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19654726 No.19654726 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for easy books (about elementary- middle school level) to help with my Spanish. Any recommendations?

>> No.19654746

Read manga man

>> No.19654749
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>> No.19654757

Read Harry Potter translated into Spanish. All 7 books. They get progressively harder and are exactly what you're looking for.

Once you get better you can read something considered easier like La Casa de los Espiritus.

>> No.19654761

As much as people on this board like to criticize the English language, Spanish is arguably worse. Such a disgusting sounding language. Easily the worst of the romances.

>> No.19654763

>read Harry Potter
Is this a troll



>> No.19654769

You are a self-hating spic, aren’t you?

>> No.19654773
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t. tastelet. Let's see what a linguist with good taste has to say:
>For instance I dislike French, and prefer Spanish to Italian – but the relation of these facts to my taste in languages (which is obviously a large ingredient in The Lord of the Rings) would take a long time to unravel, and leave you liking (or disliking) the names and bits of language in my books, just as before. (1958)
>Auden has asserted that for me 'the North is a sacred direction'. That is not true. The North-west of Europe, where I (and most of my ancestors) have lived, has my affection, as a man's home should. I love its atmosphere, and know more of its histories and languages than I do of other pans; but it is not 'sacred', nor does it exhaust my affections. I have, for instance, a particular love for the Latin language, and among its descendants for Spanish. That it is untrue for my story, a mere reading of the synopses should show. The North was the seat of the fortresses of the Devil. The progress of the tale ends in what is far more like the re-establishment of an effective Holy Roman Empire with its seat in Rome than anything that would be devised by a 'Nordic'. (1967)

>> No.19654778

>Is this a troll
no. it unironically works.

>> No.19654782

Yeah, Spanish children's books.

>> No.19654783

Borges actually isn't that hard. Juan Rulfo uses simple language too. Spanish is the easiest foreign language for English speakers to learn

>> No.19654795

El misterio del mayordomo de Norma Huidobro, es un libro que se suele dar en la escuela primaria. Es una lectura amena y sencilla.

>> No.19654797

go on wiki and read articles about subjects you find interesting. i would recommend using the Edge browser which has a built in text to speech feature with non-robotic voices. read a few every day and graduate to translated YA books like Goosebumps. you can be autistic and make flashcards out of new words inside sentences for context to accelerate your competency in the language.

>> No.19654801

There are a great many Spanish accents. Argentine for example sounds like Italian. Castillian is a no nonsense accent, designed more for giving, than taking orders. Are you confusing the bourgeois elegant registers of the language for bodega Spanish? In other words, do think the bodega accent is the norm?

>> No.19654803


>> No.19654808
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Papelucho de Marcela Paz. Creo que son alrededor de diez libros.

>> No.19654824

>Argentine for example sounds like Italian.
Only the Rioplatense variant. Thank God not all Argentines sound like faggots. People from Mendoza sound more human-like, for example.

>> No.19654837

¿No se mezcla el acento argentino con el chileno en Mendoza? A pesar de haber ido no logro recordar como hablaban.

>> No.19654840

No, los chilenos hablamos mucho peor

>> No.19654859

Anything by Sergio Aguirre:
La venganza de la vaca
Los vecinos mueren en las novelas
El misterio de Crantock
El hormiguero
La señora Pinkerton ha desaparecido
You're either a second generation chicano or a huenigger.

>> No.19654872

Ustedes suenan como putos, provinciano tragaleche.

>> No.19654899

Thanks I’ll check out Juan Rulfo

Very based idea. Thanks for looking out for a poorfag

Thanks for the recommendations bro

>> No.19654901

Antonio Di Benedetto was from Mendoza
No, putos los porteños con su acento afeminado.

>> No.19654909

Welllll that’s too bad bc I want to read 2666 de Roberto Bolaño in Spanish

>> No.19654913

>Thanks I’ll check out Juan Rulfo
Check out Juan José Arreola. He also has a simple prose but his stuff is more fantastic/surreal. You can find his short stories online.

