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/lit/ - Literature

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19649288 No.19649288 [Reply] [Original]

What was /lit/ like before the eternal /pol/edditor infestation?

>> No.19649294

About the same.

>> No.19649312

It was slightly better before butterfly trip

But people were already complaining about pol migrants then and this was ~2014-15. I think there is slightly less effort posting and good convos, more shit posting and 10x board speed

>> No.19649315
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Anons were about the same.
Ayn Rand was forbidden. And we liked it that way.

>> No.19649319

I wish we could kill butter tranny

>> No.19649321

Frater is the only based tripfag

>> No.19649324

I came when “pol” was still /news/. So you’re mis-remembering

Deep&Edgy effort posted. A lot of good effort posters.

>> No.19649327

This image you have of a “butter tranny” is an illusion

>> No.19649330

No one cares about you, faggot. Kill yourself. You are not special.

>> No.19649333

You're ugly enough to pass for a transvestite

>> No.19649341

People actually read and had a sense of humour about themselves and their reading. We had a very active writting community as well, we used the entire board to hone our skills and every thread was viewed as a prompt thread, this is the source of much of the old copy pasta.

>> No.19649349

Anyone who says /lit/ did not have as much religionposting before 2016 is a fucking liar. I was here since the board was founded. We always had some discussion of religion, and posting about people interested in Christianity was very strong in 2014 and 2015. /lit/ has been the most Christian board on 4chan for a while, long before 2016.

Remember the Milbank spam? Because I do. That's just one example of how long Christposting has been around.

>> No.19649358

Tons of tripfags, very active moderation, Infinite Jest

>> No.19649376

I'm convinced it's worse because federal agents / ngo thinktanks who started trying to deradicalize 4chan finally got around to shitting up /lit/

>> No.19649382

fuck, I came to this board to escape TLAs

>> No.19649383

What year did you start posting on 4chan? Did you only post on lit?

>> No.19649412

Anon, I regularly have 20+ threads caught by my filters for bibl*, christ*, jesus, god and cathol*, back then i did not even bother with filters for those. I just manually hid the few threads we got, probably never had more than 5 at once. You are either delusional or trying to push an agenda.

>> No.19649425

That's just because /lit/ has trended towards more spam in general. You're a fool if you didn't see where we'd end up. You can deny it all you want, but definitely by 2015 interest in Christianity was very strong on /lit/.

>> No.19649428

wait until you realize that's what all the catholic threads are.

>> No.19649435

>/pol/edditor infestation?
You guys cry and cry about us, but honestly we are living proof our ideology is correct. We moved here, kept our old customs and culture, refused to integrate, and took over the board. Is this not what our conservative ideology warns will happen with immigration? Rather than seething about us, learn from what we have taught you.

>> No.19649437

People have low standards for effort posts compared to before. Saw someone call a two sentence copy pasted quote an effort post a few days ago. Shocking

>> No.19649443 [DELETED] 

i never liked effort posts. it always felt like some guy just did a term paper on some topic and now has braindumped it into a post and we're all supposed to act like it's some big contribution, spare me.

>> No.19649444

I first heard of the place before lit (there was an /l/ board at the time). I kicked around b, mu, tv, s, u. Anonymously. I was posting in news when stormfront went down and migrated to it like locusts. I fled to hear. 2011 I believe that was. So I missed lits first year or so. The trips all seemed so chummy and reasonably behaved. Ducked into b once when the zalgo meme was just starting and randomly grabbed this thing for my name field.

>> No.19649449

>I fled to hear
Pbpbpbp *here

>> No.19649459

What was /news/ like before then? Were they all commies or liberals or anti dubya posts?

>> No.19649471

i liked /lit/ when everything was either plebeian or patrician. there was a non-ideological commitment to high culture. now we have people who unironically want to be peasants and others who just want to blog about their dogmatic hobbyhorse. i think i'm going to take 2022 off and see if it's any better later.

