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/lit/ - Literature

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19641754 No.19641754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s your score?

>> No.19641768
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I don't participate in demoralisation threads. Begone.

>> No.19641794

Based. Neither do . Name your favourite bird--This is a bird thread now. I like Bluejays.

>> No.19641823

I scored 54 but I am genuinely happy in life. You only need to care about fitting in if you are an extrovert, introverts like me just need to find two strong relationships (one romantic and one platonic) and find what activity makes you happy. Easy.

>> No.19641855

54 isn’t a bad score. I lost exact count, but I’m somewhere in the mid 100s to low 200s.

>> No.19641860
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210. And to think I used to be a normal, social kid before. Might just read Hegel to delude myself into thinking that there's a purpose for me in life left.

>> No.19641863

Fucking kill yourself, faggot. There's more to life than being a cunt to social rejects on a literature board of all things on 4chan(nel). You are the man you hate and you do nothing in the face of this revelation, stupid bitch.

>> No.19641917

I am somewhat athletic, have a job and a car etc, most of my points come from an absolutely non-existent love life until my 20s. It's cliche, but I think that most people really need to learn more about themselves and what makes them happy, and make appropriate changes to make those things happen. I really didn't think I'd be able to get a partner since I am so shy, and it was difficult to overcome, but now I am in a very good place now.

>> No.19641926
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For me, it's the Pied Butcherbird because I would always hear their song growing up so they remind me of home.

>> No.19641933


how did i get here? day at a time i suppose.

>> No.19641963
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I am 23 years old.

>> No.19641968

Sub 20 because I'm getting points for not liking normie music and not using social media? Bizarre "quiz" that speaks more about the the quiz maker than taker.

>> No.19641989
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Guinness overrulled.

>> No.19642007
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>> No.19642014

>half of the questions are pro NPCfication

>> No.19642045

lol, I'm way past the max of chart just from the +x per year. It's really terribly balanced and composed in general, even if it's meant to be about societal value.

>> No.19642060

Meaningless criteria. The quiz should be:

Do you have a male hier? If yes you have succeeded in life. If no, you have failed all your ancestors, rectify this now of kys.

>> No.19642093
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>Won't drink or do drugs to fit in is +10
>Drinking and doing drugs is +8

>> No.19642105

136, damn

>> No.19642109

36 and I'm pretty happy. I'm sure it would be zero if I had a gf and if this wasn't the most American list I'd ever seen. It's pretty common for people in Europe not to have a license or a car.

>> No.19642113

drinking is alcoholism and doing drugs is drug addiction.
you can drink alcohol without being an alcoholic and you can smoke weed without being a pothead.
you're literally a midwit dude.

>> No.19642122

Fuck yeah crows

>> No.19642167
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>> No.19642172
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stopped counting when I hit 220 points and still had a decent amount to go

>> No.19642278
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But I am 22 and there is still hope for better days.

>> No.19642317

180 which Is kinda pog for a sussy bussy champ like me desu
also books?

>> No.19642334
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For me, it’s the belted kingfisher

>> No.19642361

240. Was only 124 until I got to the last section.

>> No.19642377

It's kinda stupidly easy to get an insane score when you get up to the orange bit. Most people will say yes to those questions if they are on 4chan even if they are somewhat normal.

>> No.19642383
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I'm in college and I just don't drink or do drugs and I've never been in a relationship. Other than that, I'm fairly normal. This scale is a bit too sensitive, I think.

>> No.19642421

I'm sorry, no social media presence is a negative?
I'm a normalfag according to this but that one seems pretty gay

>> No.19642469

>turning 29 very soon
i had managed to become a normie with a bright future before everything fell apart bros … now i sit alone in silence in my childhood bedroom refreshing /lit/ and my eyesight’s too blurry to properly read and my brain’s too foggy to properly think. sometimes i talk to an imaginary girlfriend because it reminds me of how i felt when i believed in God as a kid. i don’t listen to music any more. i just play random chatter in YouTube to make the sound of my thoughts go away. i don’t want to did.

good night /lit/

>> No.19642477

>i don’t want to did
it’s so fucking over

>> No.19642502

Stop paying internet

>> No.19642637
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263 desu, feels good having my brain broken in just the right way to have 0 need or want for human relationships

>> No.19642679

I barely scratch 60, being generous.
I'm 39 though, if I hadn't made an effort to get my life on track six years ago I would probably top out.
Also a lot of this shit seems oddly specific, I hope the faggot that made this specifically about himself is jacking off to his own bleak existence.

>> No.19642685

I like carolina wrens, cardinals, and mourning doves

>> No.19642854
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>not owning a car makes you a disappointment

>> No.19642903


>> No.19643081

Fugg. Sometimes I wonder if I have no relationships because of the drugs and alcohol but then I always remember that I do drugs and alcohol because I have no-one. I wish I never read Aristotle.

>> No.19643098
