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19642599 No.19642599 [Reply] [Original]

Uncle Ted wrote somewhat of an autobiography in prison a few years after his arrest. basically he takes on all the shit the media fabricated about him with the collaboration of his mother and snitch brother. the book never got published due to a dispute between our Uncle and the publishing house, its an amazing book and you can download the pdf

here: https://b-ok.asia/book/11338056/50d5c4

and here: https://b-ok.asia/book/11338055/8db7fc?dsource=recommend

(its divided into 2 pdf's)

i read the whole thing you can AMA me

>> No.19642618

What does he say about being a virgin?

>> No.19642630

he talk a lot about being "sexually starved". he doesn't hold back on the embarrassing shit. im frankly amazed how opposite this guy it to an optics cuck

>>As to the real reason why I stopped snuggling up to my aunt: Josephine was a good-looking woman; though she was over forty at the time of my brother':^ birth, she'd kept herself in shape and was still attractive. 1 don't know whether it was rlormal or female body. a/ Not long after my brother's birth, my family and 1 visited the apartment where Josephine lived with her mother (my paternal grandmother). My aunt and I were sitting on a couch, and, attracted by her breasts, I slid over against her, put my arm over her shoulder, and said, "Let's play girlfriend." Josephine laughed and put her arm around me, and I had the decided satisfaction of feeling her breast against my body. My aunt just thought it was cute, but my mother was sharp enough to see what was really going on. After a short interval she said, "I think I'll go to the store and get some ice cream" (or maybe it was candy or som-ething else), and she invited me to come with her. I deciined, but she insisted that I should come. As soon as she got me out of the house she gave me a tongue-lashing and a lecture on appropriate behavior with ladies. It will not surprise the reader that, from then on, I kept my distance from Josephine.

>> No.19642639

>>"I might have been about 9 years old when the following incident occurred. My family was visiting the D__ family. The D__'s had a little girl named about my own age. At that time she was very pretty. I was horsing around with her, and by and by I got to tickling her. I put my arms around her from behind and tickled her under the ribs. I tickled and tickled, and she squirmed and laughed. I pressed my body up against hers, and experienced a very pleasant, warm, affectionate sensation, distinctly sexual. Unfortunately, my mother caught on to the fact that our play was beginning to take on a sexual character. She got embarrassed and told me to stop tickling L__. L__ said, 'No, don't make him stop! I like it!' but, alas, my mother insisted, and I had to quit."

he talks about some broad that rejected him and how he intended to beat her up (he eventually talk with her in the parking lot and calmed down).

>> No.19642649

>Nor did I feel troubled by loneliness. I did suffer from acute sexual starvation: I was in daily contact with smart, physically attractive Radcliffe women and I didn't know how to make advances to them.

>> No.19642663

here's your uncled ted bro:

>> No.19642673
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a 256-point plan to destory the blockchain

>> No.19642737

I'm so glad I had access to hentai so I didn't do anything like this.

>> No.19642753

and this right here is the reason he went insane

>> No.19642812

this guy is saner then you and me and the whole of this place combined. read the book and you'll find out.

>>There is yet another way in which the media purvey falsehood, and in this case there cannot be the slightest doubt that intentional slanting is involved. Journalists will make negative statements about an individual that are so vague that there is no way they can ever be definitely proved or disproved, yet by repeating such statements over and over again throughout an article they can give their readers a decidedly false impression of the individual in question. Robert D. McFadden's article in the New York Times provides an excellent example of this technique. The article appears under the headline, " The Tortured Genius of Theodore Kaczynski." " In reality I am neither tortured nor a genius. McFadden proceeds to assert that in my Montana cabin I "watched dying embers flicker visions of a wretched humanity." I did nothing of the kind. The next paragraph states that mathematics was the "sole passion of [my] life" and that it was "suddenly dead." Actually, mathematics was never the sole passion of my life, and my interest in it declined not suddenly but gradually, over a period of years.

