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19647830 No.19647830 [Reply] [Original]

I wish he was here to write about Blackrock and what they’re turning the world into w their Aladdin technology and trillions of dollars. Woke capital etc. Has anyone written about this stuff w a critical and thinking lens?

>> No.19648518

how is one supposed to grasp the efforts and motives of people within or simply of Blackeock itself while being a deleuzian philosopher?
You either understand assets and risk management or tou tey to understand the world.

>> No.19648591
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are you retarded? and btw picrel did it long before blackrock even existed, you neurocattle citizen thermostat

>> No.19648617
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Various by Byung-Chul Han.

>> No.19648757

came here to post this

>> No.19648928

>Are there any currently active writers similar to Baudrillard?
Only in the neorreactionary blog sphere.

>> No.19648994

Nick Land is good, Kantbot isn't really a writer but his ideas are similar. Mencius Moldbug maybe at a stretch, though most of the time Moldbug is completely fucking retarded. the best bet is Nick Land

>> No.19649316

Baudrillard is similar, but sadly dissimilar to Baudrillard, and so may not infact meet your criteria.

>> No.19649429

>During the student upheavals of the late 1960s and the following years, he was a member of the Communist Party[2] and associated with the Front homosexuel d'action révolutionnaire (FHAR). He became a gay activist due to his time in California in 1969, but went to the FHAR as a "way of finding again the ambiance of the United States."
lol not reading this trash

>> No.19649436
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>> No.19649489

>lol not reading this trash
No one asked pleb

>> No.19649589

shoddy photocopy of shit zizek was writing about 20 in the 90's

>> No.19650366


Me: >>/lit/thread/S19099426

>> No.19650380

Please give me advice on approaching Baudrillard, I've tried reading both The Consumer Society and Simulacra & Simulation but both were very opaque.

>> No.19650655

I started reading this and am almost half way through, and no one in an executive, financial or operational position at any S&P100 would ever talk like this let alone think the way this guy projects his neurotic worldview on them.
What is wrong with, specifically French, thinkers that they write these obfuscating texts that hang by a thread of generous sanity?
i don’t even wanna say that what he is saying is wrong; but it just doesn’t exist so where he describes it. This thinking would become disillusioned and confused if it entered the esteemed halls it speaks of and then instead flee tail between its legs back into the recluse office room at the university campus.

I stand by my point that a sincere deleuzian does not understand those at Blackrock.

>> No.19650733

The thing you have to understand about french philosophy is that it's total garbage with banging quips and aphorisms sprinkled throughout. Any logical argument isn't worth the time to follow, it's merely filler and lead-ins to searing one-liners. Foucault is the same way.

>> No.19650747

SS is about platonism. If you haven't read Plato you'll find the whole model vs copies distinction harder to follow
Are you saying the non French can't write a single good sentence? And we are expected to read their drivel? Sounds like you were filtered by frogs

>> No.19650762

Non-frogs either reduce it to aphorisms or have a tangible argument. The french are pure wit with interludes of Gallic nonsense. They write in the style of Rabelais.

>> No.19650822

His piece "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place" is short and probably the best modern application of his thought before he died. He wrote some stuff on the Iraq War as well that was interesting iirc.


>> No.19650863

Nietzsche (and friends)

>> No.19650869


>> No.19651847


>> No.19652003
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The coronavirus pandemic did not happen.

>> No.19652008

If you want a great example of Baudrillard's simulacra at work, read Cronen's work on wilderness.