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19647781 No.19647781 [Reply] [Original]

This protag is literally a Mary Sue


>> No.19648698

You mean Gary Stu

>> No.19648705

brainlet take

>> No.19650217

Those are my favorite type of protags.

>> No.19650346
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I hated it at first but I realized that having a genius main character is a pretty apt way to explore the setting and the cool magic system.
I assume you dropped it fairly swiftly and I urge you to reconsider.

>> No.19650354

he isn't really, he's not the best at anything and fails a lot.

>> No.19650395

Isn't it just a self-insert of the fat manlet author? Never read the books but I have heard funny memes about nymphs teaching sex and all. Then there's this masterpiece:

>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.

TL:DR: he's garbage and his books are even more so.

>> No.19650402

The romance is the definition of cringe but some of the other stuff is really good so I'm at all loss to either recommend it or disparage it.

>> No.19651597

I didnt read it for the protag but the comfy fantasy world that rothfuss crafted. Hope the third book gets released soon.

>> No.19651607

Vaguely detailed Not!Europe is boring as hell

>> No.19651619

I'm not from there and as kid who read harry potter its brings me back.

>> No.19651625

I don’t mean to be a dick but I feel like you would have to have not read much fantasy to find the setting impressive

>> No.19651647

Ive only read popular fantasy works by sanderson, wolfe, martin so I guess you could say that, I also just really like the setting.

>> No.19651667

Do you know of better fantasy? Picrel is the only fantasy novel I've read and enjoyed it very much. Didn't read the 2nd book cause the series isn't finished. I don't want a 20 page series though, I am too old for that. Something short (less than 5) and free of cringe and edge.

>> No.19651675

What do you like in a book?

>> No.19651687

I like visual descriptions and interesting characters. My favorite writers are Mishima, Abe, Vollmann, Ishiguro, DFW, Dostoevsky and Nabokov.

>> No.19651705

Wolfe is generally considered one of the most literary SSF authors, maybe read Wizard Knight?

>> No.19651846


>I like visual descriptions and interesting characters

The Gormenghast Trilogy will be your favourite work of fiction once you've read as little as 50 pages. It's possibly the most visually striking writing that I've encountered, and to say that the characters are interesting would be a vast understatement.