>McFadden then describes my undergraduate days at Harvard as "humiliating." They had their bad points, certainly, but I never felt that they were humiliating. He describes the lines at the corners of my mouth as "obstinate," but there is no rational evidence that they have anything to do with obstinacy. In his fifth paragraph, McFadden speaks of my supposed "instabilities", "obsessions," and "rigidities" 8/ without presenting any rational evidence that I was unstable, obsessed, or rigid, and he goes on to say that I "deteriorated" until my family "did not recognize" me, which is sheer fantasy. The article rambles along endlessly in the same vein. Most of these assertions are so indefinite that it would be virtually impossible ever to prove them false. How would one prove that one has no "instabilities" or that one has not "deteriorated?" The words are just too vague. It might be possible to disprove a few of the assertions if one wanted to take the trouble; for example, I might be able to document that fact that mathematics was never the sole passion of my life. But I would have to devote several pages to this seemingly trivial point, and in doing so I would look ridiculous because I would appear to be making a mountain out of a molehill. I would look even more ridiculous if I tried to prove that 1 am not "tortured", since the word was never meant to be taken literally anyway; it was used only for its emotional impact. Yet emotional language and indefinite assertions of the kind used by McFadden, when repeated over and over, can quite successfully portray an individual as a repellent sicko.

>> No.19642816

>Before my arrest -- that is, before I had the opportunity to compare what I know to be the truth with what the media say - if someone had told me how dishonest the media are I would never have believed it. Since my arrest I have talked with a number of lawyers, investigators, jail personnel, and law enforcement officers who in their daily work have seen the difference between what they have personally experienced and what the media report, and they have all told me that most journalists have little regard for truth and little hesitation about embroidering their stories. As one very able lawyer expressed it to me, "These people are animals - animals!" (See Appendix 7)

>Why do journalists stretch the truth as far as they do? For one thing, the news media are supported mainly by advertising, and to sell advertising space they need a large audience. They know that the public is more attracted by a dramatic story that portrays someone as a hero or a villain than by a sober, careful, balanced account. For another thing, the media are controlled by people who are committed to the system because it is from their position in the system that they get their power and their status.

>> No.19642821

it takes someone of a pure heart to see the world for what it really is

>> No.19642825
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>someone pure of heart

>> No.19642839

Great stuff OP. Many thanks.

>> No.19642852

i know that what i said is a cliche, but sexual generation(recursion) is the root of life and to abstain from such is an act of divination.
the current psyops of incel is just to mask the true potential life itself has to offer.

>> No.19642868

i read every word of it. its actually a good psychology book. a lot of traits that are present in Ted's brother are not foreign to myself, unfortunately... (tho obviously i would have never snitched on my brother or any other family member or friend to the police)

this book can be used as a kind of self examination tool. all you need to do is ask yourself is to which of the two poles are you closest, to the Ted pole or to the Dave pole? then you can use Ted's implicit advises to get closer to him and away from his bum brother who Ted called "a ship without a rudder, blown this way and that way by the wind."

>> No.19642878
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>snitch brother
it wasn't his brother who ratted him out: it was his brother's wife

>> No.19642887

He lost me in Technological Slavery when he started shilling the global warming hysteria, albeit unintentionally

>> No.19642893

his brother is a complete and complete and utter cuck but if you'll actually read the book you'll find out that he resented ted tremendously

>>What then shall we make of David Kaczynski? Is he a hero or a villain? To the convinced and committed bourgeois, terrified by the social instability that threatens his comfortable servitude, Dave seems to be a hero. Many other people will feel equally strongly that he is a villain: Not only was he motivated by malice that grew in large part out of his own sense of inferiority to his brother, but his revenge was a despicable one that cost him neither risk nor effort, and he apparently has not even had the courage to face up to his own motive. To me the issue is not so simple. In the first place, while covert 53' malice was undoubtedly my brother's main motive for lying about me in the media, it may have been only part of his motive for denouncing me to the FBI. Since he readily absorbs the values of the people around him, it may be that after living for several years in an essentially conventional milieu he was sincerely shocked by the suspicion that I might be the Unabomber

