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/lit/ - Literature

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19641799 No.19641799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christians have high iq Saint Thomas Aquinas, who do the hindus, jews, muslims, pagans have? all their theologians are laughable when compared to the GREVT SVINT THOMVS VQUINVS

>> No.19641820

>Local robot is peacefully talking
>get annoyed and absolutely freak out killing it
>High IQ

>> No.19641838

Aquinas was a hack. Only pseuds like him.

>> No.19641865

You just named a muslim theologian

>> No.19641880

non catholics have never contributed anything notable to any field because they are inherently low iq

>> No.19641894
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The Muslims had worthy philosophers, sure, but they were all BTFO by Aquinas.

>> No.19642127
File: 163 KB, 759x1014, 5A6919DE-4CBC-4E37-932F-7CE9D742E9E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> who do the hindus, jews, muslims, pagans have? all their theologians are laugha-

”Śaṅkarācārya is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers of the world and a realised saint. He is gifted with extra-ordinary intelligence, a deeply penetrating mind, critical insight, logical reasoning, philosophical analysis, religious purity, sublimity of renunciation and profound spirituality. His literary excellence makes him shine as a writer of exemplary Sanskrit prose and soul-inspiring philosophico-religious verses."
- C. Sharma

“How can anyone who has enjoyed the felicities offered by the heavenly creeper of Sankara's commentaries, abounding in the tender leaves and flowers of literary beauty and philosophic wisdom, entertain, even through infatuation, an attraction for other teachers' apology of commentaries, which, with their hollow contents and laboured styles, are a blot on Saraswati, the Goddess of learning? Literary men in general have their minds rendered weak by the numerous shafts of sensual passions inflicted on them by the hunter Cupid. Their writings are, therefore, useless in releasing man from his bondage, or in giving, any true and ennobling enjoyment. What wonder is there if such writings do not command the respect of those whose minds have been purified by the non-dualistic outlook advocated by the Acharya's writings? If one tries to produce a work in imitation of the Acharya's writings, which, by their clarity, sweetness and power, surpass a river of nectar, what one achieves will only be an artificial channel with a lean flow, utterly insignificant before the current of the mighty Ganga issuing from the matted locks of Siva.”
- Vidyaranya’s Sankara-dig-vijaya

>> No.19642216

why is jeet sculptures and/or art in general so soulless?

>> No.19643137

Thomas Aquinas is pretty lame actually. This said, Christians have indeed the true theological and philosophical powerhouses. No one can top Gregory of Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor, Gregory Palamas, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil the Great or any other similar Christian gigachad saints.

When it comes to India, Ramanuja is okay.

>> No.19643206

What was the point of this post?