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19651596 No.19651596 [Reply] [Original]

this is pretty fucking boring

>> No.19651657

A woman wrote it. Of course you’d hate it.

>> No.19651818


>> No.19651838

lol fucking stupid idiot

>> No.19651858

There’s reasonable evidence indicating that it was a ghostwritten concept that Verne fleshed out. He was under contract to write a ridiculous amount and some writers back then paid people for their ideas. This one in particular could very well have been the idea of a certain famous anarchist.

>> No.19651913

>a certain famous anarchist.
Who? Are you talking about Tolstoy?

>> No.19651936

No. She’s not known for her writing. She only did that to make money on the side. Doesn’t matter. No one will believe it. I’m not even sure of it.

>> No.19651942

just fucking say who it is already

>> No.19651957

the english translation is just shit, think they’re working on a new one

>> No.19651980
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Louise Michel

>> No.19652780

>we wuz Jules Verne
You've outdone yourself butterfag.

>> No.19652789

Read it in French, pleb

>> No.19652834

The quality of the translation doesn't change the fact the book is badly in need of abridgement. There are chapters dedicated to providing the reader with unnecessary information on marine life, but they do not contribute to the themes and the story the way Melville's extraneous chapters in Moby-Dick do.

>> No.19652844

just read the kids version then, retard

>> No.19652849

>he book is badly in need of abridgement. There are chapters dedicated to providing the reader with unnecessary information on marine life, but they do not contribute to the themes and the story
imagine being filtered by Verne.

>> No.19652931

I read an abridged version as a child. I would not want to read it in full.

>> No.19653080

>unnecessary information on marine life
those are not the worst ones, the worst ones are about water temperature

>> No.19653132

I agree

>> No.19653363

this is the first time you guys actually agreed with me on something

>> No.19653394

While I enjoyed the book it is pretty brutal. A lot of Verne's science is extremely dated as well so he just comes off as an asshole.

>> No.19653399

>but they do not contribute to the themes and the story the way Melville's extraneous chapters in Moby-Dick do.
Both are equally useless. kys.

>> No.19654388

it's a shitty book, but not the kind you can pretend is good to troll someone.

>> No.19654415

You're supposed to form your own thoughts, not just repeat what you see on 4chan.

>> No.19654728

is there are any reason to read verne if Doyle exists
like, read the lost world and this, it is night and day

>> No.19655011

>20,000 leagues is 70,000 miles
>the earth is only 8,000 miles in diameter
>if you went 20,000 leagues under the sea you'd be far into outer space
Verne is a hack

>> No.19655089

I dropped it when they went on an expedition on the sea floor and the most exciting thing that happened was they saw a shark

>> No.19655159

20k refers to the distance travelled while "under the sea"

>> No.19655292

>getting filtered by Jules fucking Verne
it's hilariously tragic

>> No.19655297

all books are boring. why should i spend hours reading some old dead guys words when i could watch thousands of tiktoks in the same amount of time?

>> No.19655327

to be fair, it's science fiction outpaced by the real world. The feeling of wonder and exploration it was originally meant to evoke falls flat to modern audiences for whom massive underwater vehicles are just part of the world they live in.

It's to Jules's credit that his works were so grounded that many of them came to be.

>> No.19655460

I read about it in a book

>> No.19656305

based flat-earther

>> No.19656592

It is. Read Journey to the Center of the Earth and The mysterious island instead. I liked those a lot more. Journey to the moon and back is also kino.

>> No.19656642

You read to be excited? Are you a school girl? Read YA fiction.

>> No.19656672

You are either under 17 yo or too dumb to understand it.