>>Moreover, my brother is for the most part a generous and kindly person. Statements and writings of his that I've quoted in this chapter and in Chapter X1V indicate that he has at times had fantasies of doing violence to people and to property, but in practice, as far as I know, he has never done harm of any kind to anyone but me. And as for what he's done to me, I can't claim it is completely unjustified. I suppose I ought to be excused for the way I abused him verbally during my adolescence, since I was too young to understand what I was doing. But the cruel things that I said to him on certain occasions in adulthood are another matter. Even though I didn't know how badly I was hurting him, 1 did know that I was hurting him. (See Chapter XI.) My brother's personality has its radically disparate aspects; when I think of him as the gentle, generous man who truly appreciated nature and wrote so beautifully in his letters about his experiences in the desert, I feel sharp regret at many of the things I said to him; my resentment is muted, and I feel that he had a right to retaliate against me. When I think about his ugly side, about the covertness of his resentment, about the way he has subordinated himself to a selfish, vindictive woman, about the lying, underhand nature of his revenge, and about the fact that his resentment grew at least in part out of his own self-inflicted psychological subordination to me, I feel very bitter against him. On balance I condemn him, because his revenge seems to me to be far out of proportion to my offense. At the same time, I realize that I am not in a position to judge him objectively.

>> No.19642899

>Some people who are sufficiently detached from the situation to be free of bias, and who understand the lasting pain and injury that can be inflicted by verbal cruelty, may well feel that my brother's retaliation has been no more than an eye for an eye.

>>But Dave's personal betrayal of me is much less important than his betrayal of an ideal, his selling out to an evil kind of society that is destroying, among other things, the wilderness that gave him the richest experiences of his life. A traitor is always hated far more than a straight forward enemy, and is an object of contempt to everyone except those who expect their side to gain some advantage from his treason. I distinguish between a traitor and a defector. By a defector I understand one who (changes his ideology and his loyalty as a result of an extended period of serious soul searching. By a traitor I mean one who switches sides as a mere matter of convenience, or in order to gain some personal advantage, whether material or psychological. My brother is unquestionably a traitor. There is not the slightest evidence that he did any serious soul-searching before selling out. As soon as Linda Patrik offered him the opportunity, he unhesitatingly made himself her acolyte in order to satisfy his own peculiar psychological needs. In doing so he left the desert, promptly joined the consumer society, adopted its values, and even, as would appearfronjhis Bee interview, acquired "faith in the system." 13' His denouncing me to the FBI was not only a personal betrayal of me, it was an act of commitment to the system, its values, and its power. To those of us who regard the system as evil, my brother is another Judas Iscariot, except that, unlike the original Judas, he doesn't even have enough courage to go and hang himself.

>> No.19642942
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did ted actually have a plan for the world if the so-called revolution actually took place?
if not, then he is no better than the useless patrician mongrels that raped the roman republic to death when caesar died

>> No.19643011

Did he ever say why he stopped being Christian? If it was a gradual change or an abrupt one. And does he see Christianity uncompatible with his theory/ies?

>> No.19643032

Perfection halts progress. I feel that even if he didn't have a complete grandiose plan, that doesn't mean his actions were pointless.

>> No.19643040

promise of a better future is a lie

>> No.19643156
File: 89 KB, 244x247, 1639319845930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ted? yeah bro, good job destroying society and rendering all modern technology unusable but now we're being invaded by the chinese army
>ted? ted? hello?

>> No.19643224

I need some confirmation it's actually his writing. cia niggers have been spreading shit about him non-stop and now with him being mentioned like 10 times in the new Houellebecq book, controlled narrative is bound to show up.
Is there any mention of this in any letter ? What publishing house leaked this ?

>> No.19643509

its him bro. you can tell by the style of the writing and by the research involved here that its him.

>> No.19643518

if I can have Pynchon imitators on 4chan for free imagine how hard is it to find someone to replicate the Unabomber style.

>> No.19643862

Damn, ted had it rough. Thanks for posting this OP.

>> No.19643940
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>Uncle Ted is a fellow ticklefag
Feels good.

>> No.19643994

>To those of us who regard the system as evil, my brother is another Judas Iscariot, except that, unlike the original Judas, he doesn't even have enough courage to go and hang himself.

>> No.19644002


>> No.19644010

The plan, as I understand it, is to destroy all of civilization so thoroughly that it can't be rebuilt, necessarily killing more or less everyone in the world, so that a tiny minority of survivors (now the most guilty and undeserving people to ever live) can enjoy playing hunter-gatherer for awhile in the ruins

Even if that's your goal it's pretty clear that there's no partial credit, right? If you kill only 6 billion people instead of 8 and the survivors still have electricity, you should probably feel pretty bad about yourself

>> No.19644014

I do not disagree with his viewpoints and it is something most of us can come up with on our own. But had he been able to get laid more often he probably would not have had the need to do those hits. Still based tho. UNLIKE us, he attempted to do something.

