflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but what are some red flag books on a woman's bookshelf?

>> No.19658573

the Bible

>> No.19658576

Short stories have fallen out of fashion in the internet age but were widely enjoyed until quite recently. People who read a lot like them because they serve the same purpose as films or video games -- bite-sized servings of narrative fiction that satisfy one's curiosity and explore new ideas, and break up the immersion whatever novel you might have on the go. The fact that you don't like them suggests you see reading as a chore, and an alternative activity to your usual swill.

>> No.19658582


>> No.19658621

and Aristotle bad? Like what. God women are dumb.

>> No.19658625

any woman that reads the opposite of this, put a ring on it.

>> No.19658646

Nietzsche or Hegel. Lets be honest females cant into philosphy they seem to skip the Greeks(not mythology tho) and focus on these two philosophers for some reason, Nietzsche I can understand but Hegel? This bimbo must be the smartest bitch in town. Sadly she isnt she is just a stupid bitch

>> No.19658650

Sam here, i can understand anything else except canceling Aristotle. Maybe his association with scholastics and the hero cult is the reason.

>> No.19658657

Why emotional intelligence? Are you that scarred from past experiences?

>> No.19658708

actually pretty funny, hearty kek

>> No.19658724

I never said I didn’t like short stories. I just said having that many of them in those editions is telling

>> No.19658739
File: 574 KB, 4160x3120, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It this a red flag shelf? (moved into a new flat so just recent purchases)

>> No.19658751


Anything actually interesting or worth reading is a turn-off to sexually attractive women.

>> No.19658763

My experience says otherwise. Your problem is that you live in the wrong country.

>> No.19658790


No, your problem is that you, like attractive women, are a poor judge of what is interesting.

>> No.19658799

>lots of biographies, especially nazis, soldiers and politicians
>war books
>self help
>autistic philosophy
>most generic classics

>> No.19658809

In Russia, women read classic literature (at least, they say they do (and some actually do)).

Are Pushkin and Gogol uninteresting?

I feel such sorrow for the tragedy of the Westoid male.

>> No.19658916


LOL. A typical girl will simply reply to that by noticing St. Augustine and saying:

>"You've got the Bible. Are you religious?"

>> No.19658933


>> No.19658945


A society needs to curate a high culture and force it through education and the media. America hasn't done this because we're a backwater and a slum.

>> No.19658973

>how to summon the spirit of Hitler

Do grils know about Evola?

>> No.19659001

I don’t care if I’m forever alone
The glory of Rome comes before cunny

>> No.19659088

Get the printed on demand like I do. Even better because you can just mash together all the works of an author in one book, or make your own unique anthologies. I did it for all of Guenon's works en Frencais in two volumes (would have been three if I didn't already have a few of his books). Costs way less than buying them individually.

>> No.19659102

What? If anything short stories have become even more popular than they ever were in the internet age, ever heard of creepypastas?

>> No.19659127

Sounds neat. Do you have any photos?

>> No.19659139

No. Read Freud's major works in order of release. Freud constantly builds upon himself.

>> No.19659172

Everything she says is cringe but then
>especially Derrida and Foucault
Holy based?

>> No.19659212
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20211205_031447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point out my red flags /lit/

>> No.19659216

Your red flags:
>Cline 1177BC
shows like a jewish author, potential red flag

>> No.19659221

>kant and hegel are generally okay
Literally how
It's more of a red flag than Pynchon for sure

Justice for Pynchon (I've never read him)

>> No.19659222

tread related

>> No.19659223
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1633444316263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Planes

>> No.19659230
File: 82 KB, 185x231, 098345934953454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my proudest fap

>> No.19659239

BAP and Zero for being a retard

>> No.19659242

The best deconstruction of US-Israeli relations is by a Jew so that seems like a stupid thing to presuppose


>> No.19659246

this is a /tv/ shitpost

>> No.19659254

mimesis big cringe nonsense

>> No.19659256

Yeah I bought it on a whim during the Princeton summer sale for 50% off and honestly I'm not too impressed. I also go Eliade's Myth of Eternal Return though and that one's pretty interesting.

>> No.19659268

what does phub mean?

>> No.19659274

They'd be extremely attractive if it wasn't for the hair. And I mean this unironically.

>> No.19659282

PEACE BE UPON HIM, Inshallah Hitler will rise again from the city of Shambhala as the final incarnation of Vishnu and end the Kali Yuga in a hail of fire and blood ushering in the Age of Gold where humanity will once more be governed by the Gods.

>> No.19659309

she's retarded and typed pbuh wrong
she's still right though

>> No.19659313


>> No.19659325

>people trying to improve their lives is bad!
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.19659330

>.t scizo

>> No.19659335

Yes it's a short history of how different countries in Africa and Asia ended up becoming independent.

>> No.19659338

>doesn't have a secret bookshelf full of gun manuals and 18 c. smut

>> No.19659340

Islamic saying, Peace Be Upon Him, she wrote the acronym wrong. It's Pbuh.

>> No.19659349


>> No.19659356

>Men are bad if they dont share my exact interests
>that webm
Two nukes werent enough.

>> No.19659362


>> No.19659371

why wouldnt you just type this into google?

>> No.19659376

There are 184 books in the collection. Yours is looking a bit weak.

>> No.19659378

>grown man
this clearly belongs to a female