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19638837 No.19638837 [Reply] [Original]

The worse thing about Rothfuss isn't his writing or even his laziness. It's how many future writers he's "inspired" and who will copy his style. An entire generation of fantasy is going to be ruined thanks to this gnome-looking man.

>> No.19638850
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Redpill me on Rothfuss. From what I'vr read about them his books seem to be comfy adventures with slightly-than-average prose, and yet even his fans despise him. Did he get me-too'd? What is it?

>> No.19638851
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>An entire generation of fantasy is going to be ruined thanks to this gnome-looking man.
>Someone shit all over this big pile of shit, IT'S RUINED

>> No.19638891

>write decent debut novel
>dick around for a while, second novel comes out
>absolutely fuck nothing happens but MC learning sex from hot fey and ninja bitches
>not a word of the third book for 8 years
>teases reading chapters of it to shill his charity
>massive online presence doing everything but finishing his fucking book
>finally made a wager to read the prologue, wager met, instantly reneged on it
>has to do it anyway because people donated half a million dollars to hear it
I think that's most of it.

>> No.19638925

>half a million dollars to hear it
haha what!? I never thought i would see an author holding their piece of art as hostage. Funny to see. I want to see how far he could take it
>You want to hear the rest of my novel... hmm... I'll give it to you for a million

>> No.19638952

It is actually amazing how much fucking money he's made off of one good book. The second book is terrible. It's unbelievable how bad it is compared to the first one.

>> No.19639004

Step back and look at our current generation of fantasy authors: Sanderson, Rothfuss, Erickson, Martin, Jemisin, Abercrombie, these are the most well-known names, the next generation of authors, unless they refuse influence from this generation, is completely fucked. Add in the fact that the genre is being eaten alive by video games, TV shows and movie adaptations, tabletop games, all sorts of corporate shit, and its easy to see its completely fucked both ways

>> No.19639018

>MC learning sex from hot fey and ninja bitches
What a waste of words and paper those chapters were indeed. Not to mention the vast amounts of cringe in them

>> No.19639033

I was amazed that he managed to write about absolutely nothing for 1200 pages, there were maybe 4 chapters where the plot or a character moved at all. That takes skill.

>> No.19639038

Can't believe I enjoyed his books as a teenager, jesus.

>> No.19639639

Is this the guy who wrote the name of the wind? If so his fans probably hate him
1) because he's a perverted loser and
2) because they are perverted losers

>> No.19639948

Are there any modern big names in fantasy that don't write for teenaged girls tho?

>> No.19639962

>Redpill me on Rothfuss.
Neil Gaiman shilled him on Twitter because someone paid him, and a bunch of Kotaku trannies said he was the new Tolkien. A marketing triumph whose books read like bad fanfiction.

>> No.19639975

I only read his first book. For a popular fantasy novel it was written surprisingly well. I didn't bother picking up the second because I'm not really interested in that genre but I don't regret reading it at all. If I were a fantasy enthusiast I'd probably be a big Rothfuss fan.

>> No.19639987

>For a popular fantasy novel it was written surprisingly well.
You have terrible taste and brain damage. His writing is awful and his books are terrible on every level. I've seen worldbuilding documents for Dungeons and Dragons written better than his drivel.

>> No.19640001

>You have terrible taste
No, I just have low expectations for fantasy novels. I've read some other popular fantasy authors such as Scott Bakker and stylistically they were all much worse than Rothfuss.

>> No.19640013

Why hasn't anyone written a Don Quixote like satire of the entire YA/fantasy genre? Am I going to have to do it myself?

>> No.19640022


>> No.19640089

How do you do it without Poe's Law

>> No.19640099

Early Pratchett before he moved from parody to satire

>> No.19640105

I mean, if an entire generation of fantasy writers learn from Rothfuss and his first book is the baseline, the average fantasy book over the next twenty years is going to be substantially improved over the last twenty.

>> No.19640106

Sadly it's unavoidable. Not even Don Quixote itself is exempt.

>> No.19641224

/lit/ actually collaborated to do this once, but I don't know if it was finished.

>> No.19642125

I think the worst part was the hypocrisy.

>> No.19642140


>> No.19642163

His work is really amazing, I did not know a grown man can go with unreliable narrator and not understand what unreliable means. Also that fucking cuck passage.

>> No.19642169

>doesn’t finish his book
No wonder Martin had good things to say about him.

>> No.19642415

d&d already ruined fantasy decades ago

>> No.19643580

Unironically the guy responsible for creating Dark Souls.

>> No.19643585

I'd agree with you, but the fantasy genre has always been the roach motel for obnoxious neckbeard edgelords. it has been that was way before rothfuss and it'll be that way long after he's dead.