>> No.19644051

Christ, it's a modern Notes From Underground.

>> No.19644053

not "insane" but you know, him killing all those people

>> No.19644072

Sure but the only reason he couldn’t get laid (or find intimacy) in the first place was some deep-rooted psychological issue, probably from infancy. Just from what anons posted ITT you can picture how weird and off-putting he must’ve been as a teen/young man.
His diagnosis of the evils of industrial society is correct because he is an extraordinarily intelligent individual with much higher than average pattern recognition, but his antisocial behavior was not rational.

>> No.19644118

Why the fuck is his mom so weirdly obsessed with policing maybe-sexual-but-normal play in a prepubescent kid?
Psycho. No wonder he wound up so restrained.

>> No.19644128

no, he didnt have a plan. he said it himself that this dream is unachieveable but still made some pointers on how far it would go

>> No.19644130

atleast read the book youre referencing, faggot

>> No.19644149

Kids do that kind of shit and it can escalate which is why you should always supervise them. His mom was in the right to stop the situation and correct it.
I went through similar situations as a kid and while I’m no normie, I have a gf and it certainly didn’t turn me into the fucking Unabomber. Ted was just deeply psychologically fucked up.

>> No.19644167

His view about the world doesn't make him that intelligent in my opinion. I am not that intelligent yet I was able to come to the same conclusion. What makes him intelligent in my opinion is his background in mathematics/science and the fact that he put it to use.

There is "something" wrong about him, he's a good looking dude but perhaps he is a bit autistic.

>> No.19644176

read Bremer's diary.
It's what Taxi Driver was meant to be like before Scorsese pussied out and diluted the whole thing with white pimps

>> No.19644197

Idk, I did a lot of play-wrestling with girls that was definitely somewhat libidinal around that age and I’d be way more fucked up than I already am if my mother had been hanging around making me feel ashamed of it or that it was somehow profane.

>> No.19644207

If you had a daughter would you let her alone with boys unsupervised?
>I’d be way more fucked up than I already am if my mother had been hanging around making me feel ashamed of it or that it was somehow profane.
Telling a kid something is wrong doesn't "fuck them up". It just lets them know it is wrong.

>> No.19644246

>Bremer's diary
cliffs ?

>> No.19644392

Was Kaczynski an atheist?

>> No.19644445

Based ticklechad

>> No.19644458

Pynchie's better

>> No.19644865

unironically, i fucking love tickling girls

>> No.19645131

there's nothing wrong with those things

>> No.19645224

At the risk of unironically triggering someone with sexual trauma, vaguely but not explicitly sexual play between tweens is normal and being a psycho about it can create Teds.

>> No.19645300

he doesn't talks about it in this book. in another interview he says he's an atheist but in one of the chapters of this book he begins to talk in distinctly theological terms. he talks about how his brother can "redeem" himself. the motif of "redemption" is present in one of the chapters. also when some broad rejected him he sent her a letter in which he talks about how he didn't have sexual desires in the mountains which is also a religious-like motif. (he is supposedly so close to God in the mountains that the pleasures if the flesh are of no interest to him, and in fact the thought of sex disgusts him, as he writes her)

all in all i would say that he's a pantheist in the Spinozaian sense. (God=Nature, God is imminent to nature and not transcendent of it)

>> No.19645314

spinoza was a theological reactionary

>> No.19645356

I don't necessarily disagree with his viewpoints either, but his actions invalidate his viewpoints. it is hard to take someone's concerns about liberty seriously if they endanger innocent people so recklessly. and don't give me any water the tree of liberty bullshit, ted was completely incompetent, achieving nothing but the mainstream discrediting of his views.

