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19652118 No.19652118 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody here read Kissinger's senior thesis that he wrote at Harvard University? This guy tried to synthesize Spengler, Toynbee, and Kant at the same time.

>> No.19652139

sounds pseudointellectual

>> No.19652141


>> No.19652146

There was some Harvard student on here who said he was going try to scan it a few years ago. Don't know if he ever did it.

>> No.19652156

i read his thesis broke the harvard record for longest thesis. you have to be a real renaissance man to understand these fucks

>> No.19652162

Here is an interesting evaluation of his thesis: https://hir.harvard.edu/kissinger-remembers/

>> No.19652290

Kinda retarded ngl. I can't tell if his use of Kant's metaphysics just amounts to a poor simile and I should throw out any serious attempt to read what he's saying in respect to Kant. But considering how he does use Kant's ethics, it just seems like a not very original interpretation and not that he blatantly knows nothing about Kant.

Ignoring anything in Kant he might possibly have misunderstood.

>> No.19652620

Does it need to be an "original" interpretation of his ethics? I'm more interested in the overall picture and the application to history. The whole point of learning all of these different thinkers is to discover coherent currents of thought that you can then weave together to (hopefully) understand reality a little bit more.

>> No.19652974

'Not very original' means pretty bland and not of interest. To be original in thought means for the thought to be worthwhile, so the overall picture and application to history is minimal, at least as it relates to Kant.

The 'rest' (from what I got in that short summary), seems like something much more personal. Unironically like a life plan. That in itself provides something original to look over history with, but in the end not much of value compared with what's been written, or even much more original than common sense. It feels kind of pseudy.

>> No.19653160

It's less impressive when you realise he was, like, 35 at the time.

>> No.19653173


>> No.19653760


>> No.19654257

no fucking way

how different is it from the book kissinger published later?

>> No.19654780

Which book do you mean?

As far as I know, this thesis is owned by Harvard and has not been published yet.

>> No.19655147

didnt someone throw in on libgen a couple of years ago

>> No.19655227

Yes, there was a thread where a harvardanon checked it out at the library, scanned, and uploaded it.

>> No.19655298


Wow, looks kino