>> No.19644026
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Alright, so several people have reasonably pointed out that the fantasy genre was never especially great and that its destruction at the hand of Rothfuss-fanboys is ultimately not that bad. To try and phrase it in a way that makes you fags actually care a little more, how would you go about trying to fix the fantasy genre in its current state? What would you do to turn it away from the intellectually incestuous cesspool it currently is, into something worthwhile?

>> No.19644821

Rothfuss somehow offered a salient criticism of the genre with NotW that many found within. Some of it was intentional, judging by early interviews. I think a style that addresses the tropes and shortcomings of fantasy without being a parody or some kind of third order iteration with no original (Undertale) would change the trajectory of the genre. Where we are now is that it has long lost its roots as a sort of pre-history of the world or a subset of weird fiction.

To his limited credit, Rothfuss does dance around all these themes but it doesn't look like there will be the big reveal that recontextualizes the entire story in such a way.

>> No.19644834

the problem is fandom and audience. Any big significant changes for the better of the genre will go largely ignored, while by-the-numbrs schlock like what Sanderson is shitting out multiple times a year will always have a large fanbase. If you deviate too far from the norm, you will lose the majority of the people you are trying to reach

>> No.19646648

Should I remove The Name of the Wind from my to-read list?

>> No.19646709

I don't think that was the worst part. To me the worst part was the promise-breaking, way up high. And then the second would be the shilling. And the third would be the mediocre storytelling. But anyways, hypocrisy would be way down the line, on the fourth page or some shit.

>> No.19646722

No, it's an entertaining read and surprisingly well written.

>> No.19646800

I think about this a lot, though I've got to say that Fantasy media in the form of movies and especially video games are usually way better than fantasy novels, and that is where the quality is. Fantasy has been for the most part ruined by corporate practices and an especially toxic form of nerd culture that demands to be taken seriously while refusing to take itself seriously or even try to be intellectually rigorous. You can only expect so much from a genre written by middle/upper-class urbanites/suburbanites with barely any connection to the physical world, it's qualities, or its dangers.

>> No.19646808

>and especially video games are usually way better than fantasy novels,
like what? literally the only fantasy game i play these days is ADOM

>> No.19646915

Dark Souls comes to mind, Final Fantasy 14.

>> No.19646957

i'm going to assume it's all self-insert styled fap shit for him?

>> No.19646999

i can't run either of those on my machine unfortunately

>> No.19647474

people who are ugly on the outside are equally as ugly on the inside. trust your instincts, for they evolved through thousands of years of evolutionary pressure--put s0ibois to death.

>> No.19647488

take one for the team and do the needful, sir. we have to eradicate the bastion of manchildishness known as modern fantasy genrefiction.

>> No.19647521

It's shit but you should still read it to understand why it's shit

>> No.19647584
File: 133 KB, 540x293, Why god why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know how you could make something that skilfully parodies pic related.

>> No.19647599

I am convinced that Ernest Cline is some kind of genius who is secretly fucking with everybody, there is no way this man exists unironically, it has to be a character or something

>> No.19647629

I'd buy that he constructed his persona to cash in on "nerd" culture

>> No.19647653

Here's your parody: >>19647599
>>19647629 a YA parody about a man writing a YA parody that becomes a bestselling YA novel forcing him to stay in character.

>> No.19647762

Post THAT page.

>> No.19647843

imagine writing that, tantamount to admitting you're an incel, if anyone was still uncertain of the answer. that guy is the most pathetic excuse for a "man" ever to live.
i'd love to think it was a persona but there's no way.

>> No.19647869

>>finally made a wager to read the prologue, wager met, instantly reneged on it
What are you talking about? He did read the prologue. I was watching the stream when he did

>> No.19648244

My sister gifted me The Name Of The Wind years ago for Christmas. I felt kinda bad that she got it for me, as it's the only book I've ever stopped halfway through and tossed into the trash. I never told her.

>> No.19648327

That is fucking hilarious. Maybe old Ernest is actually a masterful troll

>> No.19649246
File: 69 KB, 690x461, Ernst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, he's not.

>> No.19649279

read the literal next line he wrote

>> No.19649303

I read through the first book in just a few days, I thought it was awesome. Book 2 took me way longer, I was annoyed at all the self insert sex and was wishing the plot would get going. And then looking back I realize that not much happened in the first book either. I don't mind slice of life type stuff but this was basically a story of a dude trying to pay for college marketed as a fantasy epic.

>> No.19650661

you are absolutely retarded and embarrassing subhuman, never post again faggot.

>> No.19650713

>this was basically a story of a dude trying to pay for college marketed as a fantasy epic.
This is why we thought it was clever. It's about some faggy drama kid who falls into absurd situations trying to pay his tuition and has to get out of them by being a professional bullshitter with no life skills other than talking to his parents friends and getting raped in an alley. I'm tempted to slap together a clever ending that delivers on all the pseud rambling about the nature of stories and Kvothe's overwhelming hubris.