>> No.19645387

>necessarily killing more or less everyone in the world,
it's not necessary at all

>> No.19645398

yeah eh is an atheist, and like all atheists, he is completely lost and has no idea how to distinguish right from wrong

>> No.19645403

he's no wrong. there is some semblance between this book and Notes. both Dostoyevsky and Ted are very much students of psychology. this is very much a psychology book. it also reminds Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt. the way Ted sees his brother is very reminiscent of the way Arendt saw Eichmann; an unthinking fool blown by the currents of history and his own moods. Kaczynski is however more generous of her in that he leaves a space for redemption while Arendt only says "You Must Hang!"

>> No.19645410

then her*

>> No.19645422

>yeah eh is an atheist


>To get that clear shot I have to lie down in the snow in an odd position and use my knee as a rest for the rifle barrel. I line up the sights on the rabbit’s head, at a point just behind the eye…hold steady…ping! The rabbit is clipped through the head. Such a shot ordinarily kills the rabbit instantly, but the animal’s hind legs usually kick violently for a few seconds so that it bounces around in the snow. When the rabbit stops kicking I walk up to it and see that it’s quite dead. I say aloud “Thank you, Grandfather Rabbit”–Grandfather Rabbit is a kind of demigod I’ve invented who is the tutelary spirit of all the snowshoe rabbits.


>> No.19645431
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Ted was right.

>> No.19645879

>just trust me bro!

>> No.19645903

I agree with you here. There three to instances as a kid/prepubescent teen that fucked my perception about girls. The first one was with my cousin, two others with girls connected to family/church and I wish it wasn't interrupted. Three times, two out of which my mom intervened. Since then my behavior around women is extremely restricted while it is very open in almost every other situation. This seriously fucks you up.

>> No.19645944

Sorry, but the world can't support 8 billion hunter-gatherers. Probably not even 1% of that. Take away all modern farming techniques, sanitation, shipping infrastructure etc and pretty much everyone dies. Kaczynski himself is pretty open about this I think.

>> No.19645980

he could've been this generations Tolstoy if he wanted

>> No.19646050

I agree, happened to me but i cant blame her anymore. Im a grown ass man, i should have figured it out on my own already

>> No.19646076

It is hard to overcome in this neurotic, demonizing and dehumanized world. What helped me is getting my head around bioenergetics. Read the works of Alexander Lowen (The Betrayal of The Body, Fear of Life) and your mind will be set on the right path. But be careful when you start reading them, be cautious not to get too excited.

>> No.19646107

>my brother is another Judas Iscariot, except that, unlike the original Judas, he doesn't even have enough courage to go and hang himself.

>> No.19646221

God damn

>> No.19646461

>be is nature
>hunt for food
>immediately turn to paganism
really makes you think

>> No.19646497
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Holy Shit
well there's a reason they say snitches get stitches

>> No.19647461

actually its not the end. he offers his brother a way to redeem himself. its roughly in the middle of the second pdf

>> No.19647517

He always gives me the feeling that he was sadistic with animals. I don't know if the dog story is true, but he's got a strangely focused resentment for people who hold any animal ethics, that doesn't really fit the bill considering that he has very clear ideas about everything else. In my imagination he would have had a separate chapter where he explains why environmentalists are wrong, and such, but he does no such thing. It's suspicious.

>> No.19647872

What were the traits of his brother?

>> No.19647925

lack of willpower, general lack of strength and determination, placidity, laziness, a need for a higher authority, self deception.

ted says that he thinks that he was born like this

>But it wasn't only in building or handwork that my brother lacked energy and persistence. Referring to projects of any kind I wrote him 1985: " I find it rather tiresome that you make promising noises [about projects] and then do nothing. I'm aware of your little problem about procrastination and so forth, but I must say I would find it more agreeable if you would refrain from speaking in promising terms unless, by some chance, you actually had a serious intention of carrying something through."

>I believe that my brother was quite right in saying that his "laziness" and his "self-mistrust" fed upon one another. To put it more clearly, 1 suspect that an inborn lack of energy tended to prevent my brother from achieving good results in things that he undertook, the poor results weakened his self-confidence, and the lack of self confidence further lowered his energy and persistence, in a vicious circle.

at first when you read about him from how ted describes its sounds like he's a big loser - and he is - but in fact its a very common profile, if you think about it a lot of people are like that, he's not that exceptional. i have to say that the more i read about him the more i became embarrassed because he reminds me of myself... not all of it, thank God, but some aspects are there.

