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/lit/ - Literature

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19643285 No.19643285 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I read books when I can just read the synopsis and major themes online?

>> No.19643293

You don't read books because you have to, you read books because you want to

>> No.19643296

idk man why do anything, if this is your attitude why not just kill yourself. if you don't value the experience yourself then stop experiencing it

>> No.19643344

childish take

>> No.19643350

I mean why read at all? When you can just fucking DIE

>> No.19643352

Why are there so many threads with posters trying to give themselves excuses for not reading

>> No.19643357

Because people can tell

>> No.19643368

childish answers for childish questions. dont ask if santa claus is real and then whine when people smile and say yes

>> No.19643380

I do this with horror movies. I read the long IMDB synopses because I'm too pussy to watch them

>> No.19643389

I'm not whining, for I'm not him. just making a statement. that you agree to be true, in accordance with what you replied anyway.

>> No.19643436

you are whining, that's why you're still posting and why you'll continue to post

>> No.19643441

why are you so desperate for the attention of someone who doesn't read

>> No.19643462

See that? You replied. I am laughing, feasting on your tears your sadness your anger your desperation. "IM RIGHT IM RIGHT" you cry out, but with a smirk on my face I look down at you and whisper a soft "No" before crushing your fingers under my boots sending you plunging to your death. Time to get out of MY thread and off MY website bucko. Time to log off of the internet, maybe go for a walk smell the roses. Maybe next time you can win, but you already lost here. I'm removing this thread from my thread watcher. Goodbye.

>> No.19643483

plunging to my death, you spoke of no ledge to which i could plummet.

>> No.19643513

Why should I read your posts when I can just hide your threads?

>> No.19644541

To feel it for yourself, and to improve your reading skills in reel life

>> No.19644551

seeing an image of a place is different from visiting it

>> No.19644600

Because you wanna read for the sake of LARPing as smart and not because it's interesting

>> No.19644602

So true brother

>> No.19644613


>> No.19645194

How would you know if they're correct or not?

>> No.19645198

Why should I read these posts when I can filter them?

>> No.19645727

>he listens to music when instead he could read the sheet music
>he watches movies when instead he could read the script
>he travels when instead he could just view the locations on google maps
ngmi. you should be trying to power through the sum total of human culture as efficiently as possible so you can proceed to kill yourself at the precise moment you 100% it, without giving anyone a chance to create anything new while you are twitching out your last bit of life

>> No.19645736

Why would you care about the plot if you don't even want to read the book?

>> No.19647089

BAMMM in your mouth, biatch.
this, Anon knows.

>> No.19648331

I only read books so I can shitpost about them on /lit/

>> No.19648379
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Life is about reducing suffering, by reading a good book