>> No.19649484

This is a good idea, and a sentiment I've been seeing in a lot of boards, especially /tv/ and /fit/; it seems like a lot of anons are either leaving for good this coming new years, or are planning to take a long break. I like the idea of taking a year off and checking back in in 2023

>> No.19649491

>Everyone with a shred of sanity leaves for a year
>Retards stay
>We return after a year
What do you think the state of the board will be then?

Also, I hate to be "that guy" but New Year's is coming up and everyone is planning "New Year New Me!" Give it a week and we'll see.

>> No.19649501

Not him but I don't see the value in stopping unless you have problems.

>> No.19649509

It was reasonable discussion of the news. The righties and lefties were always there, obviously ironic Hitler birthday mentions, but stormfags made it a war.
I’ll never forget. Previous year or so, moot alienated the Guy Fawkes protesters, but then he went and gave stormfags a whole board

>> No.19649513

Better then when fucktarded leftists like you bitched and whined about people with dissenting opinions and calling the pol even though this site is owned by pol you fucking TOURIST FAGGOT

>> No.19649514

>What do you think the state of the board will be then?
Absolutely fucking awful but maybe anybody who decides to stay deserves it
some small part of me will be sad though if all the regulars and the tripfags are gone when I come bac

>> No.19649517

>Whaaaaa whaaa le pol!!!!
It was about the same newfag

>> No.19649518

Calling them pol

>> No.19649524

Do you think that's what had the biggest effect on 4chan or what do you think would have been the best course for moot etc?

>> No.19649615

>only the religious threads i lile are actually religious, the reat are spam
Fuck off.

>> No.19649619

Better, but not by much. More angsty, less schizo.

>> No.19649636

>there was a non-ideological commitment to high culture.
I think you forgot that historiography existed here in the past. Of course, if you see marxism-posadism as the natural "human" state you're incapable of seeing it as ideological. Whereas genuinely proletarian praxes critique actually existing Marxism from a position of struggle.

Read EP Thompson ffs.

>> No.19649665

So everyone grew up lol

>> No.19649667

it was shit. literally just shit. Pol arrived at least 3 months in

(and then I started browsing)

>> No.19649670

>Read EP Thompson ffs.
He was anti-Stalin, making him a crypto-reactionary.

>> No.19649685
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Cringe and bluepilled, I assume.

>> No.19649690

There there son, at least learn how to pretend to be M-L.

>> No.19649699

>Mao disavowed the CPSU and Khrushchev because they rejected Stalin
>MLs aren't supposed to follow Stalin
ok lmao

>> No.19649777

More elitist. I was convinced the meme trilogy was just that, a meme to trollo newfags asking for recommendations, like boku no pico on /a/

>> No.19649817

I think that just a general decline of reading among Zoomers is part of the responsible for the decline of /lit/. People don't read as much as they did a decade ago.

>> No.19649822

>not tom harper, brown bear, slaf, truman capote and the other circle jerkers.

>> No.19649827

It was far far better and anyone saying otherwise is a newfag, back then you could actually recognize shitposters from prose alone unlike the tripfags of today, I remember that pessoafag who would make an elaborate bait thread under a different backstory each time and loosely tie it all in a self referential way to his previous threads.
There was a lot more effort and this felt like a genuine literature board, not some shithole filled with twitter screencaps and shitty politics and philosophy threads.

>> No.19649831

I think I know who you are. Have you ever played any video games?

>> No.19649841

Shut the fuck up you retarded larping faggot

>> No.19649843

This website and board has always been complete dogshit

Always will be

>> No.19649908

Not much at all. Never posted in v either

>> No.19649921

Does your name start with the letter M?

>> No.19649923 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19649930

What letter does your name start with?

>> No.19649931

Hi, so your name is magneto and let's get this straight. You don't play video games... although many people ask if you do *bites hand menacingly*.

>> No.19649932

No you moron, I came from /pol/ too and found this board x1000 better than fucking /pol/. No BBC or "X is not white" or other worthless shitposting while you vegetate and refresh the page for more dopamine. Quit reading infographics and pick up a book. If you came to /lit/ and didn't shift your perspective at least a little bit then you did no reading at all and you're just LARPing like most of the annoying faggots that came from /pol/. You can still hate nogs and jews while not thinking everything is so black and white.