>> No.19648000

>In my 1985 letter l continued: " Please forgive me for offering unasked-for advise [sic], but it does seem to me that your tendency to drop projects . . . may be simply the result of a negative attitude about the possibility of success. Carrying one or two things through successfully might result in a more encouraged attitude on your part thereafter. But I apologize for puttirlg my nose into what is none of my business."

>Also contributing to my brother's difficulties with his self-esteem was the fact that, as I wrote to him in 1982, "You have very high aspirations. For you it is not enough to just be as good as others. You have to be someone special." I myself had always tended to have similarly high aspirations, and this might plausibly. be attributed to the fact that our mother with her excessive craving for status, had inculcated us with a feeling that we had to be outstanding; to be average represented failure.

>To one who has the necessary energy and persistence, such aspirations lead to achievement; but to one who lacks those qualities they lead to a sense of defeat. Dave's self-esteem must have been damaged further by the inevitable comparison with his older brother: I had the energy and persistence that he lacked. Moreover, when we were kids, the mere fact that 1 was older enabled me to do many things that he could not do; our parents, especially our mother, made matters worse by exaggerating my abilities and holding me up as an example to my brother; and I made ~. matters worse still through my verbal harassment of him, which generally took the fonm of denigration.

>> No.19648160

This just sounds like a very typical manifestation of ADHD

>> No.19648205

>if you think about it a lot of people are like that, he's not that exceptional. i have to say that the more i read about him the more i became embarrassed because he reminds me of myself... not all of it, thank God, but some aspects are there
This is 100 % me. I think in reality I'm very good at many things, even things I've barely done if it weren't for the mental blocks installed by my parents, environment and ultimately by myself. I always undererstimated myself until I noticed that I was good at something (speaking, writing, learning languages) and my arrogance flew through the roof, my aspirations were usually grounded and not off the fly, only unusual and eccentric by modern standards. Poor socialization and self-image paired with cowardice led me to a downward-spiral of increasing hatred for others and myself, and then failure; so much failure that I lived as a quasi-hikkikomori for ~1 year.

After I moved out only my coming closer to God made me content with what I did, experienced and who I am. After three years on my own I read a couple books by Alexander Lowen; after digesting them most of my major blocks were lifted for a couple of weeks. I became exceedingly good at the things I have a talent for; this is how a fraction of paradise must feel like, I could've died in this time right then and there with no regrets.

Then more failure accumulated and almost crushed the remnants of my good spirits, almost dead spiritually, maybe I was dead ... I don't know. I could not accept how far I have fallen; the fight against my circumstances came out of my pride and became an uphill battle I could not win.

With all that written, you can break out of the "loser spiral" but remember God and humility. "Pride comes before the fall" is the most profound proverb for a reason.

>> No.19648216

bro you just have autism calm down

>> No.19648231

He was 7

>> No.19648238

I think Ted is an interesting character, but this is ultimately what it comes down to. There's a reason he liked Conrad so much.

Because like any atheist, the logical conclusion is a worship of life and a worship of nature. The end of the world means salvation and judgment, something no atheist would want as they are terrified of death. He's not anti-hierarchy, and dogs are less than humans.

>> No.19648241

today he could be have been possibly diagnosed that way but just labeling people that way ignores the context in which they live,

its like saying "oh you have a problem" while totally ignoring the context in which they live. its meaningless. one should rather inquire to the family dynamics at play.

>> No.19648580

This specific point is adressed in his manifesto, specifically mentioning the Chinese

>> No.19649452

What about him wanting to transition to female when in college?

>> No.19649547

his pipe needs some proper cleaning if you catch my drift

>> No.19649599
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He was an atheist. More specifically, he refers to himself as a "materialist" in the philosophical sense of the word, not in the consumeristic sense.

>> No.19649614

Nice syntax.

>> No.19649616

Is it mind boggling to anyone else that he's still sitting in his cell as we speak?

>> No.19649618

What book should I read to write like that guy?

>> No.19649637

No he's not. He was moved to a prison medical facility like two weeks ago.


He did the exercises in a book called "The Century Handbook of Writing." Not even joking. It can be found here: https://archive.org/details/centuryhandbook00jonegoog.. He also read hundreds of old, difficult books written in English, Spanish, and German. He also has a PhD in Mathematics, so his syntax is similar to what you would find in a mathematics textbook such as one written by Rudin.

