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/lit/ - Literature

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19651011 No.19651011 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to take the plunge into Hegel and slogging through all his shit. Look me in the eye and tell me, /lit/, is Hegel truly based and profound or meandering german obscurantist's schizobabble?

On a side note, I have time these days to dedicate myself to reading. Which philosophy books and authors would you say are indispensable to your worldview?

>> No.19651094

>is Hegel truly based and profound or meandering german obscurantist's schizobabble?

Regardless of what he is, you'll get nothing from reading his writing alone and without secondary literature. You'll get to `III. Force and the understanding, appearance and supersensible world` and barely understand what the fuck is going on, and then you'll continue reading only understanding ~1/2 of what Hegel is getting at until you get to later sections. Get a good secondary text.

> I have time these days to dedicate myself to reading. Which philosophy books and authors would you say are indispensable to your worldview?

Just read a broad summary of western thought (there are two I read early on in my career, Will Durant's and Bertrand Russell's... I hate both of them, but it's a good survey in Western thought). Then dive deeper into what interests you.

>> No.19651122

I plan on reading the phenomenology alongside Peter Kalvage's Logic of Desire.

That aside, you didn't really answer the second question. I asked for particular works of philosophy that YOU consider invaluable.

>> No.19651150

> is Hegel truly based and profound
yes, and more. Do read him in German though. A lot can get lost in translation when it comes to certain aspects. It is still worth reading in any language, but Hegel, jsut as Heidegger, should make anyone want to learn German.
>Regardless of what he is, you'll get nothing from reading his writing alone and without secondary literature.
Never read secondary literature when it comes to Hegel.
>I plan on reading the phenomenology alongside Peter Kalvage's Logic of Desire.

>> No.19651159

I am unfortunately not willing to learn German.

>> No.19651164

then why even bother with philosophy?
Stick to reading fiction.

>> No.19651176

What a profoundly stupid take. If you're a hegelian then you've successfully turned me off reading him, kek.

>> No.19651182

good. Glad I could help.

>> No.19651733

>Never read secondary literature when it comes to Hegel.
retard alert

>> No.19651739

>What a profoundly stupid take. If you're a hegelian then you've successfully turned me off reading him, kek.

He's doing you a favor

>> No.19652740

lmao, "help me best understand Hegel" *is given the only two valid options besides reread (secondary literature or learn German for Heidegger too) until proven known* "lol nah no thanks"

>> No.19652745

You first read Luther, then you read Böhme and then you read Hegel.

>> No.19653021

If you didn't start with the pre-Socratics (which I'm sure you didn't do), you will be completely lost and it will be unintelligible gibberish.