>> No.19654945

Any favorites from his work?

>> No.19654968

El guardagujas, El prodigioso miligramo (Borges liked this one), La migala. You can read them here: https://ciudadseva.com/autor/juan-jose-arreola/cuentos/

>> No.19655009

Thank you I really appreciate it!

>> No.19655077
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Read fanfics, they are terrible but it's high school or lower level.

>> No.19655132

No problem. That website is full of other texts as well.

Short stories: https://ciudadseva.com/biblioteca/indice-autor-cuentos/

Flash fiction:


>> No.19655185

>Spanish is the easiest foreign language for English speakers to learn
This is false. French is easier. Most French words are English cognates. Most spanish words aren't cognates.

>> No.19655193

La Sombra del Viento is pretty entertaining and easy to read. It goes down the drain second half in tho

>> No.19655212

Well, Berlitz and Babbel rank Spanish higher than French on the list of languages that are easiest to learn for English speakers.


>> No.19655242 [DELETED] 

I agree. Lope de Vega and Borges have shit on Shakespeare and Melville.
t. second generation beaner
Chicanos are second generation so saying that is redundant. They also take considerable pride in anything beaner and would have quite the opposite opinion to the dude you're replying to. Also, I hate the sound of the huenigger tongue more than the Squatamalan dialect of Spanish.

>> No.19655282

This is incorrect, half of English words are both French and Spanish cognates by virtue of being Latin derived. I know the three languages.

>> No.19655308

Moreover you make no account for the French pronunciation which is significantly harder for an English speaker than is the Spanish. In fact, both Spanish and English functionally essentially as creoles of Latin. Ingles & español funcionan esencialmente como (as) creoles latinos.

>> No.19655643

Read books you already read growing up like Magic Treehouse in Spanish. Harry Potter (as another anon mentioned) if applicable as you improve, but shorter texts are probably better as long as the level of language becomes more complex. In other words: anything you already full understand before reading in a foreign language.

My white Midwestern roommate in college did this along with taking online classes and turning his phone default to Spanish. He'd rent out Spanish versions of books we read in 1st grade from the library every few weeks. He used to sound cringe speaking Spanish with the other Latin American students (we had quote a few at our grad school) but he ended up sounding conversationally proficient in a few months. He had a passing interest in the language to begin with but I'm pretty convinced he did this all because he ended up dating a girl from Spain and wanted to become part of her friend circle. It's like the opposite version of "le self-hating white-washed spic" meme that's spammed on /pol/.

On a side note - there was a really cool Mexican student at my university who saw a copy of Don Quixote on somebody's bookshelf at a party. I casually mentioned having read it and he spent 5 minutes enthusiastically telling me how you can't truly understand the book and its essence unless you read it in Spanish. Pretty much cast readers of any translations as pseuds. Not sure how much of it was the alcohol but I still remember it to this day kek

>> No.19655757

Thanks for the story anon. It gave me more motivation to learn Spanish. Personally, I am learning Spanish because I want to see the Picos de Europa, and I want to read 2666.

>cheers to you, your suggestions and your roommate

>> No.19655794

2666 isn't that great.

>> No.19655873
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Nellie Campobello's 'Cartucho' should be very high on your list, a forgotten one of the literature on the Mexican Revolution, short stories (sometimes half a page) and forceful. It also has an interesting life story. Good luck.

>> No.19655909

people like you think you're doing something shut the fuck up, you know nothing.

>> No.19655926

The anon who replied to you wasn't me. Doesn't matter what he thinks of 2666. Best of luck on your journey mate, not just in the literary sense. I hope you enjoy the views of the Picos de Europa as well.

Glad my anecdote was helpful, but dig through the waruso archives for the /lang/ generals. There hasn't been a new one since August for some reason, but you'll find every resource you could possibly need and all for free:


>> No.19656141

Very based