>> No.19649896

Is there a public archive of his letters?

>> No.19649945

>The Century Handbook of Writing
Fascinating. Thanks.

>> No.19649946

Please never have children, you are absolutely retarded.

>> No.19650262

>the logical conclusion is a worship of life and a worship of nature
He doesn't seem to go with either. All his rant is about "freedom". He seems to care nothing for nature or what have you. He seems to be some sort of radical humanist and although he's right about everything in his manifesto, I don't understand how he copes with the fact that humanism doesn't stand on its own. Yes, we're entering a pharmaco-totalitarian hell where people are modified to serve a machine-system. And? Why exactly is this bad? Yes you lose your "freedom", and? As long as you hold humanistic beliefs, there's no real answer as to why this is an objectively bad development — after all it's people themselves who are choosing this, they are obviously aware that they're sacrificing their freedoms in the name of industrial comforts. You can show them a video of abbos living with not a care in the world and no teeth left by the time they're 20. People would never go back to that.

>> No.19650276

BTW I know he's not anprim, but it doesn't really make a difference, abbos, pre-industrial peasants, people wouldn't go back. Pain is bad, discomfort is bad.

>> No.19650295

Is he sick? I got the impression while reading anti-tech Revolution that he doesn’t think he has long left.

>> No.19650322

i believe "global warming" is one of those things that is both bullshit and true at the same time, it depends on who is talking about it and what their agenda is. the detrimental effects of industrialization on the natural world is measurable, observable and undeniable. we can see the trends and where things are going, and sustainability and clean energy and all of that are true and important in regards to giving future generations as much time as possible and preserving the natural order of things. and the more we embrace the industrialization of everything, and the more automated it all becomes, the weaker and less healthy we become as people along with the natural world itself. geoengineering is real, they are spraying the skies and trying to control he weather for some reason or another. the Sahara desert grows a certain amount every year.. even ancient man is responsible for deforesting and ruining otherwise fertile areas of the earth, all to build monolithic and megalithic structures.. and for what reasons? social control? the world went through a big event that cracked it into pieces and shaped it the way it is today, and ever since then its been finding a state of equilibrium. but i think the world is going to inevitably dry up, burn and turn to ash and sand.. Ted may see the same future for us no matter what anyone does to try and stop it. the only thing we can hope to do is delay it by living how people are meant to live, no matter if they believe in God or not. meaning, no densely populated cities, hunting, gather, a diet of fruit and nuts.. having to work for and earn everything you need or want. a harmony that would be better for people and the natural world..

>> No.19650323

teeth issues are a modern issues

>> No.19650326

i think he was trying to send a message and killing people was the only way to really be heard. he made an example out of certain people he deemed part of the growing problem and thought maybe that will stick in people's minds. because if more people caught on and joined him measurably they would make a difference and the whole movement could snowball.

>> No.19650340

parenting is weird. you can mess them up by either telling or not telling them something is wrong. and there is a very fine line to walk.. and especially so in regards to sexuality. on one end there is hypersexualization of prepubescent children, when someone stirs up or forces an obsession with sexuality before they would discover these things for themselves. like masturbation.. if a parent catches their child doing it, its not exactly a good thing to punish them for it. then they will grow up having those desires buried and feeling shame for it. essentially neutering their sexuality psychologically. which is maybe what happened to Ted. he was made to feel guilty about his sexual desires that it made him unable to have normal romantic relationships with people. whereas people who were hypersexualized may develop into nymphomaniacs and likewise be unable to maintain healthy social relationships. unless he really is just autistic.

>> No.19650355

Like everything else, it's presented after the filter of a market. People mistake the market for the problem because the market is what is presented to them. The market is just "buy this product, it's 100% recyclable!! #SAVETHEFORESTS". Wars, charity, ethical issues, environmental issues, everything gets to you, a consumer, as some bullshit on a label which obviously changes nothing. I would say it used to be a choice, and it still is for lifestyle niches like e.g vegan products, but the fashion is long gone since some 70% of vegans and vegetarians figured out they can just virtue signal on social media while eating meat like everyone else. It's mostly just a pacifier now. People hate the idea that anything they do might be associated with a problem, this is why you have all these stupid labels like cruelty-free, eco-friendly, recyclable, and so on. They mean nothing, and the consumer doesn't give a fuck, but it feels good on a subliminal level. How can you even say something is cruelty-free? Maybe they just buy the test results from an independent company. It's eco-friendly for you, the consumer, but it's not eco-friendly to produce, obviously, but this is not important because cattle people's brain process is largely impulse-subliminal driven. This is why advertisements look so fucking annoying to someone with a brain but regular people actually watch them throughout and maybe even enjoy them. It's like they're insensitive to brain-rape. They literally just see flashing colors and they're entertained and take the corporate cock right in their eyeballs without flinching. All this label shit, it's all just a massive word game to make the purchase stress-free, guilt-free, virtuous, and so on. So not only I don't feel guilty for buying this, I am also kind of doing good because the box is all green and I'm saving the environment. Not that I give a fuck but my subconscious feels like 0.2% about that, that means 0.2% more sales so why not?

>> No.19650375
File: 10 KB, 364x344, 86731256_3009833599060784_5394581655098753024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The end of the world means salvation and judgment
Do Christcucks ever self reflect that they may be the bad guys by wishing for the end of the world?
>something no atheist would want as they are terrified of death
So not wanting to be a part of a deathcult is the same as fear of death? Interesting.

>> No.19650396

>put me down, Jim!

>> No.19650404

That would be (You)

>> No.19650414

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if my mother telling me repeatedly as a child that she should be the only woman I love and that I should marry her hindered my ability to relate to women in a sexual sense.

>> No.19650417

damn son

>> No.19650447

>When Ted Kacyznski was just a baby he was temporarily separated from his parents — and his mother has always believed that the experience may have permanently scarred him.
>Kacyznski — who would grow up to become the notorious Unabomber — had once been a “laughing, active baby,” his brother David Kacyznski said in the new Netflix docu-series “Unabomber-In His Own Words.”
>But when Kaczynski was at a tender age, he got sick and was taken to the hospital with hives — or swollen, red bumps that appear on the skin — and his family says he was isolated from his parents as doctors tried to determine what was wrong with the infant.
>“Mom always faulted the hospital. They would have been there every day visiting him but the hospital said no,” David Kaczynski said in the docu-series. “It was kind of like, ‘we don’t want parents to be in the way, we’ve got our work to do. We have our little baby to cure so keep your distance.’ They were only allowed to visit him two times a week for two hours.”
>Ted had “completely shut down” after returning home and stopped smiling and having eye contact with his parents, according to David.
>It took weeks for his parents to regain his “trust a little bit” and be able to make some eye contact with their young son Ted, David told the docu-series.
>Some scholars believe this early experience could have had a long-lasting effect on the man who would go on to maim and kill unsuspecting targets by sending bombs through the mail.
Ted's psychological problems were not caused because his mother told him not to fiddle little girls as a boy. Kek. Separating a baby from his mother for prolonged periods of time is well known to cause all kinds of issues such as the inability to form intimate relationships later in life.

>> No.19650480

yeah you should rather try to inquire into the book in OPs post. that a media fabrication

>> No.19650481

>Oh no not the heckin' traumerino
Literally every child goes through some form of trauma. They are pathologizing him because it's the only way to discredit his manifesto without a real argument.

>> No.19650492

by psychologizing him and mythologizing him they construct a figure that is either beneath ("he's insane") or above ("he's a genius") the human, thus not a person like you and me but something that is inaccessible to us.

>> No.19650496

What insight can Ted himself give about what happened to him as a baby? If it is true he was separated from his mother for weeks, then it is without a doubt the main cause of the inadequacy he suffered from all his life.

>> No.19650499

It was the anons I was replying who implied he was traumatized because he wasn't allowed to fiddle girls as a kid.

>> No.19650503

he proves that its a family myth. he provides doctor records that show that he went back to normal after a week in the hospital. hes mother had a baby book and she herself wrote that the baby is back to his old self after a couple of days from his discharge from the hospital. same as the notes about him that were made by doctors who inspected him during infancy and childhood.

>> No.19650728

Ah, if only she had transitioned...

>> No.19650766


I wish I could see /lit/ mathlets trying